Sitting Waiting Wishing
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Sitting Waiting Wishing: Chapter 9

E - Words: 4,403 - Last Updated: Jun 19, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Aug 14, 2015 - Updated: Aug 14, 2015
220 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

So? Are we friends again? Was this chapter worth the wait? Please review and let me know what you think!

I'LL BE BACK AS SOON AS I CAN, I PROMISE. No matter how long it takes for me to update, I will not abandon this story. I give you all my word.

Thank you all. Love,



Blaine woke up very slowly, like sleep was still pulling at him to keep him prisoner. He sighed and burrowed his face deeper into the pillow, as he reached an arm to the opposite side of the bed, only to find it empty.

Groaning in protest, he peeked an eye open and searched around the room, but Kurt was nowhere to be found. He had forgotten to close the blinds before getting into bed last night – too occupied with Kurt's lips travelling down his shoulders and chest to think of such trivialities – and the sun was pouring into the room, bright and clear. Kurt's clothes were still there, neatly folded on top of his dresser instead of in a puddle on the floor. Blaine smiled.

He forced himself out of bed, grabbing a pair of sweatpants before opening the bedroom door. He could immediately hear Kurt's voice coming from somewhere else in the apartment, which only made him smile more.

Having Kurt in his life had made him happier than he had been in a very long time. Just knowing he was there was enough to remind Blaine why life was worth living.

It was strange, to be so incredibly in love. In the past few years he had become a bit of a cynic. And with just one little kiss and a glance, Kurt had turned him back into what he used to be. He brought back the hopeful, bright-eyed boy he was, before life slapped him on the face.

Kurt was leaning against the kitchen counter, cell phone glued to one ear, as he wrote something down in a piece of paper. He was only in his boxers, long, lean, pale back in a bow, as he tapped the pencil thoughtfully.

“No, no, it's fine. I can be there at three. But I have another meeting at five, so I need you to be on time,” he was saying. Blaine wrapped his arms around him from behind, almost making him squeak in surprise, and kissed his naked shoulder. Bright blue eyes met Blaine's with a smile. “I know. I'll talk to my vendor, but I don't think there will be a problem. Okay. See you later!”

Blaine nipped at his neck playfully as Kurt ended the call. “They keep you very busy…”

“Indeed they do,” Kurt sighed, molding his back to Blaine's bare chest. “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” Blaine replied. “Do you have time to have breakfast?”

“Not as much as I would like. I need a shower, and to stop by my apartment for fresh clothes,” Kurt rolled his head back so he could rest it on Blaine's shoulder and look up at him. “I made a fresh pot of coffee. I need all the caffeine in the world before I start dealing with crazy brides. Or grooms. The levels of hysterics aren't really influenced by gender.”

Blaine chuckled. “Well, how about you take a shower here, while I make something very quickly? I know for a fact you don't stop for a bite once you get going, and it sounds like you'll have one of those full days…”

Kurt hummed and turned in Blaine's arms so he could kiss him full on the mouth. “You're amazing. Okay. Maybe some toast? I won't say no to a bagel if you have one, though…”

“Of course,” Blaine smiled, and ran his hands down Kurt's spine. “Now go, before I drag you back to bed and make you forget you have to work at all…”

“Oh, that sounds promising. Can I get a rain-check?” Kurt asked, biting his lip. “Maybe later this week? Let's say… Thursday? I should have Thursday night off, if you want to have some dinner…”

“Thursday is fine. Now go shower before I change my mind,” Blaine murmured, rocking slightly against Kurt so he could feel his growing arousal.

Kurt whined, but pulled away. “I hate being a responsible adult.”

Blaine would have been lying if he said he didn't watch the tantalizing sway of Kurt's ass as he walked away.


Kurt walked into the bar and struggled his way through the crowd towards their usual table. Santana, Dani and Rachel were already there, sipping their drinks as they chatted. He dropped his bag and binders on an empty seat and grinned at them.

“Hi guys!”

Santana immediately narrowed her eyes. “You have been having a lot of sex.”

Kurt's grin turned into a frown. “Really? That's how you greet me?”

“No, no, she's right,” Rachel said, leaning over the table to get a better look at him. “I hate siding with Santana, but there's something about you…”

Santana made a gesture with her hand, as if showing that Rachel noticing was proof enough.

