Loving Arms
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Loving Arms: Chapter 12

E - Words: 7,660 - Last Updated: Apr 25, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Jan 30, 2014 - Updated: Jan 30, 2014
214 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Dont kill me. I love you guys!

The song Blaine played was "The Nearness of You", written in 1938 by Hoagy Carmichael with lyrics by Ned Washington.

Please review!

See you all next week!


It was utterly strange waking up unafraid the next morning, Kurt immediately noticed as he gradually regained consciousness. He could feel arms around him and a steady heartbeat against his back, but they didn't terrify him, not this time. This time, the scent of raspberry gel and body wash was somehow familiar and comforting, instead of foreign and frightening. Just the thought of Blaine holding him so tightly and yet so tenderly in his sleep made him curl a little more into his embrace, instead of recoiling in horror and disgust, the way he would have with any other man.

Kurt was afraid to move, worried that even something as slight as breathing too deeply could disturb the unfamiliar feeling of safety and comfort he was cloaked in. He was afraid this was just a pleasant dream, and he would wake alone in his own bed – the same one he'd been waking in for so many lonely, horrible years.

Kurt suddenly recalled his encounter with David the previous night and a shiver of dread ran down his spine. Even asleep, Blaine instinctively pulled him a little closer against his chest, sighing in contentment into the crook of Kurt's shoulder, as he breathed him in. Kurt's hands found Blaine's where they rested against his stomach – it was such an intimate gesture, so unlike anything Kurt had ever experienced before… – and laced their fingers together, marveling at how perfectly they slotted together, like a key in a lock.

Seeing Karofsky had taken him back in time to when he was an innocent terrified boy who had just lost everything, only to have his innocence extinguished in the blink of an eye. There was something chilling about him, about Karofsky, the way he embodied his most horrible nightmares that made Kurt dissolve into fear. He had to admit that he was always scared, but around him, when those lustful eyes found him and those heavy hands touched him, Kurt was paralyzed with horror.

He hadn't expected to ever see him again. That had been the worst part – Karofsky had walked back into his life just when, for the first time in what felt like centuries, Kurt was relatively happy. Was it some kind of sign? Was the universe trying to tell Kurt that happiness was simply unattainable for him? Would he always go from one miserable day to the next, until one day his body gave up and his last breath escaped through his lips?

Kurt didn't notice Blaine was waking up. He didn't hear his soft sigh, didn't notice the way his body shifted slightly, to be able to see him. It wasn't until Blaine wiped his tears away – tears he hadn't even realized he was crying – that Kurt knew that Blaine was awake.

“Hey, hey,” Blaine murmured, concerned, his voice hoarse with sleep and a crease of worry in his brow. “What's going on?”

“I'm sorry,” Kurt immediately apologized, pulling away in embarrassment. “I'm okay, I swear.”

“Are you sure?” Blaine asked, brushing back a strand of chestnut hair from Kurt's forehead with the utmost care. “There's nothing wrong with not being okay, Kurt. You can tell me if something is bothering you. Especially if I did something to make you feel like…”

“You're perfect,” Kurt blurted, unable to stop himself, and unwilling to let Blaine believe he had screwed up in any way.

Blaine ducked his head slightly, but a smile was pulling at his lips. “I'm pretty sure I'm the opposite of perfect, but… thank you.” He cupped his face in his hands, looking into Kurt's eyes intently. “I'm serious, though. You can be honest with me, if you want…”

“I was just remembering what happened last night,” Kurt replied, and instantly clarified, so Blaine wouldn't jump to conclusions. “At the bar. With… with D-David.”

“Oh.” Blaine looked even more worried now. “I… I want to help you, Kurt. I want to do anything I can to make you feel better. Tell me what to do.”

“There's nothing you can do,” Kurt answered quickly, sure that not even Blaine's best intentions could help. He could've said to Blaine that he was already making everything better by being so kind, but it would be a lie. Whatever temporary comfort Blaine offered now would soon become a bitter-sweet memory that would only make Kurt wish for something he would never find again. So no, there was no point in lying to himself or Blaine. “I've had to deal with what he did to me since I was eighteen. I'm just… you know, a little shaken after seeing him again, but I'll be fine. I'll always have to live with this – there isn't any magical way to erase it, to rewind time…”

“I know,” Blaine said sadly. “But it doesn't make me stop wishing I could erase it, though.”

