In Search of Utopia
Chapter 19: Safe Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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In Search of Utopia: Chapter 19: Safe

M - Words: 1,747 - Last Updated: Jul 02, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Oct 21, 2012 - Updated: Jul 02, 2013
123 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Chapter Nineteen:  Safe

Wednesday November 21, 2012

The mattress shifted under him as the weight from the other side of the bed was removed. Blaine had once been a deep sleeper, but Kurt’s nightmares combined with his current injury had changed that. Blaine was so attuned to him that Kurt could scarcely turn in his sleep without waking Blaine.

“Where are you going?” Blaine asked, pushing himself into a sitting position.

“To get my pain medication,” Kurt answered. “Go back to sleep.”

“I’ll get it,” Blaine ignored him. He was out of bed and down the stairs before Kurt could protest. He returned to find Kurt sitting on the edge of the bed, his arms crossed over his chest.

"When are you going to stop treating me like an eighty-year-old in hospice?” Kurt asked with his best bitch glare fixed on his face.

Blaine did his best to look contrite but Kurt didn’t believe him for a second.

“I’m sorry,” Blaine said as he pressed the medicine bottle into Kurt’s hand. Kurt continued to glare at Blaine as he took the glass of water from him. He washed down the pill and placed the glass on his nightstand without breaking eye contact.

“Are you really that upset with me?” Blaine asked.

“That depends,” Kurt said thoughtfully, using his good arm to push himself to his feet.

“On what?” Blaine asked with a frown.

“On how well you make it up to me,” Kurt said, stepping closer to Blaine.

“Oh really?” Blaine moved so they were even closer.

“Yes, really.”

Kurt closed the distance between them with a happy sigh.


When Kurt woke next he immediately knew Blaine was awake. He could tell by the breaths exhaled on the back of his neck. Blaine had one arm under Kurt’s head, the other holding him close as they lay front-to-back and their legs were intertwined.

“Some people might be concerned with how often you watch me sleep,” Kurt said with a sleepy smile. Blaine chuckled, pressing a kiss to the back of Kurt’s neck.

“Those people don’t matter.”

Kurt made a noncommittal noise as he laced his fingers together with Blaine’s over his chest. A comfortable silence fell over them. Blaine tightened his hold around Kurt, dropping his head to the crook of Kurt’s neck where he breathed in his familiar scent.

"I never feel safer or more loved than when I am in your arms,” Kurt said softly, drawing comfort from their naked bodies pressed together.

“That’s because no matter what happens or where we are I will never let anything happen to you,” Blaine said. Kurt rolled over to face him, resting one hand on Blaine’s bare chest. His fingers played with the hairs that grew there, hairs that always secretly turned Kurt on.

“What if we’re not together?” Kurt asked timidly.

“I’ll never let you go. Even if we aren’t together physically, you’re here in my heart and I’m in yours. No matter what happens I will never let you go,” Blaine answered.

“Just don’t leave me here alone,” Kurt said, tears abruptly flooding his eyes.

“Never,” Blaine promised. He hummed softly, pressing kisses to Kurt’s skin. He pressed one kiss to Kurt’s lips and began to sing.

I remember tears streaming down your face

When I said, "I'll never let you go."

When all those shadows almost killed your light,

I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone."

But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight.

Blaine knew Kurt was scared of his impeding rehabilitation. Neither of them knew how often Blaine would be permitted to visit, and the rest of the family would be in Ohio or New York. Kurt was afraid they would realize how much of a burden he was and forget about him. No matter how much they told him otherwise Kurt couldn’t change the way he felt.

Just close your eyes.

The sun is going down.

You'll be alright.

No one can hurt you now.

Come morning light,

You and I'll be safe and sound.

All any of them wanted was for Kurt to be happy. They didn’t want him to hurt anymore. It seemed rehabilitation was the only way Kurt would ever learn to change the way he thought.

Don't you dare look out your window, darling,

Everything's on fire.

The war outside our door keeps raging on.

