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Perfect: Chapter 12: Prom Queen

M - Words: 6,017 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 40/40 - Created: Jun 06, 2012 - Updated: Oct 21, 2012
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Author's Notes: The Authors Note contains a spoiler alert for season 3. If you have not yet seen the first episode of season 3 I suggest you skip it.A/N: Thank you to everyone who reviewed, favorited, or alerted this story. I love all of you! This chapter takes place during the "Prom Queen" episode. I changed "Dancing Queen" to "Edge of Glory" because that song was really poor taste after what happened to Kurt. I wish they had shown New Directions changing it for that reason. Anyway, I did check the release dates of the episode and the song and found out "Edge of Glory" was only released the day before but I'm sure Kurt would have heard that song by then. I've also decided that it would make sense for Blaine to live in Lima because of season 3. I don't know how the school system works in Ohio but in South Carolina kids are zoned for certain schools, unless if they attend a private school. So in order for Blaine to transfer to McKinley, by the laws that I am familiar with, he would have to live within the WMHS zoning area in Lima. I'm sorry if anyone doesn't like these changes, but regardless of that I hope you enjoy this chapter!Warning for this chapter: self-harmSpoilers for: 2x20 - Prom QueenDisclaimer: This is called fanfiction for a reason! "Edge of Glory" belongs to Lady Gaga. "Let Me Be Myself" belongs to 3 Doors Down. And finally, any quotes that appear in this chapter that were in the TV show are only being borrowed.


Chapter Twelve:  Prom Queen

Kurt was nervous. He had asked Blaine to Breadsticks so he could make a prom proposal. Most people would assume that their boyfriend would automatically want to go to prom with them, but not Kurt. In the back of his mind, he still had that fear that Blaine would tire of him or finally see how imperfect he truly was. He knew if worst came to worst and Blaine did say no, he could take Mercedes. He had been surprised to hear no one had asked her. While he knew going to prom with Mercedes would be fun, he really wanted to take Blaine. He hadn't spoken to Mercedes since she had stalked out of glee club, but he hoped Rachel had found a way to make the girl feel better. He felt like he had been neglecting his best friend for his boyfriend for far too long.

Kurt was shaken from his thoughts as the hostess appeared to seat them. He wanted to ask Blaine immediately, fearing he would let his nerves win and he would never ask. But the waitress appeared to take their drink orders and before Kurt could find the courage to speak she returned with their beverages.

Finally, after listening to Blaine talk about the Warblers for several minutes, Kurt found his courage. He laid his hand on the table, palm up.

"Give me your hand," Kurt said nervously. He couldn't help but smile when Blaine's skin touched his. He had always found Blaine's touch so comforting. He drew in a deep breath, placing his other hand on top of Blaine's, before he asked, "Blaine Warbler . . . will you go to prom with me?"

"Prom?" Blaine asked, shaking his head.

Kurt's heart fell instantly. "Oh God, you don't want to go with me. I'm such an idiot."

Kurt pulled his hand back, unsuccessfully trying to hide his hurt.

"No, no, no! Of course I want to go with you!" Blaine reached for Kurt's hand, pulling it back into his grasp. "It's just. . ."

Blaine trailed off. He pulled his hand back, running it through his hair. Kurt knew this was one of Blaine's nervous habits.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, worried.

"There was an annual Sadie Hawkins' Dance at my old school. I had just come out so I asked one of my friends to go with me. He was the only other gay guy in the school. . . . We were waiting for his dad to pick us up when three guys . . . they beat the living crap out of us." Blaine tried hard not to think about that night. It was easily the worst night of his life, except for the night he spent at Dalton while Kurt was unconscious in the hospital.

Kurt was shocked. He never would've asked Blaine to prom if he had known. "I'm so sorry, Blaine. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I try not to think about it. I just want to keep the past in the past. I'm out and I'm proud and nothing will ever change that. This is just a bit of a sore spot." Blaine leaned his head on his hand. He wanted Kurt to be able to go to prom and be happy, but Blaine knew what could potentially happen if they were to attend.

