Dec. 6, 2016, 6 p.m.
Dec. 6, 2016, 6 p.m.
Only Yesterday
My Darling Blaine, I know what you're thinking. Why the hell would I want to sit here and retell our story when I could be doing better things with my time? Pragmatism is just not in my forte, especially when I am distracted. You know that about me too well. You also know exactly where I'm going to start... the day Rachel called on a cold, late, November night: a day in which the cosmos finally aligned in our favour and we were able to have some time to ourselves. Of course, Rachel had to barge in like a charging meteor and throw us off orbit for a good five years. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Rachel didn't come that night. YES! I know what you would say: why bother worrying about what might have happened and just focus on the future? Sure, but I’ve learned, for me to keep moving on, I have to rehash the past to help me do the moving-on bit.
I learned that from you, you hypocrite…I love you...
November 20th, 2017 The Hummel-Anderson Home 6:35pm
"Hey Kurt," Rachel sighs as Kurt opens the door. He is surprised by Rachel's anomalous visit, considering the hectic schedule she has been keeping, being the lead in Evita. Every time they would book a visit or try to have a one on one lunch, something or another would hold up their plans, from interviews, to going to her daughter's PTA meeting. In short, being a celebrity mom.
"Rachel? What are you doing here?" Kurt asks curiously as he pulls her into the warmth of the house. "I thought the weekends are for schmoozing with the kings and queens of Broadway and Hollywood."
She looked positively cute in her bite-sized red peacoat, matched with a pair of black boots, grey tights and topped with a cross-hatched, grey beret to finish the ensemble—very Jackie Burkhart. Regardless of her cuteness, her happy outfit was contrasted by a jaded expression as miserable as the snow falling around her.
"I've had it up to here with those people!" She grumbles and theatrically gestures an imaginary boiling point a foot over her head, looking ridiculous in the process considering how short she is. "I am just so sick of the charade and always pretending to be everyone's friend. You guys are my real friends, and I should be spending more time with you."
"Oh my, I feel so special," Kurt feigns appreciation. Whatever her problem is, it's not famous people; Rachel thrives on meeting celebrities, like the one time she wouldn't shut up about bumping into Brangelina, and the possibly transgender Shilo. Nope, someone pissed her off. "Now that I know how much you hate celebrities, which I do not believe by the way, why don't you tell me what's really bothering you? Did your understudy try to steal Evita from you?"
"Yeah right, as if that would happen," Rachel snorts, as she starts pulling at the buttons of her coat as if they are the real culprits behind her predicament.
"Um, remember the time when Auntie Snicks waltzed in and almost ripped the rug from under you at Funny Girl?" Kurt reminds her.
"Ah, yes, but back then I didn't have an army of lawyers," Rachel says confidently as she takes off her coat, revealing a soft, fuzzy, black sweater. "Besides, she left because she couldn't handle it."
"She left because Brittany convinced her otherwise," Kurt counters.
"Kurt? Can we not do this right now?" Rachel whines as she hangs her coat.
"Then tell me what it is that's brought you here unannounced" Kurt persists.
"Okay, fine. My director is pissing me off," Rachel confesses with her commonplace, dramatic bitterness whenever things didn't go her way. "He's so…boring…actually the whole show is boring me to death."
"You're bored?" Kurt gasps, completely astonished. "Rachel, you are playing one of the most coveted characters in Broadway history, and you're telling me you're bored?"—classic Berry move. "You practically lived that role since the day I met you in junior high school."
"I know, I'm as shocked as you are," Rachel agrees incredulously. "Yet, here we are!"
"Okay." Things just got interesting. "Why don't we move this to the kitchen before I burn dinner."
“Why are so dressed up?” Rachel inquiries about Kurt’s tight red yoga jeans, white shirt and cute skull vest.
“Dinner with Blaine,” He clarifies. “We hadn’t had one tgether in a week.”
“Oh! You’re having a date night? I can come back later…”
“No, no. It’s okay. We haven’t seen you in a while.”
Rachel smiles and walks passed a confused Kurt. Since when did Rachel care about interrupting their dates? Weird…a good weird.