Hold on to this lullaby,

Even when music's gone;


Blaine hoped that Kurt would not only learn to change the way he thought but to also leave the past in the past. Kurt would never be able to forget what had happened but he could move on. Remembrance would help him to keep it from happening again but it was unhealthy to live in the past and forget about the present.

Just close your eyes.

The sun is going down.

You'll be alright.

No one can hurt you now.

Come morning light,

You and I'll be safe and sound.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

La, la, la, la

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

La, la, la

Just close your eyes.

You'll be alright.

Come morning light,

You and I'll be safe and sound . . .

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh oh oh.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh oh oh.

Kurt smiled, pressing a tender kiss to Blaine’s lips.

“I’ll always keep you safe,” Blaine promised.

Kurt opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by a knock at the door. He smiled regretfully before rolling over to face the door. Blaine wrapped an arm around Kurt’s waist and pulled him closer. Kurt made sure the sheets and comforter were covering their naked bodies.

“Come in,” Blaine called out.

Finn entered the room, one hand clasped firmly over his eyes. Blaine laughed loudly; Kurt smiled in amusement.

“Finn, what’re you doing?” Kurt asked.

“Dad said to -”

“No,” Kurt cut him off. “Why are you covering your eyes?”

“I don’t want to see anything,” Finn answered.

“See anything?” Kurt asked patiently. Of course he knew what Finn meant but that didn’t mean he wasn’t above making him say it.

“You know, sex,” Finn clarified.

Tears streamed down Blaine’s face as he laughed even louder.

“You can look, Finn,” Kurt told him.

“Are you sure -”


“All right, all right,” Finn said, removing his hand from over his eyes. “Oh.”

“Yes, oh. Now what did Dad say?” Kurt asked.

“He wants to tour Yankee Stadium. Do you want to go?”

“Tour a baseball stadium? I think not. Besides Rachel and I need to start cooking today.”

“Thanksgiving isn’t until tomorrow,” Finn pointed out.

“I know that. But we won’t have time to cook everything tomorrow.”

“What about you, Blaine? Cooper and Carole are coming.”

“No thanks, Finn. I’ll stay here and help Kurt and Rachel.”

“You don’t have to, baby. You can go if you want to,” Kurt said, turning his head to look at Blaine.

“I’ve been before, love. Besides, five is a crowd.”

“Three’s a crowd,” Kurt corrected.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Blaine pretended ignorance.

“Umm, guys, I need an answer. Dad is waiting,” Finn interrupted uncomfortably.

“Sorry, Finn,” Kurt said, returning his attention to his stepbrother. “I’m not going.”

“Me either. You guys have fun,” Blaine said. The second Finn left he collapsed into laughter.

“What is it?” Kurt asked, rolling over.

“Can you imagine what he would have said if he knew we were naked?” Blaine asked through peals of laughter.

Kurt shook his head in amusement. He pressed a kiss to Blaine’s forehead before slipping out of the bed. Blaine abruptly stopped laughing at the sight of his fiancé’s naked body. He waited five full seconds before following him into their shared bathroom.


“We forgot to check the mail,” Kurt said as he set his load of grocery bags on the counter. Rachel groaned, setting down her own bags as Blaine followed suit.

“I’m so not going back downstairs,” she said as she began to put away the groceries.

“I’ll do it,” Blaine volunteered.

“Thanks, love,” Kurt said with a smile. He and Rachel continued to put away the items they didn’t need to cook that day. They had agreed to bake the pies but wait until tomorrow to cook the rest of the Thanksgiving meal.

Rachel had just pulled out the Kitchen Aide mixer Kurt had insisted was a necessity for any kitchen when Blaine returned.

“What are these?” he asked, holding up two magazines.

“Those are wedding magazines,” Kurt said.

Blaine put the magazines on the countertop. Placing his hands Kurt’s hips, he turned him so they were face to face.

“Does this mean what I think it means?” Blaine asked.

“It does,” Kurt said with a wide grin.

Blaine’s lips caught Kurt’s in a passionate kiss. They quickly forgot Rachel was in the room. She giggled, watching them in amusement. Rachel was glad they felt comfortable enough to show affection in her presence. However, she was not glad enough to not interrupt them when Blaine’s hands disappeared under the hem of Kurt’s shirt.

