Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Sue Sylvester created the page Sponge Hair Square Chin Stop Rapping and made Will Schuester the topic of discussion
Puck Puckerman, Azimio Smith, Carl Howell and 124 others like this
Will Schuester: Creative name Sue -_-
Rachel Berry: Mr. Schue that's Kurt's face
Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson and 4 others like this
Kurt Hummel: -_-
Puck Puckerman: Ahhh! Run angry Kurt!
Blaine Anderson: Puck… what I've heard you are like really bad ass, but you're scared of little ol'Kurt?
Mercedes Jones, Finn Hudson, Will Schuester and 12 others like this
Puck Puckerman: Damn Straight! You haven't seen Kurt really mad…
Kurt Hummel likes this
Kurt Hummel: And by the way there is NOTHING little about me, if you know what I mean (;
Blaine Anderson: O.O
Wes Montgomery: I miss our baby penguin :(
Jeff Sterling, Nick Duval, Cam Coopson and 3 others like this
Mercedes Jones: Damn Hummel, yous sexy when you talk like that (;
Kurt Hummel: You know it :p
Blaine Anderson: And he is MINE.
Santana Lopez: Relax gel-boy, we're just telling him how hot he is (;
Blaine Anderson: Okay then….
Kurt Hummel uploaded a photo to Mobile Uploads
At the park just walking my boyfriend… (;
Wes Montgomery, David Thomson and Jeff Sterling like this
Wes Montgomery: Now you know our pain Kurtsie! Try doing it for 2 years, and then when he was love sick with you, it was 10 times worst!
Blaine Anderson: I feel like I should be offended.
Mercedes Jones, Kurt Hummel, Finn Hudson and 12 others like this.
Kurt Hummel: Somehow I think I'll manage to live.
Kurt Hummel: I really hope Mercedes Jones doesn't do what I think she's about to do..
Mercedes Jones: Whatever do you mean Kurtie? *bats eyes*
Kurt Hummel: Shit.
Mercedes Jones uploaded a video
Kurt Hummel performing If I had You – Adam Lambert #Sexy as Hell
This is uploaded for two reasons;
Kurt canceled our sleepover to spend time with his beau
I believe that this will drive Blaine crazy and that is funny as hell.
Kurt Hummel: -_-
Blaine Anderson: I – Uh – I
Blaine Anderson: Kurt what are your parents and Finn doing tonight?
Kurt Hummel: Finn's at Rachel's for the night and Dad and Carole just left for Colorado for the night, then went to see a baseball game or something… Why might you ask?
Blaine Anderson: I'll be home in 5 minutes…
Santana Lopez: I might possibly die from all this WANKY!
Sam Evans, Puck Puckerman and 344 others like this
Santana Lopez wrote on Kurt Hummel's wall: Kurt! Help! I'm going out and I like completely forgot how to make myself look hot! :( What do I wear and how do I do my hair and make-up?
Kurt Hummel: okay step one, DON'T panic! Wear that cute silver strapless dress I bought you for your birthday with your cropped leather jacket and booties, the black ones. Then just curl your hair and wear black liner with mascara and red lip stick!
Santana Lopez: has anyone ever told you you're a life saver? LTT
Blaine Anderson, Rachel Berry, Mercedes Jones and 3 others like this
Kurt Hummel: On occasion it's come up..
Santana Lopez: Well, it's the truth!
Blaine Anderson: Summer lovin', had me a blast!
Kurt Hummel: Summer lovin', happened so fast!
Blaine Anderson: Met a boy, crazy for me!
Kurt Hummel: Met a boy, cute as can be!
Blaine Anderson: He swam by me, he got a cramp!
Kurt Hummel: He went by me, got my suit damp!
Blaine Anderson: I saved his life, he nearly drowned!
Kurt Hummel: He showed off, splashing around!
Blaine Anderson: Summer sun, something's begun!
Kurt Hummel: But uh-oh those summer nights!
Blaine Anderson: We are going to kill our duet tomorrow at the Dalton summer fair!
Finn Hudson: Dalton Summer Fair?
Kurt Hummel: remember the thing Blaine and I have been talking about for the past two weeks?
Finn Hudson: Oh, I just usually tune you out so I don't have to hear about people defiling my poor innocent baby penguin brother!
Kurt Hummel: -_-
Blaine Anderson: Anyways…. New Directions, you guys are invited by the way! It starts at noon! Like this comment if you're coming!
Rachel Berry, Sam Evans, Brittany and 23 others like this
Wes Montgomery: Hey ND has anyone ever told you you're name sounds like Nude Erections?
Rachel Berry: Yes -.- and we have Will Schuester to blame for that one…
Will Schuester: No comment.
Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson and 34 others like this