As they enter the kitchen, Rachel sits at the island, while Kurt goes back to his Alfredo sauce.
"I still can't believe you're already bored with Evita," Kurt says as he picks up the wooden spoon to stir the sauce. "You've only been there like what…two months?"
"I know…"
"Oh God…" Kurt pauses, his eyes big and mortified. "Please, Rachel, tell me you are not thinking about breaking your contract again. Last time that happened you flopped and you were out of work for two years."
"No! Are you crazy?" Rachel exclaims as she sits at the kitchen island. "That was the old desperate me. I learned my lesson, thank you very much. I'll finish my three month contract and decline the inevitable extension."
"Okay good." Kurt relaxes and goes back to his sauce, albeit still shocked about his friend's unusual confession. "Still, God Rachel, it is Evita!"
"Look," she says seriously. "I'm not trying to be ungrateful. It's been wonderful. But I just feel stuck; it's like Funny Girl all over again…"
"You are insane, Rachel Berry," he turns towards her a moment just enough to wag a judgmental finger at her.
"I know! I don't know what's wrong with me…" She laments as she props her face on one hand and re-assumes her dejected state. "I should be ecstatic but I just…ever since Rachel Sings has gone off the air, I have been feeling lost." Rachel Sings is Rachel's second attempt at a sitcom. After her first TV flop, she was approached by Ryan Murphy, the god of all that is watchable on TV, and offered her a second chance. Thanks to his genius and his fantastic team, Rachel was able to create a musical based on her high school and university career. It was a massive success and it turned Rachel into a household name, worldwide. "I thought Evita would ground me again, but now that I've done a two month run I just feel like I'm stuck…also I realized that I don't like working for someone else... When I was on the show, Ryan treated me like an equal and always asked for my opinion. It was amazing to be able to contribute and see it change the world."
"But Rachel, for as long as I've known you you've always dreamed about being a Broadway Star," Kurt says still discombobulated by her news.
"That was just a teenage dream, Kurt," Rachel shrugs. "Going through Rachel Sings made me realize that I am more than just a singing actress. I am a creator. I love creating, and now that I have that experience, I have the chance to make something different. I did it once and I want to do it again."
"And what does Jesse think about all of this?" Kurt's asks as he brings a spoon of Alfredo sauce for Rachel to taste.
"Oh my god, Kurt! That is so good!" Rachel moans at the creaminess of the sauce. "Jesse's on board."
Jesse St. James: the bully turned to a knight in shining armour. The egg-throwing bastard is now proving to be a dedicated, loving husband. When he received the invitation to the wedding in L.A., Kurt was flummoxed by the turn of events and was worried that Rachel may be suffering from a serious case of Stockholm syndrome. The truth is, Jesse had been in love with Rachel since the time they met at the music shop in Lima. Before then, his plan was to seduce Rachel and break up with her just before Regionals and ruin her glee club's chance at winning the championship. The more time he spent with Rachel, the less he wanted to hurt her. But his change of heart was overridden when his team accused him of disloyalty and threatened to cut him out from the club. The Vocal Adrenalines didn’t care about the matters of the heart; they wanted to win, even if it meant one of their members suffered from a heart ache. Left with no other choice, and from fear of losing his scholarship to UCLA, Jesse went on with his evil plan. Seeing Rachel's broken heart after the egging session, and pretending to hate the sight of her almost made him want to through his scholarship away. But his practical side stopped him for the sake of his career. He carried his guilt all the way to L.A. and for four years he lived with it until he won a paid internship at Murphy Productions. It was then that Jesse took his chance at redemption and emailed Ryan a video of Rachel's second, mindboggling, Funny Girl audition.
The rest, as they say, is history.
"Really?" Kurt asks dubiously. "I remember him being so keen on you going back to Broadway and owning the stage."
"He did," Rachel admits. "But he can see how miserable I am and suggested we try our hand at producing again. We did so well as executive producers at Rachel Sings. Why not do it again?"
Before Kurt could reply, the front door opened.
"Honey, I'm home!" Blaine sing-songs as he closes the door behind him.
"Hello, Darling! We're in the kitchen!" Kurt hollers.
