I Should Tell You
The Day Blaine Became A Man Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I Should Tell You: The Day Blaine Became A Man

T - Words: 5,945 - Last Updated: Jun 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Feb 18, 2012 - Updated: Jun 11, 2012
1,716 0 3 0 1

December 23, 2012

The days following Kurt and Blaine's reunion were spent, for the large part, in one of their bedrooms. All of their time wasn't necessarily spent doing anything sexual—although there was plenty of that—but it was mostly just enjoying being in each other's company again. It had been so long since they had really just touched each other and lay with each other and held each other that now it was all they wanted to do.

The first 3 days were spent at Laurel and Blaine's house, but now they were at Kurt's house and in Kurt's bed. The sun had long since come up but Blaine didn't care. He was content to lie in bed with Kurt for the rest of his life.

Kurt stirred in his arms and blinked awake. "Mmm. Hi."

"Hi," Blaine murmured, kissing the top of Kurt's head where it was resting on his chest.

"Is that going to be our new thing? We say 'hi' to each other all the time?"

"It could be. A way of always greeting each other like it's the first time so that we know there will never be a last."

"Ah, but we never said 'hi' to each other the first time we met."

"Really?" Blaine thought back to that day and found that Kurt was right; they never actually said 'hi.' He opened his mouth to tell Kurt that he was right, but closed it again when he also remembered a different day with them. A day when he was talking with Kurt and Burt and discussing the first day they'd met. He still hadn't heard Kurt's side of that. Maybe this was his opening. "I don't remember every little detail that well. Why don't you remind me?"

His ribcage vibrated with Kurt's laughter against him. "Nice try, Soulmate. I know full well you remember that day very clearly."

Damnit. Blaine huffed in annoyance, causing Kurt to chuckle again and squeeze his waist. "You'll tell me your side eventually, right?"

"One day, when it's the right moment, I will regale you the story of how we met from the eyes of the one and only Kurt Elizabeth Hummel."

"I'm holding you to that, you know."

Kurt yawned, looking like the most adorable cat Blaine had ever seen, and sighed, "Mmk," before snuggling further into Blaine's chest. Blaine responded immediately, tightening his arms around Kurt and pulling him even closer into his side, leaning his head down to place a kiss on Kurt's hair and just letting his lips linger, breathing in the scent of Kurt's shampoo.

"God, I missed this," Blaine breathed. Kurt looked up at him curiously but with a soft smile on his face. "I missed the way your body pressed against mine feels like puzzle pieces being slotted together; I missed the way the scent of your shampoo smells like home; I missed the way your laughter sounds like the music for the soundtrack of my life."

"Watch it, Romeo, you're straddling the line of romantic and cheesy here."

Blaine playfully clapped Kurt on the back. "Hush, you. It's been far too long since I've been allowed to be romantic with you."

"We barely lasted a month and a half before we got back together."

"And that was a month and a half too long without you."

With the way Kurt was acting this morning, Blaine was starting to get a little insecure that maybe Kurt hadn't wanted to get back together after all; maybe it was just the heat of the moment and now he wanted back out but he didn't know how to do it.



"You wanted to get back together, right? You and me, this is what you want, isn't it?"

Kurt's brow furrowed; he reached a hand up and began tucking Blaine's curls gently behind his ears, more a sign of intimacy and affection than actually trying to tame the spring-loaded Tigger tails on Blaine's head. "Of course it is. Why would you ask that?"

"I'm just making sure. You seem so…nonchalant about everything today."

"I don't…" Kurt took a breath and tried again. "I don't want you to think I can't survive without you."


"Just let me explain. I don't want you to think I can't survive without you because I don't want you to know how much that's true. The time we were apart was the hardest time of my life, apart from when my mom died, and it was killing me to not be with you. But that's behind us now and I don't want to dwell on it and I don't want you to beat yourself up over it."

If what Kurt wanted was to move on, then that's what he'd do. If Kurt wanted them to not dwell on it, then that's what they'd do. If Kurt didn't want him to beat himself up over what happened, then he wouldn't. Simple as that. From now on, he was putting Kurt's needs and desires far above his own.

Because that's what love is.

"Okay," Blaine said, scratching Kurt's back with one hand and bringing the other up to catch Kurt's hand that had been running through his hair. He laced their fingers together and kissed Kurt's knuckled before bringing their entwined hands to his chest.

"Okay?" Kurt didn't look convinced, like he was waiting for Blaine to go against him.

