Sept. 20, 2012, 12:25 p.m.
Sept. 20, 2012, 12:25 p.m.
Hello everyone!
What better way to kill time until tonight's episode than reading the epilogue of Bitter Pill, right? :)
Please read the author's note at the end!
I own nothing.
A year later.
Weekends were a blessing. They both did their best to ensure that weekends weren't about work or school. Even if they had to sacrifice their evenings during the week, losing sleep and working double shifts, Kurt and Blaine dedicated their weekends entirely to family time.
Usually, it was Kurt who woke up earlier. Blaine had a late class on Fridays and always arrived home exhausted and ready to pass out on the bed. Kurt liked making breakfast so they could share it in bed, lazily. Early mornings and late nights were pretty much the only moments in which they could forget about everything and just be together, the two of them.
Kurt crossed their tiny, shoe box apartment in a few strides, carrying a tray with two cups of coffee and a big plate with scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and toast. Even if it was small and Kara's toys and their own school books seemed to take over every little corner of it, Kurt loved the apartment. It was their first real home.
Blaine was lying on his stomach with his face half buried in the pillows and with his arm stretched towards Kurt's side of the bed. He looked incredibly peaceful and for a moment Kurt hesitated, thinking it would be better to let him sleep. He put the tray on one of the bedside tables and crawled back into bed next to his boyfriend. Blaine's arm immediately closed around him, as if even when he was asleep he could feel Kurt's proximity and react to it.
Smiling, Kurt pressed a kiss to his shoulder, causing Blaine to nuzzle closer. "Good morning."
Blaine started smiling even before he was awake. "Mmmorning."
"I have breakfast ready, but if you want to sleep a bit longer I can take it back to the kitchen and fix something else later," Kurt said softly.
"No, it's okay," Blaine blinked his eyes open, lazily. "I promised Kara we'd take her to the park later and if I sleep late we won't have time for everything."
"Everything?" Kurt asked curiously, sitting up and reaching for the tray before the food went cold. "What else did you have in mind?"
"Sex," Blaine answered, yawning adorably and causing Kurt to chuckle. "All the amazing sex we don't get to have during the week. I want to have it now."
"Sounds promising," Kurt teased, helping his boyfriend sit up since he didn't seem able to do it himself. "I think you need some caffeine first, though."
"Mm, coffee," Blaine made grabby hands and accepted the cup Kurt gave him as he laughed. "Thank you. You look beautiful."
Kurt rolled his eyes fondly. "I haven't even showered yet."
"Even better. I get to shower with you," Blaine grinned widely as he picked up his fork.
Kurt accepted the bit of scrambled eggs Blaine fed him. "That's if…"
"… your daughter doesn't wake up first," Kurt finished with a sigh.
Little feet hurried into the room and, one second later, the girl was trying to climb her way up onto the bed. Blaine chuckled and helped her up.
It was shocking how much Kara looked like Kurt. She was a tiny version of him, with longer hair and slightly bigger eyes. She was almost two years old now and not once had Kurt or Blaine regretted having their lives turned upside down. When they looked at how happy she was, they didn't care about the sacrifices they had to make every day. The student loans, the endless shifts at the coffee shop where Blaine worked before and after school, the internship where Kurt worked so hard four times a week, both of them sometimes having to stay up until three in the morning just to get their school work done once they had bathed and fed Kara and put her to bed… in the grand picture, it didn't matter. Their favorite part of their days was always coming home to one another and their beautiful little girl. Their family was the thing they loved the most.
"Well, good morning, baby girl," Blaine said sweetly, as Kara crawled under the covers and onto his lap.
"Monin," Kara answered smiling brightly at him. "Park?"
Kurt laughed and leaned to brush a kiss to her messy hair. "Not yet, Kara. First we're going to have breakfast and shower."
"Breakfast, dada!" She exclaimed, obviously changing her mind as she extended her arms towards Kurt. "I want toast."
Blaine handed her one of the pieces of toast on their plate as Kurt settled against the pillows with her, getting comfortable. Kara wiggled her little toes as she chewed on the toast.
Kurt breathed in the fruity scent of Kara's shampoo that remained from the previous night. He took a sip from his coffee and looked at Blaine over the edge of the cup, finding warm hazel eyes staring back at him.
