What Makes a Parent
Chapter 5: I've Been Waiting for You Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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What Makes a Parent: Chapter 5: I've Been Waiting for You

M - Words: 3,116 - Last Updated: Nov 24, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 16/? - Created: Aug 16, 2012 - Updated: Nov 24, 2012
364 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: I'm sorry I didn't update last week. I've been insanely busy between work and school. I hope this chapter makes up for it.Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.



Chapter Five:  I’ve Been Waiting for You

Tuesday June 10, 2014

                Kurt woke the next morning to hear Aly calling “Daddy!” through the baby monitor. He carefully extracted himself from Blaine, trying not to wake him. Kurt swung his legs over the side of the bed and was reaching for his crutches when Blaine spoke.

                “What’re you doing?” Blaine asked groggily.

                “Aly’s awake,” Kurt answered.

                “I’ll get her,” Blaine said, getting out of bed before Kurt could protest. He strode out of the room.

                Several seconds later he returned with Aly on his hip. Her pink nightgown was ruffled from sleep and her blonde hair tangled. She was hugging Crystal the cat to her chest. Aly grinned when she saw Kurt sitting up in bed. Her arms immediately shot out to reach for him, Crystal clasped in one small hand.

                “Daddy!” she exclaimed loudly.

                Kurt took her from Blaine, hugging her to his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Taking Crystal from her, Kurt gently bopped her on the nose with her. Aly squealed in laughter, grabbing the cat back from him.

                “Good morning, princess,” Kurt told her. “Are you ready for some breakfast?”

                “Yes!” Aly replied.

                “How do pancakes sound?” Blaine asked her.

                “Yummy!” Aly said, reaching out for Blaine.

                Blaine picked her up. He balanced her on one hip as he helped Kurt out of bed. Kurt did his best to ignore the way Blaine’s shirt rode up to expose a strip of tanned skin but failed miserably.

                “You don’t have to cook breakfast,” Kurt said to distract himself as he used his crutches to get into the living room. “Aly usually wants Cheerios on the weekdays.”

                “I know I don’t have to but I want to,” Blaine said, silencing Kurt with a chaste kiss. “Go sit down and I’ll get you when breakfast is ready.”

                Blaine plopped Aly onto the couch beside her father before disappearing into the kitchen. Kurt turned on the TV so Aly could watch Blue’s Clues while they waited until breakfast was ready. When Blaine was done, he set the table before going back into the living room.

                “We invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair, as the dining room proudly presents . . . your breakfast,” Blaine said in his best French accent.

                Kurt laughed. “Merci beaucoup, Lumiére.”

                Blaine chuckled, helping Kurt onto his crutches. He picked Aly up, watching over Kurt as he made his way to the dining area. When they were all sitting, Blaine took Aly’s plate and began to cut up her pancake. Kurt smiled fondly at him as he watched. He cut into his own pancake and took a bite.

                “These are really good, honey,” Kurt said after he swallowed.

                “Thanks, baby,” Blaine said with a smile as he put Aly’s plate back in front of her.

                After everyone was finished eating, Blaine helped Kurt back to the couch. Aly climbed into her father’s lap the second Kurt sank into the couch. Blaine returned to the kitchen to clean up. When he was finished, he went into the living room to hear Kurt talking to Aly.

                “Let’s get you dressed, Aly Cat.”

                Kurt was attempting to get up when Blaine cleared his throat. Kurt turned to face him, a blush rising over his cheeks. He bit his lip, knowing he had been caught.

                “What have I told you?” Blaine asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

                “Not to get up without your help,” Kurt answered.

                “Ah good, so you didn’t forget. I’ll get Aly dressed.”

                Blaine followed Aly into her room. Kurt sighed. He wasn’t used to having someone else care for his daughter. He had been taking care of her alone her entire life, though his dad and Carole tried to help. Kurt usually turned them down graciously, saying she was his responsibility. He was jarred from his thoughts when Aly flew out of her room and into his arms. Blaine had dressed her in a pink shirt with yellow daisies and a pair of white cotton pants. Aly held out a pink hair clip to her father.

                “I wan’ tis,” Aly told him.

                Kurt took the hair clip from her as he asked his daughter, “What do you say?”