Kurt attempted to smile. It was a poor imitation of the bright smile he had worn so fleetingly the previous night, but Blaine was grateful for being allowed a glimpse into Kurt's life. Blaine leaned down very carefully, and very slowly, giving Kurt the choice to avoid him if he wanted to, but when Kurt didn't show any signs of wanting to do so, he closed the distance between them and placed a sweet, chaste kiss on his lips.

Something unnamed had shifted between them. Kurt was certain that there was something new there that hadn't been before. He didn't allow his heart to cling to hope, though. He didn't want to face the harsh fall that would eventually follow because just having sex with Blaine wasn't going to shake up the foundations of his world, after all.

Blaine's eyes held a deeper honey shade that morning, as he stared intently at Kurt. He could easily lose himself in those amber pools, watching the flecks of green and golden dancing around his iris, the way his long eyelashes painted soft shadows in his cheekbones. Blaine was so incredibly beautiful, inside and out, and Kurt knew he could be a distraction – the best of distractions. Until they parted and went their separate ways, Blaine could make him forget his real life for a little bit. Anything was better than reliving the bad memories haunting his dreams. It was going to hurt when it ended – but for now, he would allow himself to take a break from his own horrible existence. This treasure trove of loving memories would help through whatever remained of his life, through dark days and even darker nights, where the light of hope and happiness had been extinguished a long, long time ago.

He was going to lock away the memory of how Blaine looked at him in such a loving way, in a way no one had looked at him, since his father died. As he stroked Kurt's hair and placed sweet little kisses on his face, Blaine ignited a glow in him brighter than any light.


There was something achingly sweet in the way Blaine regarded him now, the way he looked at him, or squeezed his hand or brushed his fingertips across his cheekbones. It seemed spontaneous and natural, as if he couldnt help drawing closer to Kurt. In any other circumstances, with any other man, any other day, Kurt would have withdrawn and immediately built a protective wall around himself. But not this time, not with Blaine. Now, Kurt allowed himself to enjoy the gentle touch of a man who cared for him and simply leaned even more against his side as they left Blaines bedroom to go downstairs for breakfast.

As they entered the kitchen together, Kurt was aware of the warm weight of Blaines arm around his waist. It was comforting in a way a man's touch had never been before. It seemed so incredible that Blaine could turn all of his fears and reservations into something that Kurt could actually enjoy.

The three other Andersons were already sitting at the table. They took the two adjoining spots reserved for them as they greeted the family. "Good morning."

"Good morning, boys," Grace said with a welcoming smile. "Coffees still hot."

Blaine poured a cup for Kurt before pouring some for himself. "Would you like some crêpes, sweetheart?"

Kurt startled a bit at the endearment, used so openly in front of everyone else, because for the first time, it didn't feel dishonest. He smiled at Blaine, feeling warmth settling in his chest. "Yes, please."

Blaine put some crêpes onto his plate before serving his own breakfast. Cooper watched them with a smirk, but neither of them noticed it.

"Are your clothes all ready for tonight, boys?" Grace asked, looking at the three of them alternatively.

"Yes, Mom," Cooper and Blaine answered at the same time.

"Uhm," Kurt hesitated. He hadnt owned a suit in years and just now realized that what he'd planned to wear wasn't suitable for the party. "I think I left mine behind when we left your apartment..." He said anxiously to Blaine.

"Oh no," Grace seemed horrified, as if nothing could be worse.

"Im sure one of mine would work, Mom," Cooper interrupted. "Hed probably rather borrow one of his boyfriends, but since Blaine is midget size..."

"Hey!" Blaine exclaimed, frowning in annoyance.

"We can look through my closet after breakfast," Cooper said, with a gentle smile that looked like a peace offering.

Kurt knew any suit of Coopers would hang on him, because despite their being almost the same height, he was so terribly skinny... "Thanks, Cooper."

"No problem," Cooper winked at him and went back to his breakfast.

"Well have to find a nice blue tie for you," Grace murmured, thoughtfully. "To match your lovely eyes. If none of Coopers suits fit perfectly, we can always stop by the mall..."

"Oh, I wouldnt want to cause any trouble," Kurt immediately replied. Even with the money Blaine had given him, he couldnt afford to buy a suit.

"Dont be silly, Paul, dear," Grace said affectionately, and Kurt felt Blaine flinching at his side. "It wouldnt be trouble at all. We all know shopping is my thing."

Kurt leaned a little closer to Blaine, their shoulders brushing gently, silently asking if something was wrong. Was he worried that his clothes would embarrass him? Blaine simply kissed his cheek and nuzzled against the soft hair behind his ear for a second.

Coopers smirk got even bigger. "I'm betting someone got lucky last night."

