In Search of Utopia
Chapter 2: Berlioz Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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In Search of Utopia: Chapter 2: Berlioz

M - Words: 2,855 - Last Updated: Jul 02, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Oct 21, 2012 - Updated: Jul 02, 2013
321 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day but I wanted to make sure I'd have time to update so this one's a day early. The English translation for "Cinema Paradiso" can be found at the end of the chapter.Warnings for this chapter: sexual situationsDisclaimer: I do not own Glee. "Cinema Paradiso" belongs to Andrea Morricone and Alessio de Sensi. It has been performed by Josh Groban and several others. "Ev'rybody Wants to Be A Cat" is from Disney's The Aristocats.

Chapter Two:  Berlioz

Monday July 16, 2012

“Can we go to the zoo now?” Blaine asked, bouncing into the dressing room.

A month had passed, during which Blaine, Kurt, Finn, and Rachel had taken their time exploring the city. Blaine had been most excited to go to the zoo as he had seen most of the sites before, but always loved the zoo. He had insisted on saving the best for last. And today, they were finally making the trip to the Central Park Zoo.

Kurt turned away from his vanity, raising an eyebrow at his fiancé. He asked, “Does it look like I’m ready? I’m not halfway through with my moisturizing routine and I’m still in my pajamas.”

“Well, are you almost done?” Blaine pouted. “I want to see the animals!”

And with that, Blaine began to ramble about all the animals he wanted to see. Sighing in exasperation, Kurt pushed back from the vanity. He seized Blaine by the shoulders and shoved him roughly against the wall, crushing his lips to Blaine’s. There was nothing soft or loving about this kiss. It was filled with lust and when Kurt pulled away, it left Blaine wanting more.

“Damn, what was that for?” Blaine asked, still trying to catch his breath.

“That was to get you to calm down so I can finish my moisturizing in peace,” Kurt said, taking a couple steps away from Blaine. “If you’re good, we will finish that later.”

“What about now?” Blaine asked, closing the distance between them. He wrapped his arms around Kurt’s neck, pressing his lips to his exposed collarbone.

“I thought you wanted to go to the zoo?” Kurt asked with a groan as Blaine’s lips moved up his throat. He tilted his head to give him better access.

“I’d rather have you naked in our bed,” Blaine said huskily. Before Kurt could reply, Blaine was lifting him up and carrying him into their bedroom.

They were both naked in no time. Blaine pushed Kurt back onto the bed, pressing their bodies together. He kissed Kurt roughly, ravishing his mouth. They were quickly heading to the point of no return when the door to their bedroom flew open.

“Are you – HOLY SHIT!” Finn stood in the doorway, mouth gaping, at the sight of his stepbrother and his fiancé naked in bed.

“GET OUT, FINN!” Kurt screamed as Blaine hurried to pull the comforter up over them. Finn was running out of the room before Kurt could yell at him more.

“Well, that ruined the mood,” Blaine said, rolling off of Kurt.

“I’m sorry, honey. I’ll go finish getting ready and then we can head to the zoo,” Kurt said sympathetically. He pressed a quick kiss to Blaine’s lips before disappearing into their dressing room once more.


Blaine was like a kid in a candy store at the zoo. He ran from exhibit to exhibit, dragging Kurt along behind him. Rachel and Finn laughed at his antics, earning a glare from Kurt. Despite his air of disapproval, Kurt found Blaine absolutely adorable. He loved how he was so mature for his age, but at the same time became a five-year-old in a matter of seconds.

By the time they finally returned home, Kurt was so exhausted he announced firmly that he would not be cooking dinner. Finn immediately suggested pizza, which Kurt was too tired to argue against. While Rachel looked up the number for the closest pizza place, Kurt collapsed on the couch, resting his head in Blaine’s lap.

“Tired, love?” Blaine asked, running one hand through Kurt’s hair. Kurt halfheartedly batted his hand away.

“Exhausted,” Kurt murmured sleepily. Blaine continued to massage Kurt’s scalp, and wasn’t surprised when he next looked down to find him sound asleep.

Thirty minutes later, the doorbell sounded. Kurt lifted his head from Blaine’s lap, yawning widely. Finn bounded out of the living room, already pulling his wallet out of his back pocket.

“Have a good nap, baby?” Blaine asked.

