June 15, 2013, 12:33 p.m.
June 15, 2013, 12:33 p.m.
Lunchtime has come fast and Blaine went to sit with his friends so they can point his new bet to start working to get him.
"That's him," Finn pointed at someone behind Blaine and as Blaine looked behind him at the boy he was speechless, it was the same boy with the beautiful ass he was admiring in the morning. This is going to be fun, Blaine thought as he looked with lustful eyes at the boy sitting a table ahead from him sitting all alone eating a salad.
"I'll be right back," Blaine muttered before he stood up and walked to the boy.
Kurt was sitting alone, minding his own business when suddenly he heard a thump beside him as someone sat beside him, looking beside him he found it's none other than the boy who tapped his ass this morning. The boy was sitting right next to him, like their thighs were touching each other and before Kurt could say anything he heard the deep voice of the guy speaking.
"Mind if I sit here?" The boy asked, his voice sending shivers down Kurt's spine. Trying to act normally Kurt looked at him and said "Whatever" his voice became high pitched as the boy suddenly leaned forward and sniffed at his neck.
"Nice perfume" the boy moaned lowly and Kurt felt his cock twitch slightly in his jeans, "So what's your name, pet?"
"Kurt...Kurt Hummel" Kurt replied playing with his salad not knowing what the boy wants from him. Is it a prank they play on new kids? There's no way a boy as hot as that be interested in me! Kurt thought but soon his thoughts were cut off as the boy started talking again.
"mmm...such a beautiful name to a beautiful creature like you, pet" the boy said "So Kurt are you gay?" Kurt just gapped at how blunt the boy is.
"It's none of your business" Kurt said in a shocked voice.
"Uh uh honey! You don't get it, I gotta know if that hot piece of ass is going to available for me so we could start our little love affair," it'd be harder for Blaine to get into Kurt's pants, not that it's impossible for Blaine he done it before and got some the straightest jocks at school to have sex with him and man did they like it! However, right now Blaine wanted to know what he's into so he can know how much money his friends will owe to him and how much time he'll need to make this ass his.
"Are you crazy? Is this a prank or something?" Kurt voiced his thoughts to the boy next to him he couldn't believe the situation he's into right now and why's this boy is trying to humiliate him.
"Oh no honey I'm just trying to get to know you better. By the way you gotta know my name, pet, it's Blaine. Nice to meet you" Blaine winked at him and Kurt had to look away from the pools of chocolates that are Blaine's eyes before he drowns in them and lose all common sense.
"I think you could know me better in other ways, like having good civilized conversation" Kurt said.
"Oh so you'd like to be wooed first," Blaine exclaimed making Kurt blush slightly muttering an embarrassed "No" which only got Blaine to laugh at the cuteness of the young boy beside him.
"So tell me, pet, where did you come from?" Blaine asked coyly.
"I used to live in New York" Kurt replied.
"Oh man the big apple? What got you to move to Lima?" Blaine asked not believing that someone could leave New York.
"Well we're originally from here but dad moved to New York cause he was offered a job and when he finished that job he said that he misses home and wants to move back here and here we are." Kurt replied in a sad tone, he never wanted to leave New York as all his friends were there and he liked it so much there. However, he planned to go back soon after finishing school so he could enroll in his dream university and become a Broadway performer like he always dreamed of.
"I'm glad you guys moved back here so I could see your angelic face and be able to get to know you," Blaine said with his charming smile and Kurt blushed furiously from the attention and words Blaine is saying to him making him want nothing but to melt into a puddle of goo. For the rest of the lunch Blaine and Kurt got to know each other better and Kurt found himself really attracted to Blaine mysterious personality, making him want to discover more about the boy who looked like he hid many secrets under his outgoing, flirtious persona.
"Gotta go now, pet, see ya around," Blaine said with a wink before standing up and going back to his friends catching them on their way to their classes.
"I swear by the way he's looking at me that he won't take any work from me to get into his pants" Blaine said to his friends as they walked together.
"And by the way you were looking at him, Blainey make me think that you may be falling for him," Puck said in a sarcastic tone.
"Shut up, Puckerman. You know I don't do love." Blaine said in a hard tone.
"But Blaine your eyes were all glittery when you were talking to him." Brittany said.
"May be Frodo will get a boyfriend out of all this shit," Santana laughed nudging Blaine's arm slightly, but soon she stopped as she saw his hard face.
"Okay look fangools. If you see anything in my eyes, it's because I want the twink to like me so I can win your fucking bet and earn the money I deserve. For the money, I want two hundred from you for this bet," Blaine said.
"I'm totally in" Santana said.
"Me and Finn two" Rachel said as did Puck, Brittany, Sam, Mike and Tina.
"Oh you don't get me. I want two hundred from each of you" Blaine said earning wide shocked eyes and opened jaws.
"Oh man you can't say that you know I can't afford that" Sam shouted.
"That's the deal, take it or leave it." Blaine said.
"But what will you give to if you didn't win?" Mike asked.
"You know I never lose a bet," Blaine said.
"You also never ask for that amount of money, it must be a hard one. I suggest you give us your babe" Santana said.
"Oh no you don't mean my Jeep, right Tana?" Blaine said in a shocked voice.
"That's exactly what I mean, Reynolds," Santana said with a sly smile.
"I agree with Tana if you'll get two hundred from each of us then we should get something valuable from you if you lost" Rachel said.
"And you have to bang him next Saturday in at my party" Puck said.
"Oh guys you can't be serious, right" Blaine said.
"That's the deal, Blaine, take it or leave it." Puck mimicked Blaine's words.
"Okay, deal." Blaine groaned.