Kurt flinched uncomfortably this time, and Blaine put a hand on his thigh as he turned to glare at his brother. "Cooper, dont be such a dick."

"Funny how the first word that came to your mind was dick..." Cooper mumbled playfully.

"Cooper, leave your brother and Paul alone," their father said severely.

"Hey, Im just teasing..." Cooper shrugged.

"Well, I dont appreciate it," Blaine said harshly. Kurt decided to say something before Blaine got even more upset.

"Its okay, honey," he nudged Blaine with his shoulder. Using the endearment felt so foreign and yet so right at the same time. "You know how he loves pushing your buttons."

"I was just noticing that you two are awfully cozy this morning, so you probably..."

"Thats enough, Cooper," Grace cut him off. She got up and gathered her cup and plate. "Play nice, boys. I have a few phone calls to make. If you need to go to the mall, let me know, Paul," she added with one last smile in Kurts direction.

Kurt couldve sworn Blaine flinched again.

A few minutes later, it was only Cooper and them at the table, but the teasing was over. They finished eating as they chatted about random things (mostly related to Cooper) and then Blaine put their dishes in the sink to rinse them, stopping Kurt from rising to help him with a little kiss to the top of his head and a sweet whisper of "I got it, dont worry."

"What color of suit do you prefer?" Cooper asked as he lazily stretched his arms over his head. "Im wearing black. I have two grey ones, a blue one and another black one. It shouldnt be hard to find one you like that fits you. Though youre ridiculously thin, I must say. Do you have ambitions to be a model, or something? Because I know a guy, who knows a guy that can get you into the business…"

"Oh, uhm..." Kurt fidgeted in his seat, uncomfortable that Cooper had pointed out the obvious.

"Mom has a sewing machine somewhere in the house, so feel free if you need to make any alterations..." Cooper continued, obliviously.

"No, Cooper, I wouldnt ruin one of your suits," Kurt said, eyes wide as saucers.

"Don't worry about it. Its not like I dont have dozens more back in Los Angeles. And according to what Mom says about your fashion skills, you wouldnt be ruining anything. Just putting something I don't need to good use," Cooper replied, surprisingly gently.

"Just say yes," Blaine added encouragingly, standing behind Kurts chair and putting his hands on his shoulders. "Otherwise, Ill just take you shopping and buy a new suit for you..."

"Fine," Kurt agreed, rolling his eyes. "Ill see what I can do."

"Fantastic," Cooper grinned, his blazingly white teeth almost blinding them all. "Lets go up to my room and see what we can find."


Kurt chose a nice dark blue suit that only needed some slight modifications. Grace gave him her sewing machine and they put it on a desk in Blaines bedroom so he could work on it. Kurt found the vibrations of the sewing machine strangely calming. He pushed away the memories of how his father would come up and knock on his door and tell him to go eat before dinner went cold and finish later. Instead, he recalled each of the fabulous outfits he had crafted on his own sewing machine to wear to school, on innumerable nights.

He forced away the sadness and the tears just as the door opened and Blaine returned from helping his father with something downstairs. He clearly had to avoid being alone, if it resulted in him taking a painful walk down memory lane.

"Hi," Blaine smiled brightly at him. Kurt couldnt stop a smile of his own from blooming on his face. "Cooper says his shirts are huge on you. Im sure I have a spare white one that should fit you."

"Thank you," Kurt said quietly. His teenage self wouldve been terribly sad that he didn't even own a decent suit and dress shirt anymore.

The sound of the sewing machine filled the silence in the room, while Blaine busied himself looking for the shirt in his closet. It wasnt an uncomfortable silence, Kurt discovered. He had never known what people meant when they said they didnt need to talk to be comfortable with someone. Blaine was showing him things that he had never thought he would experience; things he hadnt understood until now.

Blaine was unlike any of the men Kurt had met in his life.

"Here it is," Blaine said, closing the closet doors. He put the shirt down on the bed. "You should try it on when you get a chance. It needs some ironing, because I havent worn it in a while."

A warm tingle made its way down Kurts spine at the thought of wearing something of Blaines. He knew he was being ridiculous, getting so excited about something so silly. "Thanks, Blaine. Ill try it on in a minute. I just want to finish with the hems."

"Of course." Blaine sat on the edge of the bed and Kurt immediately noticed that there was something stiff and tense in his posture. "I... do you think we could talk?"

Kurt felt as if he had been unexpectedly pushed into an icy lake. Of course. Of course he was going to regret everything. Why would he want something with you? Youre just a whore and hes such an amazingly great guy…

"Kurt?" Blaine tilted his head to the side when Kurt didnt reply. He frowned.

