Save Tonight
Chapter eight Previous Chapter Story
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Save Tonight: Chapter eight

E - Words: 2,530 - Last Updated: Feb 26, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jan 14, 2016 - Updated: Jan 14, 2016
144 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

So do you think they will manage to keep the relationship a secret at work? Tell me what you think!!

”You hooking up with Santa tonight, Hummel?”, Santana grins towards him, watching him pack his bags on the twenty fourth of December.

Four weeks have passed so fast. Four weeks since him and Blaine starting talking again. Four weeks since that dinner. For weeks since Kurt realizes how hard he is falling for Blaine.

”That's just nasty.”, Kurt states, watching his friend widen her grin. 

”I would totally get you out to some gay bar if I wasn't going home to my family.”, she tells him and Kurt can't stop himself from laughing.

”I'm relieved.”, he says with a wink, causing Santana to roll her dark eyes. 

”You know I love you but those bar rounds and club visits just ends up with you going home with some girl, leaving me behind all by myself.”, he points out. 

”But the last time, you did find yourself a piece of ass, remember?”, she crosses her arms and Kurt bites his lip.

”I'm trying to forget about that.”, he sighs.

”I know. Are you and Lady Anderson friends again?”, she sits up on his desk. 

”Yeah we are.”, he slowly nods.


”That's a good thing. Considering he's got a boyfriend now and all.”, she says casually, swinging her legs from the desk. 

”Mhm.”, Kurt mumbles, clenching his teeth.

He shouldn't be jealous of Blaine having a boyfriend. But he is. He might be silly because of it, but whatever, it's not like he can change it anyway.

”So maybe you should stop shooting him those longing glances.”, she continues, looking at her nails as she speaks. 

”Excuse me?”, Kurt says, his voice shocked. 

”Hummel, you are basically fucking him with your eyes.”, she laughs but the serious tone is still there somehow.

”Shut up. Just shut up.”, he groans, tossing his bag over his shoulder. 

”I'm impressed you didn't deny it.”, she grins and Kurt just lets out another sigh.

”Just don't do anything stupid on your little christmas break, okay?”, she continues, standing up in front of him. 

”I won't.”, Kurt assures her but she just rolls her eyes, not believing him, as usual. 

”Merry christmas, Hummel.”, she pulls him into a hug and he sighs into her hair.

”Merry christmas, Santana.”


After leaving work late at night, Kurt cuddles up on his couch, completely exhausted. The Devil Wears Prada runs on the television in front of him. The sky outside his window is dark, but he can still see the shapes of snowflakes falling from the sky. Kurt smiles. It makes him remember about when he walked in the city a few weeks ago, comparing him falling for Blaine with how the leaves fall from the trees. He guess he needs to switch up his metaphor to falling like the snow instead. 

He is falling for Blaine like the snow is falling from the sky. 

He grins to himself. He's acting silly. Like he did in his teenage years and experienced his first crush. This is what it felt like. Only now, it's even more intense and it feels absolutely ridiculous feeling this way again, but also magical in some way.

Deep into his own thoughts and metaphors, Kurt falls asleep on the couch. 


Kurt shoots his eyes wide open by the sound of a loud knock on his door. He raises his eyebrows in confusion. What is the clock? Confused and tired, he drags his feet after him towards the door, realizing that he is still in his pajamas, but opens the door anyway.

”Hey you.”, Blaine's face appears in front of him and Kurt parts his lip. Still as confused.

A gorgeous shirt is clinging onto Blaine's body and a bowtie is carefully tied around his neck. His ass and thighs are looking as handsome as ever in his tight jeans. 

Kurt swallows.

”What are you doing here?”, his voice comes out more raspy and exhausted than he thought it would and Blaine's eyes widens a bit. 

”Were you asleep?”, he asks.

”Yeah, why? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?”, Kurt asks, getting even more confused as a loud laugh escapes Blaine's lips.

”Kurt, it's five pm on christmas day. Have you slept until now?”, he laughs and Kurt almost gasps in horror. 

He haven't slept for this long since he was a teenager after his first time getting drunk. He groans again when he realizes this means he still haven't showered or picked out a new outfit for the dinner he is supposed to have with Blaine by now. 

”Shit, I'm sorry.”, he groans but Blaine just continues to laugh.