Blaine simple smiled and repeated, "Okay."

"You're not going to talk about how it's all your fault?"


"You're not going to rehash all of the details and go through every bad thing you did to prove you're unworthy?"


"You're not going to—"

"Kurt," Blaine laughed, "stop. I'm not going to do any of that. I'm fine, okay? You said we were moving on and you didn't want me to beat myself up over it so that's what's happening."

"Are you just mentally self-deprecating and not telling me?"

"Relationship Rule Number One, Kurt."

Kurt smiled softly. "No lying."

"No lying," Blaine repeated.

Even after all the times Blaine had adamantly refused to have Relationship Rules with Kurt, and all the times he'd made fun of Carter for having them with Amanda, they ended up setting some. There weren't many, but number one on the list was no lying. That was the most important thing.

"So you're really okay with the fact that I was dying without you?"

"No," Blaine sighed. He wasn't, and since they'd just stated RR1, he wasn't going to lie. He had to be honest. He could, though, elaborate in his honesty. "I'm not okay with the fact that I put you through so much pain. That knowledge will haunt me for the rest of my life, Kurt. But so will what happened with Trevor. The important thing is that I learn from my mistakes and move on and know not to let history repeat itself. We had to live without each other for a while—and believe me that was as much torture for me as it was for you—but we're together again and we have each other now and that's all that matters."

The Love Look was back in full force, and it made Blaine's stomache flip even more now because even after everything they'd gone through and everything he'd done, Kurt still looked at him like that.

"I love you," Kurt said simply.

"And I love you."

"And I would love it if the two of you ever got out of bed," a gruff voice said from the doorway.

Blaine almost jumped right out of Kurt's arms, but Kurt was still on his chest, anchoring him to the bed. "Dad, you could always knock, you know."

"I don't have to knock. It's my house. Technically every room in this house is my room. I don't have to knock on my own room."

"Is there any particular reason that you have come barging into your/my room?"

Burt gave Blaine the evil eye. "You two have been in bed for the past 3 days. I gave you guys that time to be all lovey-dovey because you're back together now and finally putting us all out of our misery, but it's time you got up and did something. It's the day before Christmas Eve. Don't you have plans with family, Blaine?"

"Not really. The only family I have is in this house, plus Laurel. But she's doing her Christmas thing with Bryan today because Bryan is doing his Christmas thing with his family tomorrow and the next day. So being with Kurt is the extent of my family plans."

Kurt squeezed his hand and kissed his cheek. "Aww. You think of me as your family?"

"Of course I do," Blaine scoffed, as if the very idea that he might think of Kurt as anything less offended him.

"What about your…uh—your brother?"

Kurt tensed; Blaine guessed he was already preparing himself for the emotions that question was sure to stir up.


"No, it's okay, Kurt. He has a right to ask. Burt, I haven't seen my brother since he was discharged from the hospital about 2 weeks ago. My parents took him home and haven't called or left a message or sent a letter to any effect of my welcome so, no, I have no plans to see him."

Burt stood awkwardly in the doorway for a second, seeming to contemplate something before reaching a decision. "Do you want to?"

"Absolutely," he answered automatically. "I miss Alex every day. But there's nothing I can do."

"Yes, there is. Get dressed, the both of ya; and put your coats on, it's snowing."

"Dad, we can't just—"

"We can just, Kurt, and we will. You wanna hear who can't just? Blaine's parents can't just take his brother away from him after he saved that kid's life. There's gotta be some kinda law against it and if they don't let him see his own brother we're gonna find it."

Before either of the boys in the bed could argue further, Burt left the room. Blaine just lay there in shock. Was this really happening? He never really thought that it was possible to see Alex again, yet here Burt Hummel was presenting him with that opportunity.

It seemed too good to be true.

Then again, a month ago, having Kurt back in his arms seemed too good to be true. But that was happening.

Maybe he could actually have a happily ever after ending.

"Are you going to do it?" Kurt asked.

Neither of them had moved yet, so Blaine only had to tip his head down a bit to make eye contact with his boyfriend. "Am I going to do what?"

"Get dressed. Go with my dad. Try to see Alex."

"Yeah. What do I have to lose? They're already keeping him from me. It couldn't hurt to try and end that."

Kurt leaned up and kissed his nose. "Sounds like a plan."

They both got up after that and dressed quickly. Blaine still had some clothes here from their summer together so he had a good variety to choose from in order to put a coherent outfit together. He was even able to get Kurt's approval on the first try, which is something that had never happened before. But he knew the moment he met his new group of girl friends in the Uggs—The Uggs Society as he called them—that he'd finally figured out how to judge fashion like Kurt.

