June 1, 2012, 8:59 p.m.
June 1, 2012, 8:59 p.m.
"Can I sit here?"
Kurt looked up from his notebook to see Zach standing at the head of the table before the final bell rang for French class. Zach was smirking as he saw that Kurt was stenciling "Blaine + Kurt" inside a heart. "Uh, sure." Kurt closed his notebook and shifted his things over to make room for Zach to sit.
"So Glee Club is going to New York next week?"
"Not this weekend, but the following weekend."
"Are you guys ready?"
"Not yet, but we will be. Oddly enough, every time we've won, we weren't prepared. We work better under pressure."
"I'm really glad we're talking again."
B- Did you turn your phone off yet?
K- Thanks for reminding me that I didn't turn my ringer off. You're so thoughtful lol
B- Sorry, I know you're in class, but I can't stop thinking about you.
Blaine returned to his dorm by 6:30 and rushed around his room, making things ready for his day. He laid out his uniform and grabbed a towel and his toiletries to take a short shower. He heard his neighbor already taking up the shower in their shared bathroom so he stripped off his clothes and wrapped the towel around his waist, running to the communal bathroom down the hall. He raced Trent to the last open shower and laughed after he yelled "Mine!" He told Trent to wait because he'd only be a few minutes. The shower next to him became free almost instantly after he started the water and Trent went in that one.
"You missed curfew!" Trent yelled from over the barrier.
"Yeah, Kurt had my dorm keys so I just spent the night at his house."
"Aw! How cute! Anderson and Hummel are playing house." Blaine recognized the voice as Jeff's. "Must make it easier to get some when his parents let you spend the night."
Blaine didn't answer, but behind the safety of the curtain, he smiled. "You didn't answer," called Trent. "Does that mean you are tapping that?" No answer. "Good for you! Not that anyone else had a shot in hell at getting him besides you, but you are one lucky mother fucker to land him."
"I know I am!" Blaine called out. "What do you mean, anyone else? Were there more guys into him than Thad?"
"Are you kidding? I don't think there's a homo at this school that didn't want some part of him. The boys friggen love him."
Blaine rubbed shampoo in his hair and pondered that thought. How did I miss the Kurt Hummel fan club?
The chatter died down and once one boy started singing in the shower, they all did. Go figure, Blaine thought. They had to start singing Teenage Dream. Blaine always thought of Kurt when he heard this song. No one else knew that this was their song and since he couldn't get Kurt out of his head, he wasn't surprised to see that his dick was getting harder by the second.
He lathered himself up with soap and closed his eyes, imagining his hand was Kurt's from last night. He grasped himself hard, stroking base to tip. He saw himself laying flat on top on Kurt, gyrating his hips, holding his body tight, and kissing Kurt like it would be their last. Then, letting his mind do as it pleased, he saw himself thrusting into Kurt slowing, looking into his eyes and stroking his face in a tender moment, breaking the barrier between them that had kept them innocent. He kept thrusting his hips forward and back, in and out, over and over, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly. He could swear he heard Kurt's moans and screams of "I love you" and curse words, and Blaine's name dropping from his lips many times over. Blaine opened his eyes and came back to reality when he let himself go, spilling his ejaculation onto the shower floor. He was breathing heavily, never once letting himself moan in fear someone would know what he'd been doing in his shower stall behind the curtain.
"Holy shit, Anderson!" exclaimed Jeff when Blaine was brushing his teeth at the sink.
"What the fuck happened to your back?"
Blaine had almost forgotten. He turned around and saw that the heat of the shower had turned everything bright red. "Oh," he said with the toothbrush in his mouth. "I don't know," was all he could think up.
"Really?" Jeff didn't believe him. "Some animal claws up your back and you somehow didn't notice?"
Blaine blushed. He wanted Jeff to drop it so he turned it into a joke to get him to go away. "Okay, I have a confession. Kurt's been abusing me for months now and I didn't know how to tell someone. He's an animal I tell you!" He pretended to cry. "Save me Jeff! I can't take it anymore!" He collapsed himself onto Jeff and pretended to wail. Jeff just pushed him away.
The two began to laugh. "That's awful. I can't picture Kurt doing anything to hurt anyone. Seriously, what happened?"
Blaine spit the last bit of toothpaste in his mouth and gargled his mouth wash. "I told you," he said, gathering his things. He headed for the door, "Kurt did it," and he walked out.
An hour later found him at Warbler practice before classes were to begin and after a few songs, he was really beginning to feel the repercussions of having his back the way it was. He pulled out his phone in between songs during a time when the council was picking apart certain parts of the performance.
B- Do people always clap me on the back or do I only notice it today because my back was ripped apart last night? Xoxo
K- Mercedes gave me a hug and a swear I almost cried from the pain. Xoxo
B- Are we in trouble for having a slumber party?
