I Should Tell You
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I Should Tell You: Trust

T - Words: 3,985 - Last Updated: Jun 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Feb 18, 2012 - Updated: Jun 11, 2012
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July 8, 2012

Kurt's lips were all over his body.

That was the only thought Blaine had, the only thought his brain was able to form. Because when there was a boy like Kurt on top of you, nipping at the skin on your collarbone, what other thought was there? Why would anyone be thinking of anything but that?

Except for oh Kurt's hand was travelling south.

The hand roamed all across Blaine's waistband, falling just below before coming right back up and snaking around to hug his back and come on that was just not fair.

"You're such a fucking tease," Blaine growled, rolling them over so he was on top.

Kurt licked a line up Blaine's neck, following one of the tendons there, and smirked that famous Kurt Smirk. "And apparently, not only do you swear like a sailor when you've just woken up," Kurt's hand slid down to cup Blaine through his jeans, "but also when you're turned on."

As soon as Kurt's hand had been there, it disappeared, and Blaine whimpered at the loss of contact.

"Oh, don't whine," Kurt purred. He rolled them again, once more putting himself on top and bracing himself up with one hand on each side of Blaine's head. He leaned in close and sang softly into Blaine's ear, "It's me who put you where you are now, and I can put you back down too."

Blaine sighed and turned his head, catching Kurt's lips in a heated kiss. There was no preamble, no request for entrance, he automatically thrust his tongue into Kurt's mouth, asserting his dominance even though he was the one on bottom. Right when he felt Kurt melting into him, he pulled away and sang back, "Don't you want me, baby?"

Kurt laughed. "I thought I told you not to call me baby."


Blaine moaned, flinging his arm out of the cocoon of covers to assault his alarm clock, pressing any and every button until the noise would finally just shut up. Then, remembering what happened last time he did that, he rolled over and made sure to actually turn the alarm off, instead of just on snooze. Satisfied, he turned back over and reached out to grab his other pillow and throw it on top of his head, trying to go back to that amazing dream.

Why did his alarm even go off, anyway? It was Sunday. He didn't have anywhere to be today. Whatever. He must have set it the previous night, thinking a day ahead. His mind tended to get messed up on weekends.

The more important question was why was he thinking about his alarm clock and not that stupendous dream he was just so violently torn from? The one with Kurt on top of him, licking all over and kissing all over and touching all over. That was the only thing he needed to focus on right now. Maybe if he thought about it enough, he could go back to it. That could happen, right? If he just relaxed, and tried to go back to sleep thinking about the dream he'd just had, he could return to it and pick up where he left off. It was worth a shot anyway. It was only 7 in the morning, he had nothing but time to imagine Kurt without a shirt on, using his mouth in ways that should really be illegal—

And oh, hello, morning erection. That was slightly inconvenient, with no Kurt to take care of it. Not that he would. They were still going slow. It had only been a week later and Blaine had only gotten kisses similar to their first, that night in his bed. The night that Kurt had slept over. In his bed. Wrapped up in Blaine with only so many layers of fabric between them. Only so many layers of fabric separating Blaine from Kurt's—

Okay, this train of thought was so not helping. He would have taken care of it himself, had he not heard Laurel moving around in the kitchen. Knowing Laurel was awake only a few rooms away just made Blaine feel gross about doing that, especially since he was still mad about everything she said to Kurt a week ago.

I mean, seriously, it was just not okay to talk to his boyfriend like that. The fear was evident in Kurt's eyes the whole time, she should have noticed that and stopped. But she just kept plowing on like she didn't care about Kurt at all, which, Blaine supposed, she probably didn't. To her, Kurt was just another Trevor. And there's another thing to worry about, Blaine thought. Now that he and Kurt were together, he knew he'd have to tell him about Trevor eventually. Sooner, rather than later, because Kurt had already asked once, and after everything Kurt had already revealed to him, he didn't want to make the poor boy ask again. They'd been honest with each other about everything from day one. Hell, they were spilling their guts out on their first date. So why was it so hard for him to tell Kurt about Trevor?

Well, hello, bonerkill. Apparently, thinking about Trevor totally killed Blaine's buzz and he now had no problem to take care of.

Snorting to himself, he rolled out of bed, deciding that no way his overactive brain would go back to sleep now, and headed down to the kitchen for food.

"Well, good morning. I didn't expect to see you up this early," Laurel noted from her place at the table, throwing handfuls of sugar on top of her cereal.

Blaine grunted at response, still not exactly on speaking terms with his cousin.

"What woke you up?"

"My alarm," he said, not bothering to elaborate. He pulled the bread down from on top of the fridge and undid the twist-tie, taking out two slices and popping them in the toaster.

