Oct. 20, 2011, noon
Oct. 20, 2011, noon
Friday had become Kurt's favorite day of the week. It had been since he discovered he had such a great time during his Sewing Techniques class (pretty much the only one where all the students were busy enough not to try to initiate any sort of chat), but Friday was even better now that he got to see Blaine perform with his guitar on the stage of a cozy, little café on the East side. Kurt couldn't forget the huge smile on Blaine's face when he told him about his new gig.
Kurt had been sitting on the couch, papers and books everywhere, sketchbook on his knees, trying to finish a silhouette he was supposed to have done for his first class in the morning but it was being more difficult than he had thought it would be. The front door banged opened and his eyes went wide when he saw Rachel coming in, firmly tugging Blaine's hand, both laughing.
Since Blaine and he had started going out after that magnificent first kiss (were they boyfriends? Was that the right word?) the boy seemed much more relaxed and happy than Kurt had ever seen him. He still struggled every day, but it was as if he had lost at least half of the load he had been carrying around all his life. He was accepted, Kurt liked him, Rachel liked him and, as ridiculous as it was that two people he had met just months ago meant so much to him, Blaine knew he had a new family. And Kurt made sure he reminded him every day. Blaine joining them for dinner wasn't a weekly thing anymore: the boy was always there with him and he had become much closer to Rachel too (she had taken surprisingly well the fact that her gaydar had, after all, failed), but that still didn't explain why they arrived together, holding hands, an hour and a half later than expected on a Tuesday night.
"Are you guys drunk?" Kurt asked, a perfect eyebrow cocked in confusion.
"Only with bliss, Kurt, we just…" Rachel started, but Blaine cut her off.
"Wait! I want to tell him," he said excitedly and despite the mysterious circumstances, Kurt couldn't hold back a smile. After seeing Blaine cry and open up to him in a coffee shop, vulnerable and ashamed, Kurt had never been able to forget about it. But the changes were remarkable in the little time that had passed since that night. Blaine smiled and talked so much more, his shyness was fading away more and more with every moment he shared with the two friends.
"But it was my idea," Rachel protested, frowning at Blaine. "I don't want you taking my credit."
Blaine rolled his eyes and lifted Rachel's hand. "Believe me, Rach, I'll be grateful forever," he whispered as he kissed her knuckles gently, eliciting a soft laugh from the girl.
Kurt cleared his throat, his eyebrow still arched.
"Oh, don't be jealous, you silly boy," Rachel said as she guided Blaine to the couch.
"I am not jealous, Berry," he replied, maybe a little too quickly. Blaine chuckled and leaned down to kiss his cheek sweetly as he sat next to him. "But it would be great to know what the two of you are up to."
"So there's this really nice coffee place I go to sometimes in between classes. They have the most delicious carrot cake there, Kurt, oh God, you definitely need to…" Rachel started, before being cut off again.
"If this is about food, I still don't understand the enthusiasm," Kurt crossed his arms over his chest, doing his best to ignore the warmth spreading across his leg because Blaine was resting a hand on his knee.
"This is why I wanted to tell him, Rach," Blaine pouted.
"Anyway," she said dramatically, sighing. "I go there quite often and today I heard they have live music on the weekends, which I didn't know before, and then I heard one of the baristas saying they needed a new performer, so I asked around a bit and then I called Blaine and…"
"And I got it!" Blaine bounced in his spot, unable to contain his excitement for another minute. Rachel frowned in frustration. "I'll be performing every Friday night!"
"Oh my God, that's fantastic!" Kurt said, disentangling his arms and throwing them around Blaine's neck. Blaine hugged him tightly without a second of hesitation as Rachel clapped happily. "Do you start this Friday? What time?" Kurt pulled away just enough to look into those amazing hazel eyes, eagerly.
"Yeah, this Friday at 8PM!" Blaine answered.
"That's perfect! Gives me time to get out of my last class of the day and shower and change my clothes before heading there," Kurt said thoughtfully and Blaine's smile lit up the room.
"You're really going?"
"Of course I am! I'll be there every Friday!" Leaning down, Kurt pecked him quickly on the lips as Blaine intertwined their fingers.
Kurt had stuck to his promise. This was the third Friday Blaine would play in the little café and Kurt hadn't missed one second of it. This time he was going straight from school where he had to stay a little longer to work with a sewing machine at the workshop, getting ready for an assignment he needed to have done for next week. He was carrying his messenger bag and his huge portfolio where he kept all of his sketches. It had been a really long day and he was more than happy to sit down at his favorite table near the stage with his non-fat mocha and stretch his long legs as he let his head rest against the wall behind him.
He had just closed his eyes to let them rest a bit when he felt the warmth of a pair of lips on his forehead. He looked up to find Blaine smiling down at him.
"Hey," Kurt said, his cheeks reddening instantly, still not used to receiving such gestures of affection in public. Damn, still not used to receiving affection, period.
"Hey you," Blaine answered, sitting down on a chair next to him and letting their hands find each other, intertwining their fingers. "Is everything alright? You look really tired."
"It was a very long day," Kurt smiled to show him there was nothing to worry about and had another sip of coffee. "Are you all ready to go?"
"Yeah, I'll start in ten minutes, I wanted to come over here and see you first," Blaine brushed back a strand of hair that had fallen on Kurt's forehead.
Kurt's heart was beating hard and fast, just like every time he felt Blaine's touch on his skin. He was falling in love with that boy so quickly it was terrifying. Not in a million years he would've imagined he'd find someone like Blaine. Back in Ohio, he had only wanted to be accepted. Being loved, feeling loved… that was an extra bonus.
Kurt could feel the nerves tingling in his stomach and he knew he was about to sound like he was still a high school boy, but he had been thinking about nothing else for weeks now and it was starting to drive him crazy. He cleared his throat and made an effort to sound as nonchalantly as possible.
He failed. "Blaine?" The other boy fixed his hazel eyes on him. "What… Gosh, this is so stupid."
"What is it, Kurt?" His thick, black eyebrows knit, curiously.
"You and me," Kurt started again, his hand unconsciously squeezing Blaine's tighter. "What exactly are we?"
Blaine's lips barely twisted, trying to form a smile. He tried to remain serious. "Do you want to…?"
His next words were lost when a new voice interrupted. "Boys! I'm so glad I've made it on time, I thought I'd never get here!" Rachel planted a kiss on each boy's cheek before sitting down heavily and taking a sip from Kurt's coffee. "You wouldn't believe what kind of day I had."
Blaine slowly straightened up, the little smile still dancing on his lips. "I have to go, but, you'll tell me about it later, Rach?"
"Sure, Blaine. Go break a leg," she said distractedly, not noticing the way Kurt was glaring at her. Blaine walked away towards the small stage and started tuning his guitar.
"I swear to you, Rachel, sometimes is really hard not to strangle you," Kurt huffed, stealing back his cup and drinking the last few sips Rachel had left.
