0s and 1s
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0s and 1s: Chapter 28

K - Words: 2,001 - Last Updated: Sep 30, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: Sep 30, 2012 - Updated: Sep 30, 2012
729 0 0 0 1

Kurt: So um... I have some bad news

Blaine: Not flaking on Saturday are you? ;)

Kurt: Um...

Blaine: Oh... well that joke is suddenly not as funny

Kurt: I'm so sorry! Mr Schue decided that we're putting on a 'Night of Neglect' this Saturday :(

Blaine: A what?

Kurt: We can't afford the plane tickets to go to nationals, so to raise money we're going to put on a benefit and sell tickets, and we're only singing songs by neglected artists

Blaine: Oh okay... Well I understand, it would be a tragedy if you guys couldn't go to New York

Kurt: We can reschedule for another time?

Blaine: Sure :)

Kurt: Also we have to try and get as many of our friends to come and watch and... well you're kind of my only friend outside of glee club...

Blaine: You want me to come?

Kurt: You don't have to if you don't want to. But I could introduce you to my friends and maybe show you around my school... but if you don't want to it's fine!

Blaine: I'd love to go :)

Kurt: Are you sure?

Blaine: Definitely! I know I've seen you sing live before but I was a bit distracted by the whole 'OMG IS THAT KURT?' thing

Kurt: Cool so I'll see you Saturday and we'll have our date another time

Kurt: Not date! I meant to type dinner

Kurt: I don't know why I typed that

Kurt: I don't think it's a date..

Blaine: O...kay

Kurt: I have to go

Kurt: Because Finn's calling me

Kurt: He needs help with his homework

Kurt: French homework, he's awful at it

Kurt signed out of MSN and smacked his forehead on the desk. He was suprised that his desk didn't have a Kurt shaped dent in it by now.

"I'm telling him," Kurt announced to his two best friends in the choir room.

"You're telling him...?"

"That I like him," Kurt clarified.

Mercedes gasped and Rachel squeled, clapping her hands together.

"Are you sure?" Mercedes asked.

"I am. I have to," Kurt replied. "I just... I can't get him out of my head and I feel like I'm going crazy. I don't know how he'll react but either way I'll be able to stop thinking about it all the time."

"When are you going to tell him?"

"Tonight, after the show." Kurt said.

"That's perfect!" Rachel squealed. "When is he getting here?"

"Soon. He said he'd text me when he's outside," Kurt said nervously.

With impeccable timing Kurt's phone beeped, signally Blaine's arrival.

Standing just inside the main entrance Kurt found Blaine waiting for him. It was the first time Kurt has seen him wearing something other than his Dalton uniform. He couldn't help but notice how adorable Blaine looked wearing a bowtie and with less gel in his hair

"Hey, you made it," Kurt smiled.

"Of course!" Blaine replied. "Uh... am I really early or somthing?"

"Um no..." Kurt said, embarrassed. "I don't think many people are going to show up."

"Well I'll cheer really loud then."

"Everyone is just getting ready in the choir room, want to go in and say hi?"

"Sure," Blaine replied, although he looked a little nervous.

Kurt led him over to the choir room where everyone was so busy preparing for the show that they didn't notice them walk into the room. He pulled Blaine over to where Rachel and Mercedes were bickering about who would get to perform the final number to close the show.

"Ladies," Kurt said, in a very formal voice. "I'd like you to meet Blaine."

They looked up and squealed, startling Blaine.

"This is Rachel, and Mercedes."

"Kurt has told us so much about you!" Mercedes smiled.

"I hope you liked the video I sent you," Rachel winked.

"I did," Blaine grinned, until he caught the look of Kurt's face. "But uh... you should have asked Kurt's permission first, of course."

"Hey, who's this?" Finn walked over to them, joined by two other people.

"This is Blaine," Kurt announced. "Blaine this is my step brother Finn, his girlfriend Quinn and Puck."

Blaine held his hand out but no one took it.

"You were at regionals, you're one of the Warblers," Finn said.

"You here to spy, Bowtie?" Puck asked.

"The Warblers are already out of the competition, Genius," Quinn snapped. "It's nice to meet you Blaine." She shook his hand as Blaine looked at the other two, unsure about what he'd done.

"Guys! Calm down. This not a Jesse St James scenario," Kurt scolded. "Blaine is my friend and I invited him here. As both of you have failed to persuade anyone to attend, meaning Blaine is 1/5 of our audience, you should be a little nicer to him."

"We're about to start so Blaine should probably go take his seat." Finn said.

"Well as I'm apparently the only one left with manners I'll show you where the auditorium is." Kurt said, glaring at Finn.

"What was that about?" Blaine asked as they sat down in the auditorium.

"It's not you," Kurt assured him. "We've just had bad experiences with people from other glee clubs in the past."

The lights darkened and music started playing.

"Don't you have to go perform?" Blaine asked.

"I'm not up until after the interval," Kurt whispered.

They sat back watching Tina sing. They both watched in shock as the other audience members; Becky, Azimio, Jacob and Mr Ryerson boo'd through her entire performance.

"What are they doing?" Blaine asked looking horrified.

"I don't know, Coach Sylvester must be up to something."

"You think a teacher is behind this?"

"It's kind of her mission to destroy glee club."

Blaine stared at him, looking like a kicked puppy.

"Hey don't look so upset," Kurt laughed. "We're tough, we can handle it."

Blaine didn't argue but he looked unconvinced.

"See!" Kurt pointed to the front row where Quinn was handing out boxes of saltwater taffy to the hecklers, successfully shutting them up while Mike performed a dance routine.

Blaine turned to look at him and smiled. Kurt found it difficult to resist the urge to reach out and stroke his face.

"It's the interval," Kurt said, "How would you like the grand tour?"

"That's the choir room, of course." Kurt said leading Blaine down the corridor.

"That's the Spanish classroom. The Library is just around the corner but I'll show you the locker room first."

Kurt pulled him into a dim room with benches and red lockers lining the wall.

"And... this is it."

Kurt was about to drag Blaine out of the room again when they heard the sound of a locker slam shut. Kurt frowned.

"Hello?" he called out.

With perhaps the worst timing imaginable, Dave Karofsky walked out from behind a row of lockers.

"Let's go see the Library," Kurt said quickly trying to pull Blaine away but he didn't move.

"This your boyfriend, Hummel?" Karofsky sneered.

"So what if I am?" Blaine said, stepping forward. "Why would that be any of your business?"

"It's my business when you come to my school spreading your fairy dust all over the place." he replied smugly.

"Blaine let's just go," Kurt said, trying to pull Blaine away again.

"Karofsky, right?" Blaine smirked.

Karofsky straightened up, his smugness fading slightly,

"Yeah? So"

"Kurt told me what you did," Blaine said calmly.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" said Karofsky, eyeing him dangerously.

"Don't try and pretend that the three of us don't know what's really going on here. If you want to hide in the closet then that's fine, but don't take your anger out on us." Blaine said, starting to raise his voice.

Suddenly Karofsky charged forward pinning Blaine against a locker. Kurt moved to pull him off but Blaine, despite his size, had already shoved him away, sending Karofsky back into the opposite row of lockers. Kurt saw Blaine pull his arm back, fist raised.

"Blaine!" Kurt grabbed his arm. "Don't..."

Blaine lowered his arm and stared at Karofsky, watching him straighten himself out and storm off.

"He's not worth it..." Kurt said in a small voice. Blaine looked at Kurt's hand, which Kurt realised was still gripping Blaine's arm. He let go quickly."I should go, I'm up next. Do you know your way back to the auditorium?"

Blaine nodded."Yeah, I'll see you after the show."

Kurt looked out from the wings to see Blaine sitting alone in the audience.

"Where's everyone else?" he said in a low voice.

"Miss Holiday talked to them and they all left," Rachel whispered back. "You know you're breaking the rules right? Coldplay are not a neglected artist."

"The song is neglected," Kurt said, rolling his eyes.

"What? It's so not-"

"Give it a rest." Kurt hissed. He knew that it wasn't really that 'neglected' but he didn't care, he wanted to sing it.

Rachel stalked off and he heard Sam's announcement. Kurt walked onto the stage giving Blaine a small wave. Taking his position, he swayed slightly on the spot as the band started playing.

So I look in your direction
But you pay me no attention, do you?
I know you don't listen to me
'Cause you say you see straight through me, don't you?

And on and on
from the moment I wake
To the moment I sleep
I'll be there by your side
Just you try and stop me
I'll be waiting in line
Just to see if you care

Did you want me to change
Well I changed for good
And I want you to know
That you'll always get your way
I wanted to say

Don't you shiver,
I'll always be waiting for you

Kurt sang at the empty seats. Only having one audience member didn't faze him, he usually stared over the heads of the audience anyway rather than making eye contact, giving the illusion that he was looking at the audience without getting distracted.

So you know how much I need you
But you never even see me, do you
And is this my final chance of getting you

And on and on
From the moment I wake
To the moment I sleep
I'll be there by your side
Just you try and stop me
I'll be waiting in line
Just to see if you care

Did you want me to change
Well I changed for good
And I want you to know
That you'll always get your way
I wanted to say

Don't you shiver
Don't you shiver
Sing it loud and clear
I'll always be waiting for you

Kurt caught Blaine's eyes and saw he was smiling at him. He smiled back and sang the rest of the song directly at him.

Yeah I'll always be waiting for you
Yeah I'll always be waiting for you
Yeah I'll always be waiting for you
For you I will always be waiting

And it's you I see, but you don't see me
And it's you I hear, so loud and clear
I sing it loud and clear
And I'll always be waiting for you

So I look in your direction
But you pay me no attention
And you know how much I need you
But you never even see me

Blaine stood up and clapped as Kurt gracefully jumped down from the stage.

"What did you think?" Kurt said softly.

Blaine looked around. "Let's go somewhere more private."

Kurt let himself be led out of the auditorium and into an empty classroom.

"Why are we in here?" Kurt asked.

"I need to talk to you," Blaine said seriously.

"Good because... I need to talk to you too but we should wait until after the show."

"It can't wait." Blaine said standing between Kurt and the door.

"Mercedes is going to be on stage in a minute, she'll be angry if we're not there," Kurt pointed out.

"She won't notice we're gone."

"Really, Blaine?" Kurt laughed. "Because at this point you're kind of our only audience so-"

His sentence faded as Blaine started moving towards him, his eyes staring at Kurt intently as he slowly leaned in. Kurt closed his eyes, trying to ignore his heart which was now pounding in his ears as he felt a pair of lips on his. Blaine's lips on his. Kurt leaned into the kiss, bringing his hands up to cup Blaine's face as he felt Blaine's hand on the back of his head, gently threading through his hair.

Eventually he pulled away, opening his eyes, watching Blaine open his.

"What was that?" Kurt gasped.

"That was uh- that was me asking you to go out with me, on a proper date," Blaine grinned. "It was supposed to come before the kiss but you kind of wouldn't stop talking."

Kurt paused for a moment to catch his breath.

"So, will you go out with me?" Blaine repeated.

"I don't know," Kurt said coyly, "I might need to check my shedule."

"Really?" Blaine said, pulling him into another kiss.

"How does Friday sound?" Kurt smiled, after they broke apart.


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