Dec. 27, 2012, 5:59 p.m.
Dec. 27, 2012, 5:59 p.m.
“Congratulations New Directions……on your first ever loss at sectionals. You all are now even more pathetic than before. Now if you all will excuse my child is fussy” Sue walked out of the room and it went silent.
“So, that’s it then?! Glee is over?!” Brittany looked even more lost than usual; Sam grabbed her and held her close as her sobs started taking over. Kurt looked around the room at all of the sad eyes. The girl who passed out was on the verge of sobs and she kept saying that she was sorry over and over. Kurt looked all around the room for Blaine, but somehow he had managed to escape.
He walked down the deserted hallways looking for the small boy. Finally he saw that the door leading to the quad’s staircase had been left open, he smiled knowing that Blaine had done this. Kurt walked out side and was greeted by a blast of cool wintery air. He was glad that he didn’t have to go far to find Blaine; he was just standing at the small balcony looking out at the empty courtyard.
“Do you remember that day I came here to help you confront Karofsky?” Blaine finally spoke up
“Yes, how could I forget, even though he threatened you. You remained strong and never faltered.”
“That was also the day that I realized that your were the only guy for me.” Blaine looked over at Kurt with sad eyes.
“What about the GAP Guy?” Kurt said it with a smile, but he still remembered that day very well, along with the overwhelming jealousy that came with it.
“Ah yes, Jeremiah. That was just bad planning on my part. I was over him mostly. I still don’t know why I did….” Kurt’s warm lips on his cut off Blaine.
“Your rambling. Why are you out here?” Kurt looked into his eyes as he rested his forehead on Blaine’s.
“I couldn’t be in that room. The depression was over whelming. And I just needed some air.” Kurt looked at him and took a deep breath.
“So, what’s your decision gonna be then?” Kurt held his breath and waited for Blaine’s reply.
“Glee is over. There really isn’t anything here to hold me in Lima. I mean my parents still live here, but they want me to be happy. So, shall we talk to your dad about this tonight?”
“So, New York after Christmas?”
“New York after Christmas!” Blaine leaned in and captured Kurt’s lip in a small and quick kiss before going back inside to get his coat and school bag.
Kurt pulled into the drive way with Blaine pulling in right behind him.
“I don’t know about this anymore Kurt. I mean…I know you told me the other day that your father wasn’t mad about what happened and wants us to be ok and happy and all. But we never mentioned me possibly moving in with you!” Kurt could tell that Blaine’s mind was racing.
“Hey, shush!” Kurt grabbed Blaine face in his hands and locked eyes with him. “I am 19 years old and you are almost 19 as well. It’s Rachel and mine’s apartment that WE pay rent on. Not him. There isn’t much he can say.”
“What if he disowns you?” Blaine said it so quietly that Kurt almost didn’t hear it.
“He won’t. I’m all he’s got left. Yes he has Finn and Carole, but I’m the only thing left of mom. After she died he got rid of just about all of her stuff except some of the things I hid. But that’s another story for another time. Now, lets get inside and get warm.” Blaine’s eyes shot up to his hairline with that statement. “Not what I meant Blaine, like some hot cocoa or something. Besides, my parents are home and we are starting back at square one in this relationship.” Kurt smarted off in his usual sass.
While Blaine had been thinking of something other than cocoa his brain hadn’t really thought about the intimate part of their relationship. “No, cocoa is fine, I wasn’t thinking about doing other things I swear!”
“Blaine, it’s fine. Now lets get this over with!” Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand and pulled him into the house.
“Hey guys, We’re back!” Kurt stopped in the hallway to take off his and Blaine’s coats.
“We’re? Who’s with you kiddo…Ah hey Blaine.” Burt looked at them over the back of the couch.
“Hello Mr. Hummel.”
“I’ve told you a thousand times, its Burt.” Burt pulled him self up from the couch to go get some coffee in the kitchen.
Kurt pulled Blaine into the kitchen with him; he motioned for Blaine to sit down at the table while he made the hot cocoa. Once he had both cups made and sitting in front of them Kurt asked Burt to come sit down at the table with them so that they could talk.
“What’s up kiddo?” Burt sipped at his coffee and looked at he two boys sitting in front of him. Kurt looked confident, while Blaine looked nervous.