K- Only with Finn. He's jealous because Rachel can't sleep in his bed if she slept over. But I honestly don't think my dad knew. You left before he got out of bed.
The Warblers did one more song before Wes had closing remarks. Blaine ignored them when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.
K- I think I just witnessed a once in a lifetime event. People Magazine will be sure to be here to get the scoop.
B- What happened?
K- Your least favorite person just stood up to Sue Sylvester with a smile and didn't bat an eye.
He groaned inwardly at the thought of the blonde haired boy around his boyfriend, but then forced himself to remember that Zach hadn't caused any trouble since the one incident and Kurt insisted that the boy was straight. He took a deep breath and decided to overlook the fact that Kurt mentioned him and try to stay positive. He couldn't control who was in the same hallways at Kurt. B- I'm going to be a good boy and refrain from whatever comments I really want to say.
K- I like good boys.
Blaine stifled a chuckle. B- ; ) I know. My back proves how much you don't like it when I'm a very Very bad boy. He was making a flirty face at the phone. Nick nudged him and Blaine quickly pressed send, scooting over a couple inches, hoping Nick wasn't trying to read the texts.
K- What does that say about you and my body?
Blaine really thought about it. How did he really feel about Kurt's delicate and creamy body? How did touching Kurt transform his persona from perfect schoolboy and gentleman to ravenous sex hungry man? He suddenly missed the feel of Kurt's touch. He wanted to be kissing him and pressing his body to Kurt's right now. B- That I really REALLY like fucking your ass with my fingers and can't be held responsible for the dirty things the sounds that come out of you mouth make me do. He surprised himself with his boldness of word choice.
K- So, this is all my fault? Lol
B- Yes. 100% your fault. He came up with an idea to make Kurt laugh and quickly typed out another message before Kurt had a chance to respond.
B- And I expect a full apology with your mouth around my dick the next time we're alone. He shivered at the thought of Kurt hollowing out his cheeks, sucking his throbbing cock until every last drop of cum was eradicated.
K- That can be arranged. I look forward to begging for your forgiveness.
K- Oops, bell rang. Text me later. Gotta get to class.
B- French right?
K- Yes.
B- You've got an A+ in the kissing chapter.
K- Turning my phone off now. Love you xoxo
Blaine went to his first period class, Biology. He looked at the syllabus to see what they'd be reviewing for the day: Anatomy. His mind immediately wandered to Kurt and the slender boy's body makeup. Kurt's soft hair, his smooth and perfect skin, his delicate hands and features, his soft pout… So beautiful, he thought and took out his phone. B- Did you turn your phone off yet?
K- Thanks for reminding me that I didn't turn my ringer off. You're so thoughtful lol He smiled when he got the immediate text back.
B- Sorry, I know you're in class, but I can't stop thinking about you. He felt goose bumps raising all over his body. Blaine's mouth began to salivate. Shit! One night of abusive passion and now I can't friggen concentrate.
K- I know what you mean.
B- I don't think you do. I'm in Biology, we'll be reviewing our Anatomy section and all I can think about is wanting to study your anatomy.
K- I think you did a good job of it last night ; )
He absentmindedly began typing his text, not thinking about whether it was the right thing to send because his mind was replaying the film reel in his head of last night. B- I want to do it again right now.
K- Blaine Anderson, if you make me hard during class you'll be in big trouble.
He could hear Kurt's hard breathing and erotic moans in his head and it made his trousers tighten. B- I'm sorry, I don't mean to. Shit my heart is beating fast and my skin is tingling all over.
K- Are you okay?
Blaine began thinking about himself thrusting against Kurt and then Kurt jerking him off the rest of the way. He suddenly wished that he'd taken Kurt up on his offer to have sex. He crossed his legs underneath the classroom table and he was very aware of the amount of people around him. They had no idea of what was going on, but Blaine was beginning to feel his face heat up.
He imagined abandoning his fingers inside of Kurt and rubbing the lubrication oil all over his dick. Then after a reassuring look from Kurt asking him if this was really what he wanted, Blaine would tell him "I want you so bad, Kurt" and let the "I love yous" pour from him as he entered Kurt and thrust into him repeatedly. B- I think I'm ready
There was a five minute pause before Kurt sent his reply. It was the longest five minutes of Blaine's life. K- Ready for what?
B- I want to make love to you. I want to fuck you until your eyes roll behind your head and scream my name from releasing the hardest orgasm you've ever had.
Kurt's reply came after three minutes this time. K- Friday? After everyone's gone to sleep?
B- Friday. Fuck I love you.
K- No more than I love you.
B- What am I going to do now? I'm in class with a raging hard on and can't think of anything except taking your v-card and ripping it to shreds
K- That's a really funny visual. Lol all I'm picturing is you stealing a business card from my wallet and ripping it up childishly.
B- I think I'm going to try to pay attention to class… maybe it'll turn me off.
K- Good luck
B- Thanks, I'll need it.