"Why? What did I do now?" The girl crossed her arms defensively, frowning and completely oblivious.
"Blaine and I were talking about something important and you interrupted. You have the worst timing ever," he sat back, staring at the still empty stage. The little coffee house was starting to get crowded and Kurt thought he recognized a couple of faces. Were people coming back specifically to see Blaine? He felt so proud he could barely contain his excitement.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know," Rachel replied. She seemed a little worried now. "Are you two okay? You weren't fighting, right?"
"No, we weren't, we're doing great," Kurt sighed and rested his head on his friend's shoulder. "But I asked him what we were exactly and he was about to answer me."
"Wait, you're telling me you are not official yet?" Rachel sounded pretty shocked. "I thought it was obvious!"
"I don't know, I've never dated anyone before, remember?" Kurt watched as Blaine stepped on the stage with his guitar hanging and turned the microphone on. "I just wanted to be sure."
Both of them got quiet when Blaine smiled at the audience and strummed a few notes on the guitar as if he was checking the sound of it. He was always shy when he talked, and this time was no exception. "Hi, everyone thanks for coming." He cleared his throat and took a guitar pick from his back pocket. "I'm going to start with a song tonight that I'd like to dedicate to my boyfriend," the blush crept up his cheeks and the smile was hard to hold back. Kurt stopped breathing and he couldn't remember how to do it again. "This is for you, Kurt."
Blaine and Kurt's eyes found each other for a few seconds before the boy started playing. Kurt grabbed Rachel's hand with so much strength he was sure he was about to break the girl's bones, but he couldn't help it.
Blaine sang softly, with a sweet voice, and it took Kurt just a moment to realize Blaine was slightly changing the lyrics to make them fit. His heart threatened to jump out of his chest.
Something in the way he moves,
Attracts me like no other lover.
Something in the way he woos me.
I don't want to leave him now,
You know I believe and how.
Somewhere in his smile he knows,
That I don't need no other lover.
Something in his style that shows me.
I don't want to leave him now,
You know I believe and how.
You're asking me will my love grow,
I don't know, I don't know.
Stick around, and it may show,
But I don't know, I don't know.
Something in the way he knows,
And all I have to do is think of him.
Something in the things he shows me.
I don't want to leave him now.
You know I believe and how.
Tears were filling Kurt's blue eyes as Blaine played the last few notes. He felt them tracking down his cheeks as everyone clapped and Blaine nodded a bow to the audience, thanking them. Their eyes met again and they smiled at each other and Kurt nodded enthusiastically, still too emotional to release Rachel's hand. Blaine winked at him before starting with the next song. As he began to sing again, Kurt felt Rachel leaning towards him.
"I think you know now, huh?"
Kurt didn't let go of Rachel until he jumped off his seat to hug Blaine once the show was done.
"Did you like it?" Blaine whispered in his ear, firmly enveloped in his arms.
"I loved it," Kurt answered with his lips against his neck, where he was hiding his face and taking in the wonderful scent of the boy he knew he had fallen in love with.
Blaine moved his hand slowly down Kurt's arm until their fingers tangled together. Kurt nuzzled against the scratchy skin covered with stubble on the other boy's jaw and Blaine leaned down to capture his lips in a tender yet passionate kiss. Kurt felt Blaine's tongue gently asking for entrance and a second later it was inside his mouth. They tasted each other, forgetting the people around them, forgetting about Rachel who was patiently waiting at the table for them, trying to hide her smile. As soon as things started to get too heated, Blaine pulled away, breathless. Kurt swallowed, his knees so weak he wasn't sure if he could stand on his own, but luckily Blaine had an arm around his waist. He sighed in contentment without being able to glance away from Blaine's eyes.
"Do you want to go?" Blaine asked with a quick kiss to his nose. Kurt smiled.
"Yeah, let's go home and I'll cook us some dinner," he said.
"Can I choose the movie tonight?" Blaine mumbled, pouting.
"Oh, honey, after that song, you can choose the movie every night," Kurt laughed and tugging at his boyfriend's hand, they walked to Rachel so they could go home together.
Classes, homework and jobs were robbing too much time away from them. Blaine and Kurt could only enjoy a few minutes together when they were having dinner, and even the weekends never seemed long enough. Rachel was pushing herself harder than ever, between trying to be the top of her class and her job at the theatre. The three of them would collapse on the couch every night and admit they've never imagined life would be this challenging.
Kurt was the one who had most to do when it came to homework. He constantly had sketches to do, huge books to read, fabrics to analyze, garments to make… his precious hours of sleep still hadn't been affected yet, but he knew that, as soon as he got a job, everything would become even more difficult.
Not being able to find a job was really getting him down. What if he wasn't good enough to do anything? What if his hopes had been too high?
"This city is a very competitive place, Kurt," Blaine had told him one night, while they were cuddling on the couch watching TV and waiting for Rachel to come home. "Even if you're not being too picky with the jobs you're applying for, there're a lot of other people trying to get them, too. That doesn't mean you're not good or that you'll never work. It just means that you need to be patient."
Kurt had snorted, frustrated, in response, sounding like a spoiled child who's mom refused to buy him ice-cream. Blaine had laughed and kissed the top of his head.
"Trust me, okay?" He asked, rubbing soothing circles on the other boy's back. Kurt nodded, his head resting on Blaine's chest, before their conversation was cut off by Rachel, who came in, the bag of take out in one hand, her keys in the other.
The end of November was getting closer and exams were starting for the three of them. Stress was beginning to take over and sometimes they didn't even have time to sit down and have dinner together. Their schedules got crazy and Blaine started wondering if he really could fit another job into his life. The gig at the coffee shop was amazing and he loved playing there (besides Kurt, it was the best thing he had going right now), but the money he earned from it wasn't much, and even with the tips it wasn't enough to cover his needs. The job at the library was also great, and it gave him time to study if it was a quiet day, but Blaine couldn't deny he was still worried. The idea of dropping out of college was still going around his head. It would be admitting defeat, admitting his parents had always been right about him.
That was the last thing Blaine wanted to do.
It was a boring night. He hadn't seen Kurt more than a few minutes that morning while they had a cup of coffee together and they weren't meeting up for dinner because both of them had a lot to deal with tonight. Kurt had to finish three sketches and Blaine had a 500 page book to read before the class he had the next afternoon. He had just stood up to make some coffee to help him through the long hours of reading when he heard something that paralyzed him in fear.
Someone was screaming.
Kurt was screaming.
Forgetting about anything else, Blaine ran from his apartment and into his friends' without even knocking, too scared to worry about it. What if Kurt had slipped in the shower and broken his arm? What if someone had broken in to their apartment? What if he was really hurt?
Blaine didn't expect to find Kurt jumping up and down and dancing around the kitchen table, hugging his cellphone against his chest as if he was holding his best friend. Blaine watched him in awe and confusion until the other boy noticed his presence.
"What the hell happened?" He asked, still half alarmed and half fascinated at how beautiful Kurt was right then and there.
