Calling For Love
Rehearsal Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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March 9, 2014, 7 p.m.

Calling For Love: Rehearsal

T - Words: 2,133 - Last Updated: Mar 09, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Sep 22, 2013 - Updated: Sep 22, 2013
131 0 0 0 0

Kurt's plan worked out well. When he entered the room for their rehearsals, James was just beginning to tell people about their plan for today.

He spotted Blaine immediately, sitting next to a girl with blue streaks in her hair, who kind of reminded him of freshman Tina. As if Blaine had felt Kurt's eyes on him, he looked up when Kurt sat down in one of the chairs in the back. He smiled a broad sunny smile and gave a little wink. Kurt blushed and looked down. What was wrong with him?

When he looked back up, Blaine was facing the front but he looked a little troubled. James was introducing the different staff members; Kalinda the costume designer, Johnny, who was responsible for the lighting and everything electronic and Tim, screen writer and scenic designer. Then he went into great detail about his own responsibilities as the director and into an even longer spiel about how everyone would have to carry some of the weight to make this play happen.

"We have 9 weeks. That should be enough time for us to get this thing done. Our leads, Kurt and Blaine, will have extra rehearsals the first couple of weeks, since there a quite some scenes where it's only the two of you. You are also the only ones singing solos. I hope you're prepared to spend 5-7 hours a week with us. We will have so much fun."

While Kurt was known for being a sarcastic bitch, he couldn't find any satisfaction in James' bitching. Everyone here was exited for the play but James seemed to simply find it a burden to direct them. Kurt already knew that before the 9 weeks were over, he and James would have at least one to one billion bitch fights.

"Now, since most of us here don't know each other, why don't you all introduce yourselves, give us your name and who you will be playing, how else you might be helpful to us and something interesting about you so that I'm not bored after the first two introductions. You, tiger striped girl, you can start."

He pointed to a shy looking girl at the other end of the room and slumped down onto a chair, pretending to be bored already. Kurt rolled his eyes and looked at the girl, who seemed put on the spot.

Kurt felt bad for her but couldn't help and hope that she was only part of the chorus.

While each of the students was introducing themselves, Kurt thought of something interesting he could tell them. My first kiss was with one of my bullies? I knew Blaine already from this sex call I made?

He also couldn't help but imagine what Blaine was going to tell them. Was he going to share his little job on the side? Kurt began to fidget in his chair, not even trying to listen to the people telling their names. He wouldn't remember anyways.

"My name is Hailey and I'll be playing Andrea, George's best friend." Kurt looked up at that and smiled at the blue-streaks girl. She was scanning the room and when her eyes landed on Kurt, she smiled back brightly. "I'm pretty good with photoshop and stuff, so I might be helpful with the marketing of the play, invitations, poster design and such. And something interesting about me... I don't know, I guess the most interesting thing I have to offer is my boy toy here."

She nudged Blaine in the side and grinned even more while he was rolling his eyes at here, holding his side like she had hurt him.

He then looked up and smiled so enthusiastically at everyone in the room that Kurt was sure he would start jumping up and down in excitement any moment now.

"My name is Blaine and I will be playing Max." He also looked at Kurt and smiled in a manner that Kurt could only identify as shy, before continuing, "I guess I could help with composing, I was in an a cappella choir in high school and we did most of our compositions ourselves, since stuff like Katy Perry's Teenage Dream needs new arrangements to be sung in 8 part harmony. So I might help with that."

Kurt felt his entire blood freeze. Blaine was seriously making a reference to this song. And he had looked straight at him. It wasn't a coincidence. What the actual fuck? What was his angle?

"Um, something interesting about me. I don't know, I can only think of embarrassing stuff. I once serenaded a guy in a GAP store?"

Everyone laughed and Blaine smiled bashfully, looking down in his lap. "Did you get the guy?" one of the girls from the chorus asked. Blaine smiled at her.

"As luck would have it, he wasn't really amused. Or- wooed. He wasn't out there and he didn't like me like that and to top it off, I got him fired with my little serenade."

When everyone continued to laugh at him he rolled his eyes good naturedly. "Yes, yes, it was humiliating. My choir was nice enough to remind me of that for months. And no, Maria, I'm still not shopping at the GAP if I don't have to."

He winked at the chorus girl and Kurt wasn't even surprised that he already remembered her name. Blaine was exactly the kind of guy who could charm an entire room in minutes.

Kurt sighed and looked at James, who was smiling before he remembered himself and cleared his throat.

"As amazing as it is to hear about you making an ass of yourself, let's continue."

And that was actually the nicest Kurt had ever seen James be. Apparently, even James wasn't immune to Blaine's charm.

Time passed fairly fast after that and before he knew it, it was Kurt's turn. Since he had been the last to arrive, he was also the last to introduce himself. Everyone was looking disinterestedly at their phones or at the clock on the wall, hoping the rehearsal would come to an end already. Kurt would never say so but he agreed and decided to make it quick.

The only ones still listening at this point were Blaine and Hailey.

"My name is Kurt and I'll be playing George. My minor is costume design so I will be able to help you, Kalinda. For a few months this year, I was living with a gigolo until one of my other roommates flew my step brother in, pretended to be a customer and then had my brother beat the guy up."

He smiled a crooked little smile at the confused looks he got at that.

James clapped his hands.                                                                                                          

"Gigolos aside, I think it's time we call it a night. Don't forget that we're meeting tomorrow night at Callbacks. I expect to see all of you there. We have written down your additional talents so expect another email in the coming days where we beg you to help us out with stuff. Have a good night and see you tomorrow."

Everyone started talking at the dismissal and began to stand up and clear the room.

Kurt grabbed his bag and made a beeline for the door, cursing under his breath when he heard a distinctive voice call his name. A few seconds later, a hand was grabbing his elbow and Blaine appeared next to him, struggling to keep up with Kurt's pace.

"Hey, Kurt, wow, ok, you're really fast, do you have to be somewhere?" he was still walking alongside Kurt and he was still holding onto Kurt's elbow.

Abruptly, Kurt stopped. "Blaine. Sorry. My roommates are expecting me, celebratory dinner, you know? I have to leave but I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

With that, he inconspicuously pulled his elbow away from Blaine's grip and gave him a strained smile. Blaine frowned at him.

"I just- shouldn't we talk? You know, about-"

Kurt looked around, anxious that anyone was listening to their conversation.

"No. I don't want to talk about it. What I would really like to do is forget it ever happened. Don't worry, I won't tell people how you make your money, if that's what you're worried about."

Blaine seemed honestly confused by that. "How I make my-", it seemed to dawn on him what Kurt had implied and he shook his head back and forth like a wet dog, looking at Kurt with his huge eyes. No way in hell was he not using any mascara to make his eyelashes look like that.

"No. No, that's not how I make my money", he looked around now, too, gripping Kurt's forearm and looking earnestly up at him. "I just thought- or better, my brother thought that it might help with the part, you know? To get some experience, to know what I have to portray? It was stupid, I nearly never listen to my brother but I was so nervous that they had chosen me, I'm only a freshman. And then suddenly my brother had talked to some people and I was allowed to take a couple of calls and it- helped. But after you", they were both blushing bright red at this point, "I had a call from this creepy guy and he asked all this creepy stuff and wanted me to tell him all this other really, really terrible stuff, so I hung up on him and called my brother and stopped the experiment. It was a stupid idea anyways. But- well, it helped, you know? To feel more comfortable talking about sex and stuff. And talking to you was-"

"Oh god, why can't we ignore that that happened?" Kurt interrupted, unwilling to listen to whatever Blaine had thought of him. "I just- I mean, I called for the exact same reasons, to prepare for my audition."

He was lobster red by now; he might as well be a lobster now for all he knew. He would probably prefer to be a lobster if it meant that he would not have to deal with this. If lobsters didn't die terrible deaths in boiling water, suffering excruciating pain. But it couldn't be worse than this, could it?

Blaine took a deep breath and looked straight at Kurt.

"Well. It helped. You nailed the audition. And the whole thing was really hot. So, don't worry."

As if the hotness was what he was worried about. Not the fact that he had jerked himself off to Blaine's voice. And why, why was he thinking about that now?

"Right. Ok. So, can we just forget the whole thing?" Kurt knew he was begging by now, but he couldn't bring himself to care. If there was a way to undo all of this, he would do it in a heartbeat.

Blaine smiled at him reassuringly. "Sure. It's forgotten. Well, not forgotten. You don't forget something like that. But, you know, I won't mention it again. If it makes you uncomfortable."

Kurt rolled his eyes at Blaine. "What about this could be uncomfortable for me?" he asked drily. Blaine laughed and looked down at his shoes, bashful once more. How this was the same boy who had told him to lick his hand and stroke his cock, Kurt couldn't really fathom.

"Would you.. maybe like to grab a cup of coffee with me sometime?"

Blaine looked up at him again, through his stupid eyelashes and with his stupid earnest eyes and smile and face.

Kurt tried to breathe even breaths. In, out. In, out.

"Are you asking me out?"

Blaine shuffled around then rolled his eyes at himself and nodded.

"Yes. Yes, I am. I just. Would like to get to know you a little better. If you're not comfortable with that, it doesn't have to be a date. But I think we will have to spend so much time together in the coming weeks that it would be better if we could stand on a stage together without it being awkward."

And ouch. Had Blaine just asked him out to avoid having bad stage chemistry? Kurt bristled and raised his head a bit more. He wasn't that desperate for a date.

"I think we'll be fine. We talked about it, we decided never to talk about it again and I can be professional if you can. And if you think about it, the whole call was kind of a rehearsal, so it's not even that embarrassing."

Blaine looked surprised at his icy tone.

"So.. that's a "no" to the coffee then?" he asked again.

Kurt shrugged. "Since we won't have a problem on stage, I don't see the point", he answered and felt only marginally bad at Blaine's crestfallen expression.

"Right", he muttered, looking down again, "what would be the point."

He laughed a soft little laugh, shook his head and smiled at Kurt again.

"Well, I hope you have a great evening with your roommates. I guess I'll see you tomorrow night. Bye."

And with that he was gone, hurrying down the hall without glancing back once.

Kurt stood still, confused at this strange end to their very bizarre encounter.


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