Dec. 27, 2012, 5:59 p.m.
Dec. 27, 2012, 5:59 p.m.
“Yes, this is Kurt….how……how did you get my number Cooper?” To say that Kurt was flustered would be an understatement.
“I uh, hope you don’t mind, but I got it from Blaine’s phone….”
“So your there, in Lima with him?” Kurt questioned
“One could say that yes. I’m not entirely sure what your side is. But when he called me two weeks ago he sounded broken, hurt and lost. What happened?”
Kurt sighed and went through what happened. “Ok, so maybe I could’ve called him more. But I was trying to build a future for us! And then he went and shot it to pieces.”
“Ok, to make sure I know both sides. You got a new job and pushed Blaine to the back burner. As a result he thought that you had stepped out of the relationship so, he did as well. However he ended up feeling guilty about it. So he surprises you in New York only to confess, and you break things off?”
“Yes, why are you calling Cooper?! Shouldn’t I be the wrong person? Even though HE cheated on me?!”
"Look Kurt, you have every reason to be pissed, and quite frankly. If I were you I wouldn't even want to talk to him again. That being said. You at least owe it to him to fully explain him self to you." Cooper finished quietly
"What do you know that I don't?!" Kurt questioned harshly.
"Not much. Just.....listen with open ears...."
"He says he misses you....and that he wishes he could take it all back."
"But he can't! That's the problem" Kurt sighed, exasperated "....I...I miss him too....and I know I shouldn't. But god I do...."
"Did you see his audition? I was there....what wasn’t shown was him running through the hallways until he reached the staircase where you two confronted your bully. He told me that this was the spot that he knew he was falling for you."
Kurt's eyes were betraying him. He could feel his eyes watering up and for once he was thankful that he was alone in his bedroom other wise Rachel would be asking him what was wrong.
"He, he said that?! I can't believe he would say that....especially after what he did....." Kurt was so confused.
"Look, it's clear that you two are hurting still. Maybe if you two can talk it out things will get better."
"Maybe......" Kurt sighed and rubbed his tired eyes.
"Alright well I gotta go, Blaine should be home from reversals soon. Kurt?"
"Yes Cooper?"
"If you ever need anything.....call me"
"Ok....I will" Kurt hung up the phone and sat there wondering what he needed to do next. He slowly got up and went over to his desk and pulled up his calendar. The play was the weekend after next and then it was Thanksgiving. He knew he couldn’t afford to fly home both of those weekends. Maybe he could take the train….or his father could offer to pay.
Kurt walked out of his room and into the living room. Rachel was working on some reading assignment. She finally looked up at him.
“Hey, how long have you been home?”
“Not to long before you got home. Here, look at this.” He handed Rachel his phone and let her watch Blaine’s performance. He sat there and tried to block out the pain in Blaine’s voice.
“How did you get this?” Rachel looked puzzled.
“Finn sent it. Apparently he and Artie are directing the school’s musical. They’re doing Grease. We should go see it.”
“I’m not going. One, I can’t afford it after my last trip to Lima. Two, I don’t really want to see him right now. And three, I’ve just started to really connect with Brody. So it wouldn’t be fair to me, Brody or Finn to go back to Lima now.”
“Ok, so then I guess your staying here for Thanksgiving?”
“Yea. It’ll just hurt too much to try and go home and not see him.”
“Ok, I….I just have to go. I guess to know where we stand.” Kurt sighed tiredly.
“I understand that. I really do. But you’re going with out me. Now. Tell me how your little date went.”
“It wasn’t a date! It was just two people catching up on life over dinner! It was fine….but he wasn’t…..”
“Yes, that’s the problem! I lie in bed at night and want to hate him so much! But god I can’t! Tina, Sam, and Sugar all keep texting me telling me how bad he’s doing! And all I want to do is fly to Lima find him in the choir room, slap him and then hug him senseless! What’s wrong with me Rachel?”