“As you and Carole probably know by now, the New Directions year is over.”
“Yea, your brother came home earlier and told us, sorry kiddo.” He looked over at Blaine.
“Oh, it’s fine sir, I uh have other plans. Plans that hopefully you’ll approve of.”
“Go on.” Burt encouraged. He looked neither pleased nor pissed.
“Well, I was presented with the offer to graduate early. I had told Kurt that if we lost sectionals that I would go ahead and graduate early. And…” Blaine faltered, he couldn’t keep going.
“And?” Burt looked over at Blaine, then finally at Kurt.
“And he wants to know if he could move in with me after Christmas.” Kurt finished and the whole kitchen went quiet.
“Absolutely not. Under no circumstances. You’re too young for one thing, and you two just got back together!” Burt exploded.
“Dad! I am 19 years old and Blaine is almost 19 as well, and if you recall I pay the rent on the apartment!” Kurt threw more sass into the sentence than was necessary but his father wasn’t listening to reason.
“Yes I do recall, and I can do with out your attitude! I just think that you two are too young to be moving in together!” Burt shot right back.
“Yet you and Carole were going to let Finn and Rachel move in together when they were engaged?!” Kurt exploded. Blaine looked and felt uncomfortable about this whole situation. Carole came into the kitchen after hearing Kurt’s last statement. She stood silently at the door watching the scene unfold before them.
Burt sighed. “I can’t win can I?”
Carole stepped in at this moment. “Burt, honey what is this really about? Kurt is a mature and responsible adult, and Blaine will be done with high school in a month. It’s not like he’ll be sitting at the apartment waiting idly for Kurt to get home. I’m sure he AND his parents have talked about him getting a job once he gets there. Right Blaine” She winked at him. That seemed to wake Blaine from his trance of watching father and son duke it out.
“Uh…Um yes that’s true! I’ve been looking into different small shops, bookstores, etc. My parents only agreed to let me move up there if I could find a job. And if you were ok with it Burt.” Blaine finished quietly, looking into his cup of cooling cocoa.
“I just don’t think that now is the right time.” Burt mumbled quietly.
“I never said I was taking him home with me Saturday! He still has school! It wouldn’t be until after New Years! I just thought that it would be a good idea to let you know that he was going to possibly move in with me!” Kurt lamented tiredly.
“I know Kurt….”Burt was cut off by Carole’s look.
“Well talk about this later. I’m sure that Blaine’s had a rough day; what with losing sectionals and now this. Why don’t you two go watch a movie while Burt and I discuss this further.
“I, fine…come on Blaine.” Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand and together they walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to Kurt’s room.
“What am I going to do with him?” Burt signed and dropped his face into his hands. He didn’t know why he fought so hard against the idea of Kurt and Blaine living together. He knew it was going to happen eventually. He just didn’t think it was going to happen so soon, especially since they had broken things off.
“There isn’t much to do dear. Kurt’s a grown man now, and as much as that may upset you its time to let him spread his wings and be the grown man you’ve always wanted him to be.” Burt just stared at her like she had grown an extra head. “Look at it this way. When Finn told me in May before Rachel left that he was running away to the Army I was floored! Sure I wanted to stop him, but if I did I knew he would resent me for the rest of his life for not letting him figure things out on his own. I think that this is what you need to do for Kurt.”
“I let him go to New York, and live with Rachel in crappy studio apartment on the east side. Isn’t that enough?!” Carole laughed and shook her head while grabbing Burt’s hand.
“No dear, that was just the beginning.”
“Aww hell, we’re really gonna let him do this?”
“I think we should, or he could end up resenting us for it later, or sneaking behind our backs and doing it. Perhaps you should call cooper and get his feel for it.”
“Yea. I guess I should.”
Kurt and Blaine were lying on Kurt’s bed watching a movie on TV. Well Kurt was still awake, Blaine was lying on his chest asleep while Kurt toyed with his escaping curls. This was one of the many things that Kurt missed. Movie nights with Blaine, the ones where Blaine usually ended up falling asleep on Kurt’s chest and Kurt got to play with the soft and springy curls on Blaine’s head.
The movie had just ended when Blaine woke up. “Sorry, didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.” Blaine’s voice was still thick with sleep.