Finally, they were ready, and when they went downstairs Burt was sitting in his armchair, reading the newspaper, but keys in hand and at the ready for whenever they came down. The moment he heard their footsteps around the corner he shot up and set the newspaper on the coffee table.

"It's about time. What'd you two do, lay in bed for another hour?"

Kurt rolled his eyes. "You know it takes a while to look like this, Dad."

Whereas Burt snorted at his son's drive for perfection, Blaine could only smile, because he'd missed how impeccable Kurt was always looking.

Now that they were together again and sleeping together, Kurt was able to sleep again, though the nightmares were still there. The dark circles were beginning to fade away, but it was going to take a lot longer with Kurt waking in the middle of the night screaming at the top of his lungs for Blaine to come back. Blaine would always have to wake Kurt up and hold him and reassure him that he was there and he wasn't ever going to leave him again while Kurt just sobbed against his shoulder, clawing at his back like he would leave at any second.

Blaine fidgeted in his seat the entire drive, trying to calm down as he gave Burt directions to his old house. There was no doubt in his mind his parents hadn't moved and he'd remember that address for the rest of his life. Throughout the whole drive, Blaine's legs were bouncing up and down and he was rubbing his hands together, clenched between his thighs. Eventually, Kurt placed a hand on his knee and gave him a pointed look that said, "Calm down. I'm here for you." After that, he didn't fidget quite so much.

Finally they reached Blaine's house. Kurt gasped from beside him on the bench in the truck as Burt pulled into the large circle drive.

"Oh, my God, Blaine. This isn't a house; it's a mansion; a bed and breakfast, really."

Blaine shrugged. He hated that Kurt was seeing this part of his life. "It's not me anymore."

"But it used to be. I bet you and your friends had a blast playing hide and seek in that house."

"I didn't have friends," he stated simply, opening the door and stepping down from the truck. He held out a hand to Kurt to help him out of the truck.

Kurt graciously took it and stepped down. "Thank you, kind sir."

Blaine lifted Kurt's hand to his lips before letting it go. "You're ever so welcome."

"Quit re-enacting every romantic comedy known to man and let's go," Burt grunted.

"I don't think every romantic comedy known to man is between two men, Dad."

Burt ignored his son's comment and knocked on the door as they reached it. When no one answered, Burt banged on it again and started shouting. "You in there, Andersons? Answer the door. I don't have all day and it's freezing outside."

The door opened to reveal a housemaid; they'd hired a new one since Blaine left and he had no idea who this was.

"Are the Andersons expecting you?" she asked politely.

"Probably not," Burt answered, gently pushing past the maid and stomping on the welcome mat to get the snow off of his shoes before stepping further into the house.

The maid looked distraught at the intrusion, like she didn't know what to do and just wanted them to leave.

Blaine quickly stepped up to her and held out a hand for her to shake. "I'm Blaine Anderson. I'm their son."

"Oh." She shook his hand with a confused expression on her face. "I thought they only had the one son. The one that was sick."

"We do," Richard Anderson said, emerging from his study. "Blaine, what are you doing here?"

"He's here to see Alex," Burt answered, giving the man a cold stare.

The two fathers glared at each other for a moment before Richard asked, "And who are you?"

"Burt Hummel. I'm Kurt's dad."

Blaine's dad looked from Burt to Kurt and then turned to sneer at Blaine. "Oh, you've found a replacement father, have you?"

"Says the man who had a replacement son," Burt spat out.

The other man immediately tensed. Charlotte descended the grand staircase and when she saw Blaine her face fell from pleasant to uncomfortable. "Blaine, what are you doing here?"

"Funny, Dad just asked the same thing," he said.

"Are you ever going to answer us?" his father asked impatiently.

"Like Burt said, I'm here to see Alex."

His mother laughed, a cold and empty sound. "That's not going to happen."

"It damn well is gonna happen. You're gonna let that man see his brother because he just saved that little boy's life and you owe him the courtesy to at least let him see his brother before Christmas," Burt said, pointing to Blaine.

The tension in the room was extremely uncomfortable. Blaine was vaguely aware of Kurt by his side, holding his hand. He knew that Burt was trying to help, but his parents were looking at him like they had the night they kicked him out; the way they were looking at him combined with the house he was standing in, should have sent him right into a panic attack.