“There is nothing wrong with you Kurt Hummel!” Rachel nearly shrieked at her friend.
“Well clearly there is!! I’m feeling guilty that Chandler kissed me, AND that I agreed to another date, all while wanting nothing more than to be with Blaine!”
“Wait…you two kissed?! What was it like? Was he good? Did he try and add tongue?!”
“Not the time for that Berry, and yes….but…..”
“But he’s not Blaine is he?”
“No.” Kurt’s face fell and a few tears escaped. Rachel sat there and let him get his thoughts in order.
“So, what are you going to do with your self now that you aren’t tied to your desk for the week?”
“I don’t know. Probably do touristy things. Might pop by NYADA and re-apply.”
“Oh you should totally come by my dance class and meet the devil in person!” Rachel winked and giggled.
“I thought you had put her in her place?”
“I did…but somehow she managed to dust her shoulders off and become slightly nastier.” Rachel sighed and Kurt shook his head. He was about to suggest a movie to watch when his phone went off again.
“What is this?! Grand Central Station?!” Kurt checked the caller ID, it was his father.
"Hey dad. How are things in Washington?"
"Same as always bud. How are things in the big apple?"
Kurt chuckled. This is how all of their phone conversations went. "Busy as always. However Isabella gave me the week off, she uh....she's noticed that since the break up I've been distant. So she wants me to get my mind off of work for the week I suppose. Have you heard from Finn recently?"
"I can't say I blame her kiddo, I know how you get when your upset. You throw everything you have into your work. You should be thankful you had Carole when I had my heart attack; otherwise you would've wound up in the hospital with me. Have you at least been eating?"
"Yes dad, Rachel has made sure of that. You didn't answer my question."
"Yes. He called a while ago saying something about him directing the school play. And something about y'alls teacher also being in Washington. I'd have to ask him more about it later. Why?"
"He uh sent me a video today......" Kurt stopped talking, not wanting to say his name out loud for fear of choking up.
"Him? Or of Blaine?"
"Option number two." Kurt mumbled quietly.
"What was it of?"
"His audition for the school musical, then his tearful apology as to why he couldn't take lead, before running offstage crying."
"Huh. Have you talked to Blaine recently?"
"No. I sent him a text a month ago saying we would talk over thanksgiving break. I was thinking of coming back to Lima for the play and staying until after thanksgiving. If Isabella lets me."
"I don't know why she wouldn't let you. She does like your work ethic doesn't she?"
"Yes dad that isn't the issue. I just don't want to seem like the employee that once he gets a few days, he never wants to work again, plus Id feel weird leaving her alone there with those designers. I'm like her back bone....which is kind of sad...."
"We'll, I'm sure she won't mind. You never know until you ask. Well, I've got to go. Heading home for the weekend. Apparently since Finns at the school more I need to hire a part time shop manager."
"Alright dad. I’ll let you go. Tell Carole I say hello!"
"Will do! Take care this week! And try to enjoy your self!"
"Alright I will! Bye."
"Bye." And with that Burt hung up the phone. Kurt sighed and rubbed his face tiredly.
“So, how is father Hummel?” Rachel was back to her reading. Kurt knew that while her main focus was on the book in front of her she was listening.
“Good as always, busy as always. Since Finn took over glee club he now has to hire a new part-timer for the shop.”
Rachel instantly stopped what she was doing when he mentioned that Finn took over glee club. “He took over?! Where is Mr. Schue?! Why didn’t he ask one of us?!”
Kurt had to stifle a giggle at her sudden snap of attention. “He’s in Washington, trying to protect the arts. My only guess is that he knew the rest of us were busy. And Finn was already there. Makes perfect sense to me. Well, I’ve had about enough fun to last me a lifetime today. I’m going to bed.” Kurt kissed her temple and handed her the book that she had dropped.
“Goodnight. Are you coming to NYADA with me tomorrow?”