"Yes," Kurt said stiffly, his voice just as cold as his body suddenly felt.

Blaine blinked in confusion. "Uhm. Okay, I... well, I may be about to ruin everything if were not on the same page, but I..." He cleared his throat awkwardly. "I want to tell my family the truth."

That was definitely not what Kurt was expecting to hear. He had been gripping the edge of the desk, waiting for his heart to be broken once again, but instead...

"What?" He asked, unsure of where Blaine was going with this.

"I dont want to lie anymore," Blaine replied with a tired sigh. "I want to be honest. Hearing them call you Paul during breakfast this morning... it just felt so wrong."

"But... thats what you wanted," Kurt was trying so hard to understand. Blaine had gone to all the trouble of planning this, of bringing him here... and now he was just going to tell them the truth?

"It was. But now theres something I want even more," Blaines eyes were boring into his, burning with emotion. He walked to the desk, taking Kurts hand in his to pull him up. He guided him back to the bed, where they both sat, facing each other. "Kurt, I... I was being very honest last night when I told you I really care about you. Youre an amazing person, and Id love to spend more time with you. I... I may be risking getting my heart broken again if Ive been reading this the wrong way, but... I really like you. I dont want this, whatever it is between us, to end when this week is over."

Kurts hand had gone limp in Blaines, and his mind had gone completely numb. He felt as if his whole body was about to float off the bed. There was a buzzing sound in his head and he could barely breathe in and out.

"I want to be with you," Blaine muttered quietly, with an edge of fear in his voice, fear that Kurt would reject him. "And I dont want my family to think youre someone youre not. I want them to know the real Kurt, the man that keeps taking my breath away since the moment we met."

Kurt knew he was supposed to say something, he could see the eagerness in Blaines eyes, but he didnt know what to say or even how to form words. Blaine squeezed his hand delicately as if urging him to put him out of his misery.

"I dont know how to be with someone," was the first thing out of his mouth. He slowly removed his hand from Blaines. "Not in the way you want me to. Im... Blaine, Im not the kind of guy you want to have an actual relationship with."

"Isnt that for me to decide?" Blaine asked sadly, already feeling Kurt pull away from him. "Kurt, just... forget for one second what you do for a living and what thats done to you, and tell me the truth. If you dont want me because you dont feel the same way about me, Ill understand. But if youre pushing me away because of something that I definitely wish had never happened to you, but that doesnt change my feelings in the slightest, then Im sorry, but Im not letting you walk away because of that. Im not letting you hurt both of us just because you think youre not good enough."

Kurt wrapped his arms around his own shaking frame in a desperate attempt to hold himself together. Blaines words held the promise of everything Kurt had ever wanted right there for him to take. But he was afraid – so many years of pain had convinced him there was no happily-ever-after waiting for him, no matter how wonderful this offer sounded. However, as he looked into Blaines hopeful eyes, he realized Blaine would never lie to him, would never use him. The previous night had shattered all his walls, and now Blaine sat in front of him and opened up a new world of possibilities.

Broken, Kurt had to admit that he didnt know how to tell a man that he cared for him, that he returned his feelings, that he was willing to risk what little he had left of his heart for him. He had never learnt the appropriate words. Kurt was familiar with hate and rejection, but he had long ago forgotten what it was like to feel love and let himself be loved.

He did the next best thing he was capable of. "I... I dont want your family to know what I really am," he looked into Blaines eyes, his own blue ones pleading and sad.

"Okay. Not if youre not comfortable with telling them," Blaine answered gently. "Though Im sure they wouldnt judge you, if they knew the whole story."

"Still," Kurt insisted. "I'd feel better if youre the only one who knows and... and if youre not disgusted by it, then thats enough for me."

Blaine cupped his face lovingly and smiled reassuringly. "I think youre very brave," he murmured, shocking Kurt with those words. "Anyone else wouldve given up long ago, but you did what you had to do to survive. They bent you, but you didnt let them break you. Im not, and I could never be disgusted by you. They disgust me, because they knew what they were doing to you and they didnt care."

Kurt leaned into the palm of his hand. "Youre so good to me..." He looked at him, blue eyes searching. "Are you sure? Its not going to be easy."

"Things that are worth it are never easy," Blaine replied sweetly. "But they are definitely worth fighting for..."

"If you change your mind..." Kurt started saying, knowing he would always need to be ready for the heartache.

"Kurt, please," Blaine rested their foreheads together and closed his eyes. "I cant promise you forever, but I sure as hell will do everything I can to give it to you."