But it didn't. He had Kurt holding onto his hand, and although he wasn't saying anything, he could feel everything that Kurt was saying to him. It was all being conveyed to him through those fingers that were threaded through his. Kurt was his anchor, and he didn't have to panic anymore because with Kurt by his side they'd figure everything out together.

"Are you okay?" Kurt whispered discreetly in his ear.

Blaine nodded minutely. "I'm fine," he muttered.

Just then, Alex appeared at the top of the steps, rubbing sleep from his eyes and holding a blanket. He'd obviously just woken up from a nap.

"Momma, is it time for snack?"

Charlotte quickly headed back up the stairs and scooped Alex into her arms. "No, baby, Momma wants you to go play with your toys for a few minutes, okay?"

Alex looked over Charlotte's shoulder as she carried him and locked eyes with Blaine. His entire face lit up and he began squirming in his mother's arms, reaching for Blaine. "B'ainey! B'ainey! Momma, B'ainey came to see me! Down!"

She whirled around and scowled at Blaine, trying to keep them from looking at one another. "See what you've caused?"

"I haven't done anything," Blaine argued. "I'm just visiting my brother who is obviously happy to see me. Why can't you just put him down and let him?"

Alex began crying and clawing at Charlotte's back, doing everything he could to get down. "I wanna see B'ainey! Lemme see B'ainey!"

"Just put the kid down and let him see his brother," Burt snapped.

Charlotte locked eyes with her husband and sighed like it was the most inconvenient thing in the world to set her son down; but she did, and Alex came racing down the stairs toward Blaine. When he reached the bottom step and started running towards Blaine, he scooped him up and swirled him around in the air before settling him on his hip.

"Whoa, little man. How are you doing?" Blaine asked, smiling at him.

Alex smiled grabbed onto Blaine's curls, holding his blanket in his other hand. "Good. The doctor said Imma grow my hair back out just like you," he told Blaine proudly.

Blaine chuckled and pressed a kiss to the black fuzz on Alex's head. "I bet."

"When I have curls 'gain, will you play wif 'em?"

He only hesitated for a second before saying, "Sure, buddy."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Blaine," his father said sternly.

Blaine turned his attention to his dad. "I'm not. I will be back to play with Alex. And you'll let me, because without me, he wouldn't be here right now. So here's how our arrangement is going to work. I get to see Alex twice a year: around his birthday and around Christmastime."

"That's not possible—"

"Actually, Mom, it is. And it's not up for debate. You can't keep me from my little brother. I will see him twice a year. When is his birthday?"

His parents glanced at each other and said nothing. Blaine rolled his eyes, because his parents really thought if they didn't tell him Alex's birthday then he wouldn't be able to come, when Alex told him, "July twinny-fif, B'ainey."

He looked back at Alex and smiled. "July 25th?"

Alex nodded in affirmative.

"So every year," Blaine said to his parents, "around the end of July and the end of December, I will come to visit him. I don't care if you like it. I don't care if you're okay with it. This is my baby brother and you kept me out of the first 3 years of his life and I refuse to be shut out any more than that. He deserves to have his big brother."

"His big brother who's just going to end up turning him into a fag too," Richard snarled.

The second the word left Mr. Anderson's mouth, Burt roared, "What did you just call him?"

Kurt had to physically restrain his dad from lunging at Blaine's, but Blaine didn't even flinch. He was so used to his father talking down to him by now that he didn't even notice the insult.

"Yeah, and then if that happens what are you gonna do, kick him out too? You're running out of kids to ruin, Dad." His father's nostrils flared but he kept on. "I'm going to take Alex to the park for a couple hours. I'll be back soon."

Charlotte immediately flew down the stairs in an attempt to stop him. "You aren't going anywhere with my son!"

But Alex had already heard the word "park" and was excited. "Park! Park! B'ainey and Kurt are gonna take me to park!"

His parents both froze. "He remembers the name of your…him?"

Blaine could only roll his eyes. "Of course he does. Kurt came to see him all the time; he was just smart enough to wait until you two were gone."

Kurt's mouth fell open in shock at the fact that Blaine just gave him away. But there was nothing either of them could do now. Alex remembered him, that wasn't Blaine's fault.

"Go," his father grunted. His voice was so low Blaine almost didn't hear him, but then he spoke a second time, louder. "Just go. Take him to the park. If you're not back in two hours I'm calling the police and you won't be allowed to see him again."

"Of course," Blaine nodded, setting Alex down. "Go get your coat on, buddy, we're going to the park."