"We?" Blaine asks curiously as he makes his way to the kitchen. "Who's we?"
"Rachel's here," Kurt declares.
"Rachel? Really?" Blaine walks in, mirroring Kurt's surprise at Rachel's unexpected visit. He stops and gives his husband a quick peck on the lips, and Kurt smiles at his cute red cheeks and red nose, complements of the falling snow.
"Mmmmm Alfredo Sauce; yum," Blaine sighs happily at the wonderful aroma then turns to Rachel with a big smile on his face and an open arm for big hug. "What are you doing visiting us on a Friday night? Shouldn't you be rubbing elbows with the rich and famous?"
"Yeah, yeah." Rachel gets up to receive his embrace.
"She's bored with Broadway, apparently," Kurt keeps Blaine up to speed.
"What?" Blaine frowns. "What about all the fun you're having on Evita?"
"I am having fun, I just…I need something more creative," Rachel explains.
"Our friend has been bitten by the creative bug," Kurt explains and Blaine raises his eyebrows in delighted surprise. "Her and Jesse are planning on opening their own production company."
"Really?" Blaine says with a twinkle in his eyes. "That is awesome!"
"I know!" Rachel claps her hands together, happy to see Blaine's enthusiasm. "We're going to be creators!"
"Oh! Like another TV show?" He lets go of Rachel and heads to the fridge.
"Yeah, or maybe a movie!" She takes her seat back at the island.
"A Rachel Sings movie!" Blaine adds wistfully as he puts the groceries in the fridge. "I really miss that show."
Rachel shakes her head. "As much as I love that show, I don't think I'll do it again."
"Oh no, please no more musicals," Kurt agrees as he adds the sauce on the freshly boiled pasta. "It's best you stay away from that for a while. No offense."
"None taken," Rachel shrugs. "I'm thinking of dabbling in the Drama category…" She gets up and helps setting the kitchen table for dinner.
"Oh, Rachel," Kurt intones as he puts the steaming bowl of pasta in the middle of the kitchen table and uses the wooden spoon for one last mix. Comedy has always been Rachel's forte; her comedic timing and quick wit has always been so impeccable and fresh. "A Drama? I am so impressed; branching out of your comfort zone is tough."
"That wold be fun, but I don't think I want to be in the show," Rachel announce nonchalantly as if it were no big deal. Kurt and Blaine stop what they're doing and share a serious glance of equally perplexed, arched eyebrows.
"After directing a dozen of episodes on Rachel Sings," Rachel continues setting up the table, still unaware of her friends coupled confusion. "I found myself relishing the moments when I wasn't the centre of attention. Also, directing and acting all at once can really take a toll on you. If I did that with the new show, then Devon is going to start thinking Nanny Samantha is her mother. That would be truly disappointing after those 15 hours of birthing torture! And Jesse will probably engage in some kind of a kinky tryst, possibly with the nanny—statistics all point to that—and then I'll have to kill them both, which is really bad, because I'm not made for jail. I'm sure I'll be someone's prison wife in no time—" Rachel stops when she notices the lack of witty repartee she’s so uses to getting from her friends and finds them ogling at her like she'd spelled Barbra with an extra 'A'.
"What?" Rachel asks cautiously. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Who are you, and what have you done with Rachel Berry?" Kurt asks, amazed by this new Rachel, a Rachel who doesn't want to be the centre of attention. WHAT? Just then Kurt realizes that this is the first time Rachel had spent time alone with them since her return from Los Angeles. They never actually sat down alone and had a heart to heart conversation to reestablish their friendship. Just thirty minutes in the house and Rachel has already thrown two big life changing bombs at them. One more and it will turn into a Rachel Blitz.
"When you guys have kids you'll understand," Rachel explains as she sets the wine glasses around the table. "They become the centre of your universe and you will want to do anything to make sure you're always there every step of the way. Besides, how many times will I come across a man I truly love? Sure there was Finn and I loved him dearly, but we would have never worked out. We were both too stubborn. Jesse calms me down and keeps me level headed, just like April does to Finn. I don't want to put that at stake. I shouldn't even have to convince you; you two know it better than anyone."
