New Year's Eve
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New Year's Eve: New Year's Eve

M - Words: 1,777 - Last Updated: Feb 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Feb 10, 2013 - Updated: Feb 10, 2013
259 0 0 0 0


It was a cold, frosty night when Kurt pulled into the driveway to Santana's home. Santana invited him and the whole Glee club to celebrate New Year's Eve. Kurt was mostly worried about the alcohol and the drama that would ensue from it the next morning. He knew that if he just chilled quietly in a corner, he would be okay. After all, Kurt wasn't that interested in the whole New Year's fiasco. He felt it wasn't such a big deal.

Kurt climbed out of the car and walked up to the front steps. Before he could knock on the door, Santana jumped out and welcomed him inside.

"Happy New Year, Hummel, set your coat down over there," Santana pointed to a bench next to the door. Her house was gorgeous, it had large furniture, a giant television for where they would be watching the ball drop, and the grilled food was lingering in the air from the kitchen.

"Thanks for inviting me Santana," Kurt replied politely.

"Oh, whatever," Santana replied with her signature eye roll,"food and drinks in the kitchen."

Kurt smiled to himself, Santana never got mushy, even during the holidays. Kurt walked himself to the living room where already groups of people were talking and having some drinks. Kurt looked around and found a few people from Glee club and a few people he had never seen before, not even from school.

That's when he saw him, a short boy with bright honey-hazel eyes and gelled back hair. He was really cute and seemed to be all by himself, no drink in hand and no one to talk to. His face was lost with a little hint of sadness, it made Kurt want walk over and actually get the guts to talk to him. Kurt knew he was gay, he just had that certain "gaydar" feeling. His outfit was very well put together. A dark navy blue cardigan with a simple black bow tie, he looked festive. Kurt quickly pulled his eyes away once he realized he was staring.

Kurt was also distracted by a group of his friends: Puck, Finn, and Sam. They were chugging down way too many shots while everyone around them chanted and cheered them on. Kurt winced at the scene.

That'll hurt in the morning.

Kurt realized he was surrounded by more people who were trying to watch the craziness. He walked away from the crowd and moved into a quiet corner.

"New Year's Eve really turns people into idiots, huh?"

Kurt jumped when he realized someone, actuallytheboy, was talking to him.

"Excuse me?" Kurt replied, even though he knew exactly what he said. The boy faced him and smiled.

"All this... it's just crazy. I mean, New Year's is supposed to be special. I bet ninety percent of the people at this party won't remember any of it," the boy's lips moved so graciously that Kurt couldn't help but steal a few glances as he was talking.

"Yeah, that's why I'm staying alcohol free tonight," Kurt told him.

Really, Kurt? That's all you could come up with? You're making yourself sound like a pussy.

"That's good, me too! My name's Blaine, by the way," he stretched out his hand towards Kurt for a handshake.

"Kurt," he shook his hand, and he just couldn't believe how soft and warm they were, even in this weather.

Blaine fluttered his lashes, very long lashes, at Kurt. He smiled and pulled back his hand.

"So, who do you know here?" Blaine asked.

"Well, I know those idiots who were chugging down their drinks, they're in Glee club with Santana and I."

"No way, I'm in Glee club too. Well, at my school. I go to Dalton," Blaine smiled and gestured for Kurt to sit down at the bench where they put their coats. Kurt nodded and sat down. "So you can sing?" Blaine asked, curiousity in his eyes.

"Well, yeah. We do show choir competitions, weekly performances. That kind of thing," Kurt answered.

Gosh, he just couldn't take his eyes off of Blaine. He wasbeautiful. And he couldn't believe he was talking tohim.

"So what's Dalton like?" Kurt asked, trying to avoid any open spaces in the conversation. Oh God, they were having a conversation.

"It's a nice place to be, I transferred there because I was being bullied for being gay at my old school. I feel a lot more safer at Dalton." Blaine said, the smile leaving his face, Kurt wanted to do something,anything,to bring it back. Kurt also almost, kinda, screamed inside for the fact that he was right about him being gay.

"I'm so sorry. I was bullied for being gay too for quite a while at McKinley. It's all slowed down recently, but no one can stop the glares from people in the hallway." Kurt said.

Blaine smiled sadly at Kurt, showing his sympathy. Kurt almost melted at the sight of him. After what seemed like hours of looking at each other, they heard Santana rounding up everyone for the countdown, which was in one minute.

They pulled away from the trance. Blaine stood up and turned to Kurt, offering his hand to help him up. Kurt couldn't help but blush at the nice gesture. Blaine smiled that dazzling smile at Kurt.

"Thank you," Kurt said, looking down. He got up and Blaine escorted him, so gentleman-y, to the crowded room in front of the television. Everyone was screaming, cheering, pushing, kissing, jumping and causing a riot. Blaine didn't want to lose Kurt in the crowd so he grabbed his hand and led him to a corner of the room.

