March 8, 2013, 8:43 a.m.
March 8, 2013, 8:43 a.m.
Kurt situated himself on the silky sheets of the studio's bed so that he was kneeling, facing the camera. The deep purple, silk robe he had on not only helped him feel more comfortable for the moment, but also complimented the luscious red sheets underneath him. He continued to stare at the camera, breathing his insecurities in and out, waiting for his cue.
"Ok, Kurt...I'm about to connect to the live feed...alright, go!" Trent pointed to Kurt as the little red light under the camera started flashing.
Kurt put on a seductive face for the camera as he internally relaxed himself. Slowly he began to rub his body over the robe. He never took his focus off the camera, visualizing that his prince charming was looking back at him instead of a black, lifeless lens. Bringing his hands up to stroke his neck, he imagined a strong jaw moving as it kissed the long span of his pale skin and dipping down to suck on his collar bones. Kurt dragged his thin fingers down his chest, thinking about his prince having big, masculine hands. He was touching his body for him, coming down even further to palm Kurt's cock over the fabric. At this vision, Kurt grew hard, knowing that the particular fantasy playing in his mind would help him finish quickly.
Kurt let his mind wander as his charming began to undo the belt of his robe, pushing the silk off his shoulders and leaving the clothing to pool around his knees. His big, strong hands wandered down slowly, catching Kurt's nipples making him arch his back into the touch and moan softly at the sensation. Kurt visualized the hands continuing down and around to his backside, squeezing his ass up against a hard body, which was obviously well built and solid against his thin, lightly toned one. The man left one hand on a cheek as his other came forward to take Kurt's long length into his hand. Kurt moaned louder and louder as the man's stroke became faster and more sure. Kurt was so turned on and so hard that finding his release would be quicker than usual. He continued to stare into his prince charming's eyes, not quite knowing what color they were, but knowing that they were there just for him, to watch only him. He finally closed his eyes as he gasped into his orgasm, coming hard, like always, onto his hand and stomach. He shook out of his fantasy as he came down from his high, looking back into the camera lens. He dropped his softening dick as he brought his hand up to lick one of his come covered fingers, talking around it, "I'm Jackson West and you're watching deeptv.com".
"And...we're off!" As soon as the words came, Kurt grabbed a ready and waiting wet wash cloth and quickly wiped his hand and body off, throwing the rag across the room into the hamper and pulling his robe back on.
Getting off the bed, Kurt went to where Trent was sitting at his desk and grabbed his water bottle off of it. Trent looked up at Kurt as he took a sip of water wincing as he gargled it and spit it out into the nearby trashcan. "I don't know why you always lick your fingers if you find it so disgusting." Trent shook his head and laughed as Kurt gave him a playful glare.
"I'm fine with it if it's not mine but, it's become my 'signature' act, so I always do it. You don't want to lose all of your followers do you?" Kurt cocked his head to the side, raising his eyebrows at his friend.
Trent just laughed again and shook his head, "No, I don't...so, I guess just keep doing what you're doing. You're the only one really bringing in the followers and money anyway. By the way, there are some packages over there from more admirers." Trent winked at Kurt as he rolled his eyes and crossed to the other side of the desk where the pile of presents sat.
"Ugh, really? I don't understand how they think I am actually interested in most of these things." Kurt started opening the packages, holding up different lengths, girths, and colors of dildos. "I mean, honestly?" Kurt holds up a particularly long, glittery green dildo, waving it back and forth in front of Trent's face.
"Get that out of my face!" Trent playfully batted it away, making Kurt give out a hearty laugh. "They don't think you're interested in these things, they think Jackson is interested in them."
"I guess so. Wait! This one isn't dildo shaped." Kurt threw the dildo down among the other toys in favor of picking up a blue, Tiffany blue, package. "Was this--"
"Dropped off? Yeah, some butler looking guy dropped it off this morning when I got here. I think he was waiting for someone to arrive."
"Huh. He must've been dropping it off for his boss; I'm not sure a butler could afford Tiffany's." Kurt gently opened the box, finding a beautiful gold watch with a tan, leather band. "Oh my god!" Kurt's mouth was clearly hanging open as he gaped at the exquisite present.
"Wow, that is--"
"Beautiful, I know." Kurt cut off Trent as a smile spread across his face.
"Oh, that reminds me. He left this card with it." Trent opened a desk drawer and pulled out the little note.
Kurt looked at Trent quizzically, taking the note and opening it as fast he could.
Dear Jackson:
Your talent is enormous and
I would love to get to know you.
Please have dinner with me
tonight at 7pm. I'll be waiting.
Blaine Anderson
Kurt read the address scribbled under Blaine's name, realizing where he lived was definitely in the Park Avenue area. "I gotta go, Trent. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, what did the note say?" Trent asked and as much as Kurt wanted to tell him, he thought it best to keep this to himself. He knew his best friend would try and talk him out of the meeting, knowing all too well about some of the weirdos that frequent the website. Kurt, however, was a polite man (when he wanted to be), and he couldn't accept the gift. He wanted to go to Blaine's and thank him for his kindness, but apologize and return the watch...even if it was gorgeous and would go with plenty of his outfits.
"Oh nothing...just told me he likes what he sees. I'm just gonna change and then I'll get out of here." Kurt turned around to head to the back of the studio where his locker was.
As he changed into his street clothes, he began to think more and more about Blaine. What would he look like? Maybe he was what Kurt was looking for. He did have amazing taste; maybe that was a clue to his personality. Maybe Blaine was one of those young NYC socialites Kurt always read about. Kurt's mind began reeling at the thought of this hot, young New Yorker who wanted to have dinner with him. Maybe he would turn out to be Kurt's prince charming, the man he always envisioned when he would play with himself in front of the camera. Kurt wasn't quite sure who his admirer would be, but he knew that if he didn't finish getting ready, he'd be late meeting Blaine for dinner.