Sitting Waiting Wishing
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Sitting Waiting Wishing: Chapter 4

E - Words: 5,597 - Last Updated: Jun 19, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Aug 14, 2015 - Updated: Aug 14, 2015
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Author's Notes:

What did you think of this chapter? I hope you enjoyed it.

Have a great week and I will be seeing you guys again as soon as I can with chapter 5.




Waking up next to a stranger certainly wasn't something Kurt was used to. As soon as he realized the solid warmth pressed against his side was actually a body, he opened his eyes and held his breath, as if scared he would wake Blaine if he breathed too loudly.

But when he saw how peaceful and beautiful Blaine was while asleep – not to mention unfairly sexy, because how was that even okay so early in the morning? – he relaxed. Even though he knew practically next to nothing about the man sleeping beside him, Kurt knew Blaine was a decent guy. If he had wanted to hurt him, rob him, or do any other horrible things, he would have done them already, instead of burrowing adorably into the pillow while scrunching his face against the sunlight filtering in from the window, and no, Kurt's heart wasn't bungee jumping in his chest at the sight, thank you very much.

Kurt shifted onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. He could do this. He could have a one-night stand without freaking out the next morning. He could act like a normal adult gay man, instead of shrieking like a little boy and hiding in the bathroom until the stranger left. He was Kurt Hummel, for god's sake, and he was going to be his natural, classy, fabulous self.

And he was not going to think about how amazing it felt to have Blaine's hairy leg pressed between his own. Oh, no… he wasn't thinking about that at all…

He slowly slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Blaine, and reached for the pajamas he had left discarded on the floor the previous morning, quickly stepping into them, feeling self-conscious about wandering around his bedroom naked. He gazed at Blaine's delectable body, barely covered by a sheet and sighed appreciatively.

Yup, he was still the definition of perfect.

After a nice shower, Kurt felt refreshed and a lot more prepared to face the day. He drank a cup of coffee, standing with his hip pressed against the counter and trying his best not to relive the events of the previous night in his head. Then he decided he needed to keep himself busy before he started thinking about going back to bed and waking Blaine up in a way that was probably not appropriate despite what had transpired between them, so he looked in the fridge and the pantry, wondering what to make for breakfast.

He was slicing some fruit and waiting for his toast to pop back out from the toaster when he heard noises that indicated that Blaine was waking up. Soon, he heard the bathroom door close. Not sure what to do, Kurt grabbed a second cup and sat it next to his on the counter, thinking there was no reason why he couldn't offer Blaine some breakfast.

When Blaine walked into the kitchen five minutes later, he was dressed in the suit from the night before, but he was carrying the jacket on his arm and the sleeves of his pristine white shirt were rolled up to his elbows. He looked casual, and still so damn sensual that Kurt just stared at him for a few seconds, before clearing his throat and offering him a little smile.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Morning,” Blaine replied. He ran a hand through his curls, only messing them up more.

“Would you like some coffee? Breakfast?” Kurt offered politely.

Blaine glanced at the clock and shook his head. “I'd love to, but I'm kinda running late. Thank you, though.”

Kurt smiled again. “No problem.”

Blaine licked his lips and took a couple of steps towards Kurt. “And thank you for last night. It was…” he chuckled seductively, sending shivers down Kurt's spine. “Well, pretty fantastic.”

Kurt hummed his agreement. “It was indeed.”

Blaine leaned in slowly, pausing for a moment to give Kurt the chance to pull away, but when he didn't, he simply moved in and pressed a long but quite chaste kiss to his lips. Kurt found his own hands moving to Blaine's forearms before he even knew what he was doing, and felt his fingers dig into the hard muscle there.

Blaine pulled away but kept staring at Kurt's lips. Kurt was having trouble breathing just seeing how entranced Blaine seemed.

“One for the road?” Blaine muttered, and Kurt barely had time to nod before their lips were meeting again, this time with a bit more purpose, a bit more urgently.

Kurt was seriously considering dragging Blaine back into his bedroom when Blaine's phone beeped in his pocket, and he cursed under his breath.

“Damn. I have to go,” he said regretfully. He gave Kurt a quick peck and took a step away from him, as if he needed to physically put some distance between them in order to think clearly.

“Okay,” Kurt murmured, wishing he could just stop staring at Blaine's plump lips.

Blaine stole a piece of toast from the plate and winked at him. “One for the road,” he repeated. The charming bastard.

