The Fall-Out
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The Fall-Out: The Truth

K - Words: 3,651 - Last Updated: Dec 27, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Nov 16, 2012 - Updated: Dec 27, 2012
507 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Don't hate me when you finish.....It's safe to say that this whole story is A/U.....this contains some spoilers for the thanksgiving episode....minor ones....Love you chapter should be up bofore too long!

The slap echoed around the theatre. In fact it’s what drew Finn and Copper into the theater. What they saw shocked them. Blaine was clutching his left cheek and Kurt looked pissed/happy/sad all at once.


“I uh, guess I deserved that.” Blaine mumbled into his hand.


“You guess?!” Kurt shrieked and reared back again.




“And that one.” Blaine mumbled quietly and rubbed the right side of his cheek now. Finn had to hold Cooper down.


“Dude if we move they’ll know where in here”


“I…but….he…yea fine” Cooper and Finn sunk lower into their seats and kept their ears open.


Kurt stood stone still and looked at Blaine. His hand itched to slap him again; he could feel him self pull back his hand. But then something happened. He froze, he saw the scared look on Blaine’s face and he cracked. His perfect façade crumbled beneath his feat. He fell into Blaine’s chest sobbing.


Blaine just stood there. Unsure of what to do or say. He finally pulled Kurt over to where the dinner set was and plopped them down. Kurt had finally stopped sobbing. Finally after what seemed like hours he spoke up.


“I’m sorry for slapping you……twice”


“It’s fine. I deserved it.”


“Yes, you did.” Kurt sighed. They sat there in silence for what seemed like ages until Blaine’s watch beeped loudly.


“I uh guess it’s time for dress rehearsal. Can you stay? Maybe afterwards we can go out and eat, and talk? Because I don’t know how long I have with you, I need to make every moment count.”


“I’m here until next Saturday. But yes. that’s fine.” Kurt gave him a small weak smile before hoping off the stage and sitting in the audience. Kurt sat there and thought things through. He was glad that nobody had been around to see him smacking Blaine. He wasn’t sure what came over him.


He wasn’t alone for long however.


“Is this seat taken?”

“No, it’s…..MERCEDES!” Kurt nearly squealed as he shot out of his seat and grabbed his best friend into a hug.


“Hey boo! How are things?”


“Um well…..they weren’t good for a while….but hopefully they are going to get better.” Kurt told her honestly.


“I know what happened boo. He and I had little talk the other day.” Mercedes told him quietly. Kurt turned and tried to read her face. She looked sad, but not angry with him.


“What did he tell you?”


“Very little, but Kurt you should hear him out.”


“I plan too. I didn’t come this far to just leave before we can talk. How are things out there? How close are we to a cd?!”


“Oh Kurt…..its so different out there. But things are good. Classes are going well, I’ve been in the studio a few times….but hopefully around may I should have a single out.”


“That’s exciting! I landed a internship at Vogue! Granted my boss is more insecure than I am bout some things….but still its fun and I’m learning!”


“That does sound fun boo! What happened to NYADA?”


“I still plan on going……in fact I turned in my application yesterday. Fingers crossed!” Mercedes didn’t have the chanced to answer seeing as how the rehearsal was starting. Kurt sat there and watched every moment of it. To say that he was shocked that Unique was playing Rizzo was an understatement. He sat there and smiled as Blaine crooned his way through beauty school dropout.


Kurt sat through the entire tow hour show and tried to find a flaw, but was unable to. Before he knew it the rehersal was over and Blaine was walking his way.


“You were amazing as always Blaine.”


“Thanks, I know its not the lead….but at the time I couldn’t do it.”


“I know…….wanna go to Breadstix? So that we can talk?”


“Uh, yea…sure….I’ll meet you over there ok?”


“Ok” Kurt gave him a quick hug and walked out of the auditorium and walked back out to his rental car. Ten minutes later he pulled into the tiny parking lot of Breadstix. Not a minute or two later Blaine pulled in behind him.


They walked in together and got a table in the back way from prying eyes. Once the waiter got their food and drink orders Kurt started the conversation.


“Ok, I want to hear it all. Please don’t spare any details. Afterwards well figure out what’s left of us ok?”


