Feb. 2, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
Feb. 2, 2012, 2:23 p.m.
Yes, Kurt Hummel's two childhood bullies had now teamed up, and they were making his life hell.
“First, the a capella choir from the all-boys private school in Westerville, the Dalton Academy Warblers!”
Holy shit. It doesn't matter how hard Kurt tries to forget about Blaine, he just keeps coming back into his life, over and over, doesn't he?
“Whoa. Hold up. Like, a million awesome gay jokes just popped into my head.”
Kurt turned to give Santana a look, but he doesn't really have the focus to be angry with her right now. All he can think about is how much he really misses Blaine.
Maybe this is the perfect opportunity to find him again.
He doesn't want to get his hopes up, but he also can't help but have his imagination run wild, coming up with a thousand dramatic scenarios of finding each other again.
“Uh, dude? Why don't you make yourself useful and go put some rat poison in them old folk's Jell-o, or... visit the Garglers,” Puck suggested with a shrug.
“The Warblers,” Kurt corrected.
A beat.
Kurt ignored the shocked looks on his teammates faces as he grabbed his presentation board and left the room. They wanted him to go spy on the competition? Fine. He could use some new friends anyway. Well, old friends. Old friend. Whatever.
Kurt drove home, attempting to mentally prepare himself for what he was about to do. Finn was still at the school—oops. Kurt had been his ride home—and his dad and Carole were both at work. Kurt had the house to himself as he went down to his room and pulled up the Dalton Academy website on his laptop. He found that the school had a uniform, and he went to his vast closet to attempt to match it.
It wasn't perfect, but it'd have to do. He only prayed that no one would notice, or at least care. He grabbed his bag so that he would look less suspicious, and headed out the door.
Thank God for GPS. Kurt's iPhone was the only thing that kept him from getting hopelessly lost on his way to Dalton.
To Blaine.
No, to Dalton.
Okay, he could do this. No, no he couldn't. Kurt put his car back into drive and prepared to pull out of the lot.
This could be your last chance for a long time. Plus, you're already here, if you back out now, that gas would've been wasted, and your dad will kill you, because he pays for that.
Damn his conscience and it's logic.
Sighing, Kurt shut his car off and climbed out. He looked up at the building, which looked more like a Victorian mansion than a school. Taking a deep breath, he headed in, and was astounded by the interior. As soon as he walked in, he felt transported back one hundred and fifty years.
Kurt spent time wandering through the halls, up some stairs, when suddenly, students began pouring from every door surrounding him. A little shocked, he followed the crowd, who were moving surprisingly quickly for a change in classes. He followed the crowd, who led him to an elegant spiral staircase. Suddenly realizing how suspicious he looked with his sunglasses still perched on his nose, he pulled them off.
Completely and utterly lost and confused, Kurt decided it wouldn't hurt to ask for help. A young man passed him then, and Kurt called out to him.
“Um, excuse me,” the boy looked up. His eyes connected with Kurts. “Um...”
It was Blaine, oh my god, it was Blaine he was standing there looking at him expectantly with those beautiful, familiar green eyes and Kurt just didn't know what to do so apparently his body decided to shut down.
“Well, Kurt, as much as I enjoy standing in the hall gaping at each other like fish on land, I actually have somewhere very important to be.” Blaine looked down at his watch. “Ah, but see, now I am late. However, I know a short cut if you care to join me,” he looked back up.
“Uh...” was all that came out of Kurt's mouth once more. Nice, Hummel. Real smooth.
But then Blaine smiled at him and it was as if the sun was breaking the horizon. Everything felt warm as Blaine took his hand in his and pulled him down the rest of the stairs and through the corridor. Kurt put his memory to the test as he attempted to remember everything about this moment. How his heart was racing, how even after nearly two years, he still knew that Blaine would be wearing a knowing smirk where Kurt couldn't see his face, how perfectly Blaine's hand fit in his. Hell, twenty years from now, he'd still be able to tell you that there was a huge, framed portrait of Marie Antoinette hanging on the wall.
They came into what looked like a living room, probably a common room, only there were students clearing the furniture to the walls.
“Oh, I stick out like a sore thumb,” Kurt said nervously, looking at all of the students in uniform. Blaine smiled again, then smoothed down the lapel of his jacket—which Kurt knew was perfect, anyway.
“Well don't forget your jacket next time, new kid,” Blaine said and winked. Kurt blushed, his brain turning to mush as Blaine backed away. “Now, if you'll excuse me.”
Kurt sipped at his peppermint mocha carefully. He allowed his eyes to flick over to the counter, where Blaine was picking up a few packets of sugar. He quickly averted his gaze when he turned around.
“So,” Blaine dropped back into the chair across from Kurt's. “What is new in the fabulous life of Kurt Hummel?”
Kurt snorted. “It's not so fabulous right now.” Blaine looked at him curiously. “Never mind. Forget I said that.” Kurt retreated quickly.