“Probably not. I’ll probably sleep in and clean!” Kurt ducked into his room and crawled into bed. Before he fell asleep he sent Chandler a quick text. “While I had a wonderful time, I can’t do it on Saturday. I’m sorry, I want to but….” He left it open-ended. Not mere moments later Chandler responded “But I’m not him am I? It’s fine. I understand. Can we still be friends? I won’t try and hit on you again. I promise.” Kurt chuckled and shot back a quick yes before turning off his phone. Once his phone was off and on his nightstand he rolled on to his back and shut his eyes. For once not feeling sorry about his life.
******Wednesday November 14, 2012******
Kurt knocked lightly on Isabella’s door. “Come in.” Kurt sighed and steeled him self for a possible rejection. “Um I know its super late notice…..but I was wondering if I could take the rest of the week, and all of next week off?” Kurt braced himself for possible yelling.
Kurt was so wrapped up in his thoughts on trying to persuade her missed it. “But I simply have to go! It’s my brother directorial debut! And I promised my ex that we could talk. He already thought I abon…..wait…what did you say?!”
Isabella did her best to hide a chuckle. “Shut the door Kurt.” She waited until he was seated across from her. “I said yes. Look, I know how hard you tried to stay away while you were off last week. Remember that I blocked your email? I did notice that come last Friday when you came back you looked more well rested. And I heard through the grape vine that you got another NYADA audition? Congrats! Now, is there anyway I can help you get home?”
“NO! Goodness no! My father offered to fly me home and back. I just want to thank you! You’re seriously the best boss a person could have! I’ll see you the Monday after Thanksgiving. Have a good Thanksgiving! Bye!” Kurt jumped up, and all but ran from her office. Once he was back at his desk he straightened it up and logged everything off.
He grabbed his bag, phone, jacket, and scarf. Once they were all on he dialed Rachel.
“Hey! Don’t you dare make dinner plans with your boy toy! We’re having Thanksgiving early! Especially since I got cleared to go home!”
Rachel chuckled into the phone. “Ok, sounds good. Can we even afford a turkey though?”
“Well, since it’s just you and me, I was gonna get a breast and some easy to fix sides. Sound good?”
“Yes, it does. I’ll be home right after class! See you later love!”
“Alright! Enjoy!” Kurt hung up and giggled to him self. He was on cloud nine. Until he remembered that he sold his navigator so that he could afford the apartment. He immediately phones his father.
“Hey! Guess who’s coming home tomorrow!” Kurt almost couldn’t wipe the grin off of his face.
“Awesome! I’ll pick you up at the airport when you land! Now I was thinking. Since you sold your car, maybe I could rent you one while you’re here?”
“That would be awesome dad! I could pay you back if it helps?”
“I won’t have it. I figure I either rent you a car or Finn drives you around everywhere.”
“Ok, fine. You win. Alright, well I gotta go. See you tomorrow!” Kurt hung up the phone and walked into the little grocery store to get the supplies he needed. Once he was in line waiting to pay he secured a cab for him self. He paid for his grocery’s and got the cabby to take him home.
Once he got home he went into over drive. He threw the turkey into the oven, then went to his room and started packing. He cursed himself for waiting last minute. Once he was packed he slipped on his sweat pants and a light long sleeve shirt. He had just finished the last side item when Rachel walked through the door.
“Oh my god. It smells so good in here. How much longer?” Rachel dropped all of her items and let her nose lead her into the kitchen.
“It’s ready whenever you are.” Rachel nodded and ran back to her room to change and was back in mere moments.
They enjoyed the fabulous meal. The turkey was moist, the salad was crisp, the mashed potatoes were perfect. All in all it felt like Thanksgiving. Even though it was a week early.
“Kurt, the food was fabulous. I don’t know what I’ll do next week when your not here.”
“Look, you don’t have to come home this week. But I’m sure your dads would love to see you! Please come home. I don’t want you to stay here alone. At least invite Brody over. But don’t you dare do anything on my bed or the couch! I mean it.” Kurt looked at her and tried not to laugh.
