Chapter 11: Rumours Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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Perfect: Chapter 11: Rumours

M - Words: 3,354 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 40/40 - Created: Jun 06, 2012 - Updated: Oct 21, 2012
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Author's Notes: A/N: Thank you to all those who reviewed, alerted or favorited this story. I have decided to carry this story on into season three. I hope you continue to enjoy reading it. I'm certainly enjoying writing it. This chapter takes place during the "Rumours" episode. Kurt's text messages occur in italics, Blaine's in bold.Warnings for this chapter: self-harmSpoilers for:  2x19 - RumoursDisclaimer: If I owned Glee, I would not be writing this story. "Be Yourself" belongs to Audioslave.

Chapter Eleven: Rumours

Ding-dong! Kurt jumped up the second the doorbell rang. He threw the door open and threw himself into Blaine's arms.

"I missed you so much!" Kurt buried his head in Blaine's shoulder, breathing in his scent.

Blaine laughed. "It's only been a week."

"I know, but I got used to seeing you every day and I just missed you." When Kurt pulled back he was blushing. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's cute and I'm flattered. I missed you too." Blaine kissed him chastely. He pulled Kurt into the house, closing the door behind them.

"I ordered pizza. I hope that's okay. Dad and Carole are having a date night and Finn is at Puckerman's so it's just us. I try to eat healthy for Dad but I really wanted pizza. And what Dad doesn't know won't hurt him," Kurt added as an afterthought.

"Pizza sounds wonderful," Blaine said, pulling Kurt down to sit next to him on the couch.

"So tell me everything. What's been going on at Dalton since my departure?" Kurt asked, leaning against Blaine's chest.

Blaine wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, kissing the top of his head. "Well, David stole Wes's gavel."

"Again?" Kurt laughed. "Where did he hide it this time?"

"At the bottom of the swimming pool." Blaine chuckled at the memory.

"Wait, wood floats. How did David get the gavel to stay?" Kurt asked.

"I don't know." Blaine shook his head.

Before Kurt could ask anything else, the doorbell rang. Kurt grabbed a twenty dollar bill off of the coffee table and answered the door. The door swung open to reveal Sam Evans carrying a pizza box, wearing a Pizza Hut uniform.

"Sam?" he asked incredulously.

"Kurt?" Sam's eyes grew wide with panic. "Oh God, please don't mention this to anyone."

"Of course I won't. But why are you delivering pizzas?" Kurt asked.

Sam sighed unhappily. He looked like he'd rather bolt than answer the question. Kurt grabbed Sam by the arm and pulled him into the house, closing the door behind him. He ushered him into the living room despite Sam's protests. Blaine sat up, leaning forward in his seat.

"What's going on, Sam?" Kurt asked, forcing his friend into a chair.

Sam ran a hand through his hair, nervously. "My dad lost his job. I got a part-time job at Pizza Hut to help out. But now we've lost our home and we're living in a hotel."

"I'm so sorry, Sam. Is there anything we can do?" Kurt asked, motioning towards Blaine.

Sam thought for a second before he answered. "There is one thing. Do you know a cheap place to get clothes?"

"I can do you one better," Kurt replied. "I have some clothes that I never wear. I'll pack them up and bring them to you. Just let me know what room number you're in."

"Thanks, Kurt. I really appreciate it," Sam said, standing up.

"It's no problem, Sam. I'm happy I'm able to help." Kurt answered, walking him to the door. "Seriously, if you need anything else let me know."

"I will. Thanks, dude." Sam clapped Kurt on the back.

Kurt thrust the twenty into Sam's hand. "Keep the change." He closed the door before Sam could protest.


Kurt shifted the bags in his hands so he could knock on the hotel door. He heard movement inside before the door swung open.

"Kurt, come on in." Sam stood back so the boy could enter.

"I know our styles are different so I didn't know what to bring. If you don't like something or if something doesn't fit just let me know." Kurt dropped the bags of clothing on one of the beds.

"Thanks, Kurt. I'll look through everything and let you know what works and what doesn't." Sam stood awkwardly by the door. It was clear that he felt like a charity case. Kurt frowned.

"Everyone goes through tough times, Sam. There's no reason for you to be ashamed. Your parents are doing the best they can right now. At least you didn't lose your house because your parents are drug addicts or anything. You should be proud of them for how hard they're trying." Kurt took a few steps towards Sam.

"I know, Kurt. I am proud of them. I just don't want everyone feeling bad for me. So please, let's just keep this between us." Sam opened the door, stepping out into the night air.