Kurt thought for a moment, his eyes lighting up when he got an idea. "This is perfect. You couldn't face the bullies at your school but you can at mine. We can do it together. . . . But if this makes you uncomfortable in any way, we won't go. We can go to the movies instead."

Blaine reached for Kurt's hands again, squeezing them slightly. "I am crazy about you."

Kurt smiled, tilting his head to the side. "So I'll take that as a yes?"

"Yes. We are going to the prom." Blaine laughed when Kurt did a dance in his seat.

The rest of the date went perfectly. Kurt could not hide his excitement about prom if his life had depended on it. It was not until after Blaine had dropped Kurt off at his doorstep that the bad feelings washed over him. Kurt went up to his bedroom, closing the door behind him. He never should have asked Blaine to prom. Clearly, it would only bring up bad memories for the boy. Kurt had been selfish and pushed Blaine into it. Why couldn't he just leave it alone?

Kurt's anxiety continued to grow. What if Blaine decided Kurt just wasn't worth it and finally left? Kurt went into his bathroom, finding his razorblade. He pressed the blade against his wrist, watching as the skin broke and blood streamed out. He repeated the action twice before he dropped the blade in the sink. Kurt pulled his phone out of his pocket, choosing Blaine's name from the speed dial options.

"Hey, I just got home. I was about to text you," Blaine answered cheerfully.

Kurt bit down hard on his lip, knowing he was about to ruin Blaine's mood. "I need you."

Unable to hide his tears, Kurt sobbed into the phone. His breath got caught in his throat and he struggled to regain it.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes. Stay on the phone with me, Kurt," Blaine instructed. Kurt could hear the jangle of keys as Blaine grabbed them from the hook. He listened to Blaine's soothing voice until he was finally standing in front of him.

Blaine wasn't surprised to find Kurt in his bathroom when he arrived at the Hudmel's residence. He let himself in, knowing Burt would not mind. He wasn't surprised when he saw Kurt had already cut himself, but he was disappointed. Blaine wished the boy had called him sooner. He could have helped him through whatever thoughts or memories were plaguing him. Kurt was shaking from the force of his sobs, so Blaine pulled him into his arms. He held him close until he stopped crying.

"What happened?" Blaine finally asked.

"I should never have asked you to prom. It's only going to remind you of that night and I hate that I caused you pain. I never want to hurt you." Kurt wiped at his tears.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Kurt. I want to go to prom with you. If I didn't I would have said so. Yes, I was reminded of that night but I need to move on. Not thinking about it isn't helping anything. It's only preventing me from getting over it. You didn't cause me any pain or hurt me in any way." Except for this, Blaine added mentally. He extended Kurt's arm, examining his wounds. "We need to get these wrapped up."

"I'll do it." Kurt pulled his wrist away from Blaine. He pulled out the medical supplies but couldn't keep his hands still to pour hydrogen peroxide over the wounds.

"Here, let me." Blaine took the bottle from Kurt. He carefully cleaned and bandaged his boyfriend's cuts. When he was done, he helped Kurt into his bed. He lay down next to him, looking deep into his eyes. "I wish you had called me sooner. I could have helped. You didn't push me into going to prom. Not at all. On the contrary, I want to be able to parade you around and let everyone know that you're mine. I want everyone to know that they can't have you because you're my boyfriend."

"That's sweet." Kurt sniffled.

"Get some sleep, love. You'll feel better when you wake up."

Kurt nodded sleepily, curling up against Blaine's side. Blaine watched over Kurt for several hours, not willing to leave when the boy was so vulnerable. He didn't move when he heard the door open downstairs. Blaine knew Burt and Carole had been at Finn's game that evening. He looked up when the door opened. Burt froze when he saw Blaine.

"Blaine? I thought you and Kurt had a date tonight," Burt said slowly. He knew the boys were aware of his open door policy pertaining to the bedroom when Blaine was over, so he had assumed Kurt was alone when he saw the door was closed.