“It’s fine, I’ve missed it.” Kurt smiled shyly, and just as they were about to kiss Carole knocked on the door.”
“Blaine, Cooper called, he wants to know when your coming home.” Carole smiled slightly knowing that she probably stopped a kiss.
“Ok, I’ll call him real quick.” Blaine untangled him self from Kurt’s lap and stepped into the small bathroom attached to Kurt’s room. Carole used this moment to talk with Kurt.
“So, your father and I talked it over, and we both agreed to let Blaine move in with you after Christmas.” Carole smiled down at Kurt.
“I, thank you. But what changed his mind?”
“I told him about how I felt last year when Finn left, and mentioned that he needs to let you make your own mistakes and be an adult.” Carole smiled lovingly at Kurt. He smiled back at her as she stood up to leave. “Come and talk to your father and I after he leaves ok?”
Kurt nodded and watched her back out of the room. Blaine stepped out of the bathroom a moment later. “So, I need to be heading home. Do you want to do something maybe tomorrow? Since your leaving Saturday?”
“Yes. Perhaps some late night shopping? Or dinner and a movie?” Kurt walked over to Blaine and grabbed his hand. After hugging each other for what seamed like the longest time ever they broke apart and headed back down the stairs. At the front door Kurt helped Blaine back into his coat before walking him out to his car. Once Blaine’s car was out of sight Kurt went back inside to face his father.
Once Kurt was seated once more at the table Burt started talking. “So, Carole and I have discussed it, and we called Cooper. We have agreed that it is your apartment, so therefore Blaine can move in with you. But he has to be employed within the first month or the deals off!”
Kurt looked at his father incredulously before speaking “Dad, that really isn’t fair…you know that it took me a month and a half to land this job. Look, I know that this doesn’t make you happy, but Blaine is a good guy. And I believe in him finding a job. If all else fails I’ll see about him getting my job at vogue if I get accepted into NYADA.” After that the conversation became light and easy. Before going to bed Kurt apologized to his father for the way he acted earlier. Burt for the most part just brushed it off.
****December 17, 2012****
Blaine pulled out his phone and typed out a quick text to Rachel, “Hey Rachel! When are you going on your cruise?” He hit send then waited anxiously for her response.
“I’m leaving in an hour to meet dads at the terminal. Why?”
Blaine smiled to himself, his plan might actually work.
“Excellent! Ok, this is strictly between you and I, but after glee today I’m hoping on a plane and heading up there to surprise Kurt. I felt bad that I wasn’t there for his second NYADA audition, and I’m done with school so I thought it might be nice to visit and get the lay of the land. However I don’t have a key, so could you possibly leave yours under the mat or something?”
Rachel shot back a reply not even a moment later. “Oh Blaine, that’s so romantic, Yes ill leave the key to the house and mail box under the mat! I’ll see you after Christmas. Happy Holiday!”
“You too Rachel!”
Blaine smiled to himself as he walked into the choir room for the last ever glee rehearsal of the year, and his last ever as well. Blaine sat there as Finn and Mr. Schuester droned on about how for everyone this wasn’t the end, until they came face to face with Blaine. They both stopped talking and nodded for Blaine to take over.
“I’m sure by now you have probably all heard the rumors.” Everybody just stared at him with shocked silence. “Well, I can finally say that they are all true. Today is my last day at McKinley.”
Joe was the first person to speak up. “So does this mean that you’re going back to the warblers since they won?”
Blaine chuckled softly. “No, I was presented with the chance to graduate early. Due to some past events that id rather not go into I’m six credits ahead of every senior here. So instead of me staying her for another five months, I’m moving to New York. I’ve prepared a song that fits well with current events that have to deal with this club.”
