June 1, 2012, 8:59 p.m.
June 1, 2012, 8:59 p.m.
The weekend passed smoothly, as did half of the week. Before Kurt knew it, it was Wednesday. The New Directions had begun dress rehearsals for the benefit concert with the Warblers and Crawford Country Day girls at Dalton, but still hadn't shown off Born This Way. They'd be doing that later that day, which was creating more and more excitement for the other performers who were really looking forward to seeing it.
Kurt showed up to their early morning New Direction rehearsal. He was the first one there because Finn went into the locker room first to get something. Kurt walked in the choir room and the first thing he saw was a single peach rose laying on the piano. He smiled. His first thought was that it was his, because that was the same type of flower that Blaine gives him, but then he thought different of it because Blaine was no where in sight and why wouldn't he just give it to him himself? So he ignored it and turned to walk to his seat. Another rose was place on his chair. A note was attached to this one with his name on it. He opened it and he blushed when he read it.
Violets are blue and roses are peach.
Ours is a love that no one can reach.
Love, Blaine
Kurt smiled and went to the piano to retrieve the other rose, now knowing it was his. This one had a note attached to it as well.
I love you more than the day is long.
More than anyone can put into song.
You're more beautiful than any model can pose.
More beautiful than the number of petals on a rose.
Love, Blaine
He blushed again. "I am in love with the sweetest and corniest guy on the planet."
The New Directions members started filing in a different times and Kurt had to keep repeating why he had two roses in his hands.
Throughout the morning he had kept finding them around the school. Every time he went back to his locker, there was another one waiting for him with another note and poem. Upon entering every class, there was a peach rose sitting at his desks he always sat in and a note attached by a ribbon with one more cheesy love poem that made Kurt blush. He wondered where the flowers were appearing from because he never once saw anyone with roses or flowers of any kind near them and a short, curly headed, hot, teenager in a Dalton uniform was no where to be seen.
By lunch he had collected nine flowers. Mercedes and Zach had informed him that they would be eating outside today in the court yard for lunch because it was so nice outside. Kurt wasn't thrilled, but went along with it because they wanted to. When he rounded the corner to the court yard, he saw an empty table with three roses tied together with white ribbon and a note. The three roses rounded the collection out to an even dozen. Kurt flipped open the note and read it silently.
No more poems, I promise. I love you so much
and wanted to do something special for you.
when I told you the other day that I feel that we really
can have it all and ride off into the sunset and have
a perfect life… I meant it. I want that for you, perfection.
I want that for us, happiness. You're amazing and deserve nothing less
than beautiful and wonderful because that's what you are to me.
I love you with all my heart.
Love always and forever, Blaine
Kurt shut the note and smiled. He blushed and tried not to look giddy. He quickly tried to downplay it so that his friends wouldn't bug him until he read them the note, which he wanted to keep private. "Why are we eating outside today?" Kurt asked Mercedes. "I hate lunch outside here. Too many bugs." He swatted a couple flies away.
"Just following instructions," Zach answered for her.
"Instructions?" No sooner than saying that, the rest of the New Directions emerged from different places in the courtyard. Most of the guys were playing guitars, except Finn who sat at a drum set that Kurt thought must have magically appeared out of no where. The guys with guitars started strumming a sweet sounding song. It reminded Kurt of a lullaby, but he didn't recognize the song. Kurt turned around to see all of them and he shook his head, startled to see Blaine, in his Dalton uniform, standing behind him and smiling. Now Kurt understood. The flowers, lunch outside, Blaine standing there now, and the New Directions playing instruments. Blaine set this up for him and his supposed friends were in on it.
Blaine eyes shined in the sunlight, when he started singing.
Every time I look at you
I see a crown your eyes of blue
Love inside so thick with deep emotion
Blaine knelt down on both knees and took the position that he had the night he told Kurt he loved him. Kurt grinned, but shifted his eyes around feeling surprised and self conscious. Blaine kept singing.
I hear the words inside your head
The ones you wish I woulda said
The night is out the day is dead
You sway me more violent than the ocean
He leaned back and made a frame with his thumbs and index fingers and held it out to frame Kurt's face.
You are perfect in this light
You are the damsel in distress
And I am nothing less
Than your knight in tattered armor
He stood and offered his hand to Kurt, who didn't take it, but still smiled.
So, take my hand
Oh, baby come on
He made a face like he was begging. Kurt couldn't stop his smile and put his hand in Blaine's. Blaine tugged Kurt to stand and pulled him away slightly from the bench he was sitting on.