“What does this mean?” Rachel asked loudly.

The two sprang apart, having the decency to look ashamed that they had allowed things to get so heated. Kurt straightened his shirt and arm sling.

“We can set a date!” Blaine exclaimed.

“Really?” Rachel asked in excitement. She squealed, pulling the two into a group hug. They pulled apart when a buzzer sounded throughout the apartment, signaling they had a visitor.

“Finn must have forgotten his key,” Rachel said in amusement.

Blaine kept an arm around Kurt, wanting to discuss wedding dates with him, as he went to answer the call.

“Forget your key again, Finn?” Blaine asked.

“Honey, it’s us,” a familiar female voice drifted through the call box.

“Mom?” Blaine asked, his eyes growing wide. He had thought his parents were in Italy for Thanksgiving, celebrating with his mother’s family.

“What are you parents doing here?” Kurt hissed frantically.

“Come on up,” Blaine said through the speaker before answering Kurt. “I have no idea.”

“They can’t see me!” Kurt cried, motioning towards his immobile left arm. “They’ll ask questions!”

“I can’t ask them to leave, Kurt. They gave us this place,” Blaine reminded him gently.

“I-I-I can’t,” Kurt stammered, panic rising at an alarming rate.

“Baby, calm down,” Blaine said soothingly.

A knock sounded at the door. Rachel was closest to the door but she didn’t open it. Instead she moved to Kurt’s side, hovering protectively.

“I’m so sorry, love,” Blaine said as he reached for the doorknob. He swung the door open to reveal his parents.

“Sorry to drop in like this but we wanted to surprise you,” Alessandra Anderson said as she swept into the room, pressing a kiss to her son’s cheek. She turned to Kurt with a fond smile. “Kurt, caro, what happened to your arm?”

All the blood drained from Kurt’s face. His eyes flew from Alessandra to Blaine, to Blaine’s father to Rachel. They ended on Alessandra’s concerned countenance and he began to back away.

“I’m sorry, I-I can’t . . . .”

Kurt turned and fled the room.

“Kurt!” Blaine didn’t offer his parents any explanation but took off after his fiancé.

Chapter Nineteen:  Safe

Wednesday November 21, 2012

The mattress shifted under him as the weight from the other side of the bed was removed. Blaine had once been a deep sleeper, but Kurt’s nightmares combined with his current injury had changed that. Blaine was so attuned to him that Kurt could scarcely turn in his sleep without waking Blaine.

“Where are you going?” Blaine asked, pushing himself into a sitting position.

“To get my pain medication,” Kurt answered. “Go back to sleep.”

“I’ll get it,” Blaine ignored him. He was out of bed and down the stairs before Kurt could protest. He returned to find Kurt sitting on the edge of the bed, his arms crossed over his chest.

"When are you going to stop treating me like an eighty-year-old in hospice?” Kurt asked with his best bitch glare fixed on his face.

Blaine did his best to look contrite but Kurt didn’t believe him for a second.

“I’m sorry,” Blaine said as he pressed the medicine bottle into Kurt’s hand. Kurt continued to glare at Blaine as he took the glass of water from him. He washed down the pill and placed the glass on his nightstand without breaking eye contact.

“Are you really that upset with me?” Blaine asked.

“That depends,” Kurt said thoughtfully, using his good arm to push himself to his feet.

“On what?” Blaine asked with a frown.

“On how well you make it up to me,” Kurt said, stepping closer to Blaine.

“Oh really?” Blaine moved so they were even closer.

“Yes, really.”

Kurt closed the distance between them with a happy sigh.


When Kurt woke next he immediately knew Blaine was awake. He could tell by the breaths exhaled on the back of his neck. Blaine had one arm under Kurt’s head, the other holding him close as they lay front-to-back and their legs were intertwined.

“Some people might be concerned with how often you watch me sleep,” Kurt said with a sleepy smile. Blaine chuckled, pressing a kiss to the back of Kurt’s neck.

“Those people don’t matter.”