You can go
You can start all over again
You can try to find a way to make another day go by
You can hide
Hold all your feelings inside
You can try to carry on when all you want to do is cry
And maybe someday
We'll figure all this out
Try to put an end to all our doubt
Try to find a way to make things better now and
Maybe someday we'll live our lives out loud
We'll be better off somehow
Now wait
And try to find another mistake
If you throw it all away then maybe you can change your mind
You can run, oh
And when everything is over and done
You can shine a little light on everything around you
Man it's good to be someone
And I don't want to wait
I just want to know
I just want to hear you tell me so
Give it to me straight
Tell it to me slow
Cause maybe someday
We'll figure all this out
We'll put an end to all our doubt
Try to find a way to just feel better now and
Maybe someday we'll live our lives out loud
We'll be better off somehow
Cause sometimes we don't really notice
Just how good it can get
So maybe we should start all over
Start all over again
Cause sometimes we don't really notice
Just how good it can get
So maybe we should start all over
Start all over again
The song finished softly and everybody in the room gave him a standing ovation and they then bombarded him with a massive group hug. He tearfully thanked them for an amazing year and a half before saying that he had a plane to catch. As he walked out of the school for the last time his eyes fell on certain spots in the hallways were he and Kurt had shared little private moments. He smiled brightly then walked out to his car.
He backed out of the parking spot slowly then headed towards the airport without even looking back. Once at the airport he parked his car in a weekly parking lot, grabbed his duffle bag and his carry on backpack and headed into the terminal to wait for his flight. Once he was on board he sat and waited for the plane to start taxing down the runway before take off.
Finally after nearly two-hour flight Blaine was landing in New York, once he was safely off the plane and waiting for his bag he sent Kurt a quick text. “HEY! Guess who’s done with school finally! What time will you be off work? That way ill be done with dinner and can be ready for our nightly Skype date!”
Kurt shot back a quick text not even a minute later. “Yay! I’m so proud of you! Uhm, I’m not sure. Hopefully not too much longer, maybe around five or six. Isabella has been in and out of HR all day. She keeps telling me nothing is wrong but still, it has me slightly worried. Ill text you when I leave ok?”
Blaine smiled and hailed a cab, he told the cabby to let him out at the small grocery store near the apartment. Once there Blaine grabbed some fresh chicken from the butcher, a box of noodles, can of sauce, and some cheese. Blaine knew that Kurt wouldn’t object to the dish that Blaine’s mother first made when Kurt first came over for dinner after they started dating. The dish in question? None other than Maria Andersons Chicken Parmesan. He knew that it was one of Kurt’s favorite so this was going to be one surprise that Kurt wouldn’t soon forget!
An hour later Blaine was jamming to some of Kurt and Rachel’s music while cooking dinner. Kurt had just sent him a text saying that he was had just left work. Blaine was smiling like a kid at Christmas. He knew that this plan was going to rock Kurt’s socks off, and the fact that Kurt received a rather thick envelope in the mail from NYADA.
********Later that evening*********
Kurt walked sluggishly towards his front door. He was so mentally worn out; today had to of been the longest day he had had at Vogue.com. But thankfully it was going to end up paying off in the long run for him and Blaine. ‘Blaine, shit! We were supposed to Skype tonight. Hopefully he’ll understand the type of day I’ve had. I just feel bad that I’m the one who has to tell him we can’t Skype. I don’t need him freaking out again.’ Kurt’s mental dilemma put him in autopilot, pretty much to the extent that he didn’t realize what was going on until he said, “Hey Blaine, I’m home.” He then walked into his bedroom and started changing into some lounge pants and a light weight t-shirt. He was about halfway through changing when his brain finally caught up with him. He ran out of the bedroom lounge pants in hand and skidded to a stop in the kitchen. “Blaine?! But how?! When?!”
Blaine chuckled a little before speaking. “Well, I knew that you weren’t coming home until Friday, then leaving again on Wednesday, so I wanted to be able to spend some quality time with you before life gets crazy! Oh and Kurt?”
“Yes Blaine?”
“You uh, forgot your pants!” Kurt looked down and realized that he was still in his underwear. He blushed and quickly pulled on his pants.
“Is that what I think it is?” Kurt’s nose led him further into the tiny kitchen.
“Yup, none other than my mothers Chicken Parmesan! And to wash it down I got us a nice bottle of sparkling grape juice!”
“Oh Blaine! You really shouldn’t have!”
“Well, after the day you had you sounded like you could enjoy a nice homemade meal. Now, go wash your hands, it will be ready in a minute.” Kurt nodded and walked back to the small-shared bathroom. Blaine used this moment to plate the dinner and set Kurt’s NYADA package on his seat. When Kurt came back into the kitchen Blaine pulled out his chair and reveled the surprise.
“Wait…did…that come today?” Kurt could barely breathe. If he didn’t get in this time he was going to find a different school.