"We did. I dropped Kurt off but he called me right after I got home. He said he needed me so I drove right back," Blaine explained.

"Did he. . . ?" Burt's voice trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. But Blaine knew what the man was asking.

"He had already done it when he called me," Blaine answered.

Burt closed his eyes, sighing. When he spoke next, his words surprised Blaine. "This isn't your fault, kid. Kurt had the option of calling you before he did anything and he knew that. He just chose not to. My son is very sick, Blaine. But he will get better. Thank you for coming when you did. I know Kurt cares about you very much, and I'm glad to see you feel the same way about him. You can sleep in here for tonight, just keep the door open."

"Thank you, Burt," Blaine said.

"You're welcome. Now get some sleep, kid."

Blaine nodded, pulling Kurt closer. He tried to sleep but insomnia plagued him until the early hours of the morning when he finally fell asleep listening to Kurt's soft breathing.


Bright morning light streamed through the open windows, hitting the bed where the boys lay curled up together. Kurt had been awake for several minutes, watching Blaine sleep. He was unwilling to wake him when he knew the boy had been up half the night worried about him. So Kurt watched as Blaine slept peacefully. He swore loudly when his phone rang, hoping the noise wouldn't wake Blaine up. Kurt fumbled for the phone on his nightstand, pressing the green answer button as he lifted it to his ear.

"Hello?" he answered quietly.

"Hey, Kurt! Some of us girls are going shopping today for prom dresses and we wanted to know if you would be interested in tagging along." Tina's voice was far too cheerful for eight o'clock on a Saturday morning.

"What time are you going?" Kurt whispered into the phone, slipping out of bed to stand by the window.

"Around ten I think. Why are you whispering?" Tina asked.

"Blaine's asleep," Kurt answered. He instantly regretted his honesty.

"Oooh, I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Tina asked with a giggle.

Kurt groaned as Santana's voice drifted through the phone, demanding to know what exactly Tina had interrupted.

"No, you're not interrupting anything. Like I just said, Blaine's still asleep. There wouldn't be anything to interrupt anyway. I'll meet you at the mall at ten o'clock." Kurt pressed end before Tina could ask any more embarrassing questions.

When Kurt turned back to the bed, he wasn't surprised to see Blaine blinking sleepily at him.

"Who was that?" Blaine yawned widely.

"Tina. She wants me to go shopping with her and the girls for prom dresses," Kurt explained as he climbed back under the covers, allowing Blaine to cuddle against his side.

"Mm, we should just stay here for the whole day." Blaine rested his head on Kurt's chest, not wanting to move for the rest of his life as long as he was in Kurt's arms.

"As lovely as that sounds, I already said yes. Sorry, honey." Kurt kissed the top of his head. "We need to get up anyway or my dad will come looking for me."

"He already knows I'm here. He came in to check on you last night and I was still awake." Blaine mumbled against Kurt's skin.

"Even more reason for us to wake up," Kurt said, slipping out from under Blaine.

"No, come back." Blaine let his head fall to the mattress with a thump.

"You know, it is Saturday morning, which means Carole is cooking breakfast. Do you smell bacon?" Kurt asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Fine! I'm up, I'm up." Blaine grumbled as he pushed the covers back.

Kurt laughed, knowing if anything would get Blaine out of bed it would be food.


Helping Tina, Brittany and Lauren find the perfect dresses had been easy. Santana was harder. She wasn't satisfied with anything until Kurt finally pushed a red dress at her and shoved her into a fitting room. Santana looked amazing in the dress, of course. Satisfied that his job was done, Kurt pushed off of the couch he had been sitting on.

"Now if you will excuse me, I need to start planning for my own prom outfit." Kurt turned to face Tina, Brittany and Lauren.

"Wait, you're going to prom? Alone? That's pathetic." Santana frowned.

Kurt spun on his heel, addressing Santana. "Yes, I'm going .And I won't be alone either." Kurt turned his attention back to the other girls. "I'm going with Blaine!"