“Mhm,” Kurt answered, resting his head on Blaine’s shoulder.

“Pizza’s here!” Finn announced as he walked down the hall to the kitchen.

Kurt stood up, pulling Blaine off of the couch and towards the kitchen. They scarfed down the pizza hungrily, having worked off their lunch at the zoo. After the kitchen was cleaned, Blaine asked, “How about we relax in the Jacuzzi?”

They readily agreed, disappearing to their separate rooms to change into their bathing suits. Blaine changed quickly, waiting for Kurt in their bedroom. He frowned when Kurt walked out of his closet, dressing in his swim trunks and a black long-sleeved shirt.

“What’s wrong?” Kurt asked, looking down at himself self-consciously.

Blaine opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by a knock on the open door. The couple spun around to see Rachel standing in the doorway.

“Am I interrupting something?” she asked uncertainly.

“Nope. Come on,” Kurt said, doing his best to push past his uneasiness.

Kurt stepped around Blaine, unsure of what had just happened. Rachel allowed Kurt to take her hand and lead her out onto the southern outdoor room. In the far right corner was a Jacuzzi. Finn was already lounging in one corner of it. Rachel, Blaine, and Kurt laid their towels on a bench a few feet away before climbing in.

“Are you getting nervous yet?” Rachel asked after a while.

“For school? I’ve been terrified since I got the acceptance letter,” Kurt said with a laugh.

“You’re going to be brilliant, both of you,” Blaine assured them. “Don’t worry.”

“Are you telling me you aren’t the least bit apprehensive?” Kurt asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No, I’m not saying that. I’m just trying to focus on the present. We have over a month before school starts. Why worry about it now?” Blaine asked.

The others agreed, allowing the conversation to be changed. They talked for a while, until Rachel could scarcely keep her eyes open. She and Finn retired, leaving Kurt and Blaine alone.

“Come here,” Blaine said. He pulled Kurt to him so he was straddling Blaine’s lap. “You’re hiding yourself again.” Kurt started to speak but Blaine cut him off, “No, listen to me. This is your home. You should feel free to walk around without shame, regardless of who is here. That’s really all that it comes down to:  shame. You shouldn’t be ashamed, Kurt. You should be proud. You’re a survivor. You found a way to live, and you’re so much stronger because of it. You don’t need to hide yourself anymore, baby.”

Kurt’s breath hitched when Blaine reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head. Kurt instantly looked down, his eyes raking over each and every scar that marred his skin, each and every scar that had been inflicted by his own hand. Blaine lifted Kurt’s head with one finger.

“Hey, don’t. You’re beautiful. I just wish you saw what I see when I look at you.”

“What do you see?” Kurt asked. Blaine answered in the way he knew best. He began to sing.

Se tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giorno

Vedresti la bellezza che piena d'allegria

Io trovo dentro gli occhi tuoi

E ignoro se è magia o realtà.

Blaine’s hands came up to cup Kurt’s face. He gazed deeply into the eyes of the man that he loved with his entire heart, his entire soul, his entire being. Blaine had never thought it was possible to love someone this much until he met Kurt. He wished Kurt could take his place for just one day to see how truly beautiful he was.

Se tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giorno

Potresti avere un'idea

Di ciò che sento io

Quando mi abbracci forte a te

E petto a petto, noi

Respiriamo insieme

Kurt and Blaine had been through a lot together. And while some men would turn away when they learned of Kurt’s illness, Blaine had been determined to help him through it. He had opened Kurt’s heart and taught him how to trust. And Kurt had done the same for Blaine in return.

Kurt didn’t speak a word of Italian. But the emotions displayed on Blaine’s face told Kurt exactly what the words meant. No English translation was needed.

Se tu fossi nella mia anima un giorno

Sapresti cosa sento in me

Che m'innamorai

Da quell'istante insieme a te

E ciò che provo è

Solamente amore.

Da quell'istante insieme a te

E ciò che provo è

Solamente amore.

Kurt smiled as the song finished. Blaine’s hands moved over Kurt’s bare torso, caressing every inch of skin. As his hands ghosted over his ribcage, Kurt let out a guttural moan, catching Blaine’s lips in a passionate kiss. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt, pulling him closer. He gasped when Kurt ground their hips together. Blaine pulled his mouth away from Kurt’s long enough to whisper, “Bedroom.”