Kurt could feel the dam that held his emotions back beginning to break. He exhaled shakily and let his arms fall from around himself. "Blaine?"

"Yes, sweetheart?" Blaine whispered.

"Kiss me."

Blaine didnt have to be asked twice. He claimed Kurts lips with his softly, caressing them with chaste kisses before going for a deeper one. Kurt let himself imagine a lifetime of kisses like these, full of sweetness and love, instead of what hed known until now. He moved closer and hugged Blaines shoulders tightly, wishing he never had to let go. He desperately wanted to believe in the quiet promises he had made. He wanted to find happiness with Blaine, to find love.

"Thank you," Blaine murmured against his lips when they parted. "I know its hard for you to trust anyone, but thank you darling, for giving me this."

"Dont break me," Kurt found himself saying, feeling small and vulnerable. He looked at him with wide eyes. "Dont break me, Blaine. I dont know if I could survive if it happened again..."

"I wont," Blaine smiled and kissed his lips, his cheekbones, his nose, his forehead.

And Kurt, surprisingly, believed him.


They held each other for a while, needing to feel the other close as their hearts began to synchronize, and beat in unison. Kurt let Blaine play with his hair while he tried to get used to the idea of letting a man be this close to him, while he tried not to be terrified of what could happen next. It was different, but it definitely wasnt an unwelcomed change.

"I should get my family together and talk to them before they have to start getting ready," Blaine said eventually, though he didn't move.

Kurt tightened his arms around him. "I dont think its a good idea to tell them now."

Blaine frowned and looked down to where Kurt was resting against his chest. "Are you... having second thoughts?"

"No," Kurt answered without hesitation. "Im just worried about encroaching on a day thats so clearly important for them. Even if they take it well, itll cause some sort of impact and today should be for your parents to enjoy. Your mom was really excited about tonight."

Blaine sighed. "I know. Youre right. I just... I hate that they keep calling you Paul."

"We can tell them tomorrow," Kurt said soothingly, intertwining their fingers. "Together. That way theyll have time to think about it and we can discuss it calmly later on, without a thousand people around."

"Okay," Blaine immediately agreed, apparently happy that Kurt wanted to be a part of we and us. "Whatever youre comfortable with."

Kurt hid his face in Blaines neck and yawned, lazily. "I should finish with the suit."

"No, we should stay just like this," Blaine hummed contentedly. "We both know you can wear a cheap, baggy sack and still be the most handsome man at that party tonight."

Kurt felt his cheeks reddening in pleased bashfulness. "Dont let Cooper hear you say that or hell throw a fit..."

Blaine chuckled. "Hell have to get used to second place and be grateful you don't live in Hollywood."

Kurt didnt respond for a few seconds, but then he shifted to place a quick kiss on Blaines jaw. "Thank you."

Blaine looked down at him, confused. "What for?"

"I think Im starting to remember what it is like to be happy," Kurt replied quietly. "I havent felt like this since before my Dad died."

Blaine smiled and ran his fingers through his hair. "I want you to always be happy. Thank you for giving me a chance to help you with that."

Kurt only had time to smile back at him before there was a knock on the door and then Grace was coming into the room.

"Oh, boys. Im sorry," she said. "I hope Im not interrupting anything."

"Its fine. What is it, Mom?" Blaine asked, still stroking Kurts hair.

"I found some beautiful blue ties for you, Paul, dear," she put a few on the bed next to the shirt Blaine had found for him earlier. "I hope youll find one you like. If not, let me know. I think Cooper has a few more."

"These are all beautiful. Thank you, Grace," Kurt replied, smiling a genuine smile that even Grace noticed something was different, though she didnt say anything.

"Youre very welcome, dear," Grace looked at them both warmly. "Ill come back later to see if you need help with the suit. I have a few last minute details to take care of now, so Ill leave you two alone."

"Thanks, Mom. Let me know if you need anything," Blaine said as she walked back to the door.

"Oh, I can ask Cooper for help, if I need anything. Dont worry." She blew them both a kiss and then closed the door behind her.

They allowed themselves a few more minutes of closeness, until Kurt reluctantly confessed that he really needed to work on the suit or it wouldnt be ready on time. Blaine gave him one more sweet kiss and told him he would take Nayla for a walk so he wouldnt be in the way while Kurt worked. Kurt watched him walk out of the room, amazed that any of this was happening to him.

Kurt Hummel was starting to find his way back to happiness and, though he wasnt nearly ready to admit it, he was also falling in love.