"I will, I promise." Kurt assured him, following him out the door. "Things will get better. You'll see."

"Thanks, Kurt."

"If you need anything else, let me know," Kurt told him, placing a hand on his arm.

"I will. But really, you've done enough."

"Well, I'm willing to do more." Kurt smiled brightly at him before he left. He was so busy trying to find his keys in his messenger bag that he didn't even notice Rachel and Finn hiding out in Finn's car. Nor did he notice Jacob Ben Israel hiding out behind a dumpster.


Kurt was standing by his locker, looking over his French textbook when Rachel suddenly appeared. He instantly knew she wanted something. Rachel hardly ever went looking for someone unless she specifically wanted something out of it.

"Stop it," she told him.

"Stop what?" Kurt asked, not looking up from his textbook.

"I know Sam is attractive but is he really worth losing Blaine?" Rachel asked.

Kurt looked up, confused. "Oh how I've missed your insanity."

"He's wearing your clothes, Kurt," Rachel said seriously. "I know how these things work. Couples swap clothes all the time."

"You know, when Fleetwood Mac wrote Rumours they weren't speaking to each other. The only thing they did talk about was the music. With that focus, they crafted a masterpiece."

"You're avoiding the subject," Rachel accused.

"No, I'm being a team player. I'm not going to waste time on gossip when we could be spending that time preparing for nationals."

Kurt closed his locker and walked away. He hadn't thought that anyone would read so far into Sam wearing his old clothes. The fact that anyone thought he would cheat on Blaine hurt. They obviously didn't know him. Blaine was his entire world. Clearly, the glee club didn't trust him.

Kurt could feel the anxiety and depression flowing through his veins. He had to let it out. He entered the nearest bathroom, choosing the stall farthest away from the door. Kurt dug through his messenger bag until he found his razor. He pulled his sleeve up and pressed the sharp edge against his flesh. The blade sliced into his skin easily, and as the pain poured in, the blood streamed out, taking the bad emotions with it.


The next day, Kurt sat in the back of the choir room in between Mike and Lauren so as to avoid Rachel and Finn. He still couldn't believe that his friend and his step-brother thought he was capable of betraying Blaine in any way. He tried to ignore everyone when they finally noticed Sam wasn't there, until he heard his name.

"Quinn and Kurt are both here so we know he's not doing the dirty," Artie said.

Kurt dug his nails into his upper arms, trying to fight off the pain the accusation brought. Clearly, the glee club's distrust for him ran deeper than he originally thought. Why had he ever left Dalton to return to McKinley? Oh yeah, so he could fight his depression. Instead, he was slipping away to the bathroom to cut in between classes and scratching at his arms to keep himself strong.

As Rachel and Quinn's argument began to get heated, Kurt let his mind wander. He knew he had to tell Blaine what he had done. The thought made him dig his nails in deeper. He felt the skin give away and sighed at the pain. He had to stay strong. He couldn't show everyone how much they were hurting him. What had he done that caused them to deem him untrustworthy?

Sighing unhappily, Kurt pulled his phone out and texted Blaine. When can you come over?

His phone vibrated a few seconds later. Kurt opened the message. Probably not until tomorrow. Are you okay?

Kurt smiled at his concern before he tapped out another quick message. I'm fine. My place, tomorrow after school?

Again, Blaine reply came seconds later. Sounds great. Call me if you need ANYTHING.

Kurt sent another message, assuring him that he would call if anything happened. He just hoped nothing would.


The next day was not much better. Rachel and Quinn were firing off at each other again. Kurt ignored them to the best of his ability, but even he could only do so much. The last straw came when everyone began to verbally attack Sam.

"There's nothing going on with me and Sam," Quinn said angrily.

"This whole thing is Sam's fault," Santana said from the back row.

"I agree. Why isn't Sam saying anything about any of this?" Lauren asked.

"Seriously, what you're doing isn't cool. They both have boyfriends." Puck motioned to Quinn and Kurt while he spoke.

"Enough! I'm not fooling around with anyone! Quinn and Kurt are just helping me." Sam turned slightly in his chair so he could see most of the club.

"So that's what they're calling it these days," Mercedes remarked. Her words cut into Kurt deeper than any razorblade ever could. Mercedes was his best friend, and she thought he was capable of betraying Blaine.

"Wait a second, guys." Will turned to Sam. "How are they helping you out?"