They grabbed their towels off the bench, drying themselves off quickly. Kurt steered Blaine into the master bathroom where they stripped off their bathing suits and threw them into the clothes hamper. Now completely naked, their bodies crashed together. Kurt lifted Blaine up, carrying him to their bed.

A part of Kurt knew Blaine was right when he said he shouldn’t be ashamed, but it was hard to accept all the same. He had spent the past two years hiding his body so his secret would not be discovered. Kurt knew Finn and Rachel knew about his self-injury, but knowing about his scars and seeing them were two different things. He wasn’t sure that he was ready for that. As Blaine’s hands traveled over his body, Kurt allowed all thoughts to be pushed to the back of his mind. They could wait for another time.


Friday August 3, 2012

“I want a cat,” Blaine announced, plopping down on the couch next to Kurt.

“What?” Kurt asked, looking up from the novel he had been engrossed in.

“I want a cat,” Blaine repeated simply.

“You want a cat? We just moved in,” Kurt replied with a raised eyebrow, setting his book aside after marking his place.

“I know that, but I want a cat,” Blaine said.

“Can we even have a cat? Did you ask your parents?” Kurt asked.

“Of course we can have a cat. This is our apartment, Kurt. If we want a cat, we can have a cat,” Blaine answered, pulling Kurt into his arms. Kurt did his best to ignore the feeling of Blaine’s arms wrapped around him, knowing Blaine was trying to persuade him to say yes.

“And we want a cat?” Kurt asked slowly.

“I want a cat. I'm trying to find out if you do,” Blaine replied. He pressed his nose into the crook of Kurt’s neck, inhaling deeply.

“Don't you think it's too soon? Shouldn't we get settled in first?” Kurt questioned, trying to hold his ground.

“We are settled, Kurt. We're completely unpacked and have been since our third day here, might I add, not to mention the fact that it’s been two months since we moved in,” Blaine added.

“I don't know . . . .”

“Just imagine it, Kurt. You have that night class and I'll be home alone, with no one to cuddle with. And we both know how much of a cuddlewhore I am,” Blaine said, tightening his grip on Kurt to prove his point.

“And a cat is my substitute?” Kurt asked in a fake hurt voice.

“Oh, there is no substitute for you.”

“Then you don't need a cat.”



“Come on, don’t you want an adorable kitten to curl up with when I’m not home?” Blaine asked.

“I'll think about it,” Kurt said.

“I think I can persuade you.” Blaine began to kiss Kurt's neck, nipping at the sensitive skin.

“Mmm, that's not fair, Blaine,” Kurt said even as he tilted his head to give Blaine better access.

“You'll be singing a different tune later,” Blaine assured him. He pulled Kurt to his feet and up the stairs to their bedroom.


Saturday August 4, 2012

“I can’t believe you talked me into this,” Kurt said as he followed Blaine into KittyKind, a no-kill cat rescue center that was only six blocks away from their apartment.

“Oh, come on, Kurt. This is exciting! Soon we’ll be daddies to an adorable little kitty!” Blaine said, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

“Not a kitty, a cat,” Kurt said. That had been his condition on adopting a feline friend. Their new companion was to be a short-haired (to keep the shedding to a minimum), well-mannered, quiet, demure, adult cat. He groaned as Blaine pulled him into the kitten room. “Blaine, this is not what we agreed to!”

“I just want to look at the kittens,” Blaine said, ignoring Kurt’s protests. Kurt knew Blaine would get attached to a kitten the moment he saw it and insist on taking it home with them.

Sure enough, the second Blaine stepped into the room, a ball of fur ran headlong into his legs. Blaine was scooping the kitten into his arms instantly. The kitten was a black and white with long fur and emerald green eyes. The kitten began to purr loudly instantly.

“Look, Kurt! He’s happy!” Blaine said, stroking the kitten’s soft fur.

“I’m sure he is, Blaine. Let’s go look at some of the older cats,” Kurt tried to persuade Blaine but it was no use.

“He has a little bowtie!” Blaine exclaimed.

Kurt looked closer. Sure enough, the kitten’s chest was white except for a black patch of fur in the shape of a bowtie. The kitten had climbed up to perch on Blaine’s shoulder, where it proceeded to meow loudly. This kitten was everything Kurt hadn’t wanted, and he knew Blaine was already in love with it. Blaine gently lifted the kitten off his shoulder, holding him out towards Kurt.