“Ok I wont. We haven’t even talked about that yet. And I don’t even know if he is even staying in New York for Thanksgiving. So yea. When does your flight leave?”
“At ten. So I’ll probably see you briefly before you leave for school. Will you help me do the dishes? Then I’m going to bed.”
“Ok, I’ll wash. You can dry.” And so they did the dishes. Rachel filled Kurt in on the day, and all of the new shenanigans of miss July.
“What I don’t understand is…is why don’t you talk to the dean of her department about her?”
“Kurt. You don’t understand….if I ratted her out she would make my life even worse.”
“Ok. But if she starts getting out of hand promise me you’ll talk to somebody?”
“I promise.”
“Thank you. Well, I’m going to bed! Ill see you in the morning.” He gave her a hug and kissed her cheek.
******Thursday November 15 1 PM******
Kurt rubbed his eyes tiredly. He hadn’t slept well the night before, he kept thinking about what it was going to be like when he saw Blaine again. He finally fell asleep around two, and then his alarm went off at six. To say he was tired was a big understatement. He finally saw his father waving at him. He rushed forward and fell into his father’s arms welcomingly.
“Well home bud!”
“It’s good to be home dad!”
“Alright, your vehicle for the week is over here. I’ve got to get back to the shop, got another interview today.”
“Ok, that’s fine. I had thought about popping into glee club today and seeing everybody.”
“Alright, if you think that’s a good idea.”
“I have to see him at some point dad. I’ll be home later.” With that Kurt hugged his father quickly grabbed the keys and walked towards the small rental car. Once in it he started it and found a somewhat decent radio station.
Before he knew it he was pulling into the school. This was as far as his plan actually got him. He had little to no clue as to how he was going to make this work once he was actually face to face with Blaine. He sighed and turned off the car before walking into the school and down the halls. It was odd. He had somehow thought that it would be different. But it was all the same. It smelled the same, it looked the same, and the same feeling of repression set back in.
He took his time navigating the empty halls, he stopped by the choir room and saw that it was empty. He felt slightly downtrodden until he heard music coming from the auditorium.
*****Ten Minutes Earlier*****
Blaine didn’t know how much more he could take. He could almost feel the silence and loneliness around him. It scared him that he felt so alone. Some small tangible part in his brain told him that doing anything would be foolish. But still he wanted it all to go away. So finally when Finn told them to go take a break before dress rehearsal he decided to go to the auditorium and sing it out. He walked into the dimly lit auditorium and sat at the dinner table. He stood up suddenly and walked over to the piano and plugged his phone into the dock and hit play on the one song that would cheer him up.
*****Kurt walks in*****
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
I want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time
Kurt physically stopped breathing when he saw Blaine. He looked rough. His hair was gelled, but escaping his clothes looked wrinkled and he looked like he had lost some weight. But he was just a beautiful as ever.
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Kurt didn’t know what possessed him to do it, but before he could stop himself he walked out from his hiding spot in the wings and started singing.
Blaine was getting ready to begin the second chorus when he heard a voice he didn’t think he would ever hear again.
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Blaine couldn’t believe it, Kurt, his beautiful Kurt was standing right there infront of him. He knew it was probably just his imagination playing tricks on him, but at the moment he didn’t care.
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Oh, come what may, come what may
I will love you, I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
They stood there staring at each other for a few moments finally Blaine broke the silence.
“Kurt! I can’t believe it! It’s actually….”
ahhhhhhhhhhh omgggg
tehe...part three is a work in progess! So sit tight and wait on baited breath! :-)
Really!? You left us there that is just mean xD great fic love it! Cant wait for moreee ;)
Really!? You left us there that is just mean xD great fic love it! Cant wait for moreee ;)
tis but a cliff hanger! next update should be up hopefully around thursday!