The girls shrieked, rushing to embrace him and offer words of congratulations.

"Kurt, can I ask you a private fashion question?" Santana asked, pulling him behind a privacy partition before he could answer. "Kurt, if you're going to prom the Bully Whips should be there to escort you. Dave and I would be more than happy to oblige."

"And why would you be oh so willing to do that?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I need votes to be prom queen, and this will definitely get me some."

Kurt knew he would be stupid to turn down the offer, even though he hated the idea of going to prom with a security detail. It only reminded him of the fact of how much people hated him because of the fact that he was gay. Kurt didn't wait for the girls to pay for his dresses. He lied, saying his dad wanted him home and left before they could protest. He almost felt bad for abandoning them, almost. As he climbed into his Navigator, the guilt left when he pulled a razorblade out from his console. He had hidden it inside an old CD case, knowing no one would think to look there. He rolled his sleeve up, pushing the blade in just below his elbow. He sighed in relief, placing a bandage over the new wound. He pressed against the gauze, causing a fresh wave of pain. Kurt relished in the physical hurt, allowing it to block out the mental. He felt so alienated before, broken, but now he was whole.


Kurt asked Blaine over after school so he could model his prom outfit. Blaine waited for him in the living room with Finn. Blaine had long lost any awkwardness he might have had being around the jock without Kurt present.

"So do you think I can jam with you guys at prom?" Blaine asked when Finn returned from getting a glass of milk.

"Yeah, totally." Finn nodded.

"Hey, guys, good news!" Burt announced as he stepped through the door, taking a second to hang his coat up on the rack. "My buddy down at the tux rental shop is giving you half off."

"Awesome." Finn smiled as Burt relaxed in his armchair with the day's newspaper.

"No need for half off my outfit!" Kurt exclaimed, sliding into the room dressed in a kilt. He put his hands on his hips and swayed slightly on the spot.

"Because half of it is already off?" Burt asked, looking up at his son over the newspaper.

"My ensemble is an homage to the recent royal wedding and the late Alexander McQueen. I had to make it myself. There is simply nothing off the rack that is suitable for the young fashionable man in Ohio."

Blaine bit his cheek to keep from laughing. This was so like Kurt, to try to wear a kilt to prom.

"Dude, that rocks! It's like gay Braveheart." Finn took a sip of his milk.

Kurt smiled, taking a moment to spin around so the kilt flew out. Burt folded up the newspaper, placing it to the side. He looked at Kurt carefully before he spoke.

"I don't like it."

"Of course you don't like it! It's not ready yet!" Kurt took a few steps towards Blaine. "It still needs a sash or something."

He turned to show Blaine the back of the outfit. Burt leaned forward in his chair.

"I'm not going to force you to wear a tux, but honestly, I think you're trying to get a rise out of everyone," Burt said. "I think you're trying to draw attention to yourself."

Kurt frowned. "Exactly. That's the entire point of dressing up for prom. Blaine, help me out here."

Blaine hesitated, not wanting to upset his boyfriend but knowing he had to be honest with him. He glued his eyes to Kurt's face so he could measure his response. "Kurt, I think your dad may have a point."

Kurt didn't speak, but spun his head around to look at Blaine.

All eyes on him, Blaine continued. "I think your dad is trying to say we don't need to give anyone a reason to start something."

"There are a lot of bad people out there, Kurt. And some of them are going to be a lot worse than that Karofsky kid. All they need is a match to light under the fire of their hate. You know I want you to be yourself, Kurt. But I need you to be safe and practical."

Kurt looked on the verge of tears as he took several steps back. "I have done everything right. Blaine, I know you're scared after what happened to you but prom is supposed to be about happiness, not fear." Kurt turned to face his father. "So I am wearing this kilt. I worked hard on it and I think it's fantastic." Kurt turned his attention back towards Blaine. "And if you don't want to join me, then I understand."