“OK…..It was the Wednesday before I came up there to see you. You hadn’t been answering my texts or calls, so I thought that you had moved on….and that you hadn’t told me….or wanted to tell me. So,………there was this guy that had friend me on Facebook. I vaguely remember him being in the warblers when I was a freshman there…..he had already graduated when you arrived. We had been messaging back and forth….and I told him that I felt alone… he invited me over that afternoon. And I went.” Blaine paused when the waiter brought their beverages and side salads. He gulped at his tea and stabbed his salad before continuing. “When I got over to his apartment it was all dimly lit and very…….intimate. He and I shared a drink or two……I didn’t realize until it was too late that there was alcohol in the drinks. We were sitting on the coach lightly buzzed when he leaned in and kissed me. In the back of my mind I heard a voice say stop….but I didn’t I let him kiss me more….and more….next thing I knew I was lying on my back on his bed with him still kissing me….my shirt had been taken off. What finally brought me to my senses was him trying to undo my belt. I bolted up right and told him to stop. He stopped and I started thinking about what you would do or say and I got sick to my stomach at what I had done. I ran into his bathroom and threw up. After wards I ran from the bathroom grabbed my shirt and left without saying a word to him. I probably made it a mile from his house before breaking down on the side of the road. Once I got home I took the hottest shower yet still felt dirty. That was the moment that I ordered plane tickets for the next flight to New York to see you.” Blaine finished quietly and looked at Kurt; who had tears framing his eyes. “Kurt….say something please….”


*****Kurts POV*****


Kurt sat down across from Blaine; he looked him over with focused eyes. He had been warned from three different people to listen to Blaine with open ears. So maybe it wasn’t as bad as he originally thought. That aside he still cheated; but he was here and he was going to listen to Blaine. When the waiter came for orders he ordered a sweat tea with lemon and a side salad.


“Ok, I want to hear it all. Please don’t spare any details. Afterwards well figure out what’s left of us ok” Kurt looked at Blaine as he nervously gulped.


Kurt sat there and listened with open ears and tried not to interrupt blaine, which was proving difficult as he was trying to excuse his behavior. But then blaine turned serious as he started mentioning what happened.


Internally Kurt was screaming at Blaine. ‘Really Blaine, a random ex warbler off of Facebook?! You stooped that low?!’ thankfully Kurt was pro at keeping up his “I’m listening poker face.”Years of glee had taught him something useful.


Kurt nearly choked on air when Blaine told him that after kissing Eli, he proceeded to throw up and run out leaving before going any further. Kurt Hummel had judged Blaine on what little information he was given, and he had basically flushed what remained of their once perfect relation ship down the drain.


He knew he had to ask, it was killing him to know. He swallowed some of his tears and asked. “So you didn’t actually do anything? You two just kissed?” he waited for what seemed like hours for Blaine to respond. When all he did was nod his head in a yes fashion, Kurt lost it. Tears poured down his face and he hid it behind his hands. He was vaguely aware that Blaine was now sitting beside him holding him in his arms.


Finally he spoke up and apologized to him.




“So you didn’t actually do anything? You two just kissed?” Kurt tried to keep his tears under control. If what Blaine was telling him was true…then he had a lot of explaining to do.


Blaine unable to form a coherent sentence just nodded his head. With that one small action Kurt burst into tears and dropped his head onto the table. Blaine got up and pushed Kurt over and pulled him into a hug and let him self cry it all out. Finally Kurt broke the silence.


“I am so sorry Blaine. I was a complete ass to you after that night. I should’ve let you explain your self…but I didn’t…..I heard hook up and thought sex, cheating….I still love you….can you forgive me?”

“I….yes…..yes I can forgive you….if you can for give me…”


“Yes….there’s something I need to tell you as well. The other week I went on a date with Chandler……at the time we weren’t talking and I just wanted to see what it was like to be in your shoes. The dinner was horrible, all he did was talk about him self, and then when we got back to the apartment he kissed me and tried to use tongue…It was after that, that I realized that I only want to be with you.”


“So all is forgiven….what happens next?” Blaine looked at Kurt hopefully.


“Lets go back to my house and figure things out. No use doing them here. Ok?” Blaine nodded his head in agreement. They got their waiter to bring them their checks and quickly left.


Blaine pulled in right after Kurt in the Hudmels drive way. His heart started pounding loudly in his ears and his hands got all sweaty. No telling what Kurt told his father as to why they had broken up.


“Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean…I’m sure your father probably hates me for what I did to you.”


“Blaine, if I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t have brought you here. And besides there isn’t anything he can do. I am 19 years old. If he doesn’t like it I’ll go back to New York!


“If you say so.”


“And I do. Now lets get out of this cold weather.” Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand and together they walked into the house.


“Hey dad and Carole. I’m home, gonna be in my room.” Kurt walked briefly through the little hall and up the stairs to his room.


“Was that Blaine?!” Burt looked up and dropped the application he was reading.


“Yup…. Kurt came back to school to see him. Then proceeded to slap him…..” Finn didn’t even look up from the sandwich he was eating at the table. Burt was sitting at the head of the table looking over potential applicants and Carole was reading a magazine at his side.


“Oh goodness. Wonder what caused him to do that.” Carole looked up at Finn, then towards the stairs.


“You didn’t know that Blaine cheated on Kurt? Well, I wouldn’t call it cheating….Kurt wasn’t calling Blaine. So Blaine thought Kurt was cheating, so he went over to this dudes house to do things but all they did was kiss. Kurt didn’t find all this out until today I presume. Anyways I hope they get things worked out….Blaine was starting to look bad.”


“Huh, serves him right. Hell hath no furry like Kurt scorned.” Burt huffed.


“Oh Burt.” Carole looked out into hall towards the stairs







Once they got into Kurt’s room everything sort of stood still. Kurt took of his coat and hung it up in the closet. Blaine took his off and put it on the back of Kurt’s desk chair.


Kurt casually sat at the head of the bed while Blaine stood and tried not to look awkward.


“You know you can sit on the bed Blaine, I’m not going to bite….or hit you again.” Blaine reached up and stroked his cheek that didn’t really hurt anymore. “I really am sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me.”


“It’s fine.” Blaine stared at him for a moment before biting the bullet and asking the one question that had been on his mind since they got to Breadstix. “So, where does this leave us?”


“I honestly don’t know Blaine. I thought coming back here and having you explain your self would make my decision easy. Either I would forgive you and we would continue on as if things never happened, or I’d listen to you confess to going all the way with him, then I’d turn around and leave without saying a word. You’ve caused quite the dilemma. While you did step out side of the relationship you realized before it was too late that you couldn’t continue. Which I admire. I…I….I just don’t know.” Kurt looked at him with remorse.


Blaine felt his heart start to re-shatter, part of him knew that this would happen, but he had still let his heart fool his head into believing that Kurt would forgive him. He had done something so stupid and it was clearly costing him the one person that he truly loved. He figured begging couldn’t hurt at this point. “Kurt, you are the first guy I’ve ever loved. And I know my recent actions don’t prove it, but you are the only one for me. It took me doing something so messed up to realize it, but its true!” Blaine felt his eyes water up and a few tears fell down his cheeks. “If I could turn back time and not do it I would. But I know that I can’t. I still love you, and I always will! So I’m asking Kurt, to please, PLEASE, give me another chance.”


Kurt just looked at him with watery eyes, if only Blaine knew how conflicted his head was. But Kurt was a Hummel, and if a Hummel thought that somebody deserved a second chance they got one. But hell hath no furry like a Hummel twice scorned. At that moment Kurt decided that he would give Blaine one final chance to redeem himself. “Ok”


Kurt spoke so softly that Blaine almost didn’t hear him. “Ok? So…..this means that were gonna try this again? You and me? Were gonna be ok?” Blaine had started crying again. But this time they were happy tears.


“Yes, but if you mess up again Blaine Anderson, you better watch out.” Kurt chuckled and wiped away his remaining tears. He then pulled Blaine into a big hug.

“So, what now?” Blaine looked at Kurt hopefully.


“We need to set some ground rules. Things that we can both accept about this redo.”


“Ok sounds good.”


“Ok, we MUST agree to talk to each other at least once I day when I get back. Even if it’s just a quick text. Not matter what time of day! This is more of my promise to you. Because I know that it was my fault for not talking to you as much as I should have. And for that I am deeply sorry.” Kurt looked at Blaine with fresh tears in his eyes.


“I’ve forgiven you Kurt. You weren’t the one who stepped out of the relationship. But I do agree with your statement. We do need to call each other at least once a day.”


“Other wise its gonna be a long six months.” Kurt agreed.