Kurt rolled his eyes as he sat down. “You guys are obsessed with my sex life. Your own must be so boring…”

“Hey, have you seen my wife?” Santana retorted, throwing her arm around Dani. “She's a freaking fox in bed. Last night she did this thing with her tongue that…”

“Okay!” Dani exclaimed, lips stretched into an uncomfortable smile. “Thanks for sharing, Santana. Now be quiet.”

“Are you still seeing Blaine? How is that going?” Rachel asked, as Kurt waved the waitress over.

“I am, and it's going well. We're having fun,” Kurt shrugged. “He's a great guy. Those aren't very easy to come by in this city…”

When the waitress brought them a new round, Kurt used the distraction to get them to change the subject, and got them talking about Tina's wedding. They were all interested in hearing more details about their friend's very exciting news, so it wasn't hard. Kurt was very pleased with himself, until he got a text about an hour later.

From: Blaine

Hope you had a nice day, beautiful xoxo

He must have smiled at his phone like an idiot, because it didn't take even a second for the girls to notice. Santana took the phone from him before he could even realize what she was doing.

“Hey! That's mine!” He said, irritated.

Santana ignored him, and read the text. “Oh my god, he's as corny as he's hot…”

“Oh, let me see, let me see!” Rachel squealed, shifting closer to Santana to peek over her shoulder. “Aw, Kurt. He's a sweetheart.”

Kurt turned to Dani, hopeful that she would see how immature the other two were being, but he found her beaming at the phone, too.

“When are we going to see him again?” She asked. “You should bring him for a drink next week…”

“So you can interrogate him and make him uncomfortable? No, thank you,” Kurt replied dryly, snatching his phone back. “I'd rather keep him around a little while longer before you scare him away.”

“Do you think he's the one?” Rachel asked, resting her chin on her hands, staring at Kurt dreamily. “Can I be the best woman at your wedding? Or is the appropriate term groom's maid?”

“Who said anything about a wedding?” Kurt shifted awkwardly on his seat. “We're not serious. We're just…”

“Fucking like two pretty rabbits,” Santana added, rather unhelpfully.

“Why do I even hang out with you three?” Kurt sighed dramatically. “I hate you.”

“You love us, and you know it,” Rachel said, poking his chest with a finger.

Kurt downed the rest of his drink and promised himself he would never let them anywhere near Blaine.


They saw Blaine two weeks later.

It was unavoidable, once it was time for Kurt to move apartments. As soon as Blaine found out, he offered his help, and he seemed so earnest and sweet that Kurt couldn't have said no even if his life depended on it.

Plus, he really liked watching Blaine's muscles flex when he carried something heavy.

“I had no idea you were moving,” Blaine said casually as he leaned to grab one of the boxes filled to the brim with kitchen equipment. “You never mentioned it.”

“It must have slipped my mind,” Kurt said, trying – and failing – to look away from Blaine's bulgy biceps.

Blaine smirked over the top of the box when he caught him staring. “Yeah. You tend to get a little distracted…”

Kurt rolled his eyes and glared playfully at him. “And whose fault is that, huh?”

Once Blaine had left with the last box, Kurt stood in his empty apartment and looked around, keys clenched in his fist and heart beating rabbit-quick in his chest. Closing this door meant he was taking a step in a brand new direction. He was leaving the place that he had called home for several years now, and going to a new one, where he would start a family.

He was trying so hard not to freak the hell out.

As he sighed deeply, he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist, and Blaine's sweet, warm breath against his neck as he rested his chin on Kurt's shoulder.

“Hey. You ready?”

Kurt smiled and leaned slightly into Blaine's embrace. “I'm so ready.”

Rachel, Santana and Dani were waiting for them at the new building. Santana looked like the cat who caught the canary as she watched Blaine walk towards them, and Rachel's jaw was almost leveled with the floor, as her eyes swiped up and down Blaine's body.

“Holy sh…- hi! You must be Blaine!” She exclaimed with a wide grin that didn't look creepy at all. “We've heard so much about you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you!”

Blaine shook her hand gently. “Hi. You must be Rachel. It's very nice to meet you, too. Hi, Santana and Dani, right? Good to see you again.”

“There will be plenty of time to chat once we're done moving stuff into the apartment. Come on, guys!” Kurt exclaimed, hoping to distract his friends.

“Of course,” Blaine said with a smile, and ran his hand softly down Kurt's back before turning back to the moving truck to start with the boxes.

Rachel let out a pretty embarrassing squeal. “Oh my god, Kurt. Where can I get one of those? Oh, oh, look at his butt in those jeans…”

“Rachel!” Kurt muttered, scandalized, trying to shush her because she wasn't exactly subtle.

“What? Like he doesn't know he has a fantastic butt…”

This is going to be a very, very long day, Kurt thought, already exhausted.


By the end of the day, Kurt was actually glad that Blaine was there, because he was the most helpful person in the apartment. Rachel and Santana spent most of the time looking for excuses not to do any heavy lifting – or anything remotely useful – and though Dani was amazing and had the best intention, Santana managed to distract her too easily. Kurt was sweaty, tired, and ready for everyone to leave so he could get into the shower and let his sore muscles relax.

Well, everyone except Blaine.

Blaine was a problem. He was a big, handsome problem. It wasn't fair that he looked so good while doing manual work. It wasn't fair that he made Kurt's brain go gooey and silly. It wasn't fair that he could lift that bookcase all by himself, holy shit, look at his arms

It wasn't fair that he kept throwing little glances in Kurt's direction that clearly said he wanted to ravish him against the wall and make him scream until every single one of his new neighbors knew Kurt Hummel was in the building…

Santana put a bottle of water into Kurt's hands rather brusquely. “Stop staring at him, Hummel, or you're going to combust.”

Kurt removed the cap and took a long swig, killing time and hoping the fresh water would help the flush in his cheeks disappear. “I'm not staring. I'm unpacking.”

“Sure you are,” Santana rolled her eyes and walked back into the kitchen.

Blaine finished assembling Kurt's new work desk and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. “All done. What do you need me to next? Should I move it into the office?”

“Yes, please. That would be great,” Kurt smiled, and couldn't resist pressing a quick little kiss to Blaine's cheek as a thank you.

Blaine returned to the living room a couple of minutes later, and pointed over his shoulder. “I've just noticed there's another room. Why did you need three bedrooms?”

Kurt blinked for a moment, feeling conflicted. He knew he would have to talk to Blaine about the baby eventually, but he never seemed to find the right time. He never seemed to be able to convince himself that it was necessary. How much longer would Blaine be around?

He could see Rachel, Santana and Dani looking at him from the other side of the apartment, obviously curious, but he ignored them. He cleared his throat and grabbed for the next box to check its contents.

“Oh, I just wanted a guest room, for when my family visits,” he replied, and wondered if his voice sounded weird. He could see his friends exchanging glances from the corner of his eye.

If there was anything weird in Kurt, Blaine didn't notice. He simply stretched his arms over his head and looked around. “What do you need me to do now?”

“Kurt, can I talk to you for a moment?” Rachel asked in a very sweet voice that fooled no one.

“Of course, Rachel. Why don't you help me unpack my clothes in my bedroom?” He suggested, wanting to put some distance between them and Blaine, just in case.

Rachel didn't need to hear another word. She crossed the apartment, grabbed Kurt's arm in a tight grip, and practically dragged him towards the master bedroom. Kurt made sure to close the door behind them, as he winced in pain.

“Rachel, what the hell…”

“Why are you lying to that poor boy?” She asked in a dramatic stage whisper. “Why haven't you told him about the baby?”

“It's not something I can just tell him, Rachel. It's not an easy conversation. And it's not like he absolutely needs to know, okay? We're not serious. We're not…” Kurt said, but Rachel interrupted him, poking him in the chest with a sharp little finger.

“You're fooling yourself, Kurt. Open your eyes! He's perfect for you, and he's obviously crazy for you!” She exclaimed, and Kurt had to shush her once again. It seemed like he had been doing that all day long. “Why aren't you honest with him?”

Kurt huffed, irritated. “I don't need to tell him my life story. I'm just sleeping with him…”

“You are not just sleeping with him. A guy you're just sleeping with doesn't help you move apartments and charms your best friends like he's desperate to fit in with the people you care about,” Rachel retorted, placing her hands on Kurt's shoulders. “Blaine is obviously looking for something serious here. I know you, Kurt. I know you don't think it's possible for you to end up with Prince Charming, but this guy right here…”

 “Can you not do this right now? Things aren't as easy as you make them seem. I will tell Blaine when I decide he needs to know…” Kurt insisted, angrily.

“Oh, he needs to know,” Rachel said airily. “You're always so blind when it comes to these things, Kurt, but that guy is head over heels for you, and if you don't talk to him, one of you is going to get seriously hurt…”

With that, Rachel exited the room. Kurt stayed behind, fuming, hating his best friend's dramatic ways. It was infuriating to argue with Rachel when she always stormed out, determined to have the last word.

There was soft knock on the open door, and Kurt turned to see Blaine peeking into the room, slightly concerned.

“You okay? You look like you want to punch the wall,” he said with a sweet, calming smile.

Kurt forced himself to smile back. “You don't know Rachel Berry. I forget why I'm friends with her most of the time.”

“Whatever this is, I'm sure she means well.” Blaine walked into the room and enveloped Kurt in his arms. He rocked him a little, until Kurt couldn't help grinning genuinely. “Santana and Dani are starving, and I am, too, to be honest. I was thinking of going out for some pizza?”

“Oh yes! I would love some pizza!” Kurt said, almost moaning at the idea. Then he arched an eyebrow and wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. “But what about your diet?”

“I can make an exception for you,” Blaine murmured adoringly, before leaning in for a quick peck.

Kurt watched him go, trying very hard not to think about Rachel's words.


A little while later they were all spread on the living room floor around two boxes of pizza, the New York City sky turning darker and darker with every minute. Blaine was propped up against the couch, his legs parted so Kurt could fit between them, absently playing with his hair. Kurt was evidently tired, pliant and loose against him, nibbling distractedly on the crust of his last slice.

There was still a lot to do with the apartment, but the worst was over. The furniture was generally where it was supposed to be, the boxes that hadn't been unpacked had been put in the rooms they belonged to, the kitchen was mostly finished and completely functional, and there were clean sheets in Kurt's bed. It was enough to call it a day.

Rachel glanced at her cell phone and sighed. “I should probably get home. Will has been alone with Lilah all day. He must be ready for a break.”

“We should head out, too,” Dani said lazily, from where she was snuggled to her wife's side. “I have to get up early for work tomorrow.”

“And I really want to have some sex with my wife,” Santana added, causing everyone else to moan in protest at her honesty. “What? I don't have another excuse.”

After a quick exchange of goodbyes, Kurt walked his friends out, promising to see them later that week for some drinks. He ignored Rachel's warning glare and closed the door behind them before making his way back to his new apartment, where Blaine was picking up the empty pizza boxes.

“Your friends are really great,” he said when he saw Kurt. “Santana is hilarious.”

“Please don't tell her that,” Kurt muttered with a groan. “It'll only encourage her.”

“Dani is fantastic, too. She's probably one of the most interesting people I've ever met,” Blaine added, as he put the pizza boxes in a trash bag. Kurt leaned against the counter to watch him for a moment. “And Rachel is so talented. When she started singing while she was unpacking the towels and putting them in the closet I was… wow. Her voice is out of this world. It was a pity that Santana made her stop by throwing that empty box at her…”

Kurt crossed his arms over his chest and quirked an eyebrow at him. “You know, if you liked them so much, you could have gone home with them…” He said in a teasing tone.

Blaine turned to him and narrowed his eyes. “Do I detect some jealousy?”

Kurt pretended to be very interested in his own nails, examining them carefully. “I do not know what you speak of…”

“Have I told you lately…” Blaine started to say, as he came closer, almost pressing Kurt back against the counter, “that you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life?”

This close, Kurt could see every speck of gold in Blaine's eyes, could feel Blaine's chest moving against him as he breathed. He swallowed slowly, his mouth suddenly full of saliva, like he was ready to start drooling. “Really, now?” He muttered, but he didn't sound as playful as he intended to.

“Yes. And you know what else?” Blaine continued, his lips trailing up Kurt's jaw very slowly, up to his ear. “I couldn't keep my eyes off you all day. All I could think about was being alone with you…”

“We are definitely alone now…” Kurt said a little breathlessly.

“Have I ever told you…” Blaine began again, so lowly, a master at teasing, at making Kurt shiver with every word, “that you have the most delicious cock? I've been thinking about sucking it since we arrived…”

“Oh god, please yes,” Kurt practically moaned, hands grabbing at Blaine's shoulders desperately, cock already straining in his pants. “God, Blaine, you can't… you are killing me…”

Blaine pulled away just enough to look right into Kurt's eyes, and Kurt felt his knees weaken with how incredibly sensual that look was. No one had ever made him feel like this before – before Blaine, sex was fun and hot and amazing, but with Blaine… even the seconds before sex actually happened, before they were actually touching were filled with the kind of tension that made his body buzz. The anticipation was as good as the act in itself, and Kurt felt his head spin a little with it.

Without prior notice, Blaine dropped to his knees right there on the hard cold kitchen floor, fingers slowly working Kurt's zipper down without looking away from his eyes.

Blaine ran his hands down Kurt's legs at a very tantalizing pace as he pulled Kurt's pants and briefs down to pool around his ankles. Kurt's cock curved towards his stomach, hard already, and Blaine's gaze shifted towards it at last. He licked his lips, like he was starving for it.

Kurt's fingers moved to Blaine's hair, tangling in them, tugging slightly to show how much he wanted it, how much he needed it. Blaine didn't make him beg for it – he dropped his mouth open and sucked the head of Kurt's cock in, his tongue a warmth caress around it that made Kurt whine, the sound echoing against the bare kitchen walls. Blaine swallowed hungrily around him, taking more and more of him into his mouth, until Kurt could feel himself reach the back of Blaine's throat. But it didn't make Blaine stop – he swallowed again, breathed through his nose and kept going.

Kurt wondered if the intense rush of pleasure running through his body wouldn't be enough to kill him.

Oh, but what a sweet way to go…

Blaine bobbed his head slowly, tongue working expertly against the underside of Kurt's cock, as one of his hands settled between Kurt's legs, caressing his balls.

“Oh god, oh god, Blaine,” Kurt said, feeling his brain short-circuit. “Please don't stop. Don't…”

Blaine stopped. He pulled away completely, breathing hard, and trailed his lips over Kurt's hipbones, the inside of his thighs, the soft patch of trimmed hair at the base of his cock. Kurt groaned miserably in protest.

“You bastard,” he whined.

“Sorry, darling,” Blaine said, with a rough chuckle. “I wasn't ready for it to end yet.”

“Who says it has to end?” Kurt said, bucking his hips as if trying to get his cock back into Blaine's mouth. “You can fuck me in every single room of this apartment. We have a lot of christening to do…”

Blaine pressed his forehead against Kurt's thigh and groaned. Kurt could feel Blaine's longs eyelashes brushing his skin. He was about to say something, ask him if he wanted to take this to the bedroom, when Blaine simply opened his mouth and sucked him right back in, not pausing until Kurt's cock was nestled in his throat again, muscles clenching and jumping around his length as Blaine's gag reflex tried to get used to the sudden invasion again.

Kurt threw his head back, barely avoiding hitting it against the cupboard, as his hips shifted impatiently, thrusting slightly into Blaine's hot mouth. If Blaine's moan of appreciation was anything to go by, he didn't mind one bit.

It didn't take long at all – the heat seemed to bloom in Kurt's belly, growing more and more intense until it had to explode somehow. Blaine closed his eyes and kept sucking him through it, lapping every inch of his cock, and then letting it fall from his mouth with a popping sound when Kurt stopped shaking with the aftershocks of his orgasm.

Blaine stood, wrapping an arm around Kurt's waist to keep him from falling to the floor. He kissed Kurt's cheek, a surprisingly sweet gesture after having his mouth fucked raw.

“You okay?” Blaine asked, his voice rough.

Kurt worried at the sound – he knew the roughness in Blaine's voice wasn't there only because of what they had just shared together. He ran his fingers down the column of Blaine's throat, tenderly. “Uh-huh. You?”

“Just perfect,” Blaine smiled against his jaw. “But I could really use a shower…”

Kurt allowed himself a second to regain his breath, keeping Blaine close against him. He could feel the shape of Blaine's arousal pressed against his leg. He licked his lips, testing his own body's urges. He would always want more with Blaine.

His hand travelled down Blaine's arm until their fingers were intertwined. He squeezed gently, smiled at him with lust-filled eyes. “C'mon.”

He silently guided him through the apartment, navigating through unpacked boxes and furniture that still needed to be placed correctly. He walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind them, because everything else could wait ‘til the morning.




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