Kurt bolted to his room, locking the door behind him. He heard Blaine following after him, but he ignored him. He was tired of everyone telling him he had to change. It just was not fair. He couldn't change the fact that he was gay, more than he could change the fact that Finn was straight. There was absolutely nothing he could do about it.

Blaine swore loudly when he turned the door handle but it wouldn't budge. Kurt had locked him out.

"Kurt, open the door," Blaine said firmly.

Kurt didn't answer but strode across the room and into his bathroom. He heard Blaine jiggling the door handle but he ignored that too. By the time Blaine had managed to force the door open, the blade was already resting in the palm of Kurt's hand. Blaine was instantly by his side, taking the razor away from him. He looked at the object with such hate that it shocked Kurt.

"It wouldn't even do any good if I threw this away, would it?" Blaine asked bitterly.

"No," Kurt said brokenly, knowing there was no point in lying. Blaine already knew the answer.

"Kurt," Blaine sighed. "You need to try harder. You can't keep doing this. This depression is just eating away at you and I can't do anything but watch. That kills me, Kurt. Watching you suffer each day, unable to make a difference . . . that kills me."

"I am trying!" Kurt didn't know where the anger was coming from but it erupted out of him like a volcano. "I'm trying as hard as I can!"

"I know. I'm sorry." Blaine put the razor down on the counter, making sure it was far out of Kurt's reach. "I just wish you needed me more than you needed it."

Kurt's anger instantly faded. "Oh, honey. I need you more than anything. And I can't believe you don't think you make a difference because you make all the difference in the world. Remember, you saved my life. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead."

Blaine smiled sadly, shaking his head. "But that doesn't change the fact that you're still cutting yourself."

Kurt didn't know how to answer, except to whisper, "No. It doesn't."

Blaine felt a tear roll down his cheek but he wiped it away, hastily. "Come on, let's go watch TV with your dad and Finn."

Kurt followed after him, wishing he could assure Blaine that he wouldn't cut himself again, but knowing he couldn't.


Kurt tried to ignore Karofsky as he walked towards French class, but it was impossible. Nobody paid them much attention, but Kurt was still glad when they reached the class room.

"Don't leave the classroom until I get here after the bell rings. I'll walk you to the cafeteria for lunch," Karofsky instructed.

"Have you noticed no one's bothered me this week?" Kurt asked as Karofsky turned to leave.

"Yeah, because the Bully Whips are protecting you," Karofsky said with a cocky smile.

"Maybe, or maybe no one cares anymore." Kurt shrugged.

"You're dreaming."

"Look, I'm not saying the entire school is ready to embrace the gay but maybe they've finally evolved enough to be indifferent." Kurt looked at Karofsky seriously. "I know how miserable you are, Dave. It was easy to hate you when you were harassing me, but now all I see is pain. You don't have to torture yourself over this. I'm not saying you have to come out tomorrow, but maybe sometime soon the moment will arise when you can."

The bell rang and Karofsky looked ready to bolt. Kurt was shocked to see the jock was fighting back tears.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, alarmed.

"I'm so sorry, Kurt. I treated you horribly. I'm sorry for what I did to you," Karofsky said.

"I know and I forgive you," Kurt said slowly. "But I can't just forget everything that went down. I can't forget that you made my life a living hell." For a second, Kurt considered showing Karofsky his scars, letting him know how badly he had affected him. But he didn't. Instead, Kurt continued to speak. "But we can both learn from it, and we can benefit others with what we learn."

Karofsky nodded, wiping away his tears. "Thanks. Remember, wait for me."

Then he turned around and left.


Prom night had finally arrived, and Kurt could not have been happier. He danced with Blaine at every opportunity and when Blaine was singing with Tina and Brittany, he took a moment to spin Mercedes around the dance floor.

Kurt hadn't been surprised when Finn had been stupid enough to start something with Jesse. He watched as Sue escorted the two out of the gymnasium. And of course, the only thing Quinn had cared about was her dream of being crowned prom queen being destroyed.

Kurt leaned against Blaine's side, smiling when Blaine wrapped an arm around him. They had both been surprised when Karofsky was announced as prom king. Kurt had expected Puck to win in Finn's absence. But that surprise was eclipsed by the horror they both felt when Figgins announced prom queen.

"And now, your 2011 McKinley High prom queen, with an overwhelming number of write-in votes, is . . . Kurt Hummel."

Blaine instantly turned to look at Kurt, tightening his hold on the boy. Kurt felt his soul shatter as every head turned his way. He tore himself away from Blaine, running out of the gymnasium before anyone could stop him.

He heard Blaine calling after him, but he didn't stop. He ran all the way out of the building until he reached his car. Kurt knew Blaine was still behind him, but Kurt was faster and managed to get to the Navigator before Blaine could catch up to him. He pulled his razorblade out of the CD case in his console and pushed his sleeve up. Blaine reached him right as he brought the blade down to his skin. He tore the blade out of Kurt's grasp, flinging it across the parking lot.

"No! Just let me make it go away! Please, just make it stop!" Kurt sobbed, reaching for his messenger bag next.

Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms, trapping Kurt's hands in between their chests. He held tight, not letting go when Kurt tried to push him away.

"No, Kurt. I'm not going to let you hurt yourself. I'm not going to let you give those jerks the satisfaction of knowing that they made you break." Blaine moved a hand up to Kurt's head, cradling it gently.

"Don't you get how stupid we were?" Kurt choked out. "We thought because no one was teasing us or beating us up that no one cared. Like some kind of progress had been made. When in reality, nothing has changed. Everything's still the same."

"It's just someone's idea of a stupid joke." Blaine let Kurt push him away, watching as he began to pace.

"No it's not. All that hate, they were just too afraid to say it out loud. So they did it by secret ballot. All I am to them is one big practical joke." Kurt kept moving, feeling like he would fall apart completely if he stood still.

Blaine sank to the ground, wishing he could take the pain away but knowing he couldn't. He felt helpless, seeing his boyfriend in so much pain.

"I'm not going back in there. I can't."

Ten minutes passed without either of them speaking. Finally, Blaine sighed, looking up at Kurt. "Will you at least sit down? If you want to go, we'll go. No one is making you go back in there."

Kurt turned to face him, slowly walking towards him. He was calmer now. When he spoke, Blaine was surprised at how sure his voice sounded.

"Wasn't this night supposed to be about redemption? About taking away that lump you had in your throat from running away? If we leave now, all it will do is give me a lump too."

"So what do you want to do?" Blaine asked slowly.

Kurt pointed towards the building. "I'm going to go back in there and get coronated. I'm going to show them that it doesn't matter if they are yelling at me or whispering behind my back. They. Can't. Touch. Me." Kurt sank to his knees beside Blaine. "They can't touch us." Blaine shifted towards Kurt, taking his hands in his. "Or what we have."

"Are you sure about this?" Blaine asked.

"Positive," Kurt nodded.

Blaine got to his feet, offering Kurt a hand. Kurt took it, smiling when Blaine pulled him into his arms. He kissed him softly when he pulled back. At Kurt's nod, he led the way back to the school.

Mercedes turned to Santana when Kurt reentered the gymnasium. Her eyes darted to her best friend before she spoke quietly, "We can't sing 'Dancing Queen' after this."

"I agree, but what can we sing?" Santana asked.

Mercedes thought for a minute. "What's Kurt's favorite motto?"

"What would Gaga do?" Santana answered. "Brilliant."

The entire school watched as Kurt walked up onto the stage. He stopped once he reached Figgins. He didn't show any emotion as Figgins announced him as prom queen once more, placing the crown on his head and handing him a scepter. But he did manage to fake a smile as he stepped up the microphone and said, "Eat your heart out, Kate Middleton."

The gymnasium burst into applause and even Figgins laughed. Figgins waited until everyone had settled down to speak.

"And now the traditional prom king and queen dance."

Kurt and Karofsky stepped forward. Kurt could tell the jock was uncomfortable so he glanced at him.

"Now's your moment."


"You can make a difference. Come out."

Karofsky turned to face him as Mercedes began to sing, with Santana echoing behind her. He looked helpless as he muttered, "I can't."

There ain't no reason you and me should be alone,

Tonight, yeah baby! (Tonight, yeah baby!)

Karofsky turned and fled the gymnasium. Kurt watched him leave, standing helplessly as all eyes were on him. He spun around when he heard a voice behind him.

And I got a reason that you're who should take me home tonight (Tonight)

As Santana picked up the melody and Mercedes took the harmony, Blaine stepped forward.

"Excuse me." Kurt spun around when he heard the voice. "May I have this dance?"

Kurt couldn't help but smile as Blaine offered him his hand.

"Yes, yes you may." Kurt took Blaine's hand. Blaine placed his other hand on Kurt's waist while Kurt lifted his to Blaine's shoulder. They swayed to the music, unable to tear their eyes away from each other.

I need a man that thinks its right when it's so wrong,

Tonight, yeah, baby! (Tonight, yeah, baby!)

Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonight.

It's hard to feel the rush, to brush the dangerous.

I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you,

Where we can both fall far in love.

Blaine looked up at Kurt, leaning in so Kurt could hear him speak. "I'm so proud of you. Tonight, you showed everyone just how strong you are. You showed everyone what true courage is."

I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment of truth.

Out on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment with you.

I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge.

I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment with you.

I'm on the edge with you.

"I couldn't have done it without you," Kurt said after a while. He stopped dancing, pulling Blaine aside. "Can we just go home? I want to be alone with you."

It's hard to feel the rush, to brush the dangerous.

I'm gonna run right to, to the edge with you,

Where we can both fall far in love.

"What about your dad?" Blaine asked.

I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment of truth.

I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment with you.

"I'll take care of him. Please, don't leave me alone tonight." Kurt pleaded.

I'm on the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge, the edge,

I'm on the edge of glory, and I'm hanging on a moment with you.

I'm on the edge with you (with you, with you, with you, with you, with you).

"All right. Let's go home." Blaine let Kurt lead him from the gymnasium. No one from New Directions tried to stop them, knowing that the night had been trying for the both of them.

They drove back to the Hudmel residence in silence. When they entered the house, Burt and Carole were waiting for them in the living room.

"Kurt! Were you crowned prom king?" Carole asked, surprised.

"No, I wasn't." Kurt said slowly, turning to his father. "I was crowned prom queen."

Burt was instantly on his feet, but Kurt stopped him before he could speak.

"I'm fine, Dad. Or at least, I will be. Blaine was amazing and helped me through it. Without him, I would have hurt myself tonight. So please, can he stay over? I really don't want to be alone and I just need him. We'll sleep with the door open and I promise nothing will happen. But I need him tonight. So please, Dad, let him stay."

Burt turned to look at Carole, who nodded. He turned back around, pulling Kurt into his arms.

"Whatever you need, son. I'll be right down the hall if either of you needs me." Burt then surprised Blaine by embracing him as well.

The boys both hugged Carole as they passed her on the way up to Kurt's room. They didn't speak as they took turns changing in the bathroom before falling into bed. Blaine let Kurt be the little spoon without him asking, knowing it was exactly what he needed. He curled his body around Kurt's, staying awake just long enough to make sure that Kurt didn't have trouble falling asleep himself.

Blaine awoke to screams early the next morning. He leaned over Kurt, trying to shake him awake. Burt burst into the room just as Blaine had given up on that method of awakening. He pressed kisses to Kurt's lips, forehead, and cheeks.

"You're all right, Kurt. You're all right. You're safe." Blaine muttered in between kisses.

"Kurt, wake up, son." Burt knelt next to the bed.

Doing his best to ignore the fact that Burt was in the room, Blaine pressed his lips to Kurt's hard. He felt Kurt jump beneath him and knew it had worked. He pulled back, running a hand through Kurt's hair.

"You're all right. You're safe. Nothing is going to harm you," Blaine promised.

Burt stayed by Kurt's side, watching how Blaine knew exactly what to do to calm Kurt down. He knew by the way that Blaine cared for his son that this was not the first time Blaine had witnessed Kurt's nightmares.

"Are you going to be okay?" Burt asked some time later.

Kurt nodded against Blaine's chest.

"I have to go in to work but call me if you need anything. Carole's already left but Finn is still here. If you need anything let one of us know." Burt kissed Kurt's forehead and squeezed Blaine's shoulder before he left.

"Do you want to try to go back to sleep?" Blaine asked after he heard the front door close.

"No," Kurt whimpered.

"How do you feel?" Blaine asked.

"How I always feel," Kurt answered. Blaine's heart broke, knowing what he was about to say. "Like everyone wants me to be anyone but myself."

"I don't. I want you to be you because you are the most beautiful person I know, Kurt. Inside and out." Blaine pressed a kiss to his hair. "Do you want to sing? It'll make you feel better."

"I don't know what to sing."

"I'll start then and you can join in."

At Kurt's nod, Blaine slipped out of the bed to switch Kurt's iPod for his own in the iHome. He curled back up behind Kurt as he began to sing.

I guess I just got lost,

Being someone else.

I tried to kill the pain,

Nothing ever helped.

I left myself behind,

Somewhere along the way.

Hoping to come back around,

To find myself someday.

Kurt drew in a deep breath before he started to sing with Blaine, harmonizing their voices. He was glad Blaine had thought of this song, as it was perfect for how he was currently feeling.

Lately I'm so tired of waiting for you,

To say that it's okay, but tell me.

Please, would you one time,

Just let me be myself?

So I can shine with my own light.

Let me be myself.

Would you let me be myself?

Blaine let Kurt take over the melody while he sang the harmony. He hoped this would make Kurt feel at least a little bit better. He knew the previous night had been very painful, and he hoped singing would lessen some of that residual pain.

I'll never find my heart,

Behind someone else.

I'll never see the light of day,

Living in this cell.

It's time to make my way,

Into the world I knew.

Take back all of these times,

That I gave in to you.

Kurt felt tears well up behind his eyes as he thought back to the previous night. He let them flow over, not bothering to fight them. He found the singing to be cathartic as he let the pain flow out of him and into the song.

Lately I'm so tired of waiting for you,

To say that it's okay, but tell me.

Please, would you one time,

Let me be myself?

So I can shine with my own light.

And let me be myself.

For a while, if you don't mind.

Let me be myself.

So I can shine with my own light.

Let me be myself.

Blaine knew exactly how Kurt felt. His own father tried to ignore the fact he was gay. Coming out had been the worst. But after he had been attacked, Blaine's father had found it a little easier to accept his son. He was still not comfortable with the fact that he had a gay son, but he no longer tried to change him. They didn't have the best relationship, but once his father had let Blaine be who he was, they had started to mend it.

That's all I've ever wanted from this world,

Is to let me be me.

Please, would you one time,

Let me be myself?

So I can shine with my own light.

Let me be myself.

Please, would you one time,

Let me be myself?

So I can shine with my own light.

Let me be myself.

For a while, if you don't mind.

Let me be myself.

So I can shine with my own light.

Let me be myself.

Would you one time, oooh.

Let me be myself.

Let me be me.

Kurt wiped his tears away as the song ended. Blaine pulled him closer, kissing him deeply. When they finally pulled away for air, Blaine pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.

"I meant what I said last night. I'm so proud of you, Kurt," Blaine said.

"Thank you," Kurt replied softly.

Kurt burrowed into Blaine's arms, smiling when Blaine tightened his embrace. He felt safe, lying in Blaine's arms. He knew in that one moment, nothing could touch them. They had each other, and that was enough.



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