And we will run through the open fields
You and me
We will be living
In a fairytale ending
Blaine, still holding onto Kurt's hand, covered Kurt's heart with his free hand.
When we touch I feel your heart
Beat inside your chest it starts
Making me wild without a hesitation
Blaine smiled wildly while he sang. He took his hand back from Kurt's chest and put it over his own heart.
I cannot contain this love
He lifted his hand in the air as if making an oath of some kind.
As strong as the hand of God above
More powerful than the kings of any nation
Blaine swooped his hand to emphasis his words.
And you are the damsel in distress
And I am nothing less
He covered his heart with his right hand.
Than your knight in tattered armor
So, take my hand
Oh, baby come on
And we will run through the open fields
Blaine moved closer to Kurt and Kurt thought Blaine was going to kiss him, but then Blaine moved behind Kurt and turned him towards the outdoor staircase, holding him by the shoulders. He panned his right hand across the top of the stairs and Kurt suddenly saw and heard the rest of the Warblers singing background vocals in perfect "ahs" for dramatic effect. It worked. Kurt's eyes widened and Blaine was able to see a sparkle in them. Both boys smiled. Kurt was becoming overwhelmed with surprise at his gift and how much he loved the boy holding him in place.
You and me
We will be living
In a fairytale ending
He held Kurt's hand tighter and ran with him over to the stairs where the Warblers were. They started to file down as they danced into a new formation at the bottom of the cement staircase.
Blaine broke away from Kurt and jumped up on a bench that was connected to a table. Kurt was now squared in by the Warblers, the New directions, Blaine on a table, and the vast amount of McKinley students and faculty members that looked on with mixed expressions.
Blaine powered out the bridge to the song, making his various faces that he always did: squinting his eyes, expressing and emphasizing things with his hands and body movements, having a complete lack of caring what he looks like to other people. He only cared about the song and getting the message across to Kurt.
When the dark gets too dark
Then I will be your light
When the pain's too great
Then I will be your fight
When you're blind to love
Then I will be your sight, oh
I will be your knight
In tattered armor
Blaine stopped dancing and stood still, quieting his voice.
You are the damsel in distress
And I am nothing less
Than your knight in tattered armor
He jumped off the bench and ran to Kurt, grabbing both of his hands.
So, take my hand
Oh, baby come on
And we will run through the open fields
Kurt tore his eyes away from Blaine for a second and saw that all of the Warblers and New Direction members were now circling around them and creating a wall that separated Kurt and Blaine from the rest of the onlookers.
You and me
We will be living
In a fairytale ending
Yes, you and me
We will be living
In a fairytale ending
Yes, you and me
We will be living
In a fairytale ending
A fairytale ending
Blaine let go of one of Kurt's hands and brought it up to cup Kurt's cheek. Kurt instinctually nuzzled into it. He fluttered his eyes and looked back into Blaine's honey orbs, which were now very close to his.
Welcome, welcome, welcome
To happily ever after
The song ended and people erupted into cheers. Kurt and Blaine stood still, looking at each other, consumed with love. Blaine leaned in and placed a soft quick kiss on Kurt's lips, not caring who saw. With the circular wall of people around them, no one did, but that wasn't a concern. They broke apart smiling.
"Thank you for the flowers," Kurt said after everything had died down.
"You did get them?" Blaine asked rhetorically. "Okay good." The two boys were sitting at a table surrounded by, Zach, Mercedes, Quinn, Nick, David, and Wes. They were ignoring the conversations that the others were having.
"Who put them there?" Kurt asked.
"Your teachers, I think. I gave them to Mercedes this morning and asked if she could arrange to have one put on your desk before you got to each class. Finn put the ones on the table here for me. Did you like it?"
"Yeah. I do now, at least. I didn't know what to think when it was happening."
Blaine looked almost hurt and Kurt quickly back peddled in his talking to explain. "Oh! Don't get me wrong. I loved them and the gesture was amazingly sweet. I'd never felt so special. But when I walked into rehearsal this morning, I saw one on the piano and one on my normal seat. I knew those were the flowers that you gave me, but I didn't want to assume they were FOR me until I saw the note." Blaine smiled again, knowing the notes were a perfect touch. "Then in my first class I saw another on my desk with another note. I blushed and made a fool out of myself. I stopped getting self conscious with each one I got because I stopped caring that the jocks were making fun of a guy getting flowers. I didn't care anymore because all I knew was that you loved me and their hate was meaningless."
Blaine squeezed Kurt's hands tighter. "I do love you."
"I almost got beat up, I think. Thank goodness for Puck and Finn walking by."
"Why what happened?" Blaine looked deeply concerned. He was worried and hadn't thought that maybe his romantic idea maybe wasn't such a good idea after all. Not if it caused harm to Kurt.
"Some jock called me a fag and I said that if he was just figuring that out now then he really did belong in the classes for slow learners."
Blaine laughed. "You didn't!"
"Yeah. It sort of slipped out. He didn't like that very much. The guy started coming at me and Puck intercepted between us; made the kid stumble against the lockers. Then Finn and him blocked him from seeing me and Puck threatened him if he ever went near me. Finn got in the kid's face. It was epic. The teachers had to break it up and everything."
"Wow. I'm sorry if this caused any trouble."
"Oh no. No trouble at all. The kid had it coming. Besides, I think with how Finn acted, Rachel just might be willing to go to third base with him now. She looked like a cat in heat after it. That girl has some serious issues." They both laughed again.
"Blaine," Wes called out from across the table. Blaine looked his way. "Sorry to break this up, but we have to get going if we want to make it in time."
"Make what in time? Class?" Kurt asked.
"No," added David. "We got excused for half the day. That's why we were able to be here. We petitioned to 'rehearse," he made quotation marks around the word, "before a performance we were giving at a nursing home today."
"We didn't completely lie," snickered Nick before turning back to Quinn.
"Instead of rehearsing we came here. Now we have to drive back and go sing at an old folks home."
"Wow," Kurt said wide-eyed. He looked at Blaine. "You really planned this out perfectly didn't you?"
"When do I not?" Blaine kissed their entwined fingers. "Walk us to the parking lot?"
Kurt walked with a few other New Direction members to the parking lot with the Warblers who piled into several different cars. Kurt noticed how close Quinn was walking to Nick and felt bad for Zach, but happy for his other friend Nick. He was a good guy and would take good care of Quinn. He also strangely thought that he could be able to handle her crazy moments well. He shrugged and thought that there would be someone else to make Zach happy that would be less drama filled than Quinn. Perhaps another cheerleader.
"See you later?" Blaine asked when they got to Wes' BMW.
"Yep. Rehearsal at four o'clock." He kissed Blaine's cheek.
"Hey!" Blaine protested.
"What?" Kurt asked confusedly.
"The cheek?" Blaine asked sarcastically. "I deserve a romantic-boyfriend-of-the-year award and I get a kiss on the cheek?"
Kurt giggled. "Sorry." He grabbed Blaine's face and kissed him hard, not waiting for permission to shove his tongue down Blaine's throat. Kurt released Blaine's face and took a step back, with a devilish grin.
Blaine stumbled, feeling dizzy. "Th-that's m-more like it," he stammered out. "Can you stay later after practice?"
"Why? Want a proper thank you?"
Kurt had been joking because they never talked about their sex life in front of other people together, but was rendered speechless when Blaine was serious. "Oh. Um."
"Dude!" Nick called out from the other side of the car. "I love you both, but I don't want to have the image in my head of you two bare assed in a room a few doors down from mine."
"Why? Jealous because you're not?" Blaine joked.
Nick smiled. "Well, yeah," he joked back.
Kurt gave Blaine another kiss and a hug goodbye and told him he'd see him later. He wished them all well at their nursing home performance and gave one last kiss to Blaine before watching them drive off.
"That song was really cute," Quinn said on their way back to the others.
"Yeah. It kind of fits what we've been talking about lately. About happy endings."
Quinn looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a grin. It was a look full of assumption.
"Oh god! Not one of THOSE happy endings! You have a dirty mind for someone who doesn't put out."
"You're talking to the person who got pregnant last year."
"Yeah, and then went celibate again. Prude," he laughed. "You don't know what you're missing."
"So anyway… happy endings?"
Kurt smiled a genuine smile, looking dreamily. "Yeah, when all this highschool shit it done with, we're going to ride off into the sunset together."
"Ever wonder what happens in movies after the sun sets? I mean, what happens in the morning? The morning after that? The year after that?"
"They live happily ever after."
"Does that even exist?"
"I'll let you know when Blaine and I get there." He gently bumped Quinn with his side and they joined their friends back in the court yard.