“Just hold him, Kurt,” Blaine said.

Kurt sighed in exasperation, but took the kitten from Blaine. The kitten purred even louder, licking Kurt’s finger.

“Please, Kurt? Please?” Blaine pleaded. Kurt looked from his fiancé to the kitten in his arms. He sighed again.

“You will vacuum every surface of the apartment every day.”


“You will clean up the inevitable messes he will create?”

“I promise! Please, Kurt!”

"Fine,” Kurt said, giving the kitten back to Blaine.

Blaine squealed, he actually squealed. He held the kitten to his chest, talking to him. “You’re coming home with us, little man. How would you like that?”

The kitten meowed loudly. Kurt dropped his head into his hand. They paid for the kitten, putting him in a cat carrier so they could take him back to their apartment. Once there, they carried him into their bedroom, knowing the kitten should be acclimated to one room at first. Blaine put the carrier on the ground, opening the door. The kitten poked his head out cautiously. Seeing Blaine sitting close by, he made a beeline for his lap, curling up happily.

“Would you like to name him?” Blaine asked, stroking the kitten.

“You want me to name him?” Kurt asked in disbelief.

“Of course. He’s your kitten too,” Blaine said simply.

Kurt thought for a moment. “Berlioz.”

“From The Aristocats?” Blaine asked.

“Or the French composer,” Kurt replied.

“What do you think?” Blaine asked the kitten. “Are you a Berlioz?”

The kitten lifted his head, meowing as if he already knew his name.

“Berlioz it is,” Blaine agreed with a nod. He flipped the kitten onto his back, scratching his belly as he began to sing.

Ev’rybody wants to be a cat,

Because a cat's the only cat

Who knows where it's at.

Ev’rybody's pickin' up on that feline beat,

'Cause ev’rything else is obsolete.

Now a square with a horn,

Makes you wish you weren't born,

Ev’rytime he plays;

But with a square in the act,

You can set music back

To the caveman days.

Kurt couldn’t help but laugh at his fiancé. Blaine was clearly enjoying himself, and Berlioz wasn’t complaining either as he continued to purr loudly.

I've heard some corny birds who tried to sing,

Still a cat's the only cat

Who knows how to swing.

Who wants to dig

A long-haired gig

Or stuff like that?

When ev’rybody wants to be a cat.

A square with a horn,

Makes you wish you weren't born,

Ev’rytime he plays;

And with a square in the act,

You can set music back

To the caveman days.

Ev’rybody wants to be a cat,

Because a cat's the only cat

Who knows where it's at;

While playin' jazz you always has a Welcome mat,

'Cause ev’rybody digs a swingin' cat.

Blaine stood up, putting Berlioz on his shoulder. Berlioz balanced himself perfectly. Blaine seized Kurt by the hands and danced slowly with him, as not to knock Berlioz off-balanced.

Ev’rybody, ev’rybody, ev’rybody, ev’rybody wants to be a cat.


Ev’rybody, ev’rybody, ev’rybody, ev’rybody wants to be a cat!

I’m tellin’ you!

Ev’rybody, ev’rybody, ev’rybody, ev’rybody wants to be a cat!


Ev’rybody, ev’rybody, ev’rybody wants to be a cat!

Ev’rybody, ev’rybody, ev’rybody wants to be a cat!


Ev’rybody, ev’rybody, ev’rybody wants to be a cat!

Kurt shook his head when Blaine was finished singing. He kissed Blaine before leaving the room to cook dinner. Blaine spent the rest of the evening with the kitten. And Kurt would never admit it, but as Berlioz snuggled up to him in bed that night, he was already fond of their newest addition.

A/N:  Here is the English translation to the song Blaine sings, “Cinema Paradiso.”

If you were in my eyes for one day,

You could see the full beauty of the joy

I find in your eyes.

And it isn’t magic or loyalty.


If you were in my heart for a day,

You would have an idea

Of what I feel;

When you hold me strongly to you

Heart to heart,

Breathing together.


If you were in my soul for a day,

You would know what is inside me.

That I fell in love

At that instant, together with you.

And what I sense,

It’s only love.


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Awww What a sweet chapter.