Calling For Love
Bar Celona Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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March 9, 2014, 7 p.m.

Calling For Love: Bar Celona

T - Words: 2,392 - Last Updated: Mar 09, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Sep 22, 2013 - Updated: Sep 22, 2013
134 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I am so sorry. For some reason, Scarvesandcoffee slipped my mind and I forgot to update here. This story is complete. I will update it once a day. There are 13 Chapters in total. 

Thank you for reading (and for those who started reading when I originally posted this story: I am so sorry.)

I should also probably warn for something in this chapter. There's Adam in this chapter. Which I know some of you don't like. But. He's really not there to cause trouble. There's no Kadam in this story. But- past-Kadam. Mentioned. As I already did in Chapter 1.



Sorry if you wanted to be warned in advance (though this is still in advance, because you could just not read the chapter ;) )

The next few weeks passed quickly. Things were finally looking up for Kurt. Isabelle had loved his latest ideas about the fall fashion column and better yet, she had given Kurt creative freedom to do with the section as he saw fit. So not only were his little pieces published on, he had a press pass and could go gallivanting around New York mostly for free. It was heaven.

His classes were also so much better now that he could finally have some electives and his professor had declared him his star-student in his costume design class. He was still preening when he thought about it, even though he was now kind of hated by his fellow students. Nothing he hadn’t had to deal with before.

And lastly, rehearsals were finally coming together. The beginning had been a mess, making Kurt regret deciding to audition for a student-led play in the first place. But by now, he and Kalinda were nearly finished with all the adjustments of the costumes they had stolen/borrowed from other departments and bought in cheap charity shops; the props were coming along nicely and Hailey had done such a good job of promoting the play that there was already a buzz going around school with opening night only two weeks away.

And Kurt was just so happy with the way everyone had come together with minimal bitching. By now, everyone finally knew their lines and James only had an anger fit about once or twice per rehearsal. Improvement.

Also, Blaine and Hailey were just a delight. Kurt was so so glad that he got over his initial awkwardness and became friends with them. They were hilarious together; mostly because Hailey was picking on Blaine whenever she could and Kurt was enjoying the spectacle.

And Blaine. Blaine was just so kind. Helping whenever he could, he was always there, painting props, dividing fabrics for Kurt and Kalinda, running lines with those who were still sometimes messing up. And he was always in such a good mood. If Kurt hadn’t seen him drunk once he would have thought that Blaine was constantly on something.

Maybe it was the coffee. Blaine nearly always had a cup with him; or better yet three of four, bringing some along for Kurt and Hailey and James and whoever was having a bad day.

While he was adjusting his shoulder strap for the final scene, Kurt looked around at the bustling and rustling and he just loved this life. He caught Blaine’s eye across the room and shot him a smile only to receive an eye roll and a wink back. Blaine was talking to James, calming him down after he had yelled at one of the freshman girls of the ensemble. Kurt’s heart squeezed uncomfortably as if Blaine was squeezing it instead of James’ shoulder, talking quietly and intently to him and laughing at whatever James’ was saying.

Averting his eyes back to his outfit, he breathed in deeply. He loved his life. His life was good. Great. Who would have thought he would find friends in this cast? He sure hadn’t. So he should be grateful instead of always, always wishing for more.

He was startled out of his thoughts by a hand adjusting his shoulder strap once more.

“You look good. I love what you’ve done to David’s outfits.”

Kurt blushed at the compliment and swatted Blaine’s hand away. “It was supposed to sit that way, Blaine. You think we’re gonna go home anytime soon? Or will James keep us captive until opening night?”

Blaine grinned, nonplussed at the way Kurt was looking sternly at him, re-adjusting his outfit again. He had gotten used to Kurt way too quickly for comfort.

“James just wants everything to go perfectly. Which it will. I’m sure he’ll let us out after we’ve nailed this scene.”

He winked again and went over to the costume department, which, in reality, was more of a storage room with a few hangers.

Kurt tried to ignore how he felt whenever Blaine defended James’ bitchiness.


Rehearsal ended an hour later, finally. It was already dark outside; fall had finally come upon New York. Kurt shivered and pulled his scarf tighter around his neck.

“We’re going to meet up with Wes at Bar Celona. You want to come with us for one last drink? Try and forget about the terror that is our director?”

An arm was already tucked around him and Kurt smiled down to the side at Hailey, shrugging. “Sure. It’s not like I had anything planned for tonight.”

Hailey laughed and dragged him forward. “That’s the spirit. Enanito, are you coming?”

Blaine pushed at her shoulder, buttoning up his nice navy coat with his free hand. “I hate that you take Spanish now. I know that was an insult.”

Hailey and Kurt only laughed, walking down the brightly lit streets of New York, the scent of cold air, car fumes and Indian food in the air.


It had taken some getting used to seeing Hailey and Wes together. Who was Kurt kidding; it had taken some getting used to Wes.

He was so different from what Kurt would have pictured as Blaine’s best friend and Hailey’s boyfriend. They were both so happy and open and funny and Wes was- well, Kurt wasn’t sure. He wasn’t sure if Wes liked him. Most of the time he was just quietly observing his girlfriend and best friend and Kurt entertain them. Kurt was always a bit uncomfortable around him. He didn’t like being observed.

But Kurt didn’t really know him. They had only met twice; once for coffee and once at a karaoke bar.

It was cosy in the bar. The music was a bit too loud and the lights a bit too low, but the company was excellent as always; Blaine pressed up against his side on one side of the table with Hailey and Wes on the other side. They were telling Wes about the horror that were the last rehearsals and Wes was listening, quirking a smile here and there. More than once Kurt could feel his eyes on him, but he wasn’t sure what it was about.

Kurt was playing with the straw of his un-alcoholic Sangria, listening to Hailey tease Blaine about a step he messed up during their last rehearsal.

“I was momentarily distracted. Don’t tell me it never happens to you”, Blaine defended himself, but Kurt could hear from the smile in his voice that he wasn’t taking it personally.

“I know I do, but unlike you, I get screamed at by James for about 10 minutes after I do. You, on the other hand, could never do wrong in his eyes.”

She was still teasing but Kurt tensed up, feeling Blaine going tense beside him as well.

“Shut up”, he murmured, and when Kurt glanced to the side, he saw a faint blush on his cheeks.

“If you weren’t so talented I would bet all my money that you slept with him to get the role. Or, you know, if you weren’t so talented, that way you could have gotten it regardless.”

Blaine spluttered into his glass but didn’t offer a reply.

Kurt was wrecking his brain to change the topic to anything else when he heard someone exclaim “Kurt!” just to his left side.

The grin came to his face before he could stop it and a second later he was pulled out of his seat and into strong arms.

“Adam! Hi!”

His happy greeting was mostly muffled as Kurt’s mouth was pressed to the side of Adam’s head.

When they let go of each other, they were both grinning stupidly at each other.

“I want to hear all about your busy life and successful play and everything, but would you mind helping me out first?”

Kurt looked Adam up and down, still happily beaming and nodded without even thinking about it. “Sure”

He heard someone exclaim “Adam” behind him, saw Adam’s grimace and then he felt warm soft familiar lips on his.

Without thinking about it, his hand flew up to the side of Adam’s face, cradling his strong jaw and oh, kissing felt nice. He missed kissing. Why had they stopped doing that, for god’s sake?

Adam’s hand was on his neck, carding through the part of his hair that was not styled to perfection. And then it was over. Adam was still close to him, his face just in front of his, his eyes pleading, and the he squeezed his neck and his arm where his hands were still holding onto him before he turned around.

“Jon, hey there. Have you met Kurt yet?”

Behind Adam, a tall, dark-haired, good-looking man in his mid-twenties scowled at Kurt. Finally catching on, Kurt wrapped his arm around Adam’s nice, oh so nice, middle, smiling his best bitch-please smile at the man.

“Pleasure to meet you”, he said sweetly. Next to him he heard Adam chuckle lowly.

“Same here”, the guy replied. He looked hesitant for a moment before rolling his eyes. “Well. I think I’ll look for some company that’s actually allowed to drink. Adam, if you want to have some real fun instead of baby-sitting, give me a call.”

And with that he was gone, the crowd of the bar swallowing him.

Adam sagged against Kurt’s side, laughing out loud, his relief palpable.

“Oh my god, Kurt, you are a godsend. This guy was very, um, persistent. And you know I can’t deal with that.”

Kurt shook his head in amusement and untangled himself from Adam. “That’s because you are too polite for your own good”, he scolded, but there was a fondness in his voice he didn’t even try to hide.

Adam shrugged, unable to contradict him.

He looked Kurt up and down and Kurt raised an eyebrow at him.

“What? I’m not allowed to check you out?” Adam asked when he saw Kurt’s look.
“You look good. Really good. How are you? I haven’t seen you in weeks. I just really hope the play and Vogue is keeping you as busy as you say and that you aren’t avoiding me, sweet pie.”

Kurt rolled his eyes and tugged at Adam’s arm in admonishment. “I’m not avoiding you. I am busy. I’m just here for a post-rehearsal-from-hell-drink. And ugh, I have no manners; let me introduce you to my friends.”
Kurt turned back to the table; he had completely forgotten about them, swept up in the joy of seeing Adam again and in the drama of the moment.

Everyone at the table was looking at him with wide eyes and Kurt blushed. Right. He had just kissed Adam.

“Everyone, this is Adam. He graduated from NYADA last summer. Adam, these are Hailey and her boyfriend Wes and Blaine. Blaine and Hailey are in the play with me.”

Adam gave a short sheepish wave to everyone sitting on the table. “Hi there. Sorry for taking him from you for a moment. I just needed some serious help back there. Um. Sorry. Nice to meet you all. Kurt talks about how much fun the play is all the time.”

Wes was the first to recover and nodded at Adam. “Good to meet you, too. And no problem. Would you like to have a seat?”

Adam shook his head before Wes had even finished his question.

“That’s really nice but I don’t want to intrude. And I have my own rehearsals early tomorrow so I’ll be going home. But I’m sure I’ll see you again sometime; at opening night at the latest.”

He turned to Kurt, pulling him into a hug.
“It was good to see you, sweet pie. Take care of yourself. Don’t work too hard. Call me. We haven’t watched Northanger Abbey in forever.”

Kurt nodded against him, taking in the familiar Adam-smell and tightening his grip on Adam’s shoulders before taking a step back.
“You take care of yourself. I’m not always around to save you. And I’ll call you sometime next week. I promise. Once the play is over I’ll have more time for TV marathons.”

They smiled at each other for a moment longer before Adam gave the table a little wave and weaved his way through the crowd.

Kurt watched him go before taking his seat next to Blaine again, smiling happily and taking a sip from his drink. It took him a minute to realize that no one had said a word since he had sat down and he looked up, seeing Wes watching him with an inscrutable expression while Hailey was just raising an eyebrow at him.


Hailey rolled her eyes. “You can’t be serious, Kurt. Who was the hunk you were just sucking face with?”

Kurt blushed and fidgeted in his seat, brushing against Blaine’s thigh in the process.

“He’s.. my ex-boyfriend. But we stayed friends. He’s one of my closest friends here in New York, actually.”

Hailey just looked at him sceptically. “Friends with benefits, maybe?”

Kurt blushed even more, rolling his eyes to gloss over the fact that what she might think about him and Adam made him uncomfortable.

“No. Friends. Friends who care about each other and help each other out. Adam is just.. He’s not good with telling people no. That’s why I helped him out there just now.”

Hailey stared at him some more and he looked straight back. Finally, she quirked a smile and nodded. “I know one of those”, she said lightly and apparently kicked Blaine on the shin under the table if his exaggerated “ouch” was any indication.

“You might have to rescue him from James one of these days.”

Her grin was suggestive and Kurt hated her, just a little bit.




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