Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
(Private Messaging between Burt Hummel and Naomi Anderson)
Burt: Hey Naomi, can I ask you a question?
Naomi: Of course Burt what is it?
Burt: Well, my nephew is coming to Ohio State in the fall and he wants to move out here early so he can look for an off-campus apartment, and he asked if he could sleep in our spare room for the last month of summer. So I was wondering if you would be okay with Blaine sharing Kurt's room.
Naomi: Do you trust them to be responsible?
Burt: I wouldn't have even mentioned it if I thought they weren't. Your so is so polite and I know Kurt is responsible, plus I know they would pull that stuff when I sleep in the same house (;
Naomi: Okay then, if you think they can sleep in the same bed and be responsible then Robert and I are okay with it. Plus, they are roommates at Dalton.
Burt: Thank you Naomi, I'm going to talk to the boys when they get home from Jeff's tonight.
Naomi: Okay great, can you ask Blaine to call me after you talk to them?
Burt: Will do!
Naomi: Thank you again Burt, for everything.
Burt: Anytime.
Kurt Hummel: Getting ready for my Warbler wedding! Haha there's a sentence that I never thought I would say, at least not the summer before senior year…
Mercedes Jones, Rachel Berry, Blaine Anderson and 13 others like this
Blaine Anderson: Nervous? :p
Kurt Hummel: Surprisingly no, maybe it's because I have ma gurls with me? Or maybe it's because this is a game to satisfy the needs of our insane friends who should really be admitted to a mental institution?
Blaine Anderson: Probably a little bit of both, but mostly the second one :p
Kurt Hummel, Nick Duval and 3 others like this
Kurt Hummel: Okay, come on honey we need to go to our wedding, we can't be late!
David Thomson: Not so fast! It's bad luck for the Kurt to see the Blaine before the wedding! Rachel and Quinn are picking Kurt up and Finn and Puck are driving Blaine!
Finn Hudson, Quinn Fabray, Puck Puckerman and Rachel Berry like this
Kurt Hummel: Are you implying I am the female in our relationship? -_-
Blaine Anderson: Haha, David You. Are. Fucked.
David Thomson: No, I wasn't it could have go either way.. It's just the way I typed it, Sorry! FORGIVE ME KURTSIE? PWEASE?
Kurt Hummel: You are lucky it's my wedding day and nothing can rain on my parade.
Blaine Anderson likes this
Kurt Hummel went from 'engaged' to 'Married' to Blaine Anderson
Naomi Anderson: Uh? Kurt? Blaine? Something you want to explain to me?
Kurt Hummel: Oh! Mrs. Anderson, we aren't actually married, the warblers who are INSANE said we act like a married couple so they 'warbler' married us, and then forced us to put it on Facebook, because I quote "It's not official until you put it on Facebook," sorry for any confusion.
Burt Hummel, Carole Hummel, Naomi Anderson and Blaine Anderson like this
Naomi Anderson: Kurt honey, call me Naomi. And that's okay, I trust you boys I was just making sure…
Blaine Anderson: Thanks Mom, love you! Can you private message me? I need to ask you something.
Naomi Anderson: Sure sweetie.
(Private Messaging between Naomi and Blaine)
Naomi: Hey sweetheart what's up?
Blaine: I was wondering if it would be okay if I brought Kurt with me when I come to see you guys in two weeks.
Naomi: You weren't bringing him already?
Blaine Anderson: No… But I asked Burt and he's cool with it, and I know Kurt would love to see England and I thought it would be nice if he could come with me.
Naomi: Well, it's a good thing he said he was cool with it because your father had already purchased the plane tickets… We thought you were going to bring him when you told is you were coming to visit.
Blaine: Oh thanks Mom! Tell Dad I said thank you… I'll call you late Kurt just got home! Love you!
Naomi Anderson: Love you too!
Wes Montgomery created a public album called 'Stuff Kurt Doesn't Know We Filmed'
Kurt Hummel: Do you have a death wish Montgomery?
Blaine Anderson, David Thomson, and Mercedes Jones like this
Wes Montgomery: *O* You can't touch me Hummel! Bwahahaha.
Wes Montgomery uploaded 5 videos to the album 'Stuff Kurt Doesn't Know We Filmed'
Video # 1:
Kurt and Blaine's Warbler Wedding. It was B-E-A-U-TIFUL!
Blaine Anderson, Jeff Sterling, Danielle Sterling and 34 others like this
Video # 2:
Baby.. It's Cold Outside! *Klaine Edition* Featuring ObliviBlaine.
Kurt Hummel: I will end you. -_-
Blaine Anderson: What the hell is ObliviBlaine?
Kurt Hummel: Oblivious + Blaine = ObliviBlaine, it's a name me and the guys came up with when I had a huge crush on you and you liked Jeremiah, it was their attempt at comforting me..
Nick Duval, Richard Lathargo, and Jeff Sterling like this
Blaine Anderson: Oh.
Video # 3:
Kurt singing 'Sexy and I know it' Trust me Kurt; WE KNOW IT! (;
Kurt Hummel: Where did you get this?
Cam Coopson: I may have been looking through Blaine's phone and I may have stumbled across this and I may have accidently sent it to Wes.
Kurt Hummel: You are now on the list of people I have disowned…
Wes Montgomery: Welcome to the club dude.
Video # 4:
Kurt and Blaine making out at the Dalton Summer Festival when they thought no one was looking. Oh, but we were!
Rachel Berry: You guys are so hot.
Quinn Fabray: For once I have to agree with Berry, you guys, WOW! O-O
Santana Lopez: I don't even like dudes and this even got my lady juices flowing, damn!
Kurt Hummel: Imma take that as a compliment.
Tina Cohen-Chang: It was a compliment! Kurt us girls are going to dinner tonight at Breadstix, join us?
Kurt Hummel: Can't tonight ladies, my cousin Xander is coming for dinner and my Dad said something about talking to Blaine and I after dinner, Sorry! But we need to go out soon, text me kay!
Tina Cohen-Chang, Santana Lopez, Brittany and 2 others like this
Video # 5:
My personal favourite; Kurt performing 'Blackbird' legend has it that this was when Blaine knew he was in love with our baby penguin…
Blaine Anderson: Legend has it… Really guys? But it's true none the less!
Kurt Hummel: D'awwwh!
Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson and 45 others like this
Kurt Hummel: Is having the one of the best days of his life;
1} My favourite cousin Xander comes to town for a visit
2} I get to watch Blaine make such an adorable face because his favourite Buffy character's name is Xander (;
3} I find out said cousin is going to live with us for the next month
4} Blaine and I get to share a room while Xander is here!
5} After all the exciting news I just get my amazing, perfect, wonderful boyfriend tells me that I get to go with him to London fricken England with him in 2 weeks!
Could life be any better?
Dwight Kinsley, Wes Montgomery, Rachel Berry and 56 others like this
Blaine Anderson: Yes.
Kurt Hummel: How so love?
Blaine Anderson: Well my mother may or may not have gotten us tickets to the Marc Jacobs fashion week fashion show for while we are there…
Kurt Hummel: …
Blaine Anderson: Kurt?
Kurt Hummel: ...
Blaine Anderson: I think he may be in shock..
Rachel Berry, Naomi Anderson, Leah Anderson and 34 others like this(Private Messaging between Burt Hummel and Naomi Anderson)
Burt: Hey Naomi, can I ask you a question?
Naomi: Of course Burt what is it?
Burt: Well, my nephew is coming to Ohio State in the fall and he wants to move out here early so he can look for an off-campus apartment, and he asked if he could sleep in our spare room for the last month of summer. So I was wondering if you would be okay with Blaine sharing Kurt's room.
Naomi: Do you trust them to be responsible?
Burt: I wouldn't have even mentioned it if I thought they weren't. Your so is so polite and I know Kurt is responsible, plus I know they would pull that stuff when I sleep in the same house (;
Naomi: Okay then, if you think they can sleep in the same bed and be responsible then Robert and I are okay with it. Plus, they are roommates at Dalton.
Burt: Thank you Naomi, I'm going to talk to the boys when they get home from Jeff's tonight.
Naomi: Okay great, can you ask Blaine to call me after you talk to them?
Burt: Will do!
Naomi: Thank you again Burt, for everything.
Burt: Anytime.
Kurt Hummel: Getting ready for my Warbler wedding! Haha there's a sentence that I never thought I would say, at least not the summer before senior year…
Mercedes Jones, Rachel Berry, Blaine Anderson and 13 others like this
Blaine Anderson: Nervous? :p
Kurt Hummel: Surprisingly no, maybe it's because I have ma gurls with me? Or maybe it's because this is a game to satisfy the needs of our insane friends who should really be admitted to a mental institution?
Blaine Anderson: Probably a little bit of both, but mostly the second one :p
Kurt Hummel, Nick Duval and 3 others like this
Kurt Hummel: Okay, come on honey we need to go to our wedding, we can't be late!
David Thomson: Not so fast! It's bad luck for the Kurt to see the Blaine before the wedding! Rachel and Quinn are picking Kurt up and Finn and Puck are driving Blaine!
Finn Hudson, Quinn Fabray, Puck Puckerman and Rachel Berry like this
Kurt Hummel: Are you implying I am the female in our relationship? -_-
Blaine Anderson: Haha, David You. Are. Fucked.
David Thomson: No, I wasn't it could have go either way.. It's just the way I typed it, Sorry! FORGIVE ME KURTSIE? PWEASE?
Kurt Hummel: You are lucky it's my wedding day and nothing can rain on my parade.
Blaine Anderson likes this
Kurt Hummel went from 'engaged' to 'Married' to Blaine Anderson
Naomi Anderson: Uh? Kurt? Blaine? Something you want to explain to me?
Kurt Hummel: Oh! Mrs. Anderson, we aren't actually married, the warblers who are INSANE said we act like a married couple so they 'warbler' married us, and then forced us to put it on Facebook, because I quote "It's not official until you put it on Facebook," sorry for any confusion.
Burt Hummel, Carole Hummel, Naomi Anderson and Blaine Anderson like this
Naomi Anderson: Kurt honey, call me Naomi. And that's okay, I trust you boys I was just making sure…
Blaine Anderson: Thanks Mom, love you! Can you private message me? I need to ask you something.
Naomi Anderson: Sure sweetie.
(Private Messaging between Naomi and Blaine)
Naomi: Hey sweetheart what's up?
Blaine: I was wondering if it would be okay if I brought Kurt with me when I come to see you guys in two weeks.
Naomi: You weren't bringing him already?
Blaine Anderson: No… But I asked Burt and he's cool with it, and I know Kurt would love to see England and I thought it would be nice if he could come with me.
Naomi: Well, it's a good thing he said he was cool with it because your father had already purchased the plane tickets… We thought you were going to bring him when you told is you were coming to visit.
Blaine: Oh thanks Mom! Tell Dad I said thank you… I'll call you late Kurt just got home! Love you!
Naomi Anderson: Love you too!
Wes Montgomery created a public album called 'Stuff Kurt Doesn't Know We Filmed'
Kurt Hummel: Do you have a death wish Montgomery?
Blaine Anderson, David Thomson, and Mercedes Jones like this
Wes Montgomery: *O* You can't touch me Hummel! Bwahahaha.
Wes Montgomery uploaded 5 videos to the album 'Stuff Kurt Doesn't Know We Filmed'
Video # 1:
Kurt and Blaine's Warbler Wedding. It was B-E-A-U-TIFUL!
Blaine Anderson, Jeff Sterling, Danielle Sterling and 34 others like this
Video # 2:
Baby.. It's Cold Outside! *Klaine Edition* Featuring ObliviBlaine.
Kurt Hummel: I will end you. -_-
Blaine Anderson: What the hell is ObliviBlaine?
Kurt Hummel: Oblivious + Blaine = ObliviBlaine, it's a name me and the guys came up with when I had a huge crush on you and you liked Jeremiah, it was their attempt at comforting me..
Nick Duval, Richard Lathargo, and Jeff Sterling like this
Blaine Anderson: Oh.
Video # 3:
Kurt singing 'Sexy and I know it' Trust me Kurt; WE KNOW IT! (;
Kurt Hummel: Where did you get this?
Cam Coopson: I may have been looking through Blaine's phone and I may have stumbled across this and I may have accidently sent it to Wes.
Kurt Hummel: You are now on the list of people I have disowned…
Wes Montgomery: Welcome to the club dude.
Video # 4:
Kurt and Blaine making out at the Dalton Summer Festival when they thought no one was looking. Oh, but we were!
Rachel Berry: You guys are so hot.
Quinn Fabray: For once I have to agree with Berry, you guys, WOW! O-O
Santana Lopez: I don't even like dudes and this even got my lady juices flowing, damn!
Kurt Hummel: Imma take that as a compliment.
Tina Cohen-Chang: It was a compliment! Kurt us girls are going to dinner tonight at Breadstix, join us?
Kurt Hummel: Can't tonight ladies, my cousin Xander is coming for dinner and my Dad said something about talking to Blaine and I after dinner, Sorry! But we need to go out soon, text me kay!
Tina Cohen-Chang, Santana Lopez, Brittany and 2 others like this
Video # 5:
My personal favourite; Kurt performing 'Blackbird' legend has it that this was when Blaine knew he was in love with our baby penguin…
Blaine Anderson: Legend has it… Really guys? But it's true none the less!
Kurt Hummel: D'awwwh!
Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson and 45 others like this
Kurt Hummel: Is having the one of the best days of his life;
1} My favourite cousin Xander comes to town for a visit
2} I get to watch Blaine make such an adorable face because his favourite Buffy character's name is Xander (;
3} I find out said cousin is going to live with us for the next month
4} Blaine and I get to share a room while Xander is here!
5} After all the exciting news I just get my amazing, perfect, wonderful boyfriend tells me that I get to go with him to London fricken England with him in 2 weeks!
Could life be any better?
Dwight Kinsley, Wes Montgomery, Rachel Berry and 56 others like this
Blaine Anderson: Yes.
Kurt Hummel: How so love?
Blaine Anderson: Well my mother may or may not have gotten us tickets to the Marc Jacobs fashion week fashion show for while we are there…
Kurt Hummel: …
Blaine Anderson: Kurt?
Kurt Hummel: ...
Blaine Anderson: I think he may be in shock..
Rachel Berry, Naomi Anderson, Leah Anderson and 34 others like this