Kurt threw himself into Blaine's arms, wrapping his arms around his neck to pull him closer. Blaine could feel tears wetting his skin. Putting his hands on Kurt's shoulders he pushed him away gently enough to look at him in the eyes. What was going on?
"Kurt, are you okay?" Blaine dried the tears with his fingers in a sweet gesture and the smile Kurt gave him was all he needed to swallow the lump in his throat.
"I got it, Blaine, I got it!" He screamed, going back to jumping, this time dragging Blaine with him.
"Whoa, calm down. What did you get? I don't understand what you're saying, Kurt!" Blaine also smiled, even though he had no idea what they were smiling for.
Well, he knew what he was smiling for, because the reason was standing in front of him in a pair of tight jeans and a green button down. The mystery was what had gotten Kurt that excited.
Kurt took a deep breath to steady himself without letting go of Blaine. "I applied for a lot of internships for fashion magazines a couple of weeks ago and I just got a call from Vanity Fair and they want me to start next Monday!"
Blaine blinked a couple of times before hugging Kurt so tight the other boy had trouble breathing. "Oh my God, Kurt! I'm so happy for you! This is amazing!"
"I know, isn't it?" Kurt kissed him quickly on the lips. "I'm sure I'll probably be serving coffee to important people and the salary will be really low but..."
"This is what you want to do, this is your chance," Blaine smiled and looked him right in the eyes. "It doesn't matter how you start, Kurt, what really matters is how hard you work to get farther."
Kurt bit his bottom lip, and Blaine could see just how insecure he felt. "Do you think I can do this? Do you think I'm good enough?"
Blaine rubbed his hands soothingly up and down Kurt's arms a few times, never losing the smile or breaking eye contact. "No, I don't think so," Kurt's eyes flickered with fear. "I know it."
Kurt relaxed visibly and smiled even wider and Blaine couldn't help but think he had never seen him like that before, so open, so carefree, so unafraid. Every time he looked at Kurt, since the very first day he's seen him, he had thought he was beautiful. Now, he thought beautiful wasn't a strong enough word. Breathtaking. Stunning. No. He was so much more.
"Thank you," Kurt whispered softly and Blaine couldn't fight the urge to kissing those pink, delicious lips.
Kurt kept smiling into the kiss as he tightened his grip around Blaine's neck, holding him as close as he could. Blaine's hands went down to his waist with the same intention, feeling the warmth of Kurt's body even through the layers of clothes. Just thinking about the gorgeous, pale skin that was hiding underneath sent shivers down his spine. Without realizing what they were doing, they moved towards the counter, Kurt pressing Blaine against it, their bodies fitting together as their mouths opened and their tongues met.
They had kissed plenty since the first time, but there was something new this time. It could have been the urgency with which Kurt grabbed Blaine's shirt in his fists, or the way Blaine couldn't suppress a groan that seemed to stir up all their senses. It could be the way they both pulled their hips away after a few minutes, to avoid awkward contact when the passion was starting to turn into raw heat.
When the need to breathe became vital, they ended the kiss, gasping, with blown pupils and swollen lips. Staring at each other as if trying to communicate without words, Kurt felt those deep hazel eyes swallowing him whole. He was lost in the amazing boy in his arms, dying to kiss some more, to taste, to nibble, to push, to feel. Blaine seemed to be thinking the same, devouring Kurt with an eager glance, his fingers digging harder into his hips, making his bones hurt in such a wonderful way he didn't know it was possible.
Diving in for another kiss, they clung into each other even closer, both completely aware of the other's desire now. Kurt's tongue went into Blaine's mouth and started twirling around his and oh dear God, where did he learn to do that? The tickling sensation shot through his entire body, heading directly towards his crotch and the next thing he knew, he's letting escape another soft, needy moan and his hips are trying to grind into Kurt's.
And it was then when they heard the voice (and Blaine was completely sure that she had a sixth sense especially designed to interrupt those moments when they were trying to take another step in their relationship) and Kurt growled (he actually growled) in frustration, their lips making a sloppy noise when they forced them to part.
"Kurt! Are you home?" Rachel called, too loud after the silence barely broken by moans and heavy breathing they had just shared.
"In the kitchen," Kurt answered, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against Blaine's as they tried to steady themselves, hoping for their arousals to subside.
"Oh, hey guys!" She said enthusiastically, as she left her bag on the table and headed to the fridge to get some water. "I thought you two were going to study tonight. Are we all up for dinner, then?"
Kurt was too frustrated to form a reply, so Blaine was the one who spoke up. "Actually, Kurt got some good news, that's why I'm here."
With those words, Kurt forgot about his frustration and his excitement returned. He started jumping again, this time hugging Rachel as he told her everything that had happened and the next thing he knew, Blaine was being pulled into the hug and the three of them were bouncing around the tiny kitchen, bumping against appliances and laughing because hey, life can be extremely complicated sometimes, but right now it looked pretty damn good.
He didn't say anything to Kurt about it when it happened because he had a lot on his plate already with his classes and his new job. Besides, Blaine said to himself, this was not about him. It had nothing to do with him. It was bound to happen eventually, really, and Blaine was shocked he had lasted this long.
It was a Monday morning when he got the eviction notice. It said he had a week to pay the money he owed, or he would be out the door. It's not the kind of thing you wanted to read while you sipped your coffee before leaving for a class where you had a big test coming. He had to change his shirt due to the dark stains that appeared in the light blue fabric after he spilled the hot liquid all over the place.
This was a new load, something to carry around with him all day when he was supposed to be focusing on his lessons. It was the kind of worry he hadn't felt since Kurt kissed them all away what it seemed an eternity ago, but it wasn't really even three months ago. He walked into class, the notice folded in two inside one of his bag's pockets, as if carrying it around would provide a magical solution. Blaine knew what he needed to do, but doing it was an entirely different matter. He would have to give up his dreams, his goals and probably his future too just to be able to stay there one more month, one more week, one more day. He didn't have any more choices. There was no way he was crawling back to Ohio and he'd rather live under a bridge than return to his parents' house.
Blaine spent all of his free time looking for a solution he still hadn't thought of, or looking for that second (or third, if he counted the gigs on Friday night) job that could mean the difference between leaving or staying. He could see his life falling apart before his own eyes, but as much as he wanted to reach out and stop it from happening, it was like trying to hold a sand castle that was being struck by a forceful tide. It kept falling apart no matter what.
"Blaine?" The sweet voice spoke right into his ear, startling him. Blaine looked up to find Kurt watching him and frowning. "Are you alright? You've been awfully quiet, it's like you're not even here."
Blaine glanced around. He was, once again, at Kurt and Rachel's. He was lying next to his boyfriend on the couch, securely resting in between Kurt's arms, his head on his shoulder, a hand on his chest. He could feel the other boy's heart beating against his fingers. They were watching a movie, but Blaine had no idea which one, just as he had no idea how it was possible that it was Thursday night already and where the hell had the last few days gone?
