What Makes a Parent
Chapter 8: A New Home Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What Makes a Parent: Chapter 8: A New Home

M - Words: 1,908 - Last Updated: Nov 24, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Aug 16, 2012 - Updated: Nov 24, 2012
299 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: So, obviously I managed to get a chapter written. I don't know what will happen next week as I have two midterms and an essay. Most likely, there will not be an update. This shouldn't last for much longer. Next week is my last week of midterms, thank the Lord. I hope things will return to normal after that. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the chapter!Warnings for this chapter: sexual situationsDisclaimer: I do not own Glee.

Chapter Eight:  A New Home

Friday June 13, 2014

After Blaine had disappeared down the hall towards the kitchen, Kurt entered the master bedroom. He found the light switch by the door, blinking rapidly as his eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness. To be a bachelor, Blaine kept a surprisingly tidy house. Not a thing was out of place. Across from the doorway there was a chaise lounge under a window that looked out onto the backyard. A long dresser was to the right, ending just before another window. A corner bookcase was filled to the brim with books. Two doors led out of the room on the right, and one other on the left. A queen size bed was pushed against the wall to the right of the doorway. Kurt sat on the bed, pulling out his phone. With a heavy sigh, he dialed his father’s phone number.

“Hey, kiddo, what’s going on?” Burt answered.

“I have bad news,” Kurt said.

“What happened? Are you okay? Is Aly?” Burt demanded.

“We’re fine. Everyone is fine,” Kurt assured his father. “My apartment was broken into while we were at dinner tonight.”

“What?! Where are you now,” Burt exclaimed.

“We’re at Blaine’s,” Kurt told him.

“Where does he live? I’ll come get you.”

"No, Dad. You don’t understand. We’re living with Blaine now. He asked us to move in with him.” Kurt bit his lip, waiting for the yelling to begin.

“Wait, what? What do you mean you’re living with him? You’ve known him what – two months?”

“Almost three months, Dad. We’ve been dating for two,” Kurt replied in exasperation.

“Exactly, I mean, how well do you really know this guy?” Burt asked. Kurt heard the refrigerator door open and the clink of a bottle as Burt grabbed a beer.

“Dad, you were the one who pushed me to go on a date with him in the first place,” Kurt reminded him. “We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.”

“I told you to go on one date, not to move in with him two months later!” Burt cried.

“I don’t have much of a choice here, Dad! I didn’t ask for my apartment to get burglarized!”

“You could move back home!”

“I’m twenty-one, Dad, I’m not moving back in with my parents. And I love Blaine. So whether you like it or not I’m moving in with him,” Kurt said stubbornly.

“Are you even thinking about your daughter?” Burt asked harshly.

“How can you even ask that, Dad? Of course I’m thinking about Aly. She’s my first priority and you know that. And you know I was going to ask if you could watch her tomorrow while Blaine and I pack our things but never mind. I’ll find someone else.”

“Wait, Kurt-”

“No, Dad. How can you seriously think I’m not considering Aly? Everything comes second to her safety and her happiness. Do you really think that I’m so selfish that I would move in with Blaine and not consider my daughter?” Kurt asked, fighting back tears.

“I know you would do anything for Aly-”

“Then why would you even ask me such a thing?” Kurt demanded.

“Look, Kurt, it’s late. Why don’t you bring Aly over tomorrow and we’ll talk then?” Burt suggested with a heavy sigh.

“Fine,” Kurt agreed, knowing this conversation was far from over.

“I love you, son.”

“I love you too,” Kurt answered before hanging up. He took a moment to collect himself before calling Finn and Rachel to see if they would help with the move the next day. The couple readily agreed and by the time Kurt was bidding his stepbrother goodnight, Blaine had returned with Kurt’s bags.

“Everything okay?” Blaine asked, depositing Kurt’s bags by the door while kicking it shut.

“I don’t know,” Kurt answered honestly. “Dad took things about as well as expected, but he did agree to watch Aly for me tomorrow. And Finn and Rachel are going to help us move my things.”

“So your dad was upset?”

“He’ll get over it,” Kurt said, taking Blaine’s hand to pull him forward until he was standing in between Kurt’s legs. “I don’t want to think about him right now. I don’t want to think about anything. I just want to forget.”

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine’s neck, kissing him deeply. Blaine allowed Kurt to open his mouth, their tongues meeting in a dance. As Blaine pushed him gently back down on the bed, Kurt knew he had made the right decision. For himself, and for his daughter.


Saturday June 14, 2014

Blaine woke to an empty bed on Saturday morning. The sheets were still warm, which told him Kurt had not been gone long. Blaine rolled out of bed, stretching out his sleepy muscles. He pulled on a pair of pajamas and left the room, wondering where Kurt had wandered to. The living room and the kitchen were both empty, though a fresh pot of coffee told him Kurt had been there. Smiling to himself, Blaine poured himself a cup. Turning around to lean against the counter as he took a sip, he noticed the door to the back porch was open. Blaine set his coffee on the counter, walking to the back porch.

Kurt was standing across from one of the two rocking chairs that were against the wall of the house. Blaine was surprised to see Kurt was actually using his crutches. He came up behind Kurt. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s waist, resting his cheek against his shoulder.

“Good morning,” Kurt greeted him, laying his arms over Blaine’s.

“Morning,” Blaine returned. “I woke up and you weren’t there.”

“I’m not used to sleeping in. Aly rarely lets me sleep past seven-thirty,” Kurt told him. After a pause, Kurt asked, “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

Blaine turned Kurt around to face him. He cupped his cheek in one hand, smiling when Kurt leaned his face into his touch.

“You wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t,” Blaine told him before pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. Kurt sighed happily before pulling back.

“We should get breakfast started if we want to get an early start,” Kurt murmured.

“French toast?” Blaine asked.

“That sounds wonderful,” Kurt said. They walked back into the house hand-in-hand.

Blaine was just pulling eggs, milk, and vanilla extract out of the refrigerator when Aly’s voice rang out from down the hall.


“I’m being summoned,” Kurt said with a grin, leaving Blaine to attend to his daughter.

By the time Kurt returned with Aly in tow, both dressed and ready for the day, breakfast was ready. Sitting down at his kitchen table with Kurt and Aly, Blaine felt his heart was sure to bust from the overwhelming emotions of love and happiness. When they had all eaten their fill, Kurt cleaned the kitchen while Blaine changed out of his pajamas. Kurt wasn’t ready to face his father after their argument the night before, but before he even had time to prepare himself for the coming conversation, he was pushing open the door to his father’s house.

“Gramps!” Aly cried, running headlong into Burt’s legs the second they stepped into the living room. Burt smiled fondly at his granddaughter, swinging her up into the air.

“How’s my sweet girl?” Burt asked, pressing a kiss to her golden hair.

“Good. Daddy said I can ‘tay the whole day wit you!” Aly said excitedly.

“That’s right, Peanut.” Burt looked up at Kurt, his eyes hardening slightly when he caught sight of Blaine at his side. Burt turned to face his stepson, “Finn, I’m sure Rachel will want to see Aly again. Why don’t you take her into the kitchen?”

“Um, sure,” Finn said, confusion clear on his face. Kurt was thankful that he had enough sense to not ask questions. He took his niece from his stepfather, disappearing into the kitchen.

Burt cleared his throat, looking pointedly at Blaine. “I’d like a moment alone with my son.”

Blaine’s eyes flew to Kurt, unsure of what to do. Kurt grasped his hand. “It’s okay, honey. Why don’t you go help yourself to some coffee? Finn can show you where everything is.”

“Okay,” Blaine said after a second. He squeezed Kurt’s hand before leaving the room.

“I don’t suppose you’ve changed your mind?” Burt asked, collapsing into his favorite armchair.

"Nope. I don’t suppose your opinion has changed either?” Kurt countered, plopping down on the couch, facing his father.

Burt sighed unhappily. “I just worry about you, Kurt, you and Aly. I want what’s best for you and moving in with a guy you barely know is not a good idea.”

“What do you mean I barely know Blaine? We’ve been dating for two months, Dad. I’m in love with him. He loves me and he loves Aly. Nothing you say is going to change that so I would appreciate it if you would just support me and my decision about what’s best for me and my daughter.”

Burt was silent for a long time. He stared at his hands, clasped in front of him. Finally, he lifted his head and looked his son in the eyes. “You’re right. This is your decision. Aly is your daughter. You have to decide what’s best for the both of you. I can’t make those decisions for you. But I swear to God if Blaine hurts either of you-”

“You can get out your shotgun,” Kurt said with a slight smile. “Thank you, Dad.”

Burt got to his feet, pulling Kurt in for a bear hug. “I love you, son.”

“I love you too, Dad.”

“Everything okay in here?” Rachel asked, poking her head out from the kitchen.

“Everything’s fine,” Burt answered, keeping an arm wrapped around Kurt’s shoulders. “But you kids better get going if you want to get everything moved in one day.”

Kurt kissed Aly goodbye, telling her to be good for grandpa. After bidding his father goodbye, the foursome separated into Kurt’s Navigator and Finn’s truck. Kurt had a good feeling as they pulled out of the driveway. His father was finally starting to see him as a man and not his little boy.


Finn, Rachel, Kurt, and Blaine spent the entire day packing up and moving Kurt’s things to Blaine’s house. Kurt was able to get out of his lease due to the break-in, and he was glad that was one less thing he had to worry about. It was weird, seeing his things mixed with Blaine’s, but he loved it. Kurt walked out of the master bathroom, smiling when he saw Blaine was sitting up in bed, rereading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Kurt slid into bed next to him, wrapping his arms around his waist and laying his head on Blaine’s shoulder.

With a smile, Blaine marked his place in his book and set it aside. His arms came up around Kurt, holding him close. Both men were exhausted. After they were finished with the move, they had gotten Aly from Burt. And like all three-year-olds, she was filled with boundless energy. Now that she was in bed, they could finally relax.

Neither men spoke, but words weren’t needed. Kurt leaned up, pressing a kiss to Blaine’s lips before rolling onto his side. Blaine moved up behind him, until they were chest-to-back. He draped one arm over Kurt’s waist, finding his hand and lacing their fingers together. He moved their hands to rest over Kurt’s heart. Kurt sighed happily, allowing himself to fall into a deep slumber.

His life had taken an unexpected turn over the past three months, but Kurt had never been so happy in his life. He had his daughter and the love of his life. They had a new home, together. It was more than Kurt could ever have hoped for.


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