Sam sighed, knowing there was no way out of this now. It had gotten way too out of hand. "Kurt was bringing me clothes and Quinn was helping me babysit my brother and sister."

"In a hotel room?" Finn asked.

"That's where I live now," Sam spat. "My dad lost his job, and then we lost our house. So now we live in one room in that hotel. Are you happy now?" Sam got to his feet. "Now you finally know."

He sprinted from the room before anyone could stop him. Kurt followed him, but by the time he was in the hall, Sam was gone. He sighed unhappily, setting off towards his car. He heard Finn call out behind him but ignored him.

"Kurt, wait up!" Finn ran to catch up to his stepbrother. "Please, will you just talk to me?"

"What do you want me to say, Finn?" Kurt snapped, turning to face him. "It's clear that transferring back here was a mistake. No one trusts me. I'm tired of being hurt. I'm tired of people saying I need to change who I am so others can be happy. Well, I'm done with it, Finn! I'm done!"

Kurt stalked off before Finn could say another word. He knew Blaine would be at his house soon, and he wanted to get there before Finn did. He drove faster than usual, trying to leave the memory of the past few days behind him. When he got there, he wasn't surprised to see Blaine's car in the driveway. He hurried up to his room, knowing he'd be waiting for him.

"God, it's so good to see your face." Kurt hurried into Blaine's arms.

Blaine held him close, worried. "Is something wrong?"

"I have to talk to you." Kurt pulled back, staring at his hands. He was nervous. He didn't know how to tell Blaine he had cut himself again. Blaine knew Kurt wasn't trying to stop, but it was still hard for Kurt to admit what he had done when it was such a private thing.

"You know you can tell me anything." Blaine took Kurt's hand, leading him over to sit on the bed. "What's going on?"

Kurt explained about the past week and how everyone in New Directions thought he was cheating on Blaine with Sam. Blaine scoffed at the idea, outraged that anyone would think Kurt capable of such a thing. Kurt kept going, not letting him speak. When he was finally done, he stared at his hands.

"Kurt, what's really going on here? That can't be why you wanted to see me."

"Oh, so now I need a reason to want to see you?" Kurt teased.

"You know what I mean." Blaine laughed. "Whatever it is, just tell me."

Blaine had a bad feeling gnawing in his gut. Somehow, he already knew what Kurt had done. He was just waiting to hear it from Kurt himself.

Frowning, Kurt unbuttoned his sleeve and pulled it up. Blaine closed his eyes, sighing deeply. He opened his eyes, pulling Kurt's wrist up to his lips. He pressed feather-light kisses to each cut and scar there. When he finally pulled back, he asked in a broken voice, "Why?"

"I was just so hurt that no one trusted me. Or that they thought I was a bad enough person to do something like cheat on you. You're my world, Blaine, my everything. I could never do that to you." A tear rolled down Kurt's cheek as he spoke.

"I know you couldn't, Kurt. I know. I trust you. I'm sure your friends just weren't thinking right." Blaine opened his arms to Kurt. "Come here."

Kurt moved into them, sobbing against Blaine's chest. "Maybe transferring back wasn't a good idea after all."

"Don't start that, Kurt. You're happier at McKinley. We both know that. Don't let what happened this week ruin all the good weeks you've had and are going to have. Don't let your depression win." Blaine rubbed his hand up and down Kurt's back soothingly.

"I'm trying, Blaine. I really am trying." Kurt spoke into his chest, breathing in the scent of Blaine.

"I know, love. I know." Blaine kissed the top of his head.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," Kurt mumbled.

"It's all right. You told me in the end, which is what matters. You didn't try to hide this. I'm proud of you." Blaine pushed him back slightly so he could look into Kurt's blue-green eyes. "But I want you to call me next time. You aren't alone so don't try to go through this alone. I'm right here with you, every step of the way."

"I know. Thank you." Kurt kissed him chastely, smiling against Blaine's lips when Blaine deepened the kiss. He knew Blaine was right. He was trying to suffer in silence, but he wasn't alone anymore. He didn't have to subject himself to that. He had Blaine, and that was enough.


The next day, Kurt was the last one in the choir room except for Sam, who was missing. Kurt closed his eyes, drawing on all of his strength. He felt stronger after talking to Blaine, and not because of cutting. He knew telling Blaine had been the right thing. Blaine hadn't been angry. He was only worried about Kurt. Blaine had forgiven Kurt for the cuts and the scratches he had marred his own skin with. If Kurt could tell Blaine what he had done, then he could sit through glee club, no problem.

