Feb. 26, 2016, 6 p.m.
Feb. 26, 2016, 6 p.m.
So the drama shows up.
What do you think? Reviews keeps me inspired!!
For questions and other things, mail ronja.nj@hotmail.com
Kurt has been tossing and turning in his bed all Friday night, not being able to fall asleep. He groans loudly into the thick air in his room and throws his arm over his sweaty forehead. Maybe he should just give up the thought of getting any sleep tonight. Maybe he should make himself a cup of coffee and go for a walk, even though it's 03:35 am. Kurt sits up, walking towards his wardrobe to pick out his most comfortable pair of jeans. That and a thick coat should be fine in this weather. He fills a thermos with steaming coffee and heads towards the door.
This is what he needs, a little walk in the city who never sleeps but takes a nap every now and then. Because by now, the street outside Kurt's apartment are empty, lighting up a little of the shine from the moon. Kurt pulls his coat closer to his body, shivering a little at the could.
He sips on his coffee occasionally, looking up at the dark sky and at the moon shining down on him. He can hear some cars driving and making noises a couple of blocks away.
He smiles, who would have thought he would end up in the city of his dreams?
And speaking of dreams, he suddenly hears a familiar sound behind him, ”Kurt?”
Kurt quickly turns around, raising his eyebrows as he sees Blaine walking towards him.
”It is you!”, the man shrieks and Kurt takes a step back.
Oh, Blaine is drunk.
”Can I kiss you, Kurt?”, Blaine stumbles closer to him, standing on his toes to reach up to Kurt's face.
”Blaine, what are you doing?”, Kurt asks calmly, his breath hitting Blaine's lips.
”Have you been out?”, Kurt continues, gently pushing Blaine away.
”Yes, with Wes and David. We went clubbing. I hate clubbing. But I wanted a distraction.”, Blaine rambles drunkenly, the moon reflecting in his hazel eyes.
”Okay. You should go home, Blaine.”, Kurt can't help the laugh that escapes his lips, because never in a million years would he think that enough alcohol would turn Blaine into a rambling mess, sounding like a five year old.
”I am on my way home, and then I bumped into you! I guess it's my lucky day.”, Blaine takes another unsteady step towards Kurt.
”And with ”lucky you” you mean that I can make sure you get home safely?”, Kurt asks him, gently pushing Blaine back when he tries to kiss Kurt again.
”Something like that.”, Blaine lets out a happy sigh and Kurt cannot get over how adorable the sight is.
”Let's get you home you drunk.”, Kurt laughs, tossing his arm over Blaine's shoulder to pull the man with him.
”Kurt will you stay for a little while?”, Blaine grabs his hand as Kurt is about to make his way out from Blaine's apartment.
Kurt sighs. After struggling for almost half an hour to understand Blaine's directions, Kurt finally managed to get them both to the apartment. He had basically forced Blaine to chug three glasses of water to sober up. And it does seem to have helped a little bit, at least Blaine isn't acting like a kid anymore. Not that Kurt really minded it when he did.
”Just a little?”, Blaine begs again, tilting his head and blinking, his long eyelashes hitting his cheek every time he does so.
”Fine.”, Kurt eventually sighs, kicking his shoes off.
”You're taking very good care of me.”, Blaine points out as he lays under the covers in his bed with Kurt next to him.
”Well, that's what friends are for.”, Kurt chuckles.
”We make a good team.”, Blaine seems to decide and Kurt have to bite his lip again, because shit Blaine is being way too adorable again.
”You sound like a five year old.”, Kurt laughs, rolling onto his stomach.
He sees Blaine licking his lips while watching him.
And those lips are on his not one second later, but Kurt doesn't pull back. It feels way too good having Blaine's lips on his. It's not hungry and desperate like it has been before, but slow and tender this time.
”Blaine-”, Kurt begins to protest after a few seconds, sighing a little as he pulls away.