Maybe their life was far from easy, but it certainly wasn't far from perfect.
Three years later.
Kurt pushed through the crowd, eyes searching. Kara tightened her arms around his neck a little, making sure she wouldn't fall as she peeked over the heads of the people around them.
"There he is, daddy! I see him!" She exclaimed, pointing to Kurt's left.
"Blaine!" Kurt called, smiling as he finally found his boyfriend, too.
Blaine looked up, radiant smile fixed on his lips and hurried towards them, holding his graduation cap with one hand and his diploma with the other.
Kurt didn't have words to express how proud of Blaine he was. Even with how difficult things had been for them sometimes, he had managed to graduate on top of his class. He wrapped the arm that wasn't holding Kara around his boyfriend's waist and pulled him closer, giving him a deep, passionate kiss.
"You're squeezing me, daddies!" Kara said, but she hugged them both nonetheless.
"Sorry, baby," Blaine laughed, pulling away just enough to let her breathe, but still close to them.
"Congratulations," Kurt said, grinning so hard he was sure his face would hurt later. "You're going to be everyone's favorite teacher, Mr. Anderson."
Blaine had always imagined himself in the entertainment world when he was younger. He had wanted to be a musician, a Broadway star, an actor, anything that would take him to places he had dreamed of his entire life. But that had been before he had found himself becoming a father when he was still a teenager. Before Kara, he had never been around kids before, but his daughter had taught him how wonderful it was to take care of children, to teach them new things, to watch them grow.
His daugther had awakened in him a passion he hadn't known he had.
Blaine moved forward and kissed his boyfriend sweetly, still smiling, before turning to his daughter and picking her up in his arms. "All this excitement made me hungry! Do you guys want to get something to eat?"
"Of course," Kurt grabbed his hand and started guiding him out. "Our parents, Finn and Rachel are all waiting in the hallway. Let's go find them."
Kara brushed a kiss to Blaine's cheek as he allowed Kurt to walk them out.
One year later.
Kneeling carefully, Kurt made sure his daughter's dress looked perfect. He was one of New York's rising fashion designers for good reason.
"Can you tell me again how you proposed to dad?" Kara asked as he stood back up.
"We don't have much time for that story again right now, princess," Kurt answered with a smile. "But I promise I'll tell you again later. Do you remember what you have to do now?"
"Yes," Kara nodded solemnly. "I walk down the aisle and I throw the flower petals."
"Exactly," Kurt handed her the white basket full of petals. "And then?"
"When it's time for the rings, I give the box to you," Kara continued, pulling the rings box out of the basket where it was resting among the flowers.
"Very good," Kurt kissed the top of her head.
"It's time, kiddo," Burt announced as he stepped forward from where he had been sitting behind them. "Are you ready?"
"Of course I'm ready," Kurt smiled brightly. "I've been ready for years."
"I'm actually surprised it took you this long to finally ask Blaine to marry you," Burt shrugged and Kurt immediately reached to fix his father's tie.
"We wanted to wait until we could do it the right way," Kurt said and it was true. With how tight they had been financially the first years they had spent in New York, there was no hope of getting married, at least the way they wanted, to have it all when they did: the party, the honeymoon, a new apartment.
Finn and Rachel walked into the little waiting room then. Rachel was also wearing one of Kurt's designs, a beautiful sky blue dress that made her look stunning. It was the adult version of what Kara was also wearing.
"Kara goes first?" Finn asked as he shifted, already uncomfortable in his suit.
"No, uncle Finn!" Kara said, rolling her eyes in a way that was terrifyingly simmilar to the way Kurt rolled his eyes. "You and aunt Rachel go first, then uncle Cooper and aunt Georgia and then I go before the grooms!"
"My six year-old has a better memory than you, Finn," Kurt muttered as he pushed his brother and sister-in-law towards the double doors. "Now go! The music is starting already!"
Finn stumbled out of the waiting room and started walking down the aisle that was on the right side of the venue, with Rachel holding his arm and smiling widely. Right after they reached the front, the door on the left side opened and Blaine's brother and his wife walked to meet the other two in the middle.