"Yeah, I'm fine," he muttered distractedly and Kurt frowned even more, pushing him away slightly so he could look at him in the eyes.
"Why are you lying to me?" He asked, half curious, half worried and Blaine couldn't help but feel amazed at how well Kurt had gotten to know him in such short time. Much better than people who had been with him his whole life.
"I'm not lying to you," Blaine assured him, but he didn't sound convincing at all.
This time Kurt pulled away completely and paused the movie. His face didn't show anything and Blaine hated not being able to tell if his boyfriend was scared, angry or sad. The distance between them wasn't really wide, but Blaine missed the comfortable warmth already and he didn't like the sensation.
"Is this… are you not happy?" Kurt asked, and there was an edge to his voice that made Blaine uneasy. "About us? Are you not happy about us?"
"What?" Blaine's eyes widened in surprise. "Kurt… no! No way, there's nothing wrong with us, I'm more than happy with you…"
"Then what's going on?" Kurt insisted, though knowing they were okay soothed him a bit. "I tried to talk to you, but it's like you're somewhere else all the time. I know something's wrong. Just tell me what it is."
Blaine didn't want to tell him any lies. Kurt didn't deserve it. They were together and Blaine wanted it to be that way for as long as possible. Kurt needed to trust him… and hell, Blaine needed to trust someone, too. Especially now.
"I'm being evicted, on Monday," he explained slowly, trying to silence the panicking voice inside him that was telling him he had nowhere to go and that he better come up with something soon.
"Ev-… what?" Kurt opened and closed his mouth, trying to find the words, but they weren't coming. "You'll be… oh my God, Blaine. Are you homeless?"
Blaine whined in complaint. "Oh, please, Kurt, don't say it that way."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Kurt grabbed his hand in between his, tightly.
"Because it has nothing to do with you and because you have a lot to deal with already," Blaine answered simply, earning an eye-roll from the other boy. "It's true."
"You're my boyfriend," Kurt replied and Blaine felt that amazing tickle in his stomach, the one he always felt when Kurt said that word. "You're supposed to tell me these things, to ask for my help."
"You're busy."
"I'm never too busy for you," Kurt cupped his face in his hands, making sure Blaine looked at him in the eyes, making sure every word reached the other boy's ears.
That did it. The long hours of forcing himself to be strong disintegrated into nothingness as he let Kurt's arms wrap him to pull him closer. He hugged his boyfriend and felt the tears stinging in his eyes because everything was fucking unfair.
Kurt held him and rubbed his back while he patiently waited for Blaine to feel ready to talk about it. He kept making soothing noises while he kissed the soft, dark curls on the top of his head. He could feel Blaine's hot breath hitting the vulnerable skin of his neck. Blaine's lips brushed that same spot before sitting straighter to look at him.
He sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
"It's fine, sweetie, but I want you to know that no matter what it is, you can always talk to me, okay?" Kurt caressed his cheek, feeling the stubble growing there under his fingertips. Blaine nodded slowly. "Is there anything you can do to avoid this? Maybe ask for a little more time while we find a solution?"
Blaine massaged his temple, feeling a headache coming. "No, I already talked to the apartment owner and he can't give me any more time. He needs me out of here by Monday."
"There must be something we can do," Kurt muttered thoughtfully, as his brain started working at high speed. "We'll think of something."
"I know what to do, Kurt, and I should've done it weeks ago, but I was stupid enough to think things would pick up," he stood up and started pacing the living room, needing to ease some of the tension. "I'll sell some of the things I have."
"Blaine, sweetie, your apartment is pretty much empty, what else could you possibly sell?" Kurt pointed out. They never spent much time at the other boy's place, but Kurt was aware of the lack of furniture and other belongings that Blaine had.
"I don't know, my laptop, maybe?" Blaine threw his arms into the air and his voice was bitter. He was so tired of giving everything up. He had spent his entire life giving stuff up and it wasn't supposed to happen again. He was supposed to have the life he had always wished there in New York.
"But you need it! You're always using it for school work and…"
"I'm dropping out of college, Kurt."
Kurt stopped midsentence, shocked, certain he couldn't have heard right. "Blaine, you can't drop out."
The other boy turned to look at him, defeated, sad, disappointed hazel eyes fixed on his. "Tell me what else I'm supposed to do."
There was a long silence in which both boys looked at each other helplessly. Kurt wanted to hold him in his arms and promise him everything would be alright, but how? He didn't know how to help him. He didn't know what to do.
The front door opened and they glanced up to see Rachel coming in. She looked tired but excited and her smile would've lit up the room if it wasn't because the atmosphere there was too charged with negativity.
"Oh, good, I was hoping you two would be here, I need to talk to you guys about the weekend," she said, taking her coat off to hang it on the rack by the door.
Kurt could see Blaine retreating, he could see him putting all the walls back up and hiding behind them. He reached his hand to let him know he was right there with him, that he didn't need to deal with all of it alone, but Blaine turned around.
"Sorry, Rachel, I have to go. I'll see you later," he walked towards the door, not looking back at either of the two friends who just stared at him, one in shock, the other in utter sadness.
"What's with him?" Rachel asked, frowning at Kurt and sitting on the couch by his side, once the other boy was gone. They didn't hear the door of the apartment opposite them open. Blaine had left.
Kurt didn't answer. He simply scooted closer and rested his head on the girl's shoulder. Rachel's smile abandoned her face as she put her arms around the distressed boy and Kurt didn't say a word for a while, too busy feeling the slow, sad beats of his heart and the thoughts going around and around inside his head.
Blaine was trying to stretch as far as he could to reach the top shelf without dropping any of the books he was carrying. He was sure the girl who was sitting at the desk at the end of the row was doing her best not to laugh at him, he could see her giggling as she turned the pages in the book in front of her.
Placing two other books in the same place, he moved to the next row of shelves to organize the rest. The girl stopped chuckling when he walked by her side. Any other time, he would've winked at her or made a funny comment, but not that day. Blaine was not in the mood to be laughed at; he wasn't in the mood to be at work and he definitely wasn't in the mood to do anything other than get in bed and hide under the covers. Everything was just wrong, all of it.
His favorite sound in the whole world reached his ears as he turned around to get more books to organize. It was barely a whisper, but he knew he could've heard it in any crowd.
"Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find Blaine Anderson?"
"Kurt?" He called, frowning as he walked towards the counter where his boyfriend was standing. The boy looked at him with a sweet smile. "What are you doing here?"
"I need to talk to you for a minute," he answered softly.
"I'm working," Blaine replied immediately, because he knew what this was about and he couldn't deal with it right now. "We'll talk tonight when I get home."
"I'm afraid it'll be too late to talk about it by the time you get home," Kurt crossed his arms over his chest, his voice firm and low.
"Go take a break, Blaine," his supervisor said from the other side of the counter. "You look like you really need one, anyway. Grab a coffee and take twenty minutes. Those books aren't going anywhere."