"Wow, I've never been someplace so crowded before," Kurt said, he almost had to shout because of the noise.

"This is insane!" Blaine replied, laughing. Suddenly, a few jocks passed by and one of them accidentally pushed Blaine, causing him to land on Kurt, pushing him against the wall. Blaine looked up at Kurt. Both boys went still, blushes creeping onto their faces. Their faces were so close, Kurt could have sworn their noses were touching. Their eyes never left each other and Kurt thought he saw Blaine's hazel eyes look down to his lips. His breathing stopped completely now, he heard chants from far away, but he couldn't really concentrate on anything but Blaine.


Blaine and Kurt realized they were dangerously close. They both looked around at the people rushing to find someone to kiss, or hold.


"Have you ever kissed someone at midnight?" Blaine said.

He looked down shyly and chuckled nervously. Kurt blushed even more, struggling to catch his breathe, Kurt couldn't do anything but shake his head no. Blaine looked up finally, and his eyes changed. Suddenly, he was serious and moving forward. Kurt froze and then his arms somehow managed to lift themselves up and wrap around Blaine's neck.


"Me neither," Blaine whispered, followed by loud gulp. They both closed their eyes completely now and slowly moved to fill in the space between their lips.


Kurt melted at the feel of Blaine's lips on his. They tasted like warm cinnamon, inviting and delicious. Kurt squeezed his arms tighter around Blaine's neck. Kurt's head rested on the wall behind him, Blaine moved his lips along with a certain rhythm. They were so lost in each other. Eventually, Blaine pulled away to look at Kurt. He rested his forehead on Blaine's and smiled.

"Best midnight kiss ever," Kurt giggled. Blaine's shoulders relaxed and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank God, I thought it might have been too forward, I mean we just met and everything I didn't know if you would freak out and-"

"Stop, it was wonderful, thank you," Kurt said. He let go of Blaine's neck and Blaine smiled at him.

"Come with me, I wanna show you something," Blaine said, he grasped Kurt's hands as he nodded.

Blaine led him out of the house through the back door.

"Where are we going?"

"Shhh!" Blaine said. He pulled him into the back porch.

They could hear thumping music shaking the sliding door, and crashes of plates and drinks inside. Blaine positioned himself in front of Kurt, he bowed down.

"Dance with me?" Blaine asked. He held out his hand to Kurt. Kurt nodded without hesitation.

"Where's the music?" Kurt whispered. Blaine began to sing:

"The first time ever I saw your face

I thought the sun rose in your eyes

And the moon and stars were the gifts you gave

To the dark and the empty skies, my love

To the dark and the end of the skies"

Kurt giggled at how unbelievably romantic Blaine was. Blaine twirled him around swayed softly to his own voice. He kept waiting to wake up from this dream, but with every step, he knew it was all real.

"The first time ever I kissed your mouth

And felt your heart beat close to mine

Like the trembling heart of a captive bird

That was there at my command, my love

That was there at my command"

Kurt leaned his head onto Blaine's chest, lazily moving his feet back and forth. They stayed there for a long time just hugging each other and squeezing each other close. Blaine finished the song and bowed toward Kurt, still holding his hand tight.

"Thank you, for the song, and the dance. I honestly thought this would be the worst party ever," Kurt whispered into Blaine's ear.

"Well, it was very nice meeting you," Blaine whispered back. Kurt smiled and looked up at him, they had another one of their staring contests before a couple walked out of the house, sucking each other's faces. Both boys rushed to get out of there as fast as they could.

They flew down the porch steps and around the house to the driveway. By the time Kurt reached his car, they were in a fit of giggles and running out of breath.

"Well, I guess I should leave now," Kurt said, looking towards the pavement and playing with his feet.

"Yeah, I would love to see you again, though, if that's okay with you," Blaine said nervously.

"Of course it is!" Kurt punched his arm, and laughed.

Blaine smiled to himself, he moved to the front hood of the car and wrote down something on piece of paper. When he was done, he turned around and faced Kurt. He reached for his hand and put the piece of paper inside and wrapped their fingers around it.

"Well, call me and then we can plan something?" Blaine said in a low whisper.

"Definitely," Kurt said, looking into Blaine's beautiful eyes.

"Awesome," Blaine said back, he kissed Kurt's hand that was holding the note. Kurt blushed... again.

"Well, see you later," Kurt said as he reluctantly opened the car door and sat inside.

"See you later," Blaine sighed.

Blaine walked back into the house so he could grab his stuff to leave. Kurt started the car and opened the note that was in his hand.

"863-968-7773 xoxo -Blaine P.S. Happy New Year "


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