“Yea…about that.” Blaine mentioned softly


“What?” Kurt looked lost and almost hurt.


“Principal Figgins called me into his office the other day. I’ve been presented with the offer to graduate early. As in after winter exams I’m done with school. I was going to tell you next week, but since you came home early I decided that I couldn’t wait.”


“But how?”


“It was during the winter of my freshman year when I was attacked at the Sade Hawkins dance. So I missed the spring portion of it while I was recovering. When I transferred to Dalton they made me redo my freshman year. So I’ve been six credits a head of everyone else. So instead of me taking six pointless classes next spring I can graduate early. All of this depends on two factors; how we do at sectionals, and how you feel about me possibly moving to New York with you after Christmas.” Kurt sat there frozen and weighed his options.


“Well, I……I love the idea….but Blaine, you cant just leave…..your senior class president you have things to do, proms to plan.”


“It helps that I have Sam as my vice president. I’ve already talked it over with him, he seems happy for me. I think most of the people in glee club just want me to be happy. Its just so different now that you and the others are gone….Tina and Artie are the only remaining original six. Everyone else is just kind of there. I think Marley is the only one who actually cares as much as Finn does. And that’s not saying much.” Kurt was about to comment on that when Blaine’s phone started going off. Kurt noticed that his ringtone was the old Katy Perry song ‘Thinking of You’.


“That would be Cooper wondering where I am. Sometimes he’s more protective than mom and dad ever were. Not that I’m complaining. It’s nice to finally have him around. I guess that I should head home though. Big day tomorrow.”


“Yea, opening night and all.”


“You’ll be there right?” Blaine looked hopeful.


“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”


“Ok, I feel like this is some dream that I’m going to wake up from at any moment now.”


“Your not dreaming Blaine. This is very real.” Kurt gave him another quick hug and they shared a small kiss that felt right. Kurt then proceeded to walk him down to his car where they shared another quick kiss.


“Let me know when you get home. I’ll probably be at the tire shop tomorrow helping dad, but I’ll have my phone with me ok?”


“Alright. Love you Kurt.”


“Love you too Blaine.” Blaine backed out of the drive way and then drove down the street. Kurt stood there and watched as Blaine disappeared out of sight. Kurt walked back into the house and sat beside his father on the couch.


“So I guess you two worked things out?” Burt’s eyes never left the TV screen. Caroled was curled up on Burt’s other side asleep.


“I did what any Hummel would do dad. I gave him another chance. With the warning that if he screws up again I’m walking away for good.” Kurt decided to tell Burt later about Blaine possibly moving in with Kurt by the end of the semester. Besides Blaine wasn’t 100% sure himself if that’s what he was doing.


Burt clapped Kurt on the knee and proudly stated, “That’s my boy.”



Kurt was amazed at how quick the last week had gone by. He and Blaine hung out just about every day after school when Blaine didn’t have glee rehearsal for the up coming sectionals. Then two days before Thanksgiving all of the old members came back home. Except for Rachel, she was still being stubborn and staying home. It was nice to go out to dinner with them and hear all of their stories. Puck was still being Puck, Quinn was dating a professor (Kurt thought she was insane, but he wasn’t one to judge), and Santana hated Louisville.


Kurt had now found himself sitting in the audience listening to the Warblers do a song about fellatio, Kurt just sat their shell shocked and hoped for it to all be over with soon. However right after the Warblers came this weird home school group that wasn’t much better. Thankfully after them there was a ten-minute intermission. Kurt chose this time to run back stage and wish Blaine good luck. Which he did, along with a quick and sexy kiss.


Finally the New Directions were starting their song, and while it wouldn’t have been Kurt’s first choice Tina was rocking out to Gangnam Style. The crowd was roaring to life, they clearly loved it. They were almost done with the song when Kurt noticed one of the girls in the back starting to sway, it wasn’t until the lights dropped that Kurt noticed that something wasn’t right. He could see that up on the darkened stage that everybody had gathered around her. Then in the next moment the curtain flew closed. Kurt got out of his seat and flew out of the auditorium and down the halls to the choir room to see what was up.


He had just walked in and noticed that the girl who had fainted was sitting up and sipping on a juice box. Not even a moment later coach Sylvester walked in.


“Congrats New Directions……….

End Notes: Again...dont hate.....just read and review....


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