Aug. 22, 2012, 4 p.m.
Aug. 22, 2012, 4 p.m.
Kurt's head was spinning and it felt like it was going to blow up. He closed his eyes tightly and tried to push back the throbbing pain in his head. Gosh, it hurts soO bad.
But, really, that's not what he's truly worried about right now.
Headaches are one thing, yes, but waking up in someone else's room, without knowing how he actually could've gotten there, is a lot worse.
Just as he opened his eyes from sleep and see a stylish sky-blue colored ceiling instead of just plain white…
He just knew.
But his headache was just too painful for him to even think of getting freaked out.
He got himself into a sitting position with a grunt, resting his back on the headboard (which was normally NOT this soft by the way).
Yep. Definitely not his bed.
Kurt slowly opened his eyes and waited patiently for him to see clearly. Somewhere in the back of his mind tells him that he's still dreaming…but, no, he felt too awake for that to be true.
And last night's dream sure is weird though. He remembers seeing Blaine…but then, he doesn't remember much after that. Although the memory was fuzzy, he's definitely sure it was Blaine that he met in his dream.
The Blaine Anderson…Lead singer of Dalton Academy Warblers.
He fondled with the fabric of his nightshirt, taking note that it was pure cotton, as he scrutinized where he is.
The room was undeniably extravagant for a bedroom. And one look could tell that it certainly owned by a boy. The wall that he was facing had trophies and medals placed in between two delicately carved mahogany doors and a huge poster of Harry Potter hung on the right wall beside another door that he assumed to be the bathroom. On the left side of the queen-sized bed where Kurt sat was a wall shelf already full of hardbound books of different sizes and beside it were a study table and a huge glass doors for the terrace.
But all of that classiness was immediately put aside when a particular thing caught Kurt's eye. He straightened up and leaned closer at the framed pictures on the dresser where the Harry Potter poster hung. Was that…Blaine?
He flung his legs out of the bed and proceeded to stand and walk closer to the pictures, his headache long been forgotten.
His eyes grew wide as realization hit him. I'm in Blaine's room?
There were pictures of him…childhood pictures, solo pictures, with his parents, with the Warblers…
Shit. Why am I here? Did I just teleport myself here?
Kurt took a picture of Blaine in his Dalton uniform, his lips curving upwards as he studied Blaine's perfectly sculpted face, white teeth, twinkling eyes.
Then something weird happened…just when he was about to turn and head to the settee at the end of the bed, the light coming from the glass doors reflected him on the framed photo. But it wasn't his face. It was…
Kurt put the photo back from its place with already shaking hands. He turned to his side and came face to face with the circular mirror above the nightstand. And there he was…Blaine Anderson.
That's when the panic finally sets in. His quivering hands touched his cheeks. Or should he say Blaine's cheeks?
"Yes. Kurt, you're dreaming. You're still dreaming." He kept pacing around the room, talking to himself like a complete lunatic. "Of course! It's like… inception! A dream within a dream! Except that…
"Except that I'm just…somebody else." He told himself unconvincingly, the hand that was still on his cheeks fell limply to his side. Blaine's face was looking totally hopeless in the mirror.
And before his thoughts could even give him a heart attack, he heard the door click. He whipped his head towards the opening door, tensing when he saw someone come in.
A petite girl who looks about his age stood by the door, her long hair pulled into a pony tail.
She was beaming at Kurt in her pinkish white nightgown, and he couldn't help but think how she could exude sexiness while wearing it despite it looking cute (and coming from a gay, that would be a plus!). She was carrying a breakfast-in-bed tray, laden with milk, toasts and freshly cut fruits (are those kiwi?) in a bowl filled with what he assumed to be yogurt.
Kurt was thinking of complimenting her but when he heard her use a term of endearment for Blaine, all the nice things Kurt thought about her came crumbling down.
"Hi, baby," she winked as she closed the door gently behind her back and came over to Kurt. She was smiling at him like she's gonna devour him whole and Kurt couldn't help but shudder at the thought. "I thought you'd still be in bed."
"Sit back down," she ordered him, pointing her chin towards the bed. Kurt immediately obeyed just to maximize the space between him and her but then realized that it was no use. He steadily sat down on the edge of the bed, trying to control himself from freaking out and not think about what was about to happen. Ohmigod, ohmigod. Blaine has a girlfriend? Girlfriend? And they're living together? The f*ck?
A pang of jealously and hate towards the brunette girl filled him, though he knows quite well that he doesn't have the right to feel like this.
Blaine's straight. He made that clear the first time they met!
"I told Nana Betty that I'm gonna bring our breakfast here so that we can…you know, have our—," she stopped mid-sentence, her eyebrows furrowed when she saw the horror-stricken face Kurt was giving her. She placed the tray carefully on the bed and sat with him face to face. "Is there something wrong, Blainey?"
Oh gaga, what is she talking about? Kurt was busy panicking in his mind. What does she want to do with Blaine? No. Wait.
What does she want US to do together? Because I'm the one who's in Blaine's body right now!
Kurt was completely bewildered by all the answers he could think of for those questions that, as the pretty girl reached out to touch him, Kurt immediately sprang out of the bed.
