Aug. 22, 2012, 4 p.m.
Aug. 22, 2012, 4 p.m.
Blaine hummed happily as he fixed his chemistry books and notes on his desk. He already finished all of his homework and was now excited to play some music. Once he was done setting his things neatly, he went over to his chest, opened it and took out an antique wooden box. It was his great great grandfather's; passed by generation after generation until it was finally handed to him by his father on his 15th birthday.
He opened the box and carefully took out a very old key. It was a big key, like the ones you see in those old movies. Knots and curves swirled the length of the long key, making it look more ancient and mysterious.
Blaine placed the box back on its place and closed his chest, holding the key tightly on his hand.
Their house (aka mansion) is very historical. Very old…but was renovated over the years. However, only one room wasn't altered. One special room that his great great grandfather had cherished and ordered specifically not to ever be changed.
His most beloved music room…
It must always be locked securely and only one person can open that door. The person who has the key…
And right now, that person is Blaine Anderson.
The door of the old music room creaked open and was closed immediately by Blaine as he stepped in. The lights glowed in every corner of the room when he switched it on. The room had never ceased to amaze Blaine by all of its magnificence. It was old, yeah, but he knows there's something more to it than the spacious area, dusty furniture and old paintings. Something…magical?
He was about to make a bee-line to the old grand piano when something caught his eye.
The old jewelry armoire.
It was ajar.
He frowned and went towards it suspiciously, wondering how it was opened.
It was the same armoire that he couldn't unlock through the years he was the owner of the key. Surely, no one else besides himself could come inside the room and sneak in. Much less open this one tightly locked jewelry armoire, right?
Blaine caught his breath as he peered inside the now opened armoire. It was beautiful. He cautiously took what's inside and stared at it on his hand for a long moment.
It's an old pocket watch.
The lights deemed, but Blaine didn't notice that. He was too entranced by the mysteriousness of the pocket watch to even take notice of his surroundings. The pocket watch gives off a feeling that Blaine cannot pin point exactly how to describe it. He pushed the button and the pocket watch opened at once. The time read 3:02 but it wasn't working anymore. He scrutinized it once more and didn't see any scratch or damage. Maybe he could let someone fix it.
He closed it and gently caressed the intricate design of a pair of wings in its front and the word 'COURAGE' embedded in a fancy script on its back.
"Courage" Blaine read out loud, but not loud enough to reverberate around the antiquated music room. He slowly closed his eyes and felt something move around him like a smoke. He doesn't know if he just imagined it but when he quickly opened his eyes, he swear he saw something stir and was instantly sucked by the pocket watch, whatever that something is. He hastily placed the pocket watch back from the armoire like his hand had been stung by it. Staring at it pensively and hearing his heart hammering in his chest…What the hell just happened?
Blaine shuddered as the air suddenly felt colder around him. He could feel it prickling on his skin that something is about to happen…so he darted out of the music room before it catches unto him, vowing to himself to never come back in that room again.
The door was left open…but a bluish smoke appeared inside the darkened room and slowly flowed around the doorknob. The door was closed gently and locked with a soft click, breaking off the deafening silence.
Okay, this is really interesting :)
Wee! Thanks! <3