"Okay, your turn," Kurt whispered, kissing Kara's cheek. He watched her go, walking slowly and throwing the flowers the way they had practiced a million times and he couldn't hold back the smiles. He knew his face was going to be a waterfall by the time the ceremony ended.
"Come on," Burt said, extending his arm to his son. "Don't keep your man waiting."
Kurt grabbed his father's arm and walked out of the waiting room at the same time as Blaine did the same holding his mother's arm. Both Carole and Harry looked at them smiling from the front row, but Kurt and Blaine didn't have eyes for anyone but each other.
They had wanted this for so long. They had fantasized about being husbands since they were teenagers. Kurt could remember perfectly the endless daydreaming they had done together during their first year in New York, when this day still seemed way too far away. They had whispered their dreams and desires under the sheets, making sure to keep quiet so they wouldn't wake up the sleeping girl in the room next to theirs.
When Blaine reached for his hand, Kurt couldn't believe it wasn't a dream anymore. They were really doing this.
"You look beautiful," Kurt sighed, breathless as they stood next to each other.
"You do, too," Blaine said, as enthralled as Kurt was.
They were so lost in each other that they didn't really hear half of the ceremony. They slipped out of their love daze just enough to say 'I do' and put the rings on. And then they were kissing, kissing in front of all the people that cheered for them, kissing like they had done so many times before, but knowing it was different now. They were kissing their husbands.
When they pulled away (people had started whistling by then), both were crying and laughing at the same time. Kara launched herself at them and they picked her up in their arms, kissing her, too.
It never stopped surprising them, how happiness kept growing inside of them. And as they walked out of the venue, with their daughter in their arms and new, shiny rings on their fingers, they were the happiest they had ever been.
Six months later.
One of the things Blaine loved the most about his job was that he got home earlier than Kurt. He helped Kara with her homework and played with her a bit before getting dinner started. Kurt usually got home tired after spending long hours at the office, hunched over designs, fabrics and accessories, making sure everything was perfect for the company's next project.
He was seasoning a chicken he had just put on a pan, when Kara padded into the kitchen, frowning.
"Yes, sweetheart?" He said, humming as he moved to the cutting board to cut some vegetables.
"Do I have a mommy?" She asked in a low voice.
Blaine took a deep breath and put the knife down, turning around to face his daughter. "Everyone has a mommy, Kara."
Kara's eyes went wide as she stared up at his father. "Really?"
Blaine crouched in front of her and brushed her hair back from her forehead, smiling comfortingly. "Really. And if you want to know about her, we'll tell you everything. But we need to wait until daddy gets home. He'll want to be here to talk to you about it, too."
"Okay," Kara nodded slowly.
Kara went back to the living room and put one of her favorite movies on the DVD. Blaine leaned against the counter and closed his eyes. He had always known this day would come, but it still made him nervous. He didn't know how Kara would react to the truth.
The front door opened half an hour later and Kurt entered the apartment, immediately dropping his keys and coat.
"I don't want to see any more black silk for the rest of my life," he groaned as he walked towards Blaine to peck him on the lips. "Hi, honey."
"Hey," Blaine said distractedly, massaging the knots on Kurt's neck.
Frowning, Kurt studied his husband. "What's wrong?"
"We… need to talk to Kara," Blaine answered, sliding his arms around Kurt's waist. "She started asking questions. About her mother."
"Oh," Kurt muttered. Blaine offered him a cup of wine that he accepted gratefully. "Do we have time to talk to her before dinner's ready?"
"It'll be done in ten minutes," Blaine said. "Why don't you wash up and we talk to her while we eat?"
"Sounds good," Kurt gave him another kiss and walked out of the kitchen. The sounds of Kara immediately running to greet her other father filled the apartment for a moment and Blaine finished cooking with a smile on his face.
Blaine had the food on the table in a few minutes and Kurt and Kara sat and smiled at him as he cut the chicken and served it. Kara grabbed her fork and started pushing some vegetables away.
"Kara, honey, you need to eat all of it," Kurt said as he poured water into his daughter's glass.
"But I only want the red ones today!" She protested pouting.
"All of them, baby girl," Blaine insisted. "Or there won't be any ice-cream for you later."