Kurt made a noncommittal noise as he laced his fingers together with Blaine’s over his chest. A comfortable silence fell over them. Blaine tightened his hold around Kurt, dropping his head to the crook of Kurt’s neck where he breathed in his familiar scent.

"I never feel safer or more loved than when I am in your arms,” Kurt said softly, drawing comfort from their naked bodies pressed together.

“That’s because no matter what happens or where we are I will never let anything happen to you,” Blaine said. Kurt rolled over to face him, resting one hand on Blaine’s bare chest. His fingers played with the hairs that grew there, hairs that always secretly turned Kurt on.

“What if we’re not together?” Kurt asked timidly.

“I’ll never let you go. Even if we aren’t together physically, you’re here in my heart and I’m in yours. No matter what happens I will never let you go,” Blaine answered.

“Just don’t leave me here alone,” Kurt said, tears abruptly flooding his eyes.

“Never,” Blaine promised. He hummed softly, pressing kisses to Kurt’s skin. He pressed one kiss to Kurt’s lips and began to sing.

I remember tears streaming down your face

When I said, "I'll never let you go."

When all those shadows almost killed your light,

I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone."

But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight.

Blaine knew Kurt was scared of his impeding rehabilitation. Neither of them knew how often Blaine would be permitted to visit, and the rest of the family would be in Ohio or New York. Kurt was afraid they would realize how much of a burden he was and forget about him. No matter how much they told him otherwise Kurt couldn’t change the way he felt.

Just close your eyes.

The sun is going down.

You'll be alright.

No one can hurt you now.

Come morning light,

You and I'll be safe and sound.

All any of them wanted was for Kurt to be happy. They didn’t want him to hurt anymore. It seemed rehabilitation was the only way Kurt would ever learn to change the way he thought.

Don't you dare look out your window, darling,

Everything's on fire.

The war outside our door keeps raging on.

Hold on to this lullaby,

Even when music's gone;


Blaine hoped that Kurt would not only learn to change the way he thought but to also leave the past in the past. Kurt would never be able to forget what had happened but he could move on. Remembrance would help him to keep it from happening again but it was unhealthy to live in the past and forget about the present.

Just close your eyes.

The sun is going down.

You'll be alright.

No one can hurt you now.

Come morning light,

You and I'll be safe and sound.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

La, la, la, la

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

La, la, la

Just close your eyes.

You'll be alright.

Come morning light,

You and I'll be safe and sound . . .

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh oh oh.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh oh oh.

Kurt smiled, pressing a tender kiss to Blaine’s lips.

“I’ll always keep you safe,” Blaine promised.

Kurt opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by a knock at the door. He smiled regretfully before rolling over to face the door. Blaine wrapped an arm around Kurt’s waist and pulled him closer. Kurt made sure the sheets and comforter were covering their naked bodies.

“Come in,” Blaine called out.

Finn entered the room, one hand clasped firmly over his eyes. Blaine laughed loudly; Kurt smiled in amusement.

“Finn, what’re you doing?” Kurt asked.

“Dad said to -”

“No,” Kurt cut him off. “Why are you covering your eyes?”

“I don’t want to see anything,” Finn answered.

“See anything?” Kurt asked patiently. Of course he knew what Finn meant but that didn’t mean he wasn’t above making him say it.

“You know, sex,” Finn clarified.

Tears streamed down Blaine’s face as he laughed even louder.

“You can look, Finn,” Kurt told him.

“Are you sure -”


“All right, all right,” Finn said, removing his hand from over his eyes. “Oh.”

“Yes, oh. Now what did Dad say?” Kurt asked.

“He wants to tour Yankee Stadium. Do you want to go?”

“Tour a baseball stadium? I think not. Besides Rachel and I need to start cooking today.”

“Thanksgiving isn’t until tomorrow,” Finn pointed out.

“I know that. But we won’t have time to cook everything tomorrow.”

“What about you, Blaine? Cooper and Carole are coming.”

“No thanks, Finn. I’ll stay here and help Kurt and Rachel.”

“You don’t have to, baby. You can go if you want to,” Kurt said, turning his head to look at Blaine.

“I’ve been before, love. Besides, five is a crowd.”