                “Pwease,” Aly chimed.

                Kurt smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead before turning her around. He pulled her hair back from her face, keeping it in place with the hair clip. Kurt lovingly ran a hand through her blonde hair.

                “I’m weady fow daycawe,” Aly announced, turning back around to face her father.

                “Daddy can’t take you today, princess. You’re going to stay home,” Kurt told her.

                Aly frowned. “I wan’ to go to daycawe.”

                “I can take her, Kurt,” Blaine spoke up.

                “You don’t-”

                “Have to, I know. But Aly wants to go and I want to take her.”

                “I guess its okay. You’ll have to take my car though. That’s where her car seat is and it can be a pain to move. Let me just call her teacher and tell her you’ll be dropping her off and picking her up,” Kurt said.

                “While you do that I’m going to go get dressed. Is it okay if I borrow some of your clothes? I didn’t go home before I came over yesterday,” Blaine asked.

                “Sure. Look in my closet for a shirt and my dresser for jeans,” Kurt answered as he grabbed his cell phone off the coffee table. “There should be a spare toothbrush in my bathroom too. It’s the green one.”

                Blaine disappeared into Kurt’s room. He looked through Kurt’s closet, frowning as he looked through the designer clothes. Finally he found a simple hunter green polo shirt. He pulled it over his head, turning to Kurt’s dresser. He frowned when he saw every pair of pants was skinny jeans. Without any other options, Blaine selected a pair of dark skinny jeans and slid them on with some difficultly. He entered Kurt’s bathroom, sighing in relief when he saw the spare toothbrush Kurt had mentioned. Blaine brushed his teeth meticulously. He went back into the living room, seeing Kurt was off the phone.

                Kurt’s breath stuck in his throat when Blaine exited his bedroom. God did Blaine look good in Kurt’s clothes. They most definitely weren’t something Blaine would normally wear but with the way those skinny jeans were hugging Blaine’s ass Kurt couldn’t find it in him to care.

                “Her teacher knows you’re coming,” Kurt said, swallowing past the lump that had formed in his throat. “You just need to find Aly some shoes and grab her bag before you leave.”

                Blaine found a pair of Aly’s white tennis shoes by the door. He slipped them on her feet, fastening the Velcro. Her bag was hanging from a hook to the left of the door and he took it down. Aly gave her father a hug and a kiss before running to the door in excitement. Blaine pecked Kurt on the lips before following Aly out the door, calling out a “Goodbye” as he closed the door behind him.


                Blaine had no problem dropping Aly off. She gave him a hug before running off to play with her friends. Aly’s teacher, Anna Wright, introduced herself and asked if he would be picking Aly up as well. Anna was fairly young. She had straight blonde hair and kind eyes. After a short conversation with Anna, Blaine waved at Aly before leaving.

                Blaine stopped by his house to grab enough clothes for the week, as well as some other necessities. When Blaine arrived back at Kurt’s apartment, he found Kurt on the couch watching Barefoot Contessa. Kurt turned the TV off as Blaine plopped down onto the couch next to him. Blaine dropped the bag with his belongings to the side of the couch.

                “How did it go? Was she any trouble?” Kurt asked.

                “None at all,” Blaine answered with a smile.

                “You’ve been so wonderful through all of this,” Kurt said, looking at Blaine with reverence. “I swear sometimes I wonder if you’re real.”

                Blaine leaned in close to Kurt, until their lips were almost touching. He whispered, “I can assure you I’m very real,” before brushing his lips over Kurt’s. Kurt smiled against his lips, opening his mouth to deepen the kiss. His tongue snaked out to brush against Blaine’s lips, begging for admittance. Blaine moaned as Kurt’s tongue tangled with his, bringing up a hand to run through Kurt’s hair.

                Kurt lay back, pulling Blaine down on top of him. Blaine caught himself with his arms so he wouldn’t crush Kurt. He was careful to avoid touching Kurt’s hurt ankle as he parted Kurt’s legs with one of his own, putting his right leg on the other side of Kurt’s left. Blaine kissed his way to Kurt’s ear, nibbling on a spot just below his ear. Kurt whimpered, thrusting his hips upwards. Blaine groaned, crushing his mouth back to Kurt’s.

                Kurt pulled back to whisper against Blaine’s lips, “I want you.”

                “What?” Blaine asked in shock, pulling back to look into Kurt’s eyes.

                “I want you,” Kurt repeated. “I want to make love with you.”

                “Kurt, this is . . .” Blaine trailed off, unable to think straight when Kurt’s words were echoing through his head. I want you.

                “Unexpected?” Kurt offered.

                “Well, yes,” Blaine agreed. “I mean a month ago you were nervous to sleep in the same bed together, not that that’s a bad thing. I just . . . didn’t think you’d want to for a long time.”

                Kurt smiled softly. “I know we’ve only been together for two months, but honestly it seems like I’ve just been waiting for you my entire life. I’ve never dated anyone before because of Aly and now I think that’s also because I knew in my heart of hearts that you were out there somewhere finding your way to me. I know that sounds incredibly cheesy but-”

                Blaine shushed him with a kiss. “It doesn’t. I feel the same way.”

                “Yeah?” Kurt asked with a smile.

                “Yeah,” Blaine nodded.

                They stared deep into each other’s eyes for a while until Kurt pulled Blaine back in for another kiss. Blaine kissed him back for a few seconds before pushing him back by his shoulders gently. He took a shuddering breath before he spoke, “Shouldn’t we talk about this?”

                “Haven’t we talked enough,” Kurt asked with a groan, letting his head fall back against the arm of the couch.

                “Kurt, you only get one first time. I don’t want you to regret it later,” Blaine said, thinking back to his first sexual experience. He wished now that he had waited until he met Kurt.

                “I won’t regret a thing,” Kurt assured him. “I love you, Blaine.”

                “You’re hurt,” Blaine reminded him.

                “Only my ankle. All the necessities work,” Kurt said, causing Blaine to laugh.

                “I love you so much,” Blaine said as he kissed Kurt passionately. When he pulled back he asked again, “Are you sure?”

                “I’m ready to give myself to you,” Kurt told him, causing Blaine to groan before kissing Kurt once more.

                Kurt’s hands disappeared underneath Blaine’s shirt, pulling it upwards. They stopped kissing long enough for Blaine to throw the shirt to the ground, crashing his lips back to Kurt’s. Kurt’s shirt soon joined Blaine’s. Blaine stood up abruptly, lifting Kurt easily into his arms. He carried Kurt into the bedroom, laying him down on the bed. Kurt pulled Blaine on top of him kissing him deeply.

                “Make love to me,” Kurt whispered against Blaine’s lips.

                As Blaine kissed his way down Kurt’s torso, Kurt knew this was the man he would spend the rest of his life with.


                “Are you okay?” Blaine asked for the third time.

                Kurt chuckled. “You can stop asking that, honey. I’m perfect.”

                “I’m sorry. I’m just afraid that I hurt you.” Blaine tilted his head down to look at Kurt.

                Kurt pressed a kiss to Blaine’s chest, lifting his head up slighting to see him. “This is one of the happiest moments of my life.”

                “What’s the absolute happiest moment?” Blaine asked curiously.

                “Aly’s birth,” Kurt answered without hesitation. “Seeing her for the first time. . . . It was incredible.”

                “It must have been difficult raising her on your own,” Blaine said softly.

                Blaine knew Kurt had lived with his parents up until a few months before they met. Carole had strictly worked night shifts until Kurt graduated so she could watch Aly during the day. After graduation, Kurt went to work with his father and enrolled Aly in daycare. Burt and Carole had been very supportive, but it must have stung that Aly didn’t have a mother around.

                “It was hard,” Kurt said slowly. “When she took her first steps or said her first words, I wished I had someone to turn to and celebrate the moment with. After she learned to say ‘Dada’ I wanted her to learn ‘Mama.’ Instead I celebrated the moments with my parents and stepbrother and the second word she learned was ‘Mimi.’ The bullies at my school didn’t make it any easier, but one thought of Aly wiped away whatever pain the jocks may have caused.”

                Kurt paused, moving off of Blaine’s chest to lie on his side. Blaine rolled onto his side, lying close enough to Kurt that their noses were almost touching.

                “It was hard doing it alone, without Brittany,” Kurt said finally.

                “You’re not alone anymore,” Blaine said softly. “I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”

                “I know,” Kurt replied before pressing a sweet kiss to Blaine’s lips.


                Later that afternoon, Blaine pushed open the door to Aly’s classroom at daycare. Fifteen small heads turned to see who was entering the room. Aly’s face lit up when Blaine’s head peeked around from the side of the door.

                “Bwaine!” Aly exclaimed. She ran to him, hugging him around his legs.

                “Hey, Alygator!” Blaine said with a smile. He flipped Aly up into his arms, causing her to squeal with laughter.

                “Are you ready to see Daddy?” Blaine asked as he grabbed Aly’s bag off the hook on the wall.

                “Yes!” Aly said excitedly.

                Blaine chuckled, lifting her bag up onto his shoulder. He waved goodbye to Aly’s teacher before carrying her out the door. Aly chattered about her day as Blaine strapped her into her car seat. She talked nonstop the entire ride to Kurt’s apartment. Blaine listened with a smile, asking questions every now and then to keep the child engaged.

                Blaine set Aly down as he entered the apartment, closing the door behind him. He frowned when he noticed Kurt was nowhere to be seen. Blaine took a few steps down the hall towards Kurt’s room, calling out, “Kurt?”

                “Oh thank god!” Kurt cried out. “I’m in my bathroom.”

                “What’s wrong?” Blaine asked, entering Kurt’s bedroom and heading into the adjoining bathroom. “Can I come in?”

                “You’re going to have to,” Kurt’s voice drifted out from the room.

                Blaine pushed the door open, raising an eyebrow when he saw Kurt sitting in the bathtub. The water had been drained, but Kurt had yet to climb out of the tub.

                “What’re you doing?” Blaine asked in confusion.

                Kurt bit his lip before he answered, embarrassed. “I’m stuck.”

                “What do you mean you’re stuck?”

                “I can’t get out.”

                “How long have you been in here?” Blaine asked, attempting to stifle his laughter.

                “Since you left,” Kurt admitted sheepishly.

                “This is what you get for not waiting for me to help,” Blaine said, moving to the side of the tub. He leaned over, slipping one arm under Kurt’s knees while the other snaked behind his back. “Here we go.”

                Blaine carefully lifted Kurt out of the bathtub, carrying him into his bedroom. Kurt had been in the tub so long he was already dry, so Blaine set him on his bed. He grabbed a pair of clean pajamas for Kurt, handing them to him with a smile.

                Kurt ignored him, tugging the gray T-shirt over his head. Blaine helped him slip into the navy pajama bottoms.

                “Thank you,” Kurt said as he settled back onto the bed. He paused for a moment, hesitating to speak. “I have to ask you something.”

                “What is it?” Blaine asked, sitting beside Kurt.

                Kurt drew in a deep breath before he began. “I hate to ask, I wouldn’t even be asking if it weren’t for the fact that I can’t drive and I haven’t missed one since Aly was born-“

                “Kurt, just ask me,” Blaine said with a soft smile.

                “Fine. Every Friday Aly and I go to my dad’s house for Friday night dinner. It’s a tradition my mom started before she passed. This week, my stepbrother and his fiancé are coming home from New York. I completely understand if you don’t want to go, in fact, you can forget that I asked-“

                “I’d be happy to take you.” Blaine stopped Kurt before he could say anything else.

                “Really?” Kurt asked in a small voice.

                “Of course. I’ve already met the rest of your family; it makes sense that I should meet your stepbrother as well.”

                Kurt pressed a kiss to Blaine’s lips. Blaine deepened the kiss eagerly, brushing his tongue across Kurt’s lips. Kurt opened his mouth, groaning as their tongues danced together. Remembering Aly was in the next room, Kurt reluctantly pulled away with a sigh.

                “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

                “As a matter of fact, you have. But I never tire of hearing it,” Blaine replied with a loving smile.

                “I love you so much,” Kurt told him.

                “I love you too.”

                Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms, brushing his lips against Kurt’s forehead. Kurt sighed happily. He had thought a sprained ankle would be highly inconvenient, but on the contrary, this was the best week Kurt had had in a long while.



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