He smiled delightedly and got back to work.


With a deep breath, Kurt finally looked up and found his reflection in the mirror.

He was shocked as he allowed his eyes to roam over his image. The alterations he had made to Coopers dark blue suit were flawless. The fabric hugged his body in all the right places, hiding the evidence of his jutting bones and making him look healthier and broader. His carefully styled hair looked shiny and soft, sweeping up from his forehead. The beautiful tie hed chosen from the ones Grace had offered him, striped in shades of blue, complimented the suit and brightened his eyes perfectly. Despite how long it had been since he had worn a tie, he hadnt forgotten how to make a perfect knot.

But what he liked the most was the classic white shirt that belonged to Blaine, its familiar raspberry scent comforting him. Even if Blaine had told him he hadnt worn it in a while, he imagined it felt like being constantly held in his arms.

Kurt rolled his eyes at himself. Blaine was turning him back into the hopeless romantic he had once been.

"Can I come in?" Blaines voice came from the hallway. "I forgot my shoes!"

"Sure, come in," Kurt said, as he ran his hands down the jacket to smooth away any remaining wrinkles.

Blaine stepped into the room, looking simply stunning. He was already dressed in his gorgeous light grey suit, combined with a black shirt and a green bowtie that made his eyes pop. His curls were gelled down and tamed and Kurt couldnt help but be reminded of a 1950s movie star.

Kurt crossed the room to where Blaine had stopped barely one foot inside. He placed his hands on his chest, admiring him. "You look beautiful."

Blaine blushed and ducked his head, bashful. "Thank you. But... you. Kurt... youre absolutely gorgeous."

Kurt let a pleased smile dance over his lips. "We could play this game all night or just accept we both look fabulous and go downstairs before your Mom sends Cooper looking for us."

Blaine laughed and stood on his toes to kiss Kurts mouth. "Just let me get my shoes, okay?"

Kurt took another look at himself in the mirror while Blaine sat on the bed to put his shoes on. He couldnt remember the last time he had looked so... alive. For a long time, Kurt had avoided looking at his own reflection, disgusted by what he found. Now, he could see a young man who had had to struggle for many years, but who was finally finding the right path.

Blaine slipped his arms around his waist and hugged him from behind. He hooked his chin on Kurts shoulder and glanced at him adoringly. "Will you dance with me tonight?"

Kurt put his hand on top of his where they were linked on his stomach. Blaine laced their fingers together instantly. "Of course."

When they went downstairs, the first few guests were starting to arrive, but it didnt take long before the party was in full swing. It was an elegant affair – it had been organized by Grace Anderson, after all. There was a gourmet buffet on one end of the living room and nicely dressed waitresses wandering around the room with trays, offering drinks. Most people were standing in groups, chatting amicably, and only a few had ventured to dance already. A pianist was sitting at the baby grand in the corner, filling the house with beautiful melodies.

Kurt was introduced simply as Blaines boyfriend, and they both avoided mentioning his false name as much as possible. Blaine was constantly by his side, their arms linked as they walked around greeting relatives and old family friends, and Kurt had a hard time not picturing giving parties just like this for the next ten or twenty years. It made him warm inside to think he could still be there for them.

When the introductions were over, they realized they were starving. They had been so busy helping Blaines parents with the last minute details for the party, that they hadnt eaten anything for hours. They walked towards the buffet and grabbed two plates.

"Doing okay so far?" Blaine asked him quietly as they browsed the food options.

Kurt smiled at him reassuringly. "Yes, everyones been very nice so far."

"Everyone here are supporters of LGBT rights," Blaine informed him. "My parents stopped socializing with anyone who had a problem with gay people once I came out. So if youre concerned about that..."

"Im not concerned," Kurt answered, putting a hand on Blaines arm and squeezing lightly. "You make me feel so safe."

Blaines smile was brighter than any of the lights in the room. He knew that coming from Kurt, there wasnt a bigger compliment.

He leaned in and kissed Kurts lips chastely. "Try the salmon tartlets. They're my favorites and they're always delicious."

Kurt smiled back as he put one of the tartlets on his plate. For the next few minutes, they stood against a wall and ate, people-watching (more like Cooper-watching. It was incredibly entertaining watching him flirt with every woman in the room, including the waitresses), and chatted about everything and anything. Grace stopped by at one point and asked them if they were enjoying themselves before being whisked away by one of her best friends.

Henry joined them as they were finishing tasting the pate canapés and smiled at them warmly. "Everything going okay, boys?"

"Yes, its a beautiful party," Kurt said, since Blaine had his mouth full.