Alex ran off in the direction of his room with an excited cry. It took him a while to climb all the steps and then make all the way back down, but once he did Blaine held out a hand for him to take and started heading for the door. No one said anything else; the door slamming behind him sounded like a gunshot.

They made it to the truck before Blaine and Kurt turned to look at each other uncertainly.

"The truck isn't big enough for all 4 of us to ride safely," Blaine stated.

The three men looked at each other for a minute. "We could walk," Kurt suggested. "The park isn't too far from here, right, Blaine?"

When Burt looked at him for confirmation, Blaine nodded. "Yeah, it's pretty close. We can walk. Come on, Alex." He gave Alex a gentle tug on the hand and began walking on the sidewalk.

He heard Kurt and Burt making conversation behind him for a brief moment before Kurt jogged to catch up to them and latched onto Alex's other hand. "Dad's going to go home and pick us up in two hours."

"Sounds good."

As they walked down the street, Alex told them all kinds of stories of things that had happened since he'd gotten back home. There were stories about the airplane ride back, the airport losing his suitcase so his parents got mad, the storylines of the dolls' lives that he played with. Blaine inserted little, "Oh, yeah?"s and "That's neat"s where necessary to keep Alex going, but really, he couldn't concentrate on Alex's stories. All Blaine could think about was how right this felt.

The little boy he'd grown to care for so much was finally in his life again. Granted, it hadn't even been a full two weeks since they'd seen each other, but that was long enough for Blaine. He just wanted his little brother back, but it was something that had seemed so impossible to him. Once his parents decided something, they didn't usually change their minds. Yet here he was, taking Alex to the park, probably not for the last time. He'd laid down the law, set the rules, asserted himself, and his parents had listened. They hadn't been happy about it, but they'd actually listened to him and gone with it. That was a step in the right direction, right?

When they reached the park, Alex shot straight for the swings. Kurt and Blaine found a park bench to sit on and watch him play. It occurred to Blaine, as he sat there with his arm around Kurt, Kurt nestled into his side with his head in the crook of Blaine's neck, that this could be their future.

Five, maybe 10 years down the road, this could be them. Married. Their children playing on the park as they sat on the bench and watched with fond smiles. Blaine had finally done it; he'd gotten Kurt back. Their future that they planned before all of the shit hit the fan, it was still theirs if they wanted it.

And, God, Blaine had never wanted something so bad in his entire life.

Not even alcohol.

December 28, 2012

Christmas had come and gone, but the spirit of the holiday lingered. Kurt and Blaine forewent exchanging presents, because having each other back in their lives was present enough.

Then Kurt sheepishly brought out the matching scarf, gloves, and hat to the coat that he had indeed bought for Blaine and left on his doorstep upon learning Blaine had lost his jacket. So Blaine brought out the framed photograph of Kurt's mother when she was pregnant with Kurt with the 2002 Lima Arboretum Trail Guide that had been safely tucked away in Kurt's glovebox in his car. Kurt gaped at him in wonder before attacking him in a hug and placing kisses all over his head and face, saying over and over, "I love you. I love you. I love you so freaking much, you know that?"

Blaine could only laugh because, yeah, he did know that. He was just glad Kurt liked his present and didn't think of it as an invasion of privacy that Blaine would steal the picture of Elizabeth Hummel from Kurt's photo album and the trail guide from his car.

This time, when the Hudmels and Andersons came together for a holiday dinner, it was much more successful. No one had a panic attack; Finn ate at a regular pace; Laurel brought Bryan and they were both very charming, as always; Burt and Carole were the perfect hosts; and of course, Blaine and Kurt sat next to each other and made little loving eyes the entire dinner, often sharing small kisses. It was the perfect holiday dinner, and afterwards, Blaine and Kurt found themselves under the mistletoe. Everyone started cheering and urging them to kiss—as if they needed any sort of encouragement whatsoever—and quickly realized their mistake when the two boys refused to break apart.

Eventually, Laurel and Bryan went back to Laurel's house and Blaine stayed with Kurt. They spent the night doing nothing more than sharing lazy kisses and talking about anything and everything. They still hadn't crossed the line to sex, but they didn't need to. Their relationship was conveyed through more than just physical interaction; they didn't need to have sex to understand that they were in love and trusted each other implicitly.

Once they fell asleep though, the light and simple aspect of their relationship faded. Even Christmas night, Kurt woke screaming as he had every night before and every night after. His nightