Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Blaine Anderson: Can't wait for this weekend! Going camping with my lovely boyfriend Kurt Hummel, and Carole Hummel, Burt Hummel, Finn Hudson and Rachel Berry!
Burt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson and 5 others like this
Kurt Hummel: You realize the only reason I agreed to go on the camping trip is because my dad said we could sleep in the same tent…
Burt Hummel: Which will be placed right beside Carole and I's tent.
Finn Hudson: Come on Kurt! Camping is so much fun!
Kurt Hummel: Please Finnegan, tell me what is so fun about sleeping on the ground, out in the middle of nowhere without any electricity and eating processed food?
Wes Montgomery: *gasp* Kurt. Camping.
Richard Lathargo, David Thomson and 23 others like this
Kurt Hummel: Watch it Montgomery -_-
Blaine Anderson: Come on Kurt, this si going to be so much FUN!
Kurt Hummel: Ye. Riiiiiight.
Wes Montgomery: Getting ready to go on stage at the DALTON SUMMER FESTIVAL for Kurt and Blaine's duet… This is going to be so good!
Mercedes Jones: The ND just got here, where's the stage we wanna see the white boys perform!
Kurt Hummel: 1)Just because we're white doesn't mean you have to point it out every time you talk to me :p 2) We are by the Ferris Wheel but hurry we are going on really soon!
Blaine Anderson, Jeff Sterling, Nick Duval and 12 others like this
Mercedes Jones: Good luck
Nick Duval likes this
Mercedes Jones uploaded a video
Kurt and Blaine performing Summer Nights at the Dalton Summer Festival! They are so cute!
Blaine Anderson, Carole Hummel, Naomi Anderson and 34 others like this
Naomi Anderson: My son and my future son-in-law are adorable…
Carole Hummel and Burt Hummel like this
Blaine Anderson: MOM! *blushes*
Kurt Hummel: Carole! Dad! *blushes*
Burt Hummel: What? She didn't say anything not true did she? (;
Blaine Anderson: I guess you're right
Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry and LeRoy Berry like this
Blaine Anderson: You're strumming on my heart strings like you were a grade 8 but I never felt this way, I'll pick your feet up off of the ground and never ever let you down. Love you Kurt, Now let's camp!
Kurt Hummel likes this
Kurt Hummel: What is that song called I've never heard it before? And I love you too, and Camping *sarcastic face* Yay! -_-
Blaine Anderson: It's called Grade 8 and camping is going to be so much fun Kurt, we can go for walks, and have bonfires and eat marshmallows!
Kurt Hummel: Oh, so I have to go camping and eat food that is full of calories? Do you WANT me to get fat?
Blaine Anderson: Kurt, you are beautiful, SEXY, pretty, hot, immaculate, stunning, breath taking, angelic, admirable, dazzling, cute, handsome, graceful, ravishing, lovely, magnificent and drop dead gorgeous. And nothing, not even a smore can change that.
Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Mercedes Jones, Leann Hummel, Emily Hofstead and 45 others like this
Kurt Hummel: :') Maybe camping won't be so bad after all
Finn Hudson, Blaine Anderson and Burt Hummel like this
Kurt Hummel uploaded a video
Blaine playing Can't Fight This Feeling around the campfire, I love this man in case you couldn't tell :p
Mercedes Jones, Rachel Berry, Naomi Anderson and 56 others like this
Wes Montgomery: And in case you didn't know he loves you too… :p
Blaine Anderson: That he does, very much! LTT
Kurt Hummel likes this
Blaine Anderson uploaded a video
Kurt performing still got tonight around the campfire! LTT
David Thomson: Wow. Kurt. Uhm. Never mind.
Kurt Hummel: You okay there David (;
Wes Montgomery and Jeff Sterling like this
Blaine Anderson: Mine.
78 people like this
Finn Hudson: Great weekend with the fam and the most beautiful girl in the world LTT about to upload the vid of Rachel and Kurt singing What makes you beautiful!
Sam Evans: We should sing that song at prom next year, I hear that it's really popular..
Rory Flannigan, Jo Hart and Quinn Fabray like this
Finn Hudson uploaded a video.
Two of my favourite people in the world (my gf and my little bro) singing while we went camping…
Kurt Hummel: D'awwh, I'm one of your favourite people?
Finn Hudson: Damn right dude, bros forever!
Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel like this
Artie Freakin' Abrahms: COD tourney at my house tonight yo! BYOC. If I tag you, your invited, be here at 9 o'clock…
Kurt Hummel, Finn Hudson, Puck Puckerman, Blaine Anderson, Mike Chang, Rory Flannigan, Sam Evans
Kurt Hummel: Sorry guys, can't tonight.. Blaine and I are going to Niagara Falls for a few days :)
Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Rachel Berry and Carole Hummel like this
Mike Chang: But Kuuuurrrrtt! You are the best out of all of us.. it's so not fair.
Finn Hudson: Yeah, I can't either. Kurt & Blaine, Mom & Dad and Rachel & I are going on a triple date :) LTT
Rachel Berry: So excited!
Kurt Hummel: I know Mike, but hey Vid night with friends or NIAGARA FREAKING FALLS with my boyfriend and family..? What would you do?
Mike Chang: Fine, but you owe us a night when you get back!
Kurt Hummel: Deal I have to finish packing though, see you guys later!
(1 week later)
Kurt Hummel: Just got home from the falls, Canada is so beautiful.. :)
Blaine Anderson: But not as beautiful as you!
Kurt Hummel: Awe Shucks (Y) LTT
Blaine Anderson: You are so adorable Kurt… I love you..
Kurt Hummel likes this
Wes Montgomery: I hereby invite everyone from the Warblers and New Directions to Kurt and Blaine's Warbler Wedding!
Burt Hummel: Guys, relax. It's not what you think.
Blaine Anderson: Thank you Mr. Hummel, like he said, it is NOT what you think it is!
David Thomson: LOL, it is just their WARBLER wedding guys calm down, they act like an old married couple, so married they shall be. Tomorrow to be exact at the Sterling residence on Primsten Dr.
Kurt Hummel: LOL! That was not funny, Finn just came into my room and punched Blaine in the face..
Finn Hudson: Yah sorry about that…again
Blaine Anderson: Its ok dude, just next time ask us about it first, almost 99% of what comes out of their mouths is false or at least wrong in some way, and BTW Wes and other perpetrators Kurt and I did NOT agree to this, we are not getting MARRIED!
Kurt Hummel: :O What you don't want to marry me? :'(
Blaine Anderson: Kurt, no of course I want to marry you, but not right now, we're seniors for crying out loud!
Kurt Hummel: So you do want to marry me? :p
Blaine Anderson: That's a silly question! Of course I want to marry you. But I don't want to do it when we're in high school, and I want to ACTUALLY propose to you!
Kurt Hummel: Good.
Wes Montgomery: But you are still getting warbler married tomorrow so be there! And change your relationship status to engaged!
Blaine Anderson: What the hell!
Blaine Anderson went from being 'in a relationship' to 'engaged' to Kurt Hummel
Rachel Berry: Name the children after me!
Kurt Hummel: Over my dead body.
Blaine Anderson: Sorry Rachel, but I would like my Warbler Husband to be alive, so we can't name them after you.. not that there is any to anyway..
Kurt Hummel: You are amazing Blaine, have I ever told you that? :p
Blaine Anderson: Maybe once or twice..
Nick Duval: Or 400 times. -_-