And then he was slipping out the door and out of Kurt's life, after a few disarming kisses and one mind-blowing orgasm.

Kurt hated admitting that Santana was right, but yeah… Blaine had been exactly what he needed.


Rachel pushed the stroller into the living room and looked around with a calculating gaze.

“Wow. This place is a little dark,” she commented, frowning.

Kurt had to agree. They hadn't visited that many apartments yet, but it was discouraging how difficult it was to find a good place to live for a reasonable price in New York City. He was glad he could afford a new place, but he didn't just want to move to a bigger apartment – he wanted the perfect apartment, where he could see himself and his baby starting their lives together.

“And it's a little out of the way, isn't it?” He murmured thoughtfully, moving towards the window to see the view. “It's not close to my office, it's not close to a subway station, and it's not close to a park. I wanted to have a park nearby so I can take the baby on the weekends…”

“Do you want me to ask around in my building? I think there's one apartment available,” Rachel asked, peeking into the kitchen curiously.

“No, not really,” Kurt replied, smirking at her. “No offense, Rach, but if I move into your building, you'll be in my apartment all day long.”

“But I can help you with the baby! And we could have tea parties!” She pouted.

Sometimes Kurt had a hard time believing Rachel Berry was a thirty year old woman.

The real estate agent, Wendy, who had left them to look around while she took a call out in the hallway, walked into the apartment, a professional smile on her face.

“So, what do we think of this one, Mr. Hummel?”

Kurt hadn't even looked at the bedroom, but he knew he didn't need to. “This definitely isn't it. It's dark, the balcony is claustrophobic and the location isn't the one I had in mind.”

The woman tried to hide her disappointment. “I have another three bedroom apartment around the corner from Battery Park. We could head there, if you want?”

Kurt nodded. “Yes, I'd like to see that one.”

He received a text from Santana while they were on their way to see the next apartment, asking where they were so she could catch up with them. Kurt asked Wendy for the address, and Santana promised to meet them at the building in Rector Street.

She was waiting by the entrance with Dani by the time they arrived, and as Rachel did the introductions, Santana narrowed her eyes at Kurt suspiciously. He flashed her a confused glance, but was immediately distracted by the real estate agent, who was guiding them to the twentieth floor to see the apartment.

Kurt was in love as soon as they stepped through the front door. It was open, spacious and luminous, with a fantastic view of the harbor and the park. The dark wooden floors were gorgeous and the white walls opened a world of possibilities for decoration. Kurt hadn't even taken three steps into the living room before he was planning where to place the furniture.

“This apartment has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a very nice balcony overlooking the park, and a terrace that all the tenants have access to,” Wendy explained. “Both cats and dogs are allowed and there's an extensive laundry room in the basement.”

Kurt walked into the kitchen as he listened. The beautiful stainless steel appliances and granite countertops immediately caught his eye. “That sounds good. Maybe I would like to get a dog in a few years, when the baby is old enough…” The idea sounded amazing, actually. He hadn't had any pets when he was a kid, and he remembered being very disappointed about it. But maybe he could get a dog for his own kid.

The future sounded so wonderful that he couldn't wait for it to start.

The three bedrooms were great as well. The master bedroom was stunning, in soft cream tones that Kurt thought would look amazing with a matte green. The two smaller bedrooms were also really nice, the smallest of which would be good for an office, and the other one was perfect for the baby's nursery.

He stood in that bedroom the longest, simply looking around and trying to picture what it would look like with the walls painted, with the right furniture and a few animal plushies here and there.

Wendy must have known what he was thinking just from the expression on his face, because she smiled brightly at him. “I'll give you a moment to look around on your own. I'll be in the living room if you need anything.”

She left, and Rachel turned to Kurt.

“This is a really nice place. What do you think?” She asked as she picked up Lilah from the stroller, who had just woken up.

“It's perfect. It feels like I could really make a home in this place,” Kurt answered. He walked to the room that would be his office, trying to see the layout of the room in his mind. “This place would be perfect for a desk, and I could have a set of shelves here…”

“Are we just going to ignore the fact that Kurt has a hickey the size of Manhattan or…?” Santana finally said from the doorway, and Kurt should have known she had been too quiet until then.

He sighed. “I'm sorry, I seem to recall you took me out for drinks and told me I needed to get laid.”

Santana's eyes widened a bit at that. “And you decided to listen? I'm impressed, Hummel.”