”I know. I know, sorry.”, Blaine bites his lips and closes his eyes.
As if he is wishing that if he closes them, he would enter some kind of dream world where Kurt would throw himself at him again.
”Would you maybe stay the night?”, Blaine asks, biting his lip shyly.
”Just to sleep. And maybe to cuddle me a little.”, he continues when Kurt gives him a questioning look.
Kurt chuckles. This sight is way to adorable. He bites his lip a little as he considers the question.
Blaine is his friend, he tells himself. And if this situation was with Santana, begging him to keep her company through the night, he would have said yes, because that's what friends are for. And Blaine is his friend, he reminds himself.
”Okay.”, Kurt breathes out after debating with himself in his head.
”I don't think friends are supposed to cuddle like this though.”, he states, looking at his arm draped over Blaine's body, his face nuzzling into the man's chest.
”Friends like us do.”, he hears Blaine saying before falling asleep to the sound of Blaine's heavy breathing.
Spending the night at Blaine's, Kurt falls asleep instantly, instead of tossing and turning in his own bed for hours without one second of sleep. But this is what friends does, Kurt thinks to himself in his sleep, nuzzling closer into Blaine's neck.
Friends take care of each other.
He wakes up to the sound of eager raindrops hitting the window. It's dark outside and just as dark in the tiny room. Kurt looks around the room, he has never been to Blaine's apartment before. The interior is simple yet classy, light grey walls with a few old records in gold frames hanging on the wall.
Kurt crawls out of the bed, careful not to wake up the snoring man next to him. He closes the door to the bedroom carefully behind him as he lets himself explore the rest of the apartment. It's tiny, but cozy, Kurt decides. Old pictures and records filling his book shelves, pictures of him in a Dalton Academy blazer. Pictures of him at graduation. Pictures of New York, looking like they were taken from Rockefeller Center. Kurt smiles. There's even a picture from a landscape back in Ohio, Kurt notices because he has been to that field many times with his dad when he was a kid.
”Finding something interesting?”, the sound of a raspy voice makes Kurt flinch in shock where he stands.
”You scared me.”, he breathes out, watching Blaine scratching his now gel free hair with a crooked, tired smile.
”Sorry.”, he breathes, walking towards Kurt.
”I was just looking at your pictures.”, Kurt nods towards the frames, ”A cute little collection you've got there. Seems like you photograph a lot.”
Blaine shrugs, ”I just like to capture moments. In case I forget them in the future.”
”That makes sense.”, Kurt bites his lips, nodding.
”I talked to Santana the other day.”, Blaine suddenly says casually.
”Okay?”, Kurt says, sounding confused.
”She told me to back off, because she didn't want me to ruin your career.”, Blaine bites his lip and Kurt can feel his heart speed up.
”She said that?”, Kurt asks, still confused.
”And I just want you to know that I would never ruin your career for you, Kurt.”, Blaine continues, ignoring Kurt's previous question.
”It's fine. We're friends, right? You're not going to ruin things, I know that.”, Kurt says, trying to sound casual.
”Don't tell me you don't feel it though.”, Blaine bites his lip.
”Feel what?”, Kurt asks, even though he is pretty sure he knows exactly what Blaine means.
”Nothing.”, Blaine clenches his teeth and Kurt can tell he is upset.
”Will you stop that pout going on on your lips if I make you pancakes?”, Kurt says, trying to ease up the conversation, relieved when Blaine grins.
”You know me very well for someone who just met me three weeks ago.”, he crosses his arms with a goofy smile and Kurt can practically feel his heart swell at the sight.
Why does Blaine Anderson have to be this freaking adorable?
”Yeah yeah whatever, I'm making you pancakes now.”, Kurt says with a wink, making his way towards the kitchen.
”This is amazing.”, Blaine groans, practically shoving the pancakes in his mouth.
”Are you twenty three years old or five years old?”, Kurt laughs, watching Blaine's lips shape into a pout.