"Why was your alarm set on a Sunday?"

He shrugged, putting the bread back and opening the refrigerator door to get the butter and grape jelly. "Dunno." Sure, he could have explained how he probably set it on accident, thinking it was a day ahead than it actually was, but honestly, he didn't care enough to.

"Blaine," Laurel sighed. "I know you're still angry at me for what I said to Kurt—"

"Understatement of the year," Blaine muttered.

"—but can we at least talk about it?"

He spun around and put on the best bitch face he could muster, trying to picture the way his boyfriend did it, because Kurt's bitch face was the best. "What are you gonna say? What could you possibly have to say to me to make what you said okay? Sure, yeah, at first it was kind of endearing. Like, hey, look at my older cousin being so cute, protecting my virtue—even though, from Kurt, that's completely unnecessary—but you just took it too far."

"I know, I just—"

"Just crossed a line. A big fucking line, Laur, that should have been plain as day to you." Blaine pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled sharply. "Did you not see the look on his face? He was terrified."

"I know," she repeated, "and I'm sorry. At the time, I was focused more on you. I just want to make sure that Kurt doesn't cross any lines."

"And he won't. You don't know him. You've spent, like, a day with him. I've spent almost every day for the past month with him. I'm aware that that's not long enough to really know a person in and out, but as cryptic as he can be sometimes, he can also turn into the biggest open book ever; I feel like I have a pretty good grip on who he is, essentially. And he's nothing like the person you've conjured up in your head."

The toaster shot his bread—now toast—up into the air, so with that, Blaine turned around and grabbed the first one out, spreading it with butter and jelly, then picked the second one up and did the same. He brought his plate to the table and sat down next to his cousin, at the head of the table. He looked up to see Laurel looking at him with a mixture of frustration and sadness.

"What?" he snapped.

"Trevor seemed pretty nice at first too—"

And that was it, Blaine had had it. "Stop comparing Kurt to Trevor! God, you know how much that whole thing affected me, I thought we agreed not to talk about him anymore! Why do you insist on continuing to bring him up? It's like I can't fucking escape him." Blaine choked on the last word, digging his fists into his eyes to stop the impending tears that almost always came with mention of Tre—…him.

Laurel was quiet for a few moments, just rubbing her hand on Blaine's back in soothing circles. He was hopeful that the subject had been dropped when Laurel said, "He asked me about him, you know. Kurt did."

That certainly got his attention. He shot his gaze up to catch Laurel's eyes. "What?"

"The morning after your sleep over last week, when you were in the shower, Kurt came into the kitchen to cook breakfast, you know." It wasn't a question, but Blaine nodded anyway. "Well, when he and I were in here together, he asked me about Trevor."

Blaine paused, unsure of how to handle the situation. He decided it would be best to have all of the information before making any sort of conclusions. "What exactly did he say?"

"He was at the stove cooking the eggs, and he just kind of casually brought it up. He was like, 'So who's Trevor?' I was taken aback, actually, because I couldn't believe that you would tell him about Trevor. And obviously, if he felt the need to ask, you didn't really tell him. So when I didn't say anything, he continued talking, saying, 'It's just that Blaine mentioned him last night, but he seemed too upset about whatever happened with him to talk about it, so I figured I'd ask you so I wouldn't upset him again by making him tell me another time.'"

"I'm sorry, making me? Kurt thinks he can make me tell him?"

"I'm pretty sure that was his word choice, because I had the same reaction, I just didn't say anything about it."

"Then what did you say?"

"I just told him that that was your business and you'd have to tell him yourself. But you really should tell him, Blaine. He deserves to know."

"Bullshit," he spat. "If he's asking you about my private life, he doesn't deserve to know anything."

"He was just curious, it's understandable. If you ever told anyone about Trevor, it should definitely be Kurt."

"What, so now suddenly Kurt is this amazing person I can just tell everything to, including the Trevor Incident, when 5 seconds ago he was exactly like him? You know what, no, I'm done."

Without even taking a bite, because he suddenly wasn't hungry at all, Blaine shoved his plate away from him at the table and jumped out of the chair, throwing it on its side as he stood. Now, not only was Laurel on his bitch list, but his boyfriend was, too.

Kurt obviously had good intentions, not wanting to put him through the pain of retelling the story of Trevor. But to go and ask Laurel about it? He had no right to do that. Why was Kurt even talking to Laurel that morning? Shouldn't he have been just as pissed, if not more so, at her? He sure seemed that way when Blaine got out of the shower and suggested they take their food to his room to avoid having to sit with her at the table. Even aside from that, Kurt should have known not to ask her about that. If it was so obviously upsetting to him, Kurt should have realized that it was a sensitive, personal subject that should be brought up with Blaine and Blaine only.