“No, Kurt, don't be like that,” Blaine's hazel eyes bore into his. Kurt didn't miss the way the other boy's hand reached out to him slightly, before returning to his coffee cup. “Tell me what's going on.”
Kurt sighed. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Are... are you still gay?” Kurt hoped, prayed, that Blaine would understand. Blaine nodded, and relief washed over him. “I'm the only 'out' kid at McKinley, and there's this one neanderthal who's made it his life's goal to make me miserable,” Kurt took a shaky breath and wiped his eyes. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't be dumping this on you after avoiding you for so long.”
“Kurt, you're fine. Listen, I don't care right now that I haven't seen you for a while. You're here now and you need help.” Blaine tried to catch his eye. “Let me help you.”
“And look, I don't have a step-by-step Defeat the Bullies book, but I can tell you that I feel terrible for leaving you behind to face that. Dalton has a zero-tolerance bullying policy, and it's kept my safe for the past few years.
“I ran, Kurt. And it's something that I really, really regret.”
“You didn't run, Blaine. If I remember correctly, your parents made you transfer.” Kurt replied, taking a sip of his coffee.
“But I could have fought so much harder.”
A moment of silence passed, and it wasn't comfortable or uncomfortable. It was just... silent.
“Prejudice is just ignorance, Kurt. And you don't have to stand for it.”
Kurt did his best to follow Blaine's advice. To have courage, like his text said. But it didn't end up well. He just found out that his biggest tormentor was stuck in Narnia.
He felt violated.
He felt used.
And now he was laying in the middle of his bed, staring at the ceiling, unsure what to do with himself. He'd already brushed his teeth fifteen times, showered, and changed his clothes, but he still felt dirty. There was a soft knock on his door.
“It's open,” he croaked, voice scratchy from crying.
The door squeaked open, then clicked shut. Soft footsteps carried down the stairs, and the bed dipped next to Kurt's side. Kurt looked over to find Blaine there, blazer unbuttoned and tie a little loose. A hand reached up to push Kurt's bangs out of his face, and Kurt nearly began crying all over again.
“What happened?” Blaine's voice was quiet and a little hesitant. Kurt sighed, pulling himself into a sitting position. He leaned back against his pillows and headboard. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
“Hey, it's okay. Take your time.” Blaine moved up next to Kurt, nudging his shoulder. “Shove up.”
Kurt leaned forward, and Blaine settled himself behind him. When Kurt leaned back, his head was resting against Blaine's collar bone.
“Whenever you're ready,” Blaine whispered into his hair.
A few minutes of silence passed, Blaine running his fingers through Kurt's hair comfortingly. Kurt surprised himself with how okay he was with it, given how much time they had spent apart.
“He kissed me,” Kurt whispered. Blaine stiffened.
“Kissed you?”
“He just grabbed my face and kissed me. And then he tried to kiss me again, but I pushed him away. So he punched a locker and ran out.” Kurt tearing up again, and he turned his face into Blaine's chest. And god damn if he didn't smell like everything Kurt needed in that moment. Comforting, familiar.
Like home.
So Kurt cried harder.
“I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I was so stupid, I—I—” Kurt stammered.
“What? Kurt, no. None of this is your fault. It's not your fault he's confused, and it's—”
“No, not Dave. God, Blaine, I'm so sorry,” Kurt sobbed into his friends shirt. “I'm sorry I was stupid, and jealous, and—”
“Kurt. Look at me.”
Kurt blinked up at him through misty eyes.
“I'm fine. We can talk about what happened between us later. But right now, let's focus on making you feel better. On helping you, okay?” Blaine ran his finger's through Kurt's hair again. Kurt swallowed.
Kurt laid his head down on Blaine's chest again, taking a few deep breaths to help calm down. A water bottle appeared in Blaine's hand, and Kurt recognized it as the one that he kept on his nightstand. He mumbled a thanks, taking a sip. Blaine responded with a hum, hand running up and down Kurt's spine.
“Would you like me to go with you to talk to him?” Blaine asked suddenly.
“W-what?” Kurt looked up at him in shock.
“I'll go talk to Dave with you tomorrow at your school.”
“You would do that?” Kurt asked quietly, looking up at him.
“Of course.”
Then Blaine smiled at him, that smile that was like the sun breaking over the horizon, and for the first time in quite a while, Kurt felt like things were going to be okay.
Kurt rested his head back down and closed his eyes.
“Yeah,” he whispered. “I'd like that.”
now i have to wait again:( but i do love this story;)
I will definitely try too get the new one up sooner than before :)
This is an adorable story, and although I suck at leaving reviews, just wanted to drop by some love and tell you that this is great! -isabelle (from the livestream)
Aaaaaahhhhh! Hi! Thank you so much! This means a lot to me. :) I wish I could get on Tumblr more often and talk to all of you!
A'www that was such a sweet chapter