”Seriously, who taught you how to make these?”, Blaine continues shoving little pieces of pancakes into his mouth.
”My mom taught me when I was a kid.”, Kurt smiles, enjoying the sight of Blaine almost drooling over his breakfast.
”You have to let me meet your mom. I need to talk food with her.”, Blaine meant for it to come out as a joke but his smile drops as he sees something change in Kurt's eyes.
”She, uhm, she's dead.”, Kurt bites his lip.
Blaine drops his fork.
”I'm so sorry, Kurt.”, his jaw is hanging when Kurt shrugs.
”I was very young. I don't think about it as much anymore.”, Kurt tries to assure Blaine who looks like he is panicking, offering him a smile.
”I'm sorry for bringing it up.”
”You didn't know.”, Kurt points out, his eyebrows raises.
”Just another sign of how we don't really know each other that well.”, he continues, biting his lip a little.
”We should though.”, Blaine looks at him under thick eyelashes, ”As friends, I mean.”, he corrects himself after Kurt shoots him a look.
”Sounds great. Ask me anything. Or wait, I want to go first.”, Kurt says.
”Shoot.”, Blaine grins.
”First crush?”, Kurt grins towards the curly haired man in front of him who groans, ”I mean, except from Prince Eric.”, he adds, receiving a laugh from Blaine.
”Well, there was this teacher at Kindergarten. He had nice hair.”, Blaine starts, watching Kurt grin towards him, ”And then there was this other crush.”
Kurt raises his eyebrows.
”There was this amazing guy at a show choir competition. He sang Blackbird by The Beatles and had the most gorgeous voice seventeen year old Blaine had ever heard.”, Blaine continues with a grin and Kurt drops his head into his hands, a smile on his face.
”I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Although I do remember thinking that you were stunning.”, Blaine winks and Kurt chuckles a little.
”Friends, remember?”, Kurt says, gesturing his finger between them and Blaine rolls his eyes.
”I know. Friends.”
Kurt finds himself walking home that same night after spending his whole day in Blaine's apartment. Learning about Blaine's experience at Dalton Academy and about his first Sadie Hawkins Dance where he got beaten up. He learned about Blaine's older brother, Cooper, and small details about his life that friends are supposed to know about.
Kurt shivers inside his coat, putting his hands in the pockets. Why does the universe keep putting him in these situations? Falling for people he somehow cannot have. And Blaine knows it too, that they are putting their jobs on the ice if they were to get together.
But they won't.
And maybe Kurt just needs to accept that, even though he will probably never meet someone else like Blaine. Someone who always sings along to Kurt's favorite musical songs, someone who adores disney. Who drinks way too much coffee, who have an unhealthy amount of bowties hidden in his closet. Who acts like a five year old when he is drunk enough. Someone who makes Kurt feel this safe and connected.
Kurt bites his lip, whatever, he thinks.
He will not risk his job to be with someone he would have to sneak around with like two closeted teenagers, just so that Mrs.Waldorf wouldn't find out and fire them both.
Okay, so maybe Kurt have been thinking a lot about it lately. What it would be like if he were to let himself act on his feelings for Blaine, again.
It's just all so silly. They're both adults, and the only way for them to be together is to sneak around and hide, and Kurt had enough of that in his teenage years, and he will not go through that again.
No, him and Blaine are just friends, and that's just how things will be like from now on.
”I can't believe how stubborn people in this freaking city are!”, Kurt groans, hanging up the phone after talking to a pissed client for nearly an hour the next Monday.
”Well, you're one of them.”, Blaine winks from his desk on the other side of the room and Kurt rolls his eyes.
”Shut your mouth.”
”Annoying client?”, Blaine asks, nodding towards the phone in Kurt's hand.
”Yes. A crazy old lady being all 'oh the dress I ordered looked lighter on the website than what it actually is' and all that. What do these people even want me to do about it?”, another groan escapes Kurt's mouth and he leans back against his chair.