Kurt ignored the group as he chose a seat in the back corner, away from everyone else. He ignored Will as he spoke about the past week. He didn't want to dwell on that anymore; that wouldn't make it any better. He was drawn out of his thoughts when he heard Finn say his name. He was surprised to see his stepbrother was now standing in front of the room; he had never seen him leave his seat.

"Mr. Schue, this doesn't pertain to the assignment but it's something I wanted to do for Kurt." Finn turned to his stepbrother. "None of us treated you right this week, Kurt. We should have known you aren't capable of hurting Blaine in any way. You care about him too much for that to ever happen.

"I know you've been going through a hard time and I haven't been there for you when I should have been. But that stops now. From now on, when you need someone to talk to I want you to come to me. We're a family, and family doesn't abandon one another during the tough times. They stick together. I know beating this thing won't be easy, Kurt. But I'm going to help you.

"I know you feel like everyone wants you to change, but we don't." Finn motioned to the group. "We just want you to be happy. So Puck and I have prepared something for you, if you'll let us sing it."

Kurt nodded, unable to speak. Finn's kind words had touched his heart. He knew they didn't always get along, but Finn was at least trying to make things better. That was something.

Puck grabbed his guitar, joining Finn in the front of the room. The music started off slow but grew steadily faster. Finn kept the beat with his foot, looking at Kurt as he began to sing.

Someone falls to pieces, sleeping all alone.

Someone kills the pain, spinning in the silence,

And finally drifts away.

Someone gets excited,

In a chapel yard and catches a bouquet.

Another lays a dozen, white roses on a grave.

Puck joined Finn for the chorus, harmonizing the voices. The song was perfect for the two of them. The fact that they had chosen it to sing to Kurt touched him. He just wanted to be accepted, and here they were, telling him it was all right for him to be himself.

Yeah and to be yourself is all that you can do.

Hey, to be yourself is all that you can do.

Puck stepped forward to take the second verse, strumming at his guitar while he sang.

Someone finds salvation in everyone, another only pain.

Someone tries to hide himself, down inside himself he prays.

Someone swears his true love until the end of time.

Another runs away, separate or united, healthy or insane.

Finn started the chorus. Puck echoed after him. Kurt fought back his tears as the music washed over him. He knew now that his relationship with Finn would get better.

And to be yourself is all that you can do, yeah.

(All that you can do)

To be yourself is all that you can do.

(All that you can do)

To be yourself is all that you can do.

(All that you can do)

Hey, be yourself is all that you can do.

Puck walked around the room as he played the guitar solo. He stopped in front of Kurt, looking deep into his eyes while he sang the bridge.

Even when you've paid enough,

Been pulled apart or been held up.

Every single memory of the good or bad,

Faces of luck.

Finn walked over to kneel beside Kurt. He took his hand in his, squeezing it tightly as he picked up the bridge.

Don't lose any sleep tonight.

I'm sure everything will end up alright.

You may win or lose.

But to be yourself is all that you can do, yeah.

To be yourself is all that you can do.

Oh, to be yourself is all that you can do.

(All that you can do)

Hey, to be yourself is all that you can do.

(All that you can do)

To be yourself is all that you can

Be yourself is all that you can

Be yourself is all that you can do.

Finn stood up as the song ended, pulling Kurt to his feet. He hugged him tightly, knowing that his stepbrother was far from all right, but he would be eventually.

"Thank you," Kurt told both boys.

"Don't thank us. We were horrible to you and after everything that you've been through. . . ." Puck let his voice trail off.

Kurt was spared from having to answer when Sam entered the room with his brother and sister. He joined the group as they went to the auditorium, singing along loudly as they performed "Don't Stop."

When Mike approached him, Kurt leaned his ear closer so he could hear what he was saying over everyone singing.

"Get his guitar away from him. We have a plan." Mike hurried away before Kurt could respond.

Kurt danced his way over to Sam, coming up behind him and pulling his guitar strap over his head. He ran off with the instrument before Sam could grab him. Mike and Puck came up on either side of Sam while Finn stood behind him. With Finn's help, they lifted Sam up onto Mike and Puck's shoulders.

Kurt watched his extended family while he danced. He knew they were sorry for how they had acted, and while it still hurt, Kurt had forgiven them. Without them, he had no reason to stay at McKinley. Being a part of this group with them gave him so much happiness. Kurt wasn't willing to let this come in between that. Just like the song said, yesterday was gone.


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