Blaine looked at the old man with a mix of confusion and desperation, before nodding. There was no way to get out of this now, so after taking a deep breath, he followed Kurt outside. It was a cold, cloudy day and Kurt sat down on one of the steps of the long, stone stairs. Kurt patted the spot next to him to invite him to sit down and Blaine did, wondering why he hadn't even bothered in taking his coat before going out.
"You know, Blaine, even when things are complicated, that doesn't mean you need to avoid me," Kurt started, his blue eyes drilling holes into his very soul. He didn't sound upset or disappointed, though, and Blaine thought that was something good, at least. "I went to talk to you this morning, but you were already gone."
"I'm fine," Blaine assured him in a tired tone. He looked at the boy for a few seconds. "Wait, aren't you supposed to be in a class right now?"
Kurt rolled his eyes. "Not important."
"Yes, yes it is important," Blaine insisted. "See? This is why I didn't want to tell you about it, you're already…"
"On my list of priorities, the people I care about come first," Kurt interrupted, his eyes sweet but sharp at the same time, as if he was warning the other boy not to argue with him about that point. "Yes, my classes are important and my job is important, but you're my boyfriend and you're not okay. What do you want me to do? And don't say I shouldn't worry about it, because I will."
Blaine sighed, wrapped his arms around his bent knees and dropped his head on top of them. "Why did I have to meet someone as wonderful as you when I can't be what you deserve? This is all wrong, Kurt."
"Oh, Blaine," Kurt moved closer, his hand resting on Blaine's back, rubbing circles, as he leaned his head so he could speak into his ear. "We already talked about this, remember? No one is perfect."
"You are pretty close to being perfect to me," Blaine turned his head so he could look Kurt in the eyes, not missing a second of the beautiful smile the other boy couldn't hold back.
"No. We're just perfect together," he answered. He kissed Blaine's stubbly cheek and intertwined his fingers with his.
Blaine felt it coming up his throat, something he couldn't stop, even when he tried his best to swallow it back. It's too soon, it's too soon, you're going to ruin this, it's too…
"I love you."
Kurt stopped breathing, his lips still against his cheek and his fingers tightened against his for a second. He moved back very slowly, putting just a few centimeters of distance between them so their eyes could meet.
"Oh my God, Kurt," Blaine panicked. Why had he said it? Why couldn't he save it for another time? He was telling him that he loved him and he didn't even know if he would be there two days later. "I shouldn't have said that. It's too soon and I'm…"
Kurt kissed him. It was a sweet, intense kiss and Blaine couldn't help but forget about his freak out for the few seconds their lips were touching. Kurt parted from him almost too quickly, but he was smiling and Blaine was speechless. He made sure to look right into those hazel eyes; he made sure that Blaine was looking right back at him.
"I love you too," he said in a low voice, yet loud enough for both of them to hear. Blaine relaxed immediately and smiled, too. Kurt caressed his cheek with cold, soft fingers and barely brushed his lips with the fingertips. "And this is pretty convenient, too."
"Oh, is it?" Blaine asked teasingly, because for just an instant he had forgotten about all of his problems, sitting there on a cold day with the boy he loved so close to him and being loved back.
"Yes, because I have a solution for you," Kurt replied and he sat up straighter, his face half serious, half excited. Blaine glanced at him questioningly. "Rachel and I stayed up 'til late last night talking about your situation and,- no, Blaine, let me finish," he put his hand on Blaine's mouth to stop him from talking. "I wanted to say something to you before you stormed out the door last night, but I had to talk to her first. So we did and she's completely okay with it," Kurt frowned thoughtfully. "Too okay with it, now that I think about it."
"What are you talking about?" Blaine was beyond confused and his words sounded muffled because of Kurt's hand.
"You're moving in with us," Kurt said simply, as if it was obvious. "You'll have to sleep in the living room because… well, I don't know if we're ready to sleep, uhm, you know, together, yet," he cleared his throat before trying to continue, only to be interrupted by Blaine.
"Kurt… no, I can't do that," his heart had stopped beating because he just couldn't believe how wonderful and selfless his boyfriend (and Rachel) were.
"Of course you can," Kurt dismissed his words without a second thought. "It's completely fine. You won't have to drop out of college and between the three of us working, we can afford everything just fine. I can even spend a little less on rent and a little more on clothes, which I'd like to do. Besides, let's be real here, you already spend all of your free time there with us. You only go to your apartment to sleep, Blaine. I don't think you even have food in your fridge."
Blaine opened his mouth, but he wasn't capable of saying anything. He couldn't understand how after years and years of looking for someone who just cared about him, he had stumble upon someone as unique and amazing as Kurt Hummel.
"I… I completely understand if you think it could be weird and that maybe we haven't been together for that long to actually live together," Kurt added, because he was freaking out now that Blaine was so silent. "It doesn't need to be permanent if you don't want to. You can just stay with us until you figure out what to do, but I don't want you to give up on your dreams, Blaine, I don't want you to quit," he reached out to tuck back in place a rebellious curl that fell onto Blaine's forehead. "Please, say something."
Blaine licked his lips to gain some more time. "Are you… are you sure Rachel is okay with this?"
"Told you, too okay with this," Kurt rolled his eyes.
"And you? Won't you feel awkward?" Blaine turned a little to the side so he could face Kurt directly.
"No, I won't," he shook his head. "I just want to help you, I want you to be alright and if I can do something about it, I will." He moved closer until their foreheads were resting together. "It really won't make that much difference. You're always in out apartment. The other day you even fell asleep on the couch and spent the night."
Blaine laughed softly, relief starting to settle inside him, travelling like a warm sensation from the top of his head to his toes. He looked into those amazing blue eyes and the love he felt seemed to be overwhelming for a moment, as if breathing, moving, living was too hard to do, because the only thing he could do was to love.
"Thank you, Kurt," he whispered.
"Is that a yes?" Kurt asked cautiously.
"That's a yes, roomie," Blaine smiled and two seconds later Kurt was squealing and holding him so tight all the air in his lungs left his body.
They held each other for a few minutes, too happy and too comfortable to move, before they remembered life was still going on around them. They stood up and kissed goodbye, Kurt assuring him he'd be at his show later that day and Blaine watched him climb down the rest of the steps and disappear into the crowded street with the biggest smile on his face.
Blaine smiled and waved at the small, yet welcoming audience once he finished playing his last song that same night, before coming down from the stage and walking to the table where Kurt and Rachel were cheering louder than anyone else. He smiled, rolling his eyes a bit, before bowing down exaggeratedly and sitting next to his boyfriend.
"You were amazing, Blaine," Rachel said with a huge grin on her face, still clapping like a little girl.
"Beyond amazing," Kurt added, putting his hand on top of Blaine's where it was resting on his thigh. Blaine felt a rush of happiness flowing inside of him when he looked at Kurt and saw nothing but love in those stunning blue eyes.
"Thanks, guys," he answered shyly, because he still couldn't believe he got to perform on a stage, no matter how small that stage was, and that he had the two most important people he had in his life right now coming to support him every week. "Do you want another coffee?" Blaine asked, seeing the empty cup his boyfriend had been playing with.
"I'd love to, but we don't have the time," Kurt replied, checking his cellphone. "We need to leave now in case the traffic is too heavy."
"Where are we going?" Blaine stood up, confused, donning his coat as Kurt and Rachel put theirs on.
"Oh, right, I forgot to tell you," Kurt muttered as he reached out to help Blaine with his scarf. "Rachel's going back to Ohio for the weekend."
"It's my dads' anniversary!" She held both of their arms and the three friends walked out of the café. "They're going to have a party with their closest friends and I knew they were sad because this is the first time I wouldn't be there, so I decided to surprise them."
"That's great, Rach," Blaine smiled at her as they arrived at Kurt's car. "Wait… did you say dads?"
"Yes, I have two gay dads," she frowned. "Haven't I told you that before?"
"No," Blaine held the back door opened for her and she gratefully climbed in. Kurt kissed his cheek before Blaine surrounded the car to the passenger's side.
"I was sure I told you when you came out to me," Rachel mumbled, thoughtful.
Kurt snorted sarcastically. "Oh, Rachel, please, he never got the chance to come out to you. You walked in on us kissing after we got home from our coffee date."
"And then you spent half an hour complaining about your broken gaydar, which I never truly understood," Blaine said, as Kurt drove off into New York's traffic. "And saying I didn't have the remarkable bone structure Kurt's brother has."
"I want my children to have better opportunities than me!" Rachel pouted from the backseat. "You and I would have very, very short kids, Blaine."
"You and Blaine are having no kids at all," Kurt interjected firmly, which only caused the other two to laugh.
They arrived at the airport with some minutes to spare and Rachel checked her luggage in. Blaine and Kurt walked her as far as they could go without boarding passes and hugged the girl goodbye.
"Thank you so much, Rachel," Blaine whispered in her ear as he held her tight. She knew exactly what he was talking about and hugged back just as tight when she noticed how emotional the boy was. "You're a great friend."
"We'll have a lot of fun living together," she answered when they parted, smiling at him. "I'm sorry I'm not going to be here to help with the moving, though."
"There's not much to move, don't worry," he squeezed her hand before she turned to Kurt. They shared a quick hug and Rachel kissed his cheek.
"We'll pick you up on Sunday night," he assured her and she waved one last time before leaving, looking back over her shoulder a few times just to see the two boys holding hands and lost in each other, lovingly.
Yeah, Rachel thought as she boarded her plane, we're all going to be just fine.
"What are we going to do with all of the things that don't fit in your apartment?" Blaine asked distractedly as he closed a box full of books and pushed it towards the others that he was done with.
"Our apartment," Kurt corrected from the kitchen as he packed cups and plates carefully. "And that's up to you, honey, this is your stuff, not mine."
Blaine looked around, thoughtfully, standing up from his spot on the floor. It wasn't even noon yet and Kurt and he had made a lot of progress with the moving. Only the furniture was still in place and Blaine knew there wasn't much space for it in their apartment (he was moving in with his boyfriend, how crazy was that?). Besides, it didn't match Kurt's style at all and he knew he would have to get rid of it eventually, so why not now?
"I don't think we need any of this," Blaine answered after a moment. Kurt came out of the kitchen with a closed box and put it down with the others. "I guess I could sell the furniture and finally have some money to take you out on a date," he added with a smile as he watched the boy impatiently brushing away some hair that had fallen on his forehead.
Kurt also smiled and walked to him, throwing his arms around Blaine's neck. "We've been on dates before."
"Only coffee dates, and you paid most of those times," Blaine kissed the tip of his nose. "I mean a real one, with dinner and candles and music."
"Can I get flowers, too?" Kurt teased, biting his lower lip.
"Of course you can," they kissed softly for a few minutes before realizing they needed to go back to work.
Once everything was packed, they carried the boxes to the other apartment and Blaine took a look at the mess, unsure.
"Kurt?" He mumbled, as the other boy glanced at the living room with critical eye, trying to find a way to fit Blaine's mattress in a place where it wouldn't look so bad.
"Are you completely sure about this? You're not regretting it, are you?" Blaine saw Kurt sighing and turning to face him.
"Blaine, I spent two hours last night making room for your clothes in my closet," he said, cocking up a perfect eyebrow. "In my world, that's commitment."
Blaine laughed, all his remaining insecurities flying out the window and grabbed a couple of boxes that contained kitchen supplies to get them out of the living room. When he returned, Kurt was placing the picture of him and the Warblers next to the one with his and Rachel's friends from school.
"Is it okay if I put it here?" He asked as Blaine moved closer to him.
"It's perfect," Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist from behind and hooked his chin on the slightly taller boy's shoulder. He inhaled Kurt's sweet scent and held even tighter. "Mm, I don't want to move."
"Me neither, but we have no choice, silly," Kurt giggled softly. "The sooner we finish with this, the better."
"We're living together," Blaine pointed out in a low voice that didn't hide his awe.
"I know," Kurt smiled.
"I'm excited."
"I love you," was Kurt's reply and that only caused Blaine's heart to beat faster and harder and he was sure the other boy could hear it echoing against the walls. Kurt turned around in his arms until they were face to face.
"I love you, too," Blaine whispered, before letting their lips connect again. It was so wonderful to say those words and hear them back. He never wanted to stop kissing and holding Kurt, he was too afraid the amazing boy was just a product of his imagination and that he would disappear if he didn't hang on strongly enough.
Kurt pulled away before the kiss grew up too much in intensity and playfully shoved Blaine, smirking. "Start unpacking those boxes and I'll go put your clothes in my closet. I'll teach you the proper organization scheme later."
"There is an organization scheme for your closet?" Blaine asked, eyebrows knit in confusion.
"You can't just throw everything in there," Kurt answered in slight horror. "You need a plan. It makes putting outfits together much easier."
Blaine chuckled as he watched Kurt take a couple of boxes of clothes to his bedroom and then kneeled to start opening some himself. He started humming a melody distractedly and a few minutes later, Kurt was joining him from the other end of the apartment and both boys started singing at the top of their lungs. Their voices blended together and Blaine had to resist the temptation to grab his guitar and forget about all the work they still needed to get done.
After retrieving Blaine's mattress from the other apartment (which Kurt insisted would fit perfectly behind the couch in the living room, so it wouldn't be directly in sight and ruin his tasteful décor) and getting the furniture ready so Blaine could take it away and maybe sell it at a consignment shop, he closed the door to the place that had been his home for a very brief span of time and then sat down next to Kurt on the couch, in his new home. It was around five in the afternoon and both were tired, but happier than they'd ever been.
Kurt sighed in contentment and snuggled closer, his legs across Blaine's lap, his face hidden in the other boy's neck. Blaine started tracing circles in the small of his back and they enjoyed the silence and the proximity for a few minutes, just breathing in and out and realizing what a huge step they were taking.
"Mm, I'm too comfortable to move," Kurt mumbled, his lips moving over Blaine's skin as he spoke.
"Then don't," Blaine said, bringing him even closer. "Let's stay like this."
"Aren't you hungry?" Kurt asked lazily and then he kissed Blaine's neck lightly.
It was such a little kiss, but it shot a bolt of electricity through Blaine's body. He looked down to find Kurt looking up at him with wide, blue eyes and irresistible pink lips, mildly parted. He ran his fingers through Kurt's smooth, chestnut hair until his hand reached the back of his head and he pushed him forward, as he leaned down, to kiss him. Kurt fisted his t-shirt as he received all of Blaine's sudden passion and opened his mouth with no restraints. Blaine eagerly licked inside of it, his tongue slowly teasing his teeth and his own tongue before ending the kiss with a sloppy sound.
His hazel eyes were blown and bigger than usual and Kurt found himself feeling a different kind of hunger, one that he had rarely felt before in his life, and that made all of his blood rush south. He used the hold he had on Blaine's shirt to pull him down until they were lying on the couch, Blaine kneeling to maintain a safe distance between them, Kurt cupping his face to guide him into another breathtaking kiss.
Usually, when they started making out they wouldn't have time to really get into it before Rachel interrupted, or before it was time for them to get to work, or to class, so there was a sense of freedom, of urgency running through both of them. Nothing was coming between them anytime soon and they had the apartment for themselves for the rest of the weekend.
That was actually quite dangerous, too.
In a moment of boldness, Kurt sucked Blaine's tongue into his mouth, eliciting a loud moan from the other boy, which only caused him to suck harder. His hands moved from Blaine's chest to his sides, to his back. Kurt could feel his arousal growing strong and he wasn't sure where all of this was heading to, but he knew one thing: he loved Blaine and he wanted more of him.
Blaine was sure he was about to burst into flames. He had no idea what had gotten into Kurt, but he absolutely loved it. His knees were shaking from holding himself up, but he didn't dare to lie on top of Kurt, not sure about how he would react to having Blaine's obvious erection against his thigh. He tangled the fingers of one hand in Kurt's beautiful hair and used the other to follow the outline of his boyfriend's silhouette. When he was tracing back up, making a random pattern on Kurt's arms, shoulders and collarbone, he unintentionally moved over his chest and brushed a nipple. Even through the layers of clothes, it caused an instant reaction on Kurt, who jerked up towards his hand, silently asking for more. Blaine stopped the kiss to look at him questioningly to find him panting, his cheeks flushed and his entire body eager for Blaine's touch.
Surreptitiously, Blaine placed his fingers where he knew the hardened nub would be and rubbed delicately but firmly. Kurt threw his head back, clearly enjoying it, and Blaine took the opportunity to attach his lips to that amazing porcelain neck and taste the pale, smooth skin there.
"Blaine," Kurt groaned, his voice rough and strange. "More."
Blaine swallowed as he stopped kissing him. He wasn't sure what more actually meant in this scenario, but he was planning to move slowly so Kurt would have time to stop him if he did something he wasn't ready for. "Can I take your shirt off?" He asked, because that seemed like a perfect way to start.
"Yes, yes, take it off," Kurt shifted under him so Blaine could grab the hem of the shirt and pull it off. Kurt had to sit down for a moment, which only caused their hips to meet and there was no denying in how excited both were. Their erections barely touched, but it was enough to send them over a new edge. Blaine dropped Kurt's shirt to the floor only to feel frustrated when he noticed his boyfriend had an undershirt, too. He removed it quickly, which wasn't easy to do because Kurt was currently lapping at his neck as he barely moved his hips up to get some more friction.
Kurt fell back on the couch and Blaine went down with him, still trying to avoid too intimate contact and kissed his collarbone as he brushed his nipples again, this time getting an even better response. He couldn't believe how smooth Kurt's skin was and how good it felt on his lips. He just wanted to kiss more and more, to taste every inch of him, to let his fingers wander around…
Unexpectedly, Kurt put his hands on Blaine's waist and pulled him down. With a gasp, their crotches collapsed against each other, cocks fitting together too well, too deliciously, too irresistibly.
"Kurt," Blaine moaned, his head falling in the crook of Kurt's shoulder.
"Oh, Blaine, that is… that is so good," Kurt thrust experimentally, very slowly, and the bit of friction they got from it was tantalizing and only left them wanting more.
"I know," Blaine mumbled, amazed. This was like nothing he had ever felt in his life and it was because he was with Kurt. Everything was intensified one thousand percent because of the beautiful boy panting under him, the boy he loved.
"Take your shirt off," Kurt growled, craving for more skin
That tone of voice, of begging mixed with ordering lit Blaine up even more. He sat up and pulled the shirt off before discarding it on the floor, not even bothering to see where it landed. He was on Kurt again one second later, their chests pressed together and it felt beyond amazing.
Kurt's legs flew up to wrap around Blaine's waist and he started rubbing himself against the other boy frantically. Broken moans escaped from both boys as the tension and the heat began to become too much, too soon. Kurt's hands were desperately holding onto Blaine's back, his long, thin fingers digging into the firm muscles.
"Nngh, Kurt," Blaine managed to say because he could feel his brain melting and nothing seemed coherent anymore. "Kurt, I'm so-".
"Me too," he answered as he tightened the grip of his legs.
"We need to stop," Blaine muttered as he nibbled on the vulnerable spot behind Kurt's ear.
"What? No. No, stopping is bad, this is good," Kurt whined, his breathing becoming more and more shallow.
Blaine forced himself to be the strong one and stilled Kurt holding him by the waist, finishing his thrusts. "Kurt, sweetie, this feels incredible…"
"I know it does, why do you…?"
"I want to know we're not doing this for the wrong reasons," Blaine swallowed hard. His cock hated him right now. "I want to know we're both ready and not doing it just because Rachel's not home and she won't walk in on us."
Kurt stopped fighting Blaine's grip and tried to get back the air he had lost. He looked up at him and saw Blaine was really concerned about it. Silly, beautiful Blaine. "We love each other, right?" Blaine nodded. "And just because we're doing this, doesn't mean we're doing everything, right?"
"I want to touch you so bad," he said in a pitiful voice. Kurt almost laughed, but bit his lip right on time.
"I want to touch you, too," he admitted and, whoa, he'd never thought he would be saying something like this to a boy. Things had really changed for Kurt since he had left Ohio.
They smiled at each other, feeling a bit awkward even though they knew they had no reason to. Blaine leaned down to kiss him again, slower, gentler, picking up where they had left off. Kurt relaxed under him and they let the heat grow back again, gradually.