"Im glad youre having fun," Henry said, giving his shoulder a quick squeeze. "Im afraid I need to steal your date for a few minutes, though, if you dont mind."

"Oh! No, please, go ahead," Kurt replied and Blaine gave him his plate before he walked away with his dad.

He watched as Henry guided Blaine to the piano and the pianist stood up when the man leaned to speak quietly to him. Then Blaine took his place, touching the keys gently, eliciting a very low sound. He cleared his throat and spoke into the microphone.

"Good evening everyone," he said, smiling at his audience. "As most of you know, my parents always ask me to perform one of their favorite songs for their anniversary, and this year is no exception. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate them and thank them for a perfect example of a happy marriage. Theyve taught me what love is and how amazing it can be when you share it with the right person."

His eyes fell on Kurt from across the room and Kurt could feel his heart melting.

"Now, Im sure my brother has a speech ready for later..."

"Of course I do!" Cooper exclaimed and everyone laughed, including Blaine.

"... So thats why Im going to be brief. Its enough to have one of the Anderson boys boring you all to death," Blaine continued and he played a few notes on the piano. "This is for my parents. Thank you, mom and dad, for everything. And, if you dont mind me breaking the tradition, I would also like to dedicate this song to my beautiful boyfriend."

Kurt had to hold the edge of the buffet table next to him to stop himself from falling. His legs suddenly seemed made of jelly. When he had been just a kid, daydreaming in his old bedroom, he would fantasize about a beautiful boy serenading him and making him feel special, just like a Disney prince. Many years and heartbreaks later, Kurt found his dream coming true. It was difficult to fight the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks.

Blaine began playing. It was a soft, beautiful melody, that Kurt recognized after just a few seconds, because he could still picture his own mother moving around the kitchen and listening to Ella Fitzgerald singing this same song. Kurts heart clenched in a mixture of sadness and happiness and this time, there was no way to hold the tears back.

Its not the pale moon that excites me
That thrills and delights me, oh no
Its just the nearness of you

It isnt your sweet conversation
That brings this sensation, oh no
Its just the nearness of you

Kurt could see his father walking into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around his mother from behind and taking her by surprise. Then they swayed with the music, always smiling and full of love.

When youre in my arms
And I feel you so close to me
All my wildest dreams come true

I need no soft lights to enchant me
If youll only grant me the right
To hold you ever so tight
And to feel in the night the nearness of you

Grace and Henry were dancing slowly, holding each other but looking at their son with proud, gleeful smiles on their faces. Kurt felt part of it all and an outsider at the same time. Even though what Blaine and he shared now went beyond a business deal of sorts, they were still lying to everyone. But they soon would reveal the truth, and even if at the beginning no one accepted them, Kurt was somehow certain that everything would be alright. That he would be at the Andersons anniversary party again the following year, watching Blaine play the piano and remembering how weird everything had been the last time.

Blaine had seen him at his worst - working a corner in the streets; succumbing to Karosfky's brutality the previous night; weak, broken and scared - and yet, he still wanted to be with him. He had just dedicated a love song to him in front of everyone he knew.

When youre in my arms
And I feel you so close to me
All my wildest dreams come true

I need no soft lights to enchant me
If youll only grant me the right
To hold you ever so tight
And to feel in the night the nearness of you

The nearness of you…

Kurt thought again of his parents dancing in the kitchen, immensely happy and in love, and for the first time in his life, Kurt believed he could actually have that, too.

Blaine finished the song and everyone clapped and cheered, making him blush and nod in thanks before quickly crossing the room back to where Kurt was eagerly waiting for him.

"Hey. Did you like it?" Blaine asked.

Kurt wiped his tears away. "It was absolutely wonderful."

Frowning in concern, Blaine took a handkerchief out of his pocket and dried tears Kurt himself. "Whats wrong, sweetie?"

Kurt laughed and cried at the same time, shaking his head at himself for being so ridiculous. "Nothing. I… it's just that it really was so wonderful. Its the first time someones ever sung anything dedicated to me, and it was everything I couldve ever wanted..."

"Ill always have a song for you," Blaine murmured sweetly, and grabbed Kurts hand, dropping a little kiss to the center of his palm.

“You also promised you'd dance with me,” Kurt reminded him. He needed to be held and feel Blaine close to him, and nothing provided him with a better excuse than dancing.

“Well, I'm a man of my word,” Blaine replied, grinning at him in the most charming way. He offered his hand to Kurt, who immediately accepted and allowed Blaine to guide him to the area of the living room designated as the dance floor.