”I think you handled the situation just fine.”, Blaine tries to encourage him but Kurt just rolls his eyes again.
”Well, you learn your very own little ways of handling these stubborn customers after three years at this place.”, Kurt sighs, his gaze traveling to Blaine's soft face.
”You're really good at what you are doing, Kurt.”, Blaine offers him a kind smile and Kurt wants to push away the warm feeling that settles in his chest at the sight.
”Yeah. Which is why I can't screw things up.”, Kurt bites his lips once the words are out and Blaine's smile disappears.
”You don't have to keep reminding me of that, you know.”, Blaine turns his head, looking at his computer screen instead.
”I just want to make sure that you are aware of it.”
”I am aware of it! You tell me every damned day if you haven't noticed!”, Blaine snaps, standing up and Kurt's eyes widens.
”Sorry. I'm going for lunch.”, Blaine sighs after a few moments of silence, tossing his leather bag over his shoulder and leaves the office quickly.
Kurt groans, burying his face in his hands.
Great. Just great.
”Why did Lady Lips number two rush out of here, looking all mad and stuff?”, Santana appears by the door and Kurt wants to groan again because he really doesn't feel like dealing with this right now.
”You know his name is Blaine. Maybe you could try calling him that.”, Kurt spits out, watching Santana's eyes widen.
”Calm your tits, Hummel. You know I use nicknames for everyone. It's not personal.”, she defends herself and Kurt sighs for what feels like the millionth time this day.
”I know, I'm sorry. I'm just having a bad day.”, Kurt tries to explain, turning his gaze towards the screen of his computer again.
”I can see that. You look like you just spilled red wine on your Dior shirt or something.”
”Don't remind me of that.”, Kurt warns her, receiving a grin from her face.
”Seriously though, are you and Bowtie Addict fighting or something?”, Santana crosses her arms and Kurt looks up again.
”No, I'm just being a little too pushy with this whole ‘we're just friends' thing and Blaine obviously has had enough of hearing that.”, he answers in a sigh.
”But he knows it's for the best. I don't want a relationship with him anyway.”, Kurt continues, but Santana doesn't look too convinced, giving him a suspicious look.
”Just be careful, Hummel.”
And with that, she leaves the office.
”How was lunch?”, Kurt tries to start the conversation as Blaine comes back from lunch.
”It was fine. I went to that Taco truck again.”, he shrugs.
”Was it as delicious as last time?”, Kurt tries to shoot him a grin but Blaine just shrugs.
”I guess.”
”Okay so when is this passive aggressive thing you have going on stopping?”, Kurt sighs and Blaine finally meets his eyes.
”I'm not being passive aggressive.”, Blaine snorts.
”I just wish you could stop with the whole 'we are not in a relationship we are just friends who happened to hook up once or twice' thing, because I already know that, Kurt.”
Kurt raises his eyebrows.
”Well, I'm sorry, I just wanted to make it clear.”, Kurt tries.
”Well, it is clear. I get it.”, Blaine almost snaps again but manages to remain calm as he sits down.
”Great.”, Kurt mumbles, turning his gaze towards his computer again.
”Great.”, he can hear Blaine mutter under his breath.
After suffering through almost an hour of awkward silence in the office after their tense conversation, Kurt, for the first time ever, is relieved when Santana shows up again.
”So what do you two say about going out this Friday?”, she suggest, jumping up to sit on Kurt's desk.
Kurt thinks about it, maybe he just needs to drown his thoughts in alcohol again.
”I can't, I'm afraid.”, Blaine is the first one to answer and Santana turns her head towards him.
”Why not? Busy washing those grandpa clothes of yours?”, she jokes, a grin on her face.
”No, uhm, I'm going on a date actually.”, Blaine bites his lips, shooting a hesitant glance towards Kurt's widened eyes.
And no matter how much Kurt wants to ignore it, a huge lump settles in his stomach, leaving him feeling like he might throw up.