Kurt took his time to really look at Blaine now. He had an amazing body, dark hair covering his chest and abdomen in all the right places, his hip bones well defined… he could feel his mouth watering just from the sight and he found himself wanting to touch every single inch of him with his lips. He circled one of his nipples with his thumb, slowly, making the circles smaller and smaller until he was just pressing the hard little nub and watching Blaine come undone under his touch. It was seriously wonderful to see he could do that to someone.
And he wasn't even really started yet.
"We should… we should take our pants off," Kurt stuttered nervously.
"Yes, yes, please," Blaine agreed, grateful to get rid of some of the pressure.
They stood up and unbuttoned their jeans without tearing their glances apart from each other. Both boys kicked their pants off and stood there in their underwear (Blaine's was gray and Kurt's was dark blue, both tight boxers), just devouring each other with their eyes, until they couldn't stay away for another second, arms clutching clumsily, mouths falling into sloppy kisses full of want.
Starting to rub against the other again, they went back to panting helplessly very soon, hands wandering around, soft skin being caressed for the first time, raw desire meeting raw desire. Kurt hooked a finger under the waistband of Blaine's boxers and eyed him with a cocked eyebrow, asking for permission. Blaine nodded before leaning down to suck at Kurt's collarbone again and the paler boy knew he would be bruised in the morning.
Kurt slid down Blaine's underwear and gasped. He truly gasped. He was seeing a boy naked for the first time in his life and he was lucky enough to have a gorgeous one standing in front of him. Every inch of Blaine was perfect and mesmerizing and he couldn't decide where to touch first.
"You're making me feel uncomfortable, staring at me like that," Blaine rolled his eyes playfully, but something in his voice alerted Kurt that he really felt self-conscious.
"Sorry, I was just trying to convince myself that you're real," Kurt took a step towards him until their bodies were practically glued together and kissed him hard and passionately.
Blaine groaned before the kiss ended. "Come here," he said roughly.
He took Kurt's underwear off just like the other boy had just done with his and looked at him with the same fascination. Everything about Kurt was so flawless and impeccable, his body seemed so fragile, so pale, but after running his hands over it, he discovered it was deceptively strong and manly.
Unable to contain his temptation, Blaine reached to run his thumb around the head of Kurt's cock. Kurt immediately moaned and his knees threatened to drop him to the floor. Blaine held him with one arm around him as his free hand kept moving over his length, studying every reaction, every sigh, every twitch, every shiver it caused Kurt.
"Blaine," he moaned, and the sound, so delicious, so pleading, travelled right to Blaine's dick. "L-let's go to my bed, now, now."
"Okay," Blaine agreed, his entire body shaking with anticipation. Kurt kissed him hard on the lips and started dragging him towards his bedroom, kicking the empty boxes they had piled up next to the wall and scattering them all over the floor, barely keeping his balance. Blaine pushed him against the wall next to Rachel's bedroom and pinned him there, intertwining his fingers with his and licking his neck with a new urgency.
Kurt was completely lost in the sensations for a moment before he remembered his bed was just a few steps away and that everything would be much better there. He forced Blaine to let him move and push him towards the open door gently. Without breaking another heated, wet kiss, they reached the bed, Blaine's knees hit the edge and he fell on his back, Kurt going down on top of him.
Kurt straddled him and leaned down to suck one of Blaine's nipples into his mouth. Blaine groaned and bucked up, causing their cocks to brush together and Kurt couldn't help it anymore. He let his hips drop down against Blaine's and they started a slow, sensual rhythm, trying to get used to each other. Blaine's skin was beaded in sweat and it tasted salty on Kurt's tongue. He would have never thought he would've liked the taste of sweat but… shit, Blaine was seriously luscious.
"Oh, my God, Kurt," Blaine was starting to move with a little more speed and a little more certainty. Their cocks were rubbing against each other, slick with pre-come, the skin so hot it felt very close to igniting.
Kurt moaned brokenly, snapping his hips harder against Blaine's. Everything seemed too much and not enough at the same time. They both could feel the orgasm building inside of them, but the need for more, the need to draw this as long as possible was overwhelming.
Blaine wrapped his legs around Kurt's waist to bring him even closer and met every thrust, his lips never leaving the beautiful, soft skin of Kurt's shoulders. Kurt was slightly holding himself up on his elbows, his stunning blue eyes never leaving his boyfriend, kissing any inch of him he had near every few seconds, but completely lost in the waves of pleasure shocking him all over.
"I'll… I can't… soon," Blaine mumbled, his head falling back onto Kurt's pillow. His boyfriend's scent was all around him, in the sheets, in the covers, in the pillow, in his warm body moving on top of him. It was intoxicating and all of Blaine's senses were too vulnerable to it.
"Yes," was all Kurt could answer, his voice barely a strangled moan, his toes curling.
The end crushed both of them at the same time. Without warning, they were spilling their come together, long, pearly strings making a mess on their stomachs, on their chests, all sticky and hot. Kurt was sure he heard someone screaming, but whether it was him or Blaine, he couldn't tell. It was as if his body had shut down all the other functions, only capable of feeling this massive pleasure tingling all over his nervous system and everything else wasn't important anymore.
Breathing heavily, Kurt collapsed on top of Blaine, his limbs not able to hold him any longer, his face falling against the crook of his neck. He could feel Blaine's heart beating out of control where his lips were pressed against his pulse point and the way they were both gasping for air.
"That was fantastic," Blaine groaned, his voice still too rough and, hey, maybe it'd been him screaming.
Kurt nodded lazily. His eyelids were suddenly too heavy to keep open and he knew they were both gross, but moving didn't seem like a viable option at the moment.
Blaine raised his arms with the last bit of strength he had left and held Kurt tightly, his hands tenderly stroking the small of his back. This was a new kind of silence for him and he absorbed it. It was comfortable and full of happiness and so, so intimate. It was a silence that didn't need to be filled with pointless words, because their actions spoke for themselves. It was love in its rawest expression, in its purist state.
He felt Kurt moving to lie down beside him and he missed the warmth immediately, but his boyfriend was soon curling against him, their legs tangling, their hands meeting, his head resting on his chest.
"You know," Kurt whispered in a low, sleepy voice. "There's no reason why you couldn't sleep with me now."
Blaine smiled and buried his fingers in Kurt's chestnut hair. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, this is really nice."
"I think you realized there's no way to keep a mattress in the living room without it ruining your entire décor scheme," Blaine teased.
"Well, that too," Kurt admitted, opening one eye to peek at him. "It looks really awful."
Blaine laughed wholeheartedly and cuddled his boyfriend a little closer.
Oh my gosh, I love this story so much! The first chapter has over 16,000 words. I read part of it, went to bed, woke up at 2:00 am, finished the rest of chapter 1, and now I'm reading chapter 2. Your writing is so detailed and descriptive, I can see everything in my head while I read it! Now I need to finish chapter 2...
Thanks for this lovely review! I hope you enjoy the rest x
WTF... OMFG...... my breath kept catching, my heart kept stopping.....
Oh, whoa, thanks! I'm assuming you liked it, then! :D It makes me really happy :D
this is the best new York Klaine EVER