Then Rachel goes quiet and her eyes glaze over as a new thought consumes her mind.
"Rachel? Are you okay?" Blaine hurries and takes the last wine glass out of her hand before she drops it.
"I just had an epiphany," Rachel says, eyes wide.
"About?" Kurt, who by now had completely abandoned mixing the pasta since Rachel's second bomb.
"You!" She breaths.
"Me?" Kurt frowns.
"No, You!" She points at both him and Blaine. All they do is stare back in bewilderment.
"What about Us?" Kurt persists as he feels his frustration rising. Waiting in anticipation is not one of his best suits.
"A show about you!" Rachel finally spits out. Blaine and Kurt freeze like they've both been tasered. There's the third bomb! That's it, it is official. The Rachel Blitz is live and on the air.
What a night…all Kurt had in mind is a dinner date with his beautiful, delicious husband and some yummy cuddling topped with some awesome sex—maybe on the couch—right after a couple of episodes their favorite show, Chopped. Yet here they all are, in the kitchen, with Rachel pitching a show about their life—the moment that turns their life into a five-year, whirling dervish.
Blaine was the first to come out of his frozen state. "You want to make a show about us?"
"Yes!" Rachel laughs in disbelief. "Oh my god! It was staring me in the face this whole time!"
"Oh wow," Blaine says in disbelief.
Suddenly, Kurt laughs out loud at the ridiculous idea, stunning Blaine and Rachel in the process. "Come on, Rachel stop joking around."
"I'm not joking," Rachel says seriously. "Think about it. How long did it take you and Blaine to find each other…something around thirteen years?
"fifteen," Blaine corrects.
"Okay, fifteen, and if you ask me that's a whole lot of years jammed with what I'm sure are amazing stories!"
Kurt didn't know how to feel about this new development, and when he sees the sparkles in Blaine's eyes, panic fills his chest. The last thing he needs is to relive that pain; they have finally settled into a wonderful, domestic bliss that he had always been dreaming of.
As Kurt hears the word come out of his mouth, he could see the glow in Blaine's eyes die a horrible death. Feeling guilty at his rash answer, Kurt immediately corrects himself. "I mean, I'm not sure I want to compromise our privacy."
"But it will be worth it!" Rachel resorts to her begging voice and that's when Kurt is sure Rachel is serious. "It will be a great show and it'll make up for all the attention!"
"I don't know, Rachel…"
"They might not even pick up the show, so what's the harm in trying?" Rachel counters.
"The harm is that they might pick up the show," Kurt argues.
Blaine watches as Kurt and Rachel argue. It is normal for Blaine to be forgotten when Kurt gets consumed in an argument that is not directed at him, and from experience, instead of getting upset and consequently turning Kurt into the Hulk, he found out waiting for the opportune moment to pitch in his own idea always brought Kurt's attention to him. And finally, that moment comes when Kurt takes the time to pinch the bridge of his nose out of frustration.
"What if we change our names?" Blaine suggests quietly and Kurt looks up, his attention successfully captured. "No one has to know the story is based on real life events."
"Yes! Blaine, thank you. We can write it in the contract," Rachel quickly adds before Kurt finds yet another excuse. "We can add a clause where no one is allowed to compromise your privacy. Only the producers and writers will know. The rest will be left out of the loop!"
Silence reigns as Kurt takes in the suggestions. They were so reasonable that Kurt couldn't object, but he still needed time to let the idea sink in down to his bones. He looks over at Blaine and finds him smiling encouragingly. He always does that whenever Kurt is facing a colossal and possibly life-changing decision, and Kurt is grateful for that.
"Okay…can I sleep on it?" Kurt politely demands and Rachel squeaks with excitement.
"Take all the time you need,” she says eagerly. “I still have a month before I'm done my contract anyways, so no rush!"
"Okay," Blaine claps his hands together. "Now that's out of the way. I am starving. Shall we dig in?"
The next morning, I wake early after a plague of nightmares. Thanks to Rachel, I wasn't able to sleep right without dreaming up some petrifying scenarios of what might happen if I said no. I can't quite remember any of them except the one where my high school newspaper president, Jacob, was cast to play me. I know you think it's hilarious, but I still believe that if you met the guy you would want to throw up too.