Rachel was watching him with narrowed eyes. “When did this happen and why didn't you tell me anything about it?”

Kurt rolled his eyes and sighed, impatiently. “It was this weekend and I didn't tell you because it was none of your business.”

“Well, where did you meet him?” Dani asked, as she wrapped her arms around Santana's waist from behind and hooked her chin on her wife's shoulder.

“At a wedding,” Kurt replied vaguely. He gestured towards one of the walls. “Wouldn't this be a wonderful place for a big white board? I've always wanted one where I could brainstorm and make lists of the things I…”

“Yes, yes, yes. No one cares about that,” Santana cut him off, earning a glare from Kurt. “You hooked up with someone from one of your weddings? I didn't know you had it in you.”

“Look, he was really attractive and we just… clicked, okay?” Kurt huffed, annoyed. “I never do anything crazy. Maybe I wanted to see if the world would end if I hooked up with someone I met through work. It didn't. End of story. Do you guys think I could paint this wall red? It would be such a great contrast…”

“Stop trying to change the subject!” Rachel squealed, too excited for Kurt's liking. “Tell us about him. What was he like? What was his name? Was he hot? Did he rock your world? How big was his…?”

“Rachel, for the love of god, you have your baby in your arms,” Kurt interrupted before she could even finish that question. “You're spending too much time with Santana. Don't be vulgar.”

Rachel had the decency to blush, glancing at her daughter apologetically.

“That doesn't mean you don't have to answer,” Santana insisted, smirking at him.

Kurt groaned in frustration. “His name is Blaine. He was the best man. His body was to die for and he made my legs turn to jelly. Is that enough information? Can we focus back on the task at hand, please?”

Santana let out a whistle. “Hummel, you're blushing like a virgin. He must have been a very, very good fuck…”

Kurt decided to ignore her. “I want to see the kitchen again.”


Santana gestured for the waiter. “Get us a bottle of champagne, please. We're celebrating.”

Kurt grinned from ear to ear. After seeing that last apartment, he had realized he didn't need to look for his new home anymore. It was perfect. It was everything he had ever wanted, and he could already picture his little family there. He had so many ideas for the baby's room, and he couldn't wait to get the keys and start working on it.

“A glass of lemonade for me, please,” Rachel said before the waiter had the chance to leave. “I'm a responsible mother and I am not drinking while I'm with my little girl.”

“You were talking about penis sizes in front of your darling daughter two hours ago, Berry. Don't act like you're the Mother of the Year or something,” Santana scoffed. “Poor Lilah is in for a life of constant humiliation and I feel bad for her.”

“Can you two please stop for ten minutes?” Dani said, rubbing at her temples tiredly. “We're here to celebrate that Kurt's found an apartment. Stop bitching and let's focus on him.”

Rachel immediately clapped in excitement. Her attention span was worse than her daughter's. “You have a few weeks before you get the key. We need to start planning the moving! And what are you going to do with the nursery?”

“God, I don't know,” Kurt bit his lip, equally excited. “I have so many ideas, I don't know where to start!”

“We could stop somewhere later and get you some home decoration magazines,” Dani suggested, just as the waiter returned and began pouring champagne in their glasses. “I know you have wonderful taste, but it's always helpful to get tips. I think I still have a stack at home from when I redecorated our kitchen…”

“She's addicted to those magazines,” Santana said, reaching for her glass. “I swear, she hides them under the bed like it's porn…”

Dani smacked her wife's arm, glaring at her playfully. “Do you really want to talk about hidden stashes of porn? Because I can so go there…”

Kurt decided, once again, to ignore their antics. “That sounds like a good idea. I think I know what I want to do with my bedroom and the living room, but the baby's room… I have no idea what kind of things I could possibly need! And what if I buy all the wrong stuffed animals? What if I buy… I don't know… bunnies, and then the baby hates bunnies?”

“Who could hate bunnies?” Rachel asked in confusion, taking a sip from her lemonade.

“I don't know, Rachel, I'm just saying. I need to research this…” Kurt leaned back on his seat, his eyes widening slightly. “Oh my god, I have less than five months to learn how to be a dad…”

“Here comes the panic attack again…” Santana muttered, visibly bored.

“You'll be fine,” Dani reassured him, reaching for his hand and giving it a squeeze. “You're the most determined, loving guy I know. That is going to be one happy, healthy baby. I know that.”