"Fine," Kara sighed, but she started eating.
Blaine reached for Kurt's hand under the table.
"Your dad told me you've been asking some questions, Kara," Kurt started, as calmly as he could.
"Yeah," Kara nodded, putting her fork down to look at her fathers. "Everyone at school asked me about my mom. And daddy said I have one, too! Then why haven't I met her?"
"Babies come from mommy's bellies, Kara," Blaine started, a bit unsure. They had practiced this talk a million times, but he still didn't know if he was doing it right. "So if two daddies want to have babies, they have to ask a mommy to have it for them."
"But your case was… special," Kurt said. The girl looked at him, puzzled. "Your mommy didn't want to give you away, but she couldn't take care of you."
"Why not?" Kara asked, tilting her head to the side.
"She was sick, sweetheart," Kurt replied. He grabbed his daughter's hand in his. "She needed to find someone who could take care of you once she went to heaven, so that's why we're your daddies now."
"So my mommy died?" Kara's lower lip trembled a bit and Blaine hurried to pick her up and sit her on his lap, holding her against his chest.
"Yes, baby," Kurt nodded as a few tears went down his cheeks. "But she loved you with all her heart and that's what matters the most."
Kara was silent for a few minutes and they let her process the information quietly. "How did you meet my mommy?"
Kurt took a deep breath and ran his fingers through her hair. "She was my mommy, too."
Kara blinked, confused. "We have the same mommy?"
Kurt nodded slowly.
"Wouldn't that make me like your sister?" She asked with wide eyes.
"Technically, yes," Kurt said carefully. He grabbed her hand again. "But that doesn't change anything, Kara. Daddy and I adopted you once she was gone and we've been your fathers ever since. We've raised you and we've taken care of you and we'll keep doing that forever, okay?"
It was Kara's turn to nod as she looked at Kurt, trying to understand.
"You were mom's biggest gift to me, Kara," Kurt continued, wiping the tears away from his face. "I'll always be grateful to her for putting you into my life."
Kara smiled slowly and reached her arms so Kurt scooped her up and hugged her tightly to his chest, burying his face on her little neck. He looked up to see Blaine sitting next to him, also with tears in his eyes and he extended his hand to invite him into the embrace, which Blaine joined without a second of hesitation.
Maybe it would take a while for Kara to understand and maybe it wouldn't be as simple as it was for her friends' families, but deep down inside, she knew that her daddies loved her like no one else loved her in the world and that was more than enough for her.
After a few minutes of being squeezed between them, Kara pulled away and looked at them with wide eyes. "But what are we going to do if I ever want a brother or a sister?" She asked, alarmed.
Kurt and Blaine looked at each other and chuckled, resting their foreheads together.
"We'll find a way, baby girl," Blaine promised as he dropped a kiss to Kurt's lips and then to Kara's temple. "We'll find a way."
Didn't they always?
Another story comes to an end and I'm incredibly grateful for all your support. When I started writing this story, I knew two things could happen: people could either hate it or love it. And now I have to say I haven't received a single negative comment on it. I'm so, so happy. Thank you VERY much for always being so nice to me about my stories.
Another huge thank you goes to Barbara, for being the most awesome beta I could have ever asked for. I don't know where I'd be without her! She's always sending me helpful tips and information that I use not only here but in my every day life. She's fantastic.
One more thank you goes to Brandi, who had to deal with me whining endlessly about this story. Thank you for your patience and your friendship.
My next story (I don't know when it'll be up yet!) is called A Break in the Clouds and it's a CrissColfer AU that I've finished around the same time I finished writing Bitter Pill, back in July. I'm very happy with that story, so I hope you guys will find it in It-Could-Happen.net and enjoy it! And if CrissColfer isn't your thing and you'd like some more Klaine, I have another Klaine story coming right after ABITC that I'm also very excited about. Both are finished so the waiting won't be too long!
Thank you thank you thaaaaank you for being so awesome.
Enjoy Glee tonight.
Until the next story,
so glad I read this story! gorgeous ending :)))
This was very cute :) I love Kara!
this was the perfect ending!!! =D
I seriously cried my eyes out at this! it was amazing!