Anyway, since I was already awake, I decide to rip myself out of bed and crawl into my running outfit. It was really cold outside, but I knew the crisp, fresh air of Central Park would shake the residual nightmarish feelings, and help me think clearly. It was then I bumped into the mysterious couple that changed my mind forever.
"Let's do it," Kurt says as he crawls on to the bed, freshly showered after his run.
"Maybe after breakfast," Blaine mumbles half asleep as he squeezes one of Kurt's pecs and then he turns away and promptly falls back to sleep. Kurt laughs; talking to Blaine while half-asleep always yielded entertaining conversations, and somehow it was always sex related. Except for the time Kurt asked him if he can borrow My Fair Lady: The Theatrical Version CD back in 2002 and all he said was 'sure'. It took Blaine five years to find the CD in Kurt's collection.
"No silly," Kurt shakes him again. "I'm talking about the show."
Blaine turns his head and blinks a few times before his eyes are wide open and staring. "Did you say…wait…am I still dreaming?"
"I don't know, what did you think I said?" Kurt teases.
"You said 'Let's do the show'…" Blaine answers cautiously, his eye still bleary and his hair adorably sticking out on one end.
"Then no, you weren't dreaming," Kurt smiles as he tries to tame the wild curls on his cute beast, but they kept spring back to their odd angle.
Blaine takes a moment to let then news sink in, and when he's finally sure he's awake, he uncovers himself and flops himself on Kurt, smothering him with his naked body and a gazillion kisses all over his face. Kurt screams and tries to push him away, but the more he tries, the more Blaine kisses him.
"What changed your mind?" Blaine asks as he recovers from his kissing fit.
"It's kind of silly actually," Kurt admits while he catches his breath.
"Tell me," Blaine insists with his big puppy eyes.
"Okay…I was running down the same path, you know the one that passes by the carousel."
"Yeah, you're obsessed with that path…"
"Hey, I like the carrousel, okay?"
"Yeah, if you were a ten-year-old." Kurt smacks Blaine on the shoulder.
"Ow!" Blaine pouts. "Anyway..."
"Anyway, I usually bump into the same people on certain days, and on Saturdays I always bump into The Golden Forties."
"The Golden Forties?" Blaine frowns as he crosses his arms over Kurt's chest and props his chin over his wrists.
"Just a blonde couple in their mid-forties," Kurt explains and Blaine hums his agreement, as if the nickname totally made sense. "And like always, whenever we pass by each other, we acknowledge each other with a cordial nod and smile. And then it hit me. The same thing happens every time we meet for those two short seconds, and I realize that it never goes further than that."
"I don't get it," Blaine asks as he brushes Kurt’s shower-damp hair to the side so he can see his husband’s full expressions clearly. "What does that have to do with the show?"
"I have been seeing these couple every Saturday for the last five years and I know nothing about them. How they met, if they struggled like we did to find love, or if they were just high school sweethearts. So many people live out entire lives that we know nothing about."
Blaine's playfulness fades into an understanding smile as he watches his husband retell his deep discovery. He always loves those moments, when Kurt gets caught up with the philosophy of life. It reminds him of the eighteen-year-old Kurt, so fresh out of high school and new to real life.
"And here I am with a chance to tell our story to the world, and for it to resonate through generations, and what do I do? I panic because I'm worried about our privacy."
"Wow," Blaine says, truly awed by Kurt's conclusion.
"I know…" Kurt agrees. "It's deep."
"It is." Blaine's grin returns. "Who knew I was married to a philosopher?" he teases.
"Blaine! I'm trying to be serious here," Kurt reprimands his husband, but couldn't help laughing along with him.
"I know, I know," Blaine's smile softens and he catches Kurt's lips into a deep kiss. "So that is a definite yes?"
"Yes," Kurt agrees and it was his turn to smother Blaine with his naked body.
Sure we had our ups and downs, and a few hours where I thought our marriage had come to an end, but it was all worth it and if I had to, I would do it all over again. Except for the time where I almost got punched by a football player.
Only Yesterday - The Carpenters