Kurt and Blaine and Facebook
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Kurt and Blaine and Facebook: Boyfriend TAG

T - Words: 1,205 - Last Updated: Feb 01, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 35/? - Created: Jun 20, 2012 - Updated: Feb 01, 2013
833 0 0 0 0

Kurt Hummel went from being 'single' to 'married'


Wes Montgomery, Burt Hummel, Carol Hummel and 582 others like this


Kurt Hummel: Okay UPDATE: Yes, Blaine and I had a fight; NO we didn't actually break-up. I just over-reacted about something that I had no idea about and I am very sorry for scaring everyone and I am most sorry to the world's best boyfriend Blaine Anderson LTT


(And PS I picked up all of Blaine's clothes from our front lawn)


Mercedes Jones, Blaine Anderson and 29 others like this


Will Schuester: Emma says if you guys need any couple's counseling she would be happy to help you guys out. And we wish you both the best of luck for the new school year! And good luck for Sectionals as well!


Kurt Hummel: Thanks Mr. Schue good luck to the ND's to! And tell Ms. P we said thanks but we are good now!


Blaine Anderson likes this




Thad Haldwood: ND, Warblers I am going to be doing an interview series and my first guests are going to be Kurt and Blaine so PM your questions and I will pick the best three to ask them tomorrow during the interview!


Rachel Berry, Wes Montgomery, Puck Puckerman and 69 others like this




Thad Haldwood: Hell everyone and welcome to interviews with Thad, today for our first show we have everyone's favourite couple with us; KLAINE! Kurt, Blaine, say Hi to our audience!


Klaine: Hello there!


Thad Haldwood: So Klaine, just a few questions, then we are going to do the BOYFRIEND TAG!


Klaine: Okay, sounds good to us!


Thad Haldwood: Okay, so question number 1 is from a dapper young man name Wes Montgomery and he wants to know if you gentlemen will be rooming together again this year?


Klaine: Yes, we will!


Thad Haldwood: he would also like to notify you that Empire house has put a ban on the song 'Teenage Dream'


Klaine: O.O


Thad Haldwood: Okay…Moving on…. Next Question comes from a young lady named


Rachel Berry and she wants to know if you too have 'done the deed'… *.*


Klaine: No comment.


Thad Haldwood: Okay I will take that as a HELL YES WE HAVE!


Klaine: We. Hate. You. Rachel.


Thad Haldwood: Okay, next and FINAL question before we get to the boyfriend tag questions: What are the names of your children going to be?


Klaine: We want two daughters, twins to be exact and their names would be Harmony and Melody!


Thad Haldwood: D'awwwh! Okay so log onto your own accounts then come back here because we are about to do the BOYFRIEND TAG!




BTQ (Boyfriend Tag Question) #1 - He's sitting in front of the tv what is on the screen?


Kurt Hummel: Harry Potter!


Blaine Anderson likes this


Blaine Anderson: Project Runway!


Kurt Hummel likes this


Thad Haldwood: Good Job Guys !


BTQ # 2 - You're out to eat what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?


Blaine Anderson: Kurt? Put dressing on salad? PUHPLEASE! (;


Kurt Hummel likes this


Kurt Hummel: Raspberry Orange Vinaigrette!


Blaine Anderson likes this


Thad Haldwood: BTQ # 3 – What's one food he doesn't like? And why?


Blaine Anderson: Jell-O; he doesn't trust it!


Kurt Hummel likes this


Kurt Hummel: Jell-O; because I don't like it!


Blaine Anderson likes this


Thad Haldwood: *pukes Klainebows and uses klainexs to wipe his mouth*


BTQ # 4 – If he was collecting anything what would it be?


Kurt Hummel: Hair Gel!


Blaine Anderson *reluctantly* likes this


Blaine Anderson: Scarves because I quote " We love football, actually Blaine likes football, I like scarves!"


Kurt Hummel likes this


Thad Hakdwood: FINAL QUESTION FOR TONIGHT! BTQ # 5 - What is a unique talent he has?


Blaine Anderson: Well, since you asked… -_^


Kurt Hummel: Blaine is good at knowing when to shut up so he doesn't have to sleep in the dog house!


Finn Hudson: Dude, we don't have a dog, therefore no dog house! =D


Blaine Anderson: How do you have a girlfriend Finn?


Finn Hudson: I'm a studmuffin!


Kurt Hummel: Oh dear Cheesus! Good night Finnegan!


Finn Hudson: Night!




Kurt Hummel: Moving back to Dalton today! Back to Blazers and Pencils and Tests and Rules! D: Oh summer how I am going to miss you!


Puck Puckerman, Santana Lopez and 57 others like this


Rachel Berry: My Dad's wanted me to invite you and Blaine over for dinner tonight after you guys are finished moving all of your stuff back!


Blaine Anderson: Sure we'd love that! What time?


Rachel Berry: 7 o'clock


Blaine Anderson: Okay, see you then!


Kurt Hummel: oh no what have you gotten us into darling :p




Kurt Hummel uploaded a photo to the album 'My Love;'


Blaine carrying the heavy things! LTT This is why I stick around!


Rachel Berry, Tina Cohen-Chang, Sugar Motta and 49 others like this


Blaine Anderson: I thought you stayed around for my dashing personality and my good looks (;


Kurt Hummel: If you think so hunny!


Blaine Anderson: Please, I'm not just some floozy!


Kurt Hummel: Oh dalring, yes you are! But you're my floozy so it's all good!


Blaine Anderson: Imma take that as a good thing!


Kurt Hummel: as it was intended!




Blaine Anderson updated his profile picture:


Kurt and I in our new dorm room; Senior year here we come! LTT


Kurt Hummel, David Thomson, Naomi Anderson and 89 others like this


Kurt Hummel: Well, isn't my boyfriend a QT!


Blaine Anderson: Thaaankyou! But he's not as cute as mine (;


David Thomson: Honestly guys, my dentist is getting tired of filling the cavities you too give me! Know where to draw the line! =D

Jeff Sterling, Nick Duval and 4 others like this

Blaine Anderson: Haha. You guys are so funny!


Jeff Sterling: We try (;


Blaine Anderson: I bet you do! And that's what's so annoying about it!

Kurt Hummel likes this




Kurt Hummel: Getting ready for dinner with the Berry's and Blaine! Then back to Dalton for bed and too enjoy the last week of summer before classes start!


Rachel Berry and Blaine Anderson like this




Rachel Berry uploaded a video to the album 'Performances by the Berry's and Guests'


Kurt and Blaine singing 'For Good' before dinner!


Carole Hummel: Awwh! I miss you boys already!


Kurt Hummel: We'll be home for lunch tomorrow Carole don't worry! (But we miss you and Dad too!) (even Finn, shhhhhh don't tell him!)


Finn Hudson likes this


Finn Hudson: Haha so funny!


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