”Hey, it's okay. I could start with the food and you could get ready, if you want?”, Blaine suggests, sounding caring and gentle and Kurt just wants do lean forward and crash into his lips. 

”Great. And again, I'm sorry.”

Kurt locks the door behind them, watching Blaine walk into the kitchen and pull out a turkey out of a plastic bag. He smiles as he makes his way into the bathroom. 

This is normal, he thinks, stepping into the shower. It's completely normal to take a shower while your friend makes dinner on christmas day. It's normal. Even though that same friend have a partner, and that there's this weird sexual tension and mentally intense connection between the two of them. But it's normal, Kurt tries to convince himself. 

He walks out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his hips as he starts walking towards his bedroom to get dressed. 

”I brought the movie.”, Blaine's voice appears behind him just as he is about to step into his bedroom. 

Kurt swallows loudly as he turns around, watching Blaine standing in front of him, his eyes on Kurt's naked chest, his lips parted.

”Sorry.”, Blaine mumbles, as if he just caught himself staring. 

”It's okay. You've seen me naked before.”, Kurt attempts to joke but Blaine's eyes just widens and he licks his lip.

Holy shit. 

”I should get ready.”, Kurt manages to breathe out and Blaine nods quickly, still with his lower lip caught between his lips. 

It's almost physically impossible to turn around and walk inside the bedroom. Kurt closes the door behind him with a silent sigh. He pulls his Dior shirt on, and slips into the tightest pair of pants he owns. But it isn't because he wants Blaine to look at him and the way he leaves Kurt feeling all lightheaded when he catches Blaine staring. No, that's not the reason. Not at all,  Kurt decides.

Even though that's the exact reason.


”That shirt looks familiar.”, Blaine says casually after an hour of making their food, and another hour of eating it.

”You didn't notice until now?”, Kurt smiles.

”I did. I just didn't ask you about it because I didn't want to get distracted from making this delicious food for you.”, Blaine grins in front of him, eyes looking like they twinkle.

”We both know that I'm the one who should get the credit for the food, all you did was peeling the potatoes.”, Kurt points out, loving the look in Blaine's eyes when he is teasing him. 

”At least I brought the food here, remember that Mr. Sleep Until Noon?”, Blaine teases back, grinning widely towards Kurt. 

”Hey that was a one time thing.”, Kurt pouts.

”Yeah, you said that the night at the bar too. And that sure seemed to happen again after that, didn't it?”, Kurt knows that Blaine meant for it to be a joke, but he shoots his eyebrows up, dropping his fork. 

”You really need to stop talking about that?”, he sighs.

”I'm sorry.”

”You have a boyfriend.”

”I'm sorry'”

”Are you sorry that you have a boyfriend or are you just repeating yourself?”, Kurt asks him and Blaine's gaze meets his own again. 

But he doesn't answer.

”Let's just watch the movie now, shall we?”, Kurt suggests with a sigh and Blaine nods.

Kurt makes sure to keep the distance between them as they settle down on the couch. Sure, this is Kurt's favorite musical and being cuddled up next to someone would be nice, but he won't. Because Blaine is taken and even if he wasn't, Kurt still wouldn't be able to have him. 

”Should I get a bucket or something to prepare for your tears?”, Blaine teases, knowing what this movie does to Kurt.

”Very funny.”, Kurt pouts, receiving a chuckle from Blaine.

”But to answer your question; yes. yes you should get a bucket.”, he sighs.

”Let's start watching.”


Their distance remains thanks to Kurt being determined to sit in the other end of the couch, making sure that their bodies doesn't touch even the slightest. But then the Come What May scene appears on the screen, the music filling the quiet room. And just like always when this particular scene comes on, Kurt cannot help his tears. The song just brings it out of him. He muffles his sobs against his hand, but it's still loud enough for Blaine to hear and to turn his head towards Kurt.

He doesn't say anything, he just stares at Kurt. The blue eyed man can feel his heartbeat quicken as a hesitant, soft hand takes his own and strokes his fingers. And Kurt should pull away, because this is not something they should do. But all he can do, is to let himself sit still, shivering under Blaine's gentle touch. 

The couch squeaks a little as Blaine shuffles his body closer to Kurt's, their thighs touching, Blaine's hand still on Kurt's. 

But Kurt doesn't do anything. He just sits there and lets himself get touched by Blaine, because honestly, that's all he wants. 

The song is about to end when Blaine's thumb stops brushing against his palm, his hand disappears and just as Kurt is about to turn his head, a hot breath hits his lips. Kurt can feel that familiar ache under his ribs and he just needs to touch too. He holds Blaine's gaze still as he lets his hand travel up Blaine's chest, around his neck, in his hair before ending up resting on Blaine's cheek. Blaine's sharp inhale of air echoes between the brick walls and his eyes are wide and endless.

”You were right three weeks ago.”, Kurt suddenly says in a breath, Blaine parts his lips to say something only to being interrupted by Kurt.

”I wanted you. I still do.”, Kurt's brain is screaming to him to take back his words, but his heart won't let him. 

And then Blaine's lips are on his. Breathing hot and heavily into Kurt's mouth and shit he has forgotten how amazing this feels. Kurt's hands shapes around Blaine's cheeks in the most perfect way, like this very face was shaped to fit into his palms. His fingers are wandering down the man's face, feeling every inch of skin. He scratches Blaine's stubble a little before sliding his hand upwards to tug at the man's dark hair.
Blaine moans into his mouth and Kurt thinks he is loosing his mind.

”Wait, you- you have a boyfriend.”, Kurt says in a rushed breath as he pulls away.

He can hear Blaine swallow loudly. 


”What?”, Kurt is confused.

”Not anymore. Call me a jerk but I just dated him because I needed a distraction,”, Blaine bites his lip before adding ”from you.”

”What?”, Kurt repeats, eyes wide. 

”I just needed to distract myself while I gave you some space.”, Blaine admits in a sigh. 

”I needed to distract myself so I wouldn't long for you every damned day like a pathetic, lost soul and I just needed someone else to kiss while pretending it was you. Because I couldn't have the real you.”, Blaine continues and Kurt shakes his head.

”Stop talking.”, he says and Blaine shoots him a confused look.

Without another word, Kurt presses their lips together again, soft and gentle this time. Tongues barely touching.

”I'm sorry.”, a heavy breath leaves Kurt's lips between slow kisses.

”What for?”

Blaine's hands strokes his back and Kurt closes his eyes when a shiver is sent down his spine.

”I've been acting silly.”, Kurt sighs, ”Pushing you away and all just because of the stupid rule at work. But we're adults, right? We're allowed to make our own decisions.”

Blaine nods. 

”And we can be really responsible.”, Kurt says, eyes on Blaine who gives him another questioning look. 

”-and we would not even look at each other at work.”, Kurt continues, giving Blaine a meaning look to make the man understand what he means.

Finally realizing where Kurt's words are going, Blaine nods in excitement. 

”We could even switch offices.”, Blaine suggests, adding things to Kurt's little mental list. 

”And we wouldn't go out for lunch together anymore.”, Kurt adds and Blaine nods fanatically. 

In a moment of silence, they lock eyes again and before Kurt can part his lips to continue the list, Blaine's mouth are on his, kissing him eagerly and passionate. 

”Santana can't know about this.”, Kurt breathes out against Blaine's moving lips, but the man doesn't stop kissing him. 

”What?”, Blaine asks, his lips moving over to kiss his neck instead.

”If she knows, she won't make the whole ‘trying to keep this a secret' an easy task.”, Kurt tells him but hears Blaine chuckle against his neck. 

”I'm serious, Blaine. She might be my best friend but she's still a blabbermouth, at least when it comes to other people's relationships.”, Kurt pulls away, hearing Blaine whine a little at the loss.

”Okay. I won't tell anyone.”, Blaine tries to assure him before his lips crashes against Kurt's again, more hungry and eager than before. 

”Blaine.”, Kurt pulls away

”I promise, okay. I just want to be with you.”, the tone in Blaine's voice is so sincere and gentle that Kurt wants to cry for some damn reason.

Blaine just has that affect on him. He makes Kurt feel things ten thousand times stronger than he usually would feel them. 

”Okay.”, Kurt breathes out as Blaine is peppering his neck with wet, eager kisses.

”Okay what?”, Blaine asks against his neck.

”Okay; well be together.”, Kurt says and the kissing against his neck suddenly stops. 

”I'm crazy about you.”, is Blaine's last words before capturing Kurt's lips again, pressing the man against the couch. 


Even if this is a bad decision, it will still be the best decision of his life, Kurt decides.


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