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Bluebird: Chapter 5

E - Words: 2,623 - Last Updated: Dec 03, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 31/? - Created: Sep 09, 2011 - Updated: Dec 03, 2011
768 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: More of the party... : )You are either going to love me or hate :) I hope you decide to love me :)
Chapter 5


The bathroom door shut. Blaine immediately sat himself down on the edge of the bathtub. Derek went over to Blaine and sat down next to him. "What's the matter? It's a party. We're supposed to be having fun." He put his arm around Blaine's shoulders and cuffed his other hand on top of Blaine's triceps.

"I don't even know what to say," Blaine confessed. "I feel like I should say something. There's something right on the tip of my tongue, but I don't know what it is."

There was silence for half of a minute. "You and Kurt sing really well together."

"Thank you." His eyes stayed straight and his voice quiet.

"Your performance was convincing," Derek continued. He seemed to be prodding for something.

"Don't say that. Please don't say that."

"Why not?"


"Because you're in love with him?" Derek said, finishing Blaine's sentence.

"Stop saying that!" Blaine turned to Derek. "I'm not in love with Kurt." He stood. His face mirrored the conflicted nature that he felt inside. "I'm in love with you!"

Derek stood up, calm faced, and looked at Blaine, worried about his inner turmoil. "I know you do."

Blaine lunged forward and braced Derek's face in his hands as his lips bore down on Derek's. He wasn't gentle. Derek could sense the neediness of Blaine's kiss. He kissed him back, their actions in severe contrast with each other. Blaine, who acted hard, while Derek was soft. Gentle and rough, calm and wild. He kissed Blaine tenderly, waiting for Blaine to slow down his thoughts and frantic actions.

Blaine didn't slow down. Instead he got more excited and more frantic. "I love you," he said between kisses.

"I know," Derek answered.

"I love you," Blaine repeated.

"I know."

Blaine was now backing Derek up while he continued to attack his lips fervently. "I love you," he said again. A moan escaped his throat when he felt Derek's tongue against his.

"I know."

"What's the matter?" Blaine almost had Derek to the other side of the bathroom now. He didn't know where he was guiding his boyfriend or why. Blaine was filled with so much emotion and he just wanted to kiss his boyfriend. He wanted to touch him, and hold him, and God, I just want to rip his clothes off and fuck him, Blaine thought. "Don't you love me?" His lips went back to Derek's.

"Of course I do."

"Then say it." They'd reached the door now. Blaine had accidentally pushed Derek back a little too hard and Derek's body made a thunk noise against the wooden door. "Tell me you love me." Derek leaned his head forward to kiss Blaine again, but Blaine pushed him back again and began sucking on Derek's neck. Derek moaned. "Tell me you love me."

Derek grinned coquettishly at Blaine, whose eyes were glowing with hunger and need. "No."

Blaine was losing his patience. If there was any shed of sanity and control that he had left, he lost it then. He pressed his body up against Derek's, pinning him to the door with no way out. "Say it." He ground his hips forward and felt the friction of Derek's hardness, prisoned by tight pants, against his. Derek moaned. "Say it."

Derek moaned again. He had come upstairs with Blaine to comfort him and talk. His body wasn't letting that happen. Instead, his calmness was lost and he didn't have enough blood flow to his brain to compose himself and bring it back. He fell right into what Blaine was doing and the only control he had was his ability to keep Blaine begging for more. He knew Blaine was struggling, but Derek felt so wanted in that moment he couldn't stop. He had Blaine at a point now that Derek wouldn't be surprised if Blaine sprouted claws and tore him to pieces.

Blaine was trying everything he could to get something out of Derek. A no, an I want you, fuck me, suck me, I love you, SOMETHING! ANYTHING! Fucking talk to me! Blaine screamed in his head. He finally couldn't take it anymore and pressed harder against Derek's body and crashed Blaine crashed his lips to his boyfriend's. Their tongues battled one another as moans escaped. Blaine began working Derek's pants open as fast as he could.

"Wait! I promised Rachel my pants would stay on."

"Fuck Rachel Berry." Derek captured Blaine's lips as Blaine dipped his hand in and pulled out Derek's cock. He immediately didn't wait to started pumping it in his hand from base to head. Derek dropped his head back against the door and moaned. "You like that? Huh?" Blaine picked up his speed rapidly, purposefully torturing the sexy brunette in front of him.

"Uh-mmnn," Derek moaned with his eyes shut tight.

"You want more?" Blaine licked and nipped Derek's neck with his teeth.

"Mmnn, yes. Uhng yes."

"You want me to wrap my lips around your dick?"

"Fuck. Uhng. Yes."

Blaine suddenly let go of Derek, his face serious, and took a step back. Derek opened his eyes and whimpered at the loss of touch. He saw Blaine's expression. "Tell me you love me."

Derek grabbed Blaine by the fabric on his collar bones and swung him around so that his back hit the door this time. He kissed Blaine hard. "I love you. I fucking love you. You got that? I fucking love you and everything about you. Your indecisiveness and your joy. Your curly hair, your perfectly shaped toes, and everything in between. I fucking love it all." He kissed Blaine hard again then pushed him down, down, down to the floor. Blaine's back slid against the hard door. Blaine glanced up and saw Derek grinning devilishly. He cheshired back with closed lips. "Now suck my dick, Bitch."

Blaine chuckled, making an incredibly sexy noise, and swallowed Derek whole.


Tell me you love me. Tell me you love me. Kurt walked outside to the patio and sat down, hearing those words in his head like a skipping record. That was Blaine's voice, he thought. He could only imagine what was going on in the bathroom, but he thought, for his own sanity, to not think about it because he'd only be breaking his own heart by doing so. Maybe they were arguing and Derek doesn't love him anymore? No stop! Don't think about them or hope they're doing bad. Kurt was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't heard someone follow him outside. He turned to see Zach, the handsome blonde, sit down next to him on the stoop. Zach didn't say anything, he just sat down and smiled at Kurt before turning his head to look around at his surroundings.

"What are you doing?" Kurt finally asked.

"I'm keeping you company."


"Because you left your own party to be alone."

"Oh. I just needed some air. There's kind of a lot of things going on right now."

Zach nodded his head, acknowledging that he was listening. There was silence for a minute before Zach asked, "So how long have you been in love with Blaine?" Kurt head shot up and he stared wide eyed as he starting looking toward the house. "Don't worry, he can't hear us. He's still in the bathroom with Derek." Zach left out the details of what he heard when he walked by. There was more silence. "So, how long have you been in love with your best friend?"

Kurt looked down at his hands and sighed. He'd been holding this is for so long. He'd never said it out loud. He was tired. "Is it that obvious?" he asked with a smile. The words floated out of his mouth with ease like they were air

"Only to me, maybe." Zach smiled back. "Does he know?"


"Why not?"

Kurt really thought about what to say in response. "A number of reasons I suppose. Number one starting with 'I don't know' and number two being 'I waited to long to tell him before he fell in love with someone else.' The rest I suppose I made up as extra excuses to protect myself from rejection." He paused. "Stupid, huh?"

"No. Careful, not stupid."

Kurt felt lighter. He almost felt relieved that someone knew instead of suspected. He wasn't sure why it was Zach that he picked to tell, but something about him made Kurt want to tell him his entire life story. He felt comfortable with Zach. Also, having just spilled his deepest secret, he felt happy. Happier than he thought he'd be saying it because he wasn't even saying it to Blaine.

"I know what you mean though. I had this crush on someone who I'd known, literally all my life. I didn't want to tell them because I wasn't sure how he'd react in case… well." Zach put his hands out to his hands as if to signify something obvious was implied.

"He? You're gay?" Kurt asked.

Zach smiled. "Yeah. Now ask me why I live with my mom." Zach was surprisingly light hearted about everything. "I heard your dad is pretty cool."

"He is. He's been great through everything."

"How long have you been out?"

"Officially?" Kurt laughed. "About a year and a half, but my dad says he knew when I was three because all I asked for was a sensible pair of heels." He batted his eyes and perched his chin on his shoulder.

Zach laughed wildly. Kurt was able to see the full set of shiny, perfect teeth Zach had.

"You feel better, don't you? Now that you've said it out loud."

Kurt took a deep breath. "I do. Amazingly. Do strangers always tell you their secrets?"

Zach was leering, but not in a creepy way. His eyes sparkled like glitter under the light coming from the house. "I get that a lot. People always tell me that I'm easy to talk to and I have a personality that makes people think that they've known me for years."

"Thanks for helping me get out of playing spin the bottle. That would have been weird."

"Weirder than the song choice? Cause I would have thought that it would've been easier to just kiss him and pretend that it was just a game than to sing an emotional song and pretend that those weren't real emotions."

"You're probably right."

Zach reached up to Kurt's face and fixed a lock of hair that fell out of place. Kurt felt Zach's warm hand against his face and he felt his cheeks turning pink. Zach smiled again. "You have the cutest blush I've ever seen."

Kurt's face went redder and he smiled, not knowing what to say.

"You don't get too many compliments on how adorable you are, do you?"

Kurt's face started contorting in ways that said that he was about to say many things, but didn't know where to begin or if it was okay to laugh. "Are- are you hitting on me?"

"Uhhhh… yeah. Yeah I am." Zach stuck his tongue out and licked his lips before pressing then together almost as if he were biting them. This was an action that Kurt watched carefully for some reason he wasn't sure about.


"Tell me. Did you not want to kiss Blaine because of what you said earlier or because you haven't kissed a boy before?"

"I've kissed a boy before… One boy, but I've been kissed." Kurt had an innocent look on his face that screamed that he wanted Zach to believe him.

It was obvious to Zach that "one boy" meant "one kiss maybe two at the most." He swallowed hard, his heart fluttering like a mouse's heartbeat. He liked Kurt. He liked him since they first met. Kurt was adorable and funny. He really is just the cutest thing I've ever seen and I would die to be with a guy like him. Zach couldn't stop smiling. His cheeks were beginning to hurt. The effects of Kurt Hummel, he thought. "Look, I know we're just starting to get to know each other and everything, but would you want to go get a cup of coffee or tea sometime?"


"Or soda, or pizza. We can go to the hardware store and buy woodchips for all I care. I just want to spend time with you. Would you like that too?"

Kurt blinked a couple times, realizing that he was being asked out on his first date. "Sure. I'd love to. Except I don't have a need for woodchips."

"Great." Zach smiled wider. He couldn't stop glancing at Kurt's lips. They look so soft. he thought. He wanted to lean in, but thought that it'd be too soon to kiss him. Now he was suddenly jealous that Kurt didn't play spin the bottle so that Zach might have landed on Kurt.


Blaine and Derek had been back downstairs for exactly thirty seconds before Blaine realized that Kurt wasn't there. He didn't want to start asking around because, well, he just blew his boyfriend in the bathroom, and he didn't want Derek to think that he'd be running right back to Kurt. Five minutes went by and he heard Mercedes asking where Zach went.

"He went outside with Kurt," Finn answered.

"Oh-o," Mercedes said with a knowing smile.


"Zach's got, like, this huge crush on Kurt. He's been too shy to talk to him since he met him and whenever Kurt's around, all Zach can do is stare. It's so cute and funny."

Derek was looking for Blaine's reactions, but Blaine pretended to be surprised and hopeful for his friend. In reality, he felt nervous. You should feel relieved, dumbass. "I have to go to the bathroom," Blaine whispered to Zach. "For real this time. I'll be right back." He kissed Derek on the cheek and headed upstairs.

He walked right past the bathroom and headed for the front door. He was almost there when he heard laughter. Kurt's laugh. He could pick that voice out of a crowd any day. He redirected himself to the sliding glass doors leading outside to the Berry back yard. Blaine hit off to the side and watched.

"You have the cutest blush I've ever seen. You don't get too many compliments on how adorable you are, do you?"


"Are- are you hitting on me?"


"Uhhhh… yeah. Yeah I am."

Fuck. He listened to the whole conversation of Zach asking Kurt out on a date. "Sure. I'd love to…"


Blaine opened the door and walked outside. He plastered on a smile. "Kurt, there you are!" He sat on the other side of Kurt that Zach wasn't sitting on and put his hand on Kurt's knee firmly. "Everything okay?" He said it to Kurt, but he was looking at Zach, shooting daggers at him through his eyes.

"Yeah. Zach and I were just talking. I needed some air." Kurt wasn't sure why Blaine came looking for him, or why Blaine's hand was on his knee.

"Are you done in the bathroom?" Zach asked, wearing an expression that told Blaine he knew what was going on in there.

"Oh, sorry if we held it up. We just needed a place to talk."

"Yeah, I heard. I wasn't ease dropping, you two were just loud. I hope everything is alright because it sounded pretty heated." Zach was emphasizing certain words. He knew what Blaine was doing and he didn't like it. He just hooked up with his boyfriend in the bathroom, and now he's out here, interrupting right after I asked out his best friend, and acting like he has claim to Kurt like a piece of property. Oh shit! he thought. Blaine's in love with Kurt. Holy fuck! How is it that either one of them don't know?

"Fine, thanks." God I hate that guy.

Zach looked at Kurt, who looked really lost and uncomfortable. "I'm going to go inside. I'll see you in a bit?" He smiled down at Kurt.

"Yeah." Kurt smiled back. "We'll talk more."

Zach went back inside and Kurt looked at Blaine, who's hand was still on Kurt's knee. Blaine took his hand back from Kurt's knee. Kurt looked at him with like he'd just spilled coffee on his favorite edition of Vogue.

End Notes: Oh, Blaine...Please review!Follow me on Tumblr. URL: grace-ryanIf you want to know what Zach and Derek look like, I've posted pictures of them on my tumblr :)


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Yay! :) MORE! :) -EmKay

Ur descriptions of their emotions are really awesome!! Poor jealous blaine lol!!! Amd gawd i love ur OC's! I hope everything turns out ok for them since its obvious klaine r meant to be ;)