Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Feb. 1, 2013, 1:06 a.m.
Blaine Anderson; Babysitting tonight with my lovely boyfriend Kurt Hummel, I love you baby!
David Thomson, Quinn Fabray and 12 others like this
Kurt Hummel: It's going to be so fun! I can't wait, and your cousin is so cute, you guys look a lot alike :)
Blaine Anderson: Is that good or bad? (;
Kurt Hummel: Very very good!
Blaine Anderson: Well then…
Kurt Hummel: (;
Burt Hummel: Calm, your hormones…
Kurt Hummel: -_- way to ruin the mood dad.
Burt Hummel: thanks, I try.
Blaine Anderson: Kurt are you ready? The drive to Westerville is pretty long (;
Kurt Hummel: Yah let's go!
Blaine Anderson uploaded a photo to the album My Teenage Dream Forever
Kurt and Lila sleeping on the couch, they are so cute… I smell a future daddy!
Kurt Hummel, Wes Montgomery and Mercedes Jones like this
Kurt Hummel: This is a terrible picture of me -_-
Blaine Anderson: Actually, this is very cute Kurt. I think I will have it framed!
Kurt Hummel: If you insist.
Mercedes Jones: You guys are so cute! I'm so Jelly!
Blaine Anderson likes this
Blaine Anderson: Thanks Mercedes!
Kurt Hummel uploaded a video
I wanna put on my my my my my boogie shoes, and boogie with you! Blaine Anderson and his little cousin Lila dancing, how are they so cute?
Finn Hudson: Blaine has special shoes for boogying? :s
Carole Hummel: Finn remember what Blaine taught you on Wednesday about disco and KC and the Sunshine band?
Finn Hudson: Well yeah, but that doesn't answer my question.
Blaine Anderson: *facepalm* maybe we should have another lesson…
Kurt Hummel: Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you my brother Finn Hudson; I'm so proud -_-
Wes Montgomery: Poor Finnegan, little one the 'boogying' that Warbler Kurt and Warbler Blaine are referring to is an iconic song by the exquisite band KC and the Sunshine Band.
Kurt Hummel: nicely put wes!
Blaine Anderson and Carole Hummel like this
Finn Hudson: Oh.
Finn Hudson: My name is not Finnegan by the way!
Finn Hudson: And I'm taller and bigger than you so don't call me little
Kurt Hummel: get over it Finnegan.
David Thomson: I would get over it Finnegan have you seen raging Kurt? *shudders at memory of rage quit Kurt*
Blaine Anderson likes this
Blaine Anderson: Raging kurt is very attractive…
Finn Hudson: dude, that's my brother.
Blaine Anderson: and he's my boyfriend.
Finn Hudson: he likes me more :p
Blaine Anderson: -_- KURITE! HELLP!
Kurt Hummel: the love I have for you guys is COMPLETELY different… but if I had to pick favorite's…. lmao yah, not happening.!
Finn Hudson: DISLIKE
Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel checked in at the Hilton hotel in New York
Blaine Anderson: Start spreadin' the news, I'm leavin' today I want to be a part of it, New York, New York!
Kurt Hummel: These vagabond shoes are longing to stray, Right through the very heart of it, New York, New York!
Burt Hummel: I take it you two made it to New York alright?
Kurt Hummel: Yes Dad, and we're only going to be gone 1 night.
Burt Hummel: I know, but you guys are my sons, I just want you to be safe… In more ways than one
Blaine Anderson: *blushes* You think of me as your son?
Burt Hummel: Of course, you live under my roof and you and Kurt are going to be married one day! So yes my son, and I love my sonS.
Blaine Anderson: Thanks Burt !
Kurt Hummel: I love that this happened over FACEBOOK!
Rachel Berry, Arite Freakin' Abrahms and 12 others like this
Blaine Anderson: hey Kurt, since your Dad thinks of me as his son wouldn't that make us brothers? :p
Kurt Hummel: O.O I swear Anderson you take that back or I am not afraid to break up with you.
Santana Lopez, Ryker Stret and 1 other like this
Blaine Anderson: Consider my above statement taken back! *begs Kurt's forgivness and wins with top secret puppy dog eyes*
Quinn Fabray: You guys are aDORKable! I love it!
Gavel McBang Bang: Bang Bang Bang
Blaine Anderson: At the Harry Potter Convention with my lovely boyfriend Kurt Hummel ! LTT
David Montgomery, Finn Hudson and 16 others like this
Kurt Hummel: Wonders why he let Blaine Anderson talk him into this Harry Potter Convention in the first place.
Rachel Berry, LeRoy Berry and 34 others like this
Mercedes Jones: Poor Boo! If it helps we miss you!
Rachel Berry likes this
Blaine Anderson: Just met Daniel Radcliffe! BEST DAY EVER
Kurt Hummel: *cough cough* Day we first kissed *cough cough*
Blaine Anderson likes this
Kurt Hummel: *cough cough* Dancing at Prom together *cough cough*
Blaine Anderson likes this
Kurt Hummel: *cough cough* First time you said you love me and I said it back *cough cough*
Blaine Anderson likes this
Blaine Anderson: Okay, I retract that statement, by far not the best day of my life!
Kurt Hummel likes this
Blaine Anderson: On the road again…
Wes Montgomery likes this
Wes Montgomery: And when you get back we have an emergency Warblers meeting tomorrow at Davie's okay?
Kurt Hummel: Actually… we had plans to lie in bed and snuggle all day!
Wes Montgomery: Well, if you want a solo (or duet with Blaine your choice) at Sectionals next year, you will get your butt to the meeting tomorrow!
Kurt Hummel: *sighs because Wes has him by the balls* Fine….
Blaine Anderson: I don't really like that metaphor.! :(
David Thomson: I second that!
Wes Montgomery: I don't totally disagree :p
David Thomson: *smacks Wes for inappropriate comment*
Blaine Anderson: *growls protectively because he is the only one aloud to touch Kurt's balls*
Kurt Hummel, Santana Lopez, Puck Puckerman and 45 others like this
Blaine Anderson: *facepalms because that didn't come out right*
Finn Hudson and Burt Hummel like this
Kurt Hummel: I wish I was straight so I could date Rachel Berry!
LeRoy Berry and Hiram Berry and Rachel Berry like this
Hiram Berry: We would love you as a son-in-law Kurt!
Finn Hudson: Dude! That's my girlfriend!
Blaine Anderson: Kurt? :'(
Kurt Hummel: 1) I AM GAY! 110 % 2) Blaine don't be sad Rachel Berry fraped me 3) even if I were straight I would NEVER date Rachel because even though I love her to death and she is one of my best friends, SHE IS SCICOTIC! 4) Finn… really, for you to understand me I am going to put this very simple for you! BOOBIES….. EWW!
Blaine Anderson, Mike Chang, Brittany and 34 others like this
Finn Hudson: Oh, okay thanks!
Blaine Anderson: I love you Kurt!
Kurt Hummel: I love you too Blaine!