The pianist had gone back to his place and was now playing another soft, jazzy song. Blaine's arms were strong and solid around Kurt's waist, pressing their bodies together. Kurt wrapped his arms around his neck and rested their foreheads together. His heart was still beating wildly after Blaine's performance. He wondered if it would ever stop feeling as if it would jump right out of his chest and into Blaine's hands.

Kurt relaxed into his arms and closed his eyes, still unable to believe that this night was real. “Twenty four hours ago I was facing my worst nightmare again, and now I'm here, with you, dancing and… everything feels so perfect. How is that even possible? How can life contrast itself every single day, until we have no idea what's waiting for us around the corner?”

“Some would say that it's the not knowing what is ahead that makes life interesting and worth living,” Blaine answered quietly, speaking almost into his ear. “Despite all the bad things that happen to us, we never know when something good is going to come along to change everything either.”

“I'm not so sure about that,” Kurt murmured, as he tightened his hold on Blaine. “I think not knowing what's ahead makes everything scarier. Life could always take a turn for the worse… it usually does, in my experience.”

Blaine turned his head to press his lips against Kurt's temple. “Don't, Kurt. Don't think about him tonight. Don't let him ruin this for you.”

“I'm with you,” Kurt whispered, and it sounded reassuring, comforting, as if that thought that could protect him from his fears and doubts.

Blaine smiled and pulled him even closer. “You're with me.”

They danced in silence for a few more minutes, simply enjoying being together like this, until Cooper decided it was time for his speech and the music came to an end. It was a sweet speech and both Kurt and Blaine listened to him with smiles on their faces. But after fifteen minutes, they were about ready to tackle Cooper to the ground to shut him up.

“Is he using lines from movies?” Kurt asked frowning, leaning closer to Blaine. “I'm sure that last one was from Sleepless in Seattle.”

“Yup,” Blaine said with a tired sigh. “He does it every year. At least he isn't singing Céline Dion songs this time…”

“And now, I would like to perform the classic from the 1997 film, Titanic, My Heart Will Go On…”

“Oh, damn it,” Blaine huffed and dropped his head on Kurt's shoulder, as Kurt's frame shook with silent laughter.


They danced for a few more songs and then Kurt couldn't stay away from the deserts table for another minute, so they stood there, sampling chocolates and baby cupcakes until Cooper joined them.

“Hey guys,” he smiled and took a strawberry from a large crystal bowl to dip it in the chocolate fondue.

“Hey, Coop. Are you getting bored with chasing the waitresses yet?” Blaine asked with a teasing grin of his own.

“Not at all,” Cooper replied. “In fact, there's a good chance I'll be leaving with that beautiful brunette once this soiree is over…” He sent a wink to the girl who was across the room, and they watched her blush and smile coyly.

“You're unbelievable,” Blaine murmured, shaking his head fondly. “Do you even know the girl's name?”

“I'm pretty sure it's something with an N, but I'll get back to you on that,” Cooper said lightly, as he reached for another strawberry.

Kurt put his plate down. “I need to use the little boys' room. I'll be back in a minute.” He kissed Blaine's cheek and then disappeared, weaving amongst the crowd and out to the hallway.

Blaine watched him until he was gone and then let out a colossal sigh that got Cooper's attention diverted from the cute waitress for a moment.

“I don't think I've ever seen you this enthralled with another guy before,” he commented, thoughtfully.

“Well, he's really something special,” Blaine leaned against the wall and glanced at Cooper. “I've never wanted anything as much as I want this relationship to work.”

“So, are you gonna ask him to marry you then?” Cooper asked, tilting his head to the side and focusing on his little brother.

“Well, maybe not yet,” Blaine chuckled and rolled his eyes. Kurt would freak out and run away if he proposed today. “But I can see us getting married someday in the future…”

“Oh, B.” Cooper punched him on the arm. “I can't tell you how happy it makes me to…”

“Blaine!” A breathless voice said and they both turned to find a new guest standing in front of them. Blaine stopped breathing and his eyes went wide as saucers. “Oh, thank goodness. I thought I'd never make it here on time.”

Cooper extended his hand, looking at the newcomer curiously. “I don't think we've met. I'm Cooper.”

The man smiled brightly at him and accepted his hand, shaking it firmly. “It's nice to finally meet you, Cooper. I've heard a lot about you. I'm Paul, Blaine's boyfriend.”

Cooper dropped his hand and turned to look at his brother, completely bewildered.

Blaine could see this beautiful, perfect night crumbling to pieces right before his eyes.




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