Tomorrow would be interesting.

Blaine ignored his boyfriend's texts all day long. He didn't send some excuse about studying or being busy, he just flat out did not answer them. That night, when Kurt called, he knew a simple ignore wouldn't do, not now that he knew the reason for those calls. So when he answered the phone, he assured Kurt that yes he was fine, he just didn't feel like texting back all day, and he was actually pretty tired so he was just going to go to sleep, sorry we only got to talk for 2 minutes, but he was exhausted. Kurt was obviously confused, and slightly angry, but he couldn't bring himself to care. This conversation was not one he wanted to have over the phone.

As predicted, when Kurt showed up to English the next morning, he smiled at Blaine and sat down right next to him, brushing their knees together.

Blaine stood up and moved a seat over.

The hurt that washed over Kurt's face almost made Blaine move back and take Kurt's face in his arms and kiss him until their oxygen supplies depleted. Almost. Then Blaine remembered his reason for being angry in the first place, Kurt's total breach of privacy, and suddenly, he didn't feel so bad. As long as he didn't look at Kurt's face, because if he saw those big, blue eyes shining at him, he'd crumble in a heartbeat. So to keep his resolve, he stayed staring straight ahead, practically burning holes in his professor's head for the hour they were in class. The thing was, as hard as he was concentrating on his professor, he could feel Kurt concentrating just as hard on him.

So as soon as class was dismissed, he wasn't a bit surprised to feel Kurt snap out and grab his wrist as he tried to brush past him.

"Excuse me? Hi, I'm Kurt, your boyfriend. Do you want to tell me what's going on here?"

Blaine ripped his arm away, Kurt gaping at him in shock, and sighed. "Not here."

He didn't say another word, but when he descended the auditorium stairs and headed out the door, he knew Kurt was trailing after him. Thank whatever powers above that Kurt didn't try to talk to him the entire way to their coffee shop. But as soon as they walked through the doors and Blaine made his way to stand in line, Kurt grabbed his arm again and started to pull him straight to a table.

"Nuh-uh. You owe me an explanation right now."

"I don't owe you anything," Blaine retorted, snatching his arm back with just as much force as before. "And I'm getting my coffee first, because at this point, I'm going to need the extra energy boost to deal with you."

Kurt's jaw dropped and he looked as if Blaine had slapped him. "Fine." With that one word, he spun on his heel and headed over to a table in the back corner.

So Blaine stood in line, waited for the 3 people in front of him until it was finally his turn to order. Then, he waited for those 3 people's drinks to be made, waited for his own, and eventually made his way over to Kurt, who looked absolutely furious.

He hadn't even sat down fully before Kurt started. "Alright, you made me wait 10 minutes for you to get your damn coffee, so spit it out. What the hell, Blaine? Is this, whatever this is, why you were ignoring me yesterday, why you barely spent 2 seconds on the phone with me last night—"

"My phone recorded the conversation at 2 minutes and 33 seconds," he cut in smoothly.

"—and why you're acting like a complete and total dick to me today?"

"Oh, I'm the dick? Really?"

"Right now, yes."

"Real nice, Kurt. Especially given that I haven't done anything. I've been patient with you, letting you tell me the difficult stuff about yourself on your own terms. I never pushed you to tell me something you didn't want to or weren't ready to, or asked someone else about something that obviously really affected you, really made you feel like absolute shit."

Judging by the way that Kurt's face went from livid to kicked puppy in point three seconds, Blaine knew he'd figured out exactly what he was talking about. He studied his boyfriend's face and noted the dark circles under his eyes, signaling that he hadn't been able to sleep last night. It must have been because Blaine refused to have their routinely phone call. For a split second, Blaine felt bad for Soulmate, but then he reminded himself of why he was so angry and shook it off.


"Yeah. Exactly. Not so angry now, are you? That's okay, I'm pretty pissed enough for the both of us."

"Just let me explain—"

"Explain what?" Blaine laughed hollowly, spinning his cup like he so often did. "You had no right to ask my cousin, of all people, about Trevor." Just saying the name made his hair stand on end, and he shivered, wrapping one arm around himself and still clutching his coffee with the other.

Noticing Blaine's sudden change in demeanor, Kurt's face just fell completely apart and he reached a hand out, going to touch the hand Blaine held around the cup. He recoiled immediately, causing Kurt to gingerly pull his hand back.

"I just…wanted to know. This Trevor guy, whoever he is, obviously hurt you. You implied that you'd tell me eventually, you just didn't want to in that moment, so I thought instead of making you relive whatever horrible memories are attached with that story, I'd have Laurel tell me instead."