...now what? I couldn't help it! It's not my fault I wake up and suddenly find myself as Blaine freakin' Warbler!
AND I'M GAY, for cryin' out loud!
"Oh—," she looked clearly flustered by Kurt's rejection and quickly tucked her hand on her lap. "S-Sorry. Did I…"
…Oh no. Now look what I've done! She looks like she's about to cry!
And before Kurt could even realize what he's doing, he knelt on the floor and took her delicate hands from her lap. "No. Shhh, baby. I'm sorry. I swear, it's not what it looks like. I was just…I mean, I had a bad headache (hey, it's not like I'm lying!) and I—"
His explaining was cut short when he noticed that the girl was raising an eyebrow at him with an amused look on her face.
"W-What?" he asked consciously, hating the flirty look she was giving him again. Heck, it's unnerving!
"You called me baby…" she bit her lip.
A pause…
Why haven't I thought about that? We're they, like, specific in calling each other? And how am I supposed to know what Blaine calls her? Babe? Honey? Sugarplum?
Then she started giggling and actually looked happy about it. "You called me baby, Blainey!"
Wait. What? Kurt wasn't sure on how to react on this sniggering girl. She removed her hands from his hold and placed the tray on top of her thigh so that it was between them, Kurt, still looking confused as ever.
"For a moment there, I thought you were angry at me," she pouted as she took a spoonful of fruits and offered it to him like a baby. No matter how weird it felt for Kurt to do it, he opened his mouth and just accepted it. "You scared me."
Kurt was still unable to respond from all the mixed signals this girl was giving him. He just stared at her, perplexed, while munching the fruits in his mouth. She sighed and looked at him with concern.
"I was so worried last night when I saw you looking really upset, coming back from school. And you even went straight to your room! I know how much you like breakfast-in-bed so I thought that this would cheer you up." She patted Blaine's mop of curly hair affectionately as she said it. "You're ok, right?"
Without warning, she moved closer to him. Kurt immediately stiffened when their knees touched and then watched her hands as she reached forward to—
OH, HELL TO THE NO! Kurt jumped out of the bed again. But this time, he's determined to really stay away from this girl.
"I'm sorry, I – I need to go pee." was all he said before scurrying inside the bathroom, not bothering to see the girl's reaction anymore.
With his eyes already closed, bathroom door locked behind his back, he took a lungful of air before gripping his shirt and feeling his heart. What's happening? Why am I in Blaine's body?
And if I'm in his body right now…then could he be…?
He groaned and sunk down on the floor with a thud. He ran both of his hands to his mop of curly hair, pulled his 'not-long-enough' legs closer to his chest and dropped his head on his knees.
Oh, this will definitely NOT turn out well. I have no idea about Blaine's life. I mean, seriously, how could I? WE JUST MET YESTERDAY!
All I freakin' know is that he's studying at Dalton Academy, a member of the Warbler (a lead soloist to that)…
Who is a perfect gentleman that any girl (or gay!) would surely fall for,
And not only he is extremely charming, sweet, witty…but also a supermegafoxyawesomehot guy, that I'd doubt if thinking Blaine was some kind of a god hadn't ever crossed your mind.
Kurt was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door. He turned his body to face the door, his nerves feeling ten times worse. She's still here?
"Y-Yeah?" his voice sounded hoarse.
"Are you done there?" he could hear the concern in her voice.
"Yeah, of course," Kurt carefully stood up, his legs feeling a little wobbly. "I was just about to brush my teeth actually."
And when he heard her scoff, he raised an eyebrow. What did I say now?
"Uh-huh, good luck with that." She sounded bitchy all of a sudden.
A pause. And for a minute, Kurt thought she had already left the room. But then she started talking again. "You know what, Blaine? You could've just told me that you didn't want to talk to me…or hell, maybe you don't even want see me. If I ever did something wrong, you could've just confronted me about it, not…not like this! I thought…
"I thought you were better than that." Her voice was soft this time, hurt clearly evident in it. Then her angry voice came back. "God! I never knew you could be this terrible at lying!"
Kurt heard stomping of feet and a loud bang from the door. He gave out a huge sigh.
What the hell was that? He turned to face the room and before he could fall to his knees dramatically for another monologue…he was frozen on the spot by the sight that greeted him.
There were no sink, no bathtub, no toiletries nor gel…and heck, not even a toilet in the room!
He stared at the large closets (surely full of designer clothes!) that surrounded the room, except for the full length three-way mirror to where he was facing and a dark blue curtain for the changing room. There was also a display showcase of bowties with different styles that he obviously couldn't even count how many there were!
His mouth was slightly hanging open from the overwhelming things his eyes was seeing…
Then what the girl told him started to make sense…
blaine has a girlfriend? man thats just weird :)
oh, you'll find out in the next chapter or so ;3
This is awesome ;D Can't wait for more!Call me pervy (which I am) but this would be an awesome M fic xD
Ahahah! I'd be lying if I said that I didn't thought about that. BUt I don't think I know how to make an M fic xD gahhh... Oh thank you so much for all the reviews and for reading my fic. It means soO much that someone would spare some time to read my fic <3 mwa!