Kurt smiled at her warmly. “Thank you.”

“No problem,” she smiled back.

“Alright, then let's talk about colors for the living room, because I'm thinking…”

Santana interrupted before he could even list the colors he was considering. “Listen, Hummel. I'm happy you have a new place and everything, but now I want to talk about the truly important things.”

Kurt stared at her, confused. “What?”

“This guy you banged…” Santana started, and Kurt groaned in frustration. “Aren't you going to tell us all about it? I need details.”

“And I want to know when you're going to see him again,” Rachel intervened.

“I'm not seeing him again,” Kurt replied, arching an eyebrow at him. “The whole point of this was to have a one night stand. Now that's it. I'm done.”

“Exactly, because there are a lot of homosexual fish in the ocean that is New York City, and Kurt needs to catch another one,” Santana smirked in that characteristic, sort of perverted way of hers.

“Santana, this is not going to become a recurrent thing,” Kurt explained, as patiently as he could. “I agreed to do this, but…”

“But, what? Didn't you say it was great? Why would you deprive yourself from having more fun when there are plenty of guys out there who would jump at the chance to sleep with you? Don't be ridiculous, Hummel.”

“I don't have the time, okay? I work a lot, and now I have a new apartment to get ready for my baby, who's going to be born in a little over four months. I have my hands very full…”

“Excuses, excuses…” Santana rolled her eyes. “Come on. Dedicating at least one night a week to having some fun won't kill you. Why don't you let Dani and I take you to a gay bar later this week? You can meet someone new. And even if you don't, you can get a few drinks, dance a little…”

“You know, that actually sounds like fun,” Dani said, shrugging and earning a very bright smile from Santana. “It would be good for you, Kurt. You don't have to work all day, every day. Allow yourself some time to enjoy life, too. And just because we go out, it doesn't mean you have to hook up with some guy. It can just be a fun night out with your friends, and that's that.”

The thing about Dani, Kurt had discovered years ago, was that she was probably the most down to Earth member of their little group. So whenever she said something, it was hard not seeing her point and agreeing with her. And Kurt was starting to suspect that Santana asked her in advance to back her up with some of her crazy ideas.

But this didn't sound so crazy at all.

“Fine. I think I have next Friday free, miraculously,” Kurt said, sighing, and Santana high fived her wife. “Now, can we please toast to my new place? I can't believe you guys are more interested in my sex life than whether I have a roof over my head or not…”

The girls smiled and clicked their glasses with his. Kurt felt like this was the beginning of something amazing.


The music was loud in the dark bar. Kurt was sitting on a stool next to Dani and Santana, and the bartender placed three shots in front of them.

“On the count of three!” Santana said, raising hers. “One, two, three!”

They downed the shots. Kurt shook his head for a moment as the alcohol entered his system, sending a little shudder through him. Santana ordered another round for her and Dani, but Kurt asked for rum and coke instead. Doing shots seemed a particularly bad idea.

After their third round, Santana and Dani were already buzzed enough to forget Kurt was even there, and they began making out, Santana almost falling off her stool as she tried to get closer to her wife. Kurt smiled at them for a moment – it was nice knowing that marriage hadn't dimmed the love and passion they felt for each other.

When Santana climbed onto Dani's lap with some difficulty and began rutting slightly, though, Kurt rolled his eyes and looked away, knowing he had lost them for the time being.

The bar was packed. Kurt watched at the people dancing, bodies intertwining and grinding together, as the music seemed to make his skin vibrate. He put his empty glass down and decided to dance a little. It couldn't hurt, and it was better than staying there watching Santana and Dani dry hump each other.

Guys started surrounding him as soon as he stepped onto the dance floor. He danced on his own, though, not touching anyone and not letting anyone touch him. He could feel hungry eyes on him, the heat of numerous bodies moving around him, and it turned him on to think he could reach out a hand, grab any man he wanted and have him for the night.

Sometimes it was nice to feel wanted. It made Kurt feel powerful.

A hand or two brushed down his back and ass, but he ignored them, moving away. He felt free, as all the tensions from that week seemed to leak off his body, dissolve with every thrust of his hips. Once again, he hated admitting that Santana was right, but this was nice.

One of the guys that had been watching him came a little closer. “Do you want to dance with me?” He asked, mouth almost glued to Kurt's ear to make himself heard over the thump of the music.

Kurt appreciated that he had asked instead of simply grabbing him, so he nodded and hooked his arms over the stranger's shoulders. He could barely see him, but he seemed attractive, muscular and a few inches taller than him. He had very short hair and strong hands that settled on the small of his back.

Just as the guy's hands were starting to slide down towards his ass, Kurt felt a new pair of arms wrapping around him from behind and pulling him away from the stranger. With his eyes widening in surprise and ready to tell whoever had dared to grab him like that to fuck off, he looked over his shoulder.

And he found himself looking right into Blaine's eyes.

“Blaine?” He asked, confused.

Blaine was glaring at the other guy from behind Kurt, clearly challenging him to protest the interruption. But the man must have thought it wasn't worth getting into a fight, because he rolled his eyes and turned to dance with the man right next to him instead.

Kurt arched an eyebrow as he turned in Blaine's arms to face him. “I was kinda dancing with him, you know?”

“He was a douche,” Blaine replied, finally looking away from the stranger, and as soon as those ardent eyes settled on Kurt, he felt a shiver down his spine. “Hi.”

“Hey,” Kurt replied, unable to stop the smile blooming on his face. “Fancy meeting you here…”

“I had a long week,” Blaine explained, shrugging a little. “I needed something to distract myself.”

“I see,” Kurt muttered, letting out a pleased humming sound when Blaine tugged him closer to his body. “And did you find that distraction?”

Blaine's gaze burned into his, with the same desire Kurt had seen in them the night of the wedding. “Oh, I think I found exactly what I needed…”

Kurt grinned at him, just as he noticed Blaine glancing down at his lips. He wanted to lean in and kiss him right there and then, but he figured he could draw it out a little. There was something exquisite about teasing Blaine a bit.

He allowed his hands to trail down Blaine's arms and back, feeling the muscles that he had gotten well-acquainted with on their previous encounter. “Well, I'm here with some friends. But I'm pretty sure they're going to abandon me any minute now. They are kind of a very horny pair.”

“Mm, maybe I should stay with you, then,” Blaine murmured, his lips close enough to Kurt's ear to send another batch of shivers down his spine. “Keep you company, make sure the douche bags stay away…”

Kurt moved his mouth to Blaine's ear as well. “You know, I can take care of myself. I'm a big boy,” he said, and he could swear he felt a growl rumbling inside of Blaine's chest, where they were glued together. He allowed his lips to travel down a little, skimming down the column of Blaine's neck and catching for a moment in that scar he had noticed the other night. “But I would definitely love the company.”

Kurt,” Blaine groaned, and he sounded quite far gone already. It delighted Kurt that he could affect Blaine like this, so quickly.

Their hips moved together and Kurt could feel Blaine half-hard against him already. God, what was it about this man that drove him crazy and made him want to do naughty, naughty things, no matter where he was? For a moment he seriously thought about dropping to his knees right there in the middle of the dance floor and pulling down the zipper in Blaine's pants.

His throat was suddenly dry. “Why don't we go get a drink? It's so hot here…”

Blaine nodded, and immediately grabbed Kurt's hand to guide him away from the mass of dancing bodies.

Once they were at the bar, Kurt couldn't see Dani and Santana anywhere. He rolled his eyes. When the bartender approached them, Kurt ordered another rum and coke and Blaine asked for a beer.

Kurt put the straw between his lips when the bartender handed him his drink, and sipped at it with his eyes closed, appreciating the rush of cold that travelled down his throat. When he opened his eyes again, Blaine was staring at him.

“You are the most sensual man I have ever met,” Blaine murmured in a low voice, and wow, okay. He really knew exactly what to say and how to say it to send a rush of arousal all over Kurt.

The flirty confidence in Kurt vanished for a moment, replaced by bashfulness. He looked down at his drink with a silly smile. “You say the most outrageous things.”

Blaine's fingers settled on the inside of Kurt's wrist for a moment, stroking lightly and making his pulse pick up. “I'm just being honest.”

Kurt smiled at him, trying to think of what to say, but Santana and Dani appeared then, settling on either side of Kurt.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Santana said, eyeing Blaine up and down critically.

Blaine pulled his hand away immediately, staring at the girls in surprise for a moment.

Kurt turned to his friends and gave them a very meaningful look. “This is Blaine.”

Santana's eyes widened and she looked at Blaine again, as Dani's mouth fell open in a silent ‘oh'.