"You don't get it," Blaine sighed, suddenly feeling as exhausted as he lied and told Kurt he was last night. "That's exactly my point. I told you that I would tell you, I just couldn't that night. You can obviously tell that there are, indeed, horrible memories attached with that. You had to have known, then, that it would be a sore subject to breach—"

"Yes, which is why I—"

"I wasn't finished. So if you could already tell that it was something bad, you should have just respected the fact that it would be a hard story to tell, and waited for me to tell you on my own terms, just as I've done for you with everything you've told me. I never tell Laurel any of the stories you tell me, even when she pries, because they're not my stories to tell." Blaine lowered his voice, leaning his face close to Kurt's from across the table. "I would never go around telling other people about your mother, or about your nightmares, or about Karofsky, because it's not my place." He fell against the back of his chair again, now done mentioning things he'd prefer prying ears didn't pick up on. "So why would you think it was Laurel's place to tell you my history? For that matter, what makes you think Laurel even knows the whole story?"

Kurt opened and shut his mouth a few times, reminding Blaine of the cutest fish he'd ever seen, and—no. You're angry. Focus. Just stare at the table.

"I'm not sure, I guess I just figured it was worth a shot. If she didn't know anything, she'd tell me as much. But something about the way she said you would have told her if you'd lost your…you know…made me feel like she probably knew everything." Kurt made a sound like a wounded kitten, which made Blaine immediately look up to see tears shining in his boyfriend's eyes. "I'm so sorry, Blaine. I didn't mean to hurt you, or invade your privacy in any way. I just didn't want to make you go through telling me that story; I saw how much it killed you inside just at the mention of him. And you did that today, too. I can see how hard it is for you to even think about it, much less relive it by telling me all about it."

"How do you not see how that was my decision to make? I get why you did it, but, God, Kurt." Blaine ran a hand through his hair and shut his eyes. "I hadn't thought about Trevor in a long time, until you came along. I was able to live my life without so much as a fleeting thought about him. Then, suddenly, I meet you. And you're amazing, and as soon as I tell Laurel about you, she reminds me of the Trevor Incident, and it's like it all comes back and it sucks. I've been doing my best to just push those thoughts away because you're right, it hurts to think about, so fucking much. But, I'm guessing you hurt just as bad having to relive the stories you told me, judging from the amount of tears that came with them.

"Bad stuff happens, Kurt. It hurts like hell, we wallow, and we move on. Then we meet people who make us feel good again, who give us the strength to relive those horrible moments because we don't want to only share the good parts of each other, but the bad, too. I want to do that for you, Kurt. I want to tell you everything about me, and that includes the Trevor Incident, but that story is going to be the hardest for me to tell. Given what I've already told you about everything with my parents, you should be able to figure out just how bad everything with Trevor really was. So obviously, it's going to take time for me to be able to tell you. You should have just accepted that and waited until I was ready."

"I know that now," Kurt said. His voice was pleading, making it sound like he was begging the grim reaper for his life. "And I can't tell you how sorry I am. I wish I could take it back, just keep my mouth shut and wait for you to tell me."

"Except you can't. What's done is done."

Blaine made a promise to himself on day one that he would never make Kurt look like that. He never wanted to hurt the beautiful, perfect boy sitting across from him. But now, that image of Kurt was cracking, and Blaine was starting to see that Kurt was a human after all, with his own flaws, just like him.

"Blaine," he whispered, reaching out again.

Before he even thought about it, Blaine was standing, coffee in hand and not a sip taken. "I know, Kurt. I know you're sorry. And I can forgive you, I just…I need a few days."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

Kurt's voice was so small that Blaine wanted to just throw the coffee across the room and scoop him up in his arms and hold him until they both just died right there in the caf�. But he knew he couldn't do that. Not when Kurt had betrayed his trust like that. Because that's exactly what he'd done. Blaine had trusted Kurt to trust him, trust that he would tell him in his own time, on his own terms, when he was ready. This whole fight, it was about trust. Sure, it was only less than a month into the relationship, but if they didn't have trust, what did they have?

"No. I still care about you. I wouldn't do that. I just need a few days to cool off. Okay?"


He'd only taken two steps before he turned back to look at the broken boy in the chair, the one he'd grown to care about more than almost anyone on this planet. Sure, they were fighting, and Blaine was still pissed about the entire situation…but when Kurt hurt, Blaine felt it. And on top of everything else, he didn't need to feel this; he didn't want Kurt to feel like this.

So before he could let the anger change his mind, he walked back over to his boyfriend and put both hands on the side of his face, angling it so that he could press his lips lightly to the boy's forehead.

"I'll see you tomorrow. I don't feel much like learning about photosynthesis today."


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