“Three’s a crowd,” Kurt corrected.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Blaine pretended ignorance.

“Umm, guys, I need an answer. Dad is waiting,” Finn interrupted uncomfortably.

“Sorry, Finn,” Kurt said, returning his attention to his stepbrother. “I’m not going.”

“Me either. You guys have fun,” Blaine said. The second Finn left he collapsed into laughter.

“What is it?” Kurt asked, rolling over.

“Can you imagine what he would have said if he knew we were naked?” Blaine asked through peals of laughter.

Kurt shook his head in amusement. He pressed a kiss to Blaine’s forehead before slipping out of the bed. Blaine abruptly stopped laughing at the sight of his fiancé’s naked body. He waited five full seconds before following him into their shared bathroom.


“We forgot to check the mail,” Kurt said as he set his load of grocery bags on the counter. Rachel groaned, setting down her own bags as Blaine followed suit.

“I’m so not going back downstairs,” she said as she began to put away the groceries.

“I’ll do it,” Blaine volunteered.

“Thanks, love,” Kurt said with a smile. He and Rachel continued to put away the items they didn’t need to cook that day. They had agreed to bake the pies but wait until tomorrow to cook the rest of the Thanksgiving meal.

Rachel had just pulled out the Kitchen Aide mixer Kurt had insisted was a necessity for any kitchen when Blaine returned.

“What are these?” he asked, holding up two magazines.

“Those are wedding magazines,” Kurt said.

Blaine put the magazines on the countertop. Placing his hands Kurt’s hips, he turned him so they were face to face.

“Does this mean what I think it means?” Blaine asked.

“It does,” Kurt said with a wide grin.

Blaine’s lips caught Kurt’s in a passionate kiss. They quickly forgot Rachel was in the room. She giggled, watching them in amusement. Rachel was glad they felt comfortable enough to show affection in her presence. However, she was not glad enough to not interrupt them when Blaine’s hands disappeared under the hem of Kurt’s shirt.

“What does this mean?” Rachel asked loudly.

The two sprang apart, having the decency to look ashamed that they had allowed things to get so heated. Kurt straightened his shirt and arm sling.

“We can set a date!” Blaine exclaimed.

“Really?” Rachel asked in excitement. She squealed, pulling the two into a group hug. They pulled apart when a buzzer sounded throughout the apartment, signaling they had a visitor.

“Finn must have forgotten his key,” Rachel said in amusement.

Blaine kept an arm around Kurt, wanting to discuss wedding dates with him, as he went to answer the call.

“Forget your key again, Finn?” Blaine asked.

“Honey, it’s us,” a familiar female voice drifted through the call box.

“Mom?” Blaine asked, his eyes growing wide. He had thought his parents were in Italy for Thanksgiving, celebrating with his mother’s family.

“What are you parents doing here?” Kurt hissed frantically.

“Come on up,” Blaine said through the speaker before answering Kurt. “I have no idea.”

“They can’t see me!” Kurt cried, motioning towards his immobile left arm. “They’ll ask questions!”

“I can’t ask them to leave, Kurt. They gave us this place,” Blaine reminded him gently.

“I-I-I can’t,” Kurt stammered, panic rising at an alarming rate.

“Baby, calm down,” Blaine said soothingly.

A knock sounded at the door. Rachel was closest to the door but she didn’t open it. Instead she moved to Kurt’s side, hovering protectively.

“I’m so sorry, love,” Blaine said as he reached for the doorknob. He swung the door open to reveal his parents.

“Sorry to drop in like this but we wanted to surprise you,” Alessandra Anderson said as she swept into the room, pressing a kiss to her son’s cheek. She turned to Kurt with a fond smile. “Kurt, caro, what happened to your arm?”

All the blood drained from Kurt’s face. His eyes flew from Alessandra to Blaine, to Blaine’s father to Rachel. They ended on Alessandra’s concerned countenance and he began to back away.

“I’m sorry, I-I can’t . . . .”

Kurt turned and fled the room.

“Kurt!” Blaine didn’t offer his parents any explanation but took off after his fiancé.


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