“Yes. Go ahead and open it.” Blaine looked like he wanted to know the outcome as well as Kurt.
“Ok” was all that Kurt could manage at the moment. He picked up the package, flipped it over and slid his finger under the flap to open it. Once it was open he pulled out a course catalog, some student information sheets and his letter. He looked at Blaine and smiled a watery smile before reading the letter out loud.
“Dear Mr. Hummel,
After much consideration we have decided that you will be a part of the incoming class of 2016 starting in January of 2013. Inside this envelope you will find various student information sheets that need to be returned by their respective due dates along with everything you will need to know about being a student. We look forward to seeing you achieve.
Carmen Thibodaux”
Blaine got up from the table and pulled Kurt into a big hug. “I’m so proud of you! Now, lets eat and celebrate!”
The rest of the night was spent enjoying each other’s company and watching TV all while catching each other up on their lives. That night when it was time for bed Blaine went and got his stuff and tried to make a spot on the couch to sleep, but Kurt caught him and stopped him.
“Blaine….what are you doing?” Kurt arched and eyebrow at his boyfriend.
“I didn’t know where I was going to sleep…” Blaine finished quietly.
“Well, the couch isn’t comfortable. Rachel’s bed is too soft for you. My bed has plenty of room. And we don’t have to do anything. I know I’m not ready for that yet. I’m sure you aren’t either.” Kurt just locked eyes with him then turned and walked into the bedroom to start getting ready for bed. Blaine pondered another moment before walking into Kurt’s room to change.
That night they lay as close as they could physically. Kurt would smile a small smile and blush, and then Blaine would as a result.
“You know what this reminds me of?” Blaine whispered silently.
“What?” Kurt locked eyes with him while he waited for his reply.
“That night last fall after the show. Our first time. ‘One hand, one heart’ I love you Kurt. I always have, and always will” Blaine leaned in and gave Kurt a small simple, yet powerful kiss.
Kurt sighed contentedly into the kiss. “I love you too Blaine.” He finished with a yawn and rolled over onto his side. It wasn’t long until he felt Blaine’s arms wrap around him and pull him closer.
Blaine leaned into Kurt and whispered into his ear “Is this too much?”
“This is perfect.”
*****The Next Morning*****
Blaine walked out of the small bathroom in Kurt’s bedroom to hear his phone going off.
“Hello?” He pulled the towel off of his shoulders and towel dried his hair off before pulling on an old hoodie.
“Hey Blaine can you hear me?”
Blaine laughed. “Yes Kurt I can hear you.”
“Well sometimes cell services sucks in the apartment.”
“What’s up?” Blaine sat down on the small couch and waited for Kurt’s answer.
“I don’t want to say much over the phone. Can you meet Isabella and I in an hour at the restaurant near the office?”
“Yes, I’m almost ready actually. Is everything ok?”
“Yes. I promise to explain everything in full detail as soon as I can.”
They exchanged a few more pleasantries before Kurt had to hang up and help Isabella. Blaine got up and ran back into the bedroom and quickly finished getting ready.
An hour later he was sitting next to Kurt and across the table from Isabella.
“Hi Blaine, how are you doing today?”
“I’m doing well. I’m just wondering what’s going on.”
“Do you want to tell him or should I” Isabella looked over at Kurt this time.
“I will.”
“Tell me what?” Blaine looked at Kurt, then at his boss.
“Do you remember yesterday when I told you that Isabella was in and out of HR all day?”
“Yes…” Blaine still had no clue what was happening.
“Well, she has been offered the position of head editor of Vogue.com. With this new job title she gets bumped up a floor, a bigger office and two secretaries. I landed one of the positions. As one of my new tasks I’m supposed to find the other.” Isabella sat there and smiled encouragingly.
“So where do I fit into this?” Blaine was as lost as Brittany at that moment.
Kurt chuckled softly. “I’m trying to offer you a job. Working with Isabella and me. Mainly Isabella, since I’ll be at NYADA. It’s totally up to you however. And we would both understand if you don’t want it.”
Blaine thought it over for a few minutes before finally speaking up “Sure! Yes! I’d love it!” And just like that Blaine Anderson had everything he could ask for in life; a boyfriend who loved him unconditionally again, a job with said boyfriend, and an apartment with two awesome roommates.