“Blaine, these are my friends, Santana and Dani,” Kurt said.

Blaine nodded politely at them. “Ladies, can I get you a drink?”

“Oh, I think I like this one,” Santana smirked, pleased. “Scotch on the rocks for me, and a beer for the Mrs.”

“You two are married?” He asked as he gestured for the bartender. “That's nice.”

Kurt took the opportunity to get himself under control, while Dani and Blaine chatted amicably. It was a little difficult to focus on what they were talking about when Blaine kept glancing back at Kurt with that same ardent look on his face.

The bartender was setting the drinks down in front of them when a new guy stood next to Kurt, touching his shoulder gently to get his attention.

“Hi there,” he said with a charming smile. “Can I buy you a drink?”

Kurt noticed Dani and Blaine falling silent and Santana standing at a side watching everything. Kurt glanced at Blaine briefly and then back at the man, who was cute but also several years younger than Kurt.

“That's really nice of you…” Kurt started saying, ready to refuse politely.

Two strong solid arms appeared around Kurt's waist, and Blaine was suddenly next to him, glaring at the man. “I can get him a new drink if he wants one. Now go play elsewhere, pretty boy.”

The stranger startled and apologized profusely, disappearing in the crowd as fast as he could.

Kurt looked at Blaine with wide eyes, completely shocked at his reaction.

Santana whistled and fanned herself. “Wow. Okay. Do you want to pee on his leg, too?”

Blaine backed off like he had been burned. The confident, sensual guy Kurt had seen until now seemed to dim and die away, and now he looked completely ashamed. He looked at Kurt and shook his head. “I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to… I'd better go…”

He turned around and walked towards the exit. Kurt exchanged a quick look with his friends. Santana shrugged in confusion and Dani looked at Blaine's retreating figure with a shade of concern in her eyes.

Kurt bit his lip and went after Blaine, almost running to catch up with him before he could leave. He grabbed his arm and stopped him, making Blaine turn to him in surprise.

“Hey,” Kurt said, frowning. “You don't have to go…”

Blaine wouldn't look at him. “That was completely uncalled for. I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me…”

“It's fine,” Kurt reassured him. He rolled his eyes. “Well, it's not fine. I can reject a guy without help, you know? I told you, I'm a big boy.”

“I know. I didn't mean to imply…” Blaine hurried to explain, but Kurt pressed a finger to his lips to silence him.

“I'm hanging out with you,” Kurt said, looking right into his eyes. “Did you really think I was going to let another guy buy me a drink? I know I slept with you right after I met you, but I'm not that easy, you know…”

Instead of taking it as the joke Kurt intended it to be, Blaine's eyes seemed to be about to bulge out of his skull. “God, no. I don't think you're easy. Kurt, you are…”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Kurt stopped him, chuckling. “I'm just teasing you. It's fine. You can stop freaking out now.”

“God, what the hell is wrong with me?” Blaine mumbled exasperatedly, running a hand through his sweaty curls. “I'm really sorry. I'm just… you're a pretty fantastic guy, in case you haven't noticed… I lost my mind there for a moment.”

Kurt hooked his arms over Blaine's shoulders, getting closer to him. “Stop apologizing. It's okay.”

Blaine sighed in relief. “Can I buy you another drink to make it up to you?”

Kurt was rarely this impulsive, but it seemed he was a completely different person when he was around Blaine. Blaine made him want to take risks, to go crazy, to give in to temptation. So he did. Instead of answering, he simply leaned in and pressed his mouth against Blaine's.

Blaine gasped in surprise into the kiss, but began responding immediately, wrapping his arms around him and kissing back in earnest. The beat of Kurt's heart seemed to match the constant thump thump thump of the bass vibrating from the speakers.

Yes, Blaine made him reckless. He made him feel like he was a caged beast whose prison was finally opened. The desire poured out of him in waves, choking him until he accepted it and followed its lead.

“Do you want to go back to my place instead?” Kurt offered, voice shaking a little in anxiety. He could be rejected. Maybe being so blunt and daring would have its consequences.

He saw Blaine swallowing as his pupils blew wide. He could almost feel the arousal thrumming through Blaine's veins as he held him.

“Yes,” he said at last.

Kurt didn't need to hear another word. He simply grabbed his hand, their fingers intertwining as if they had done that same thing a million times before, and led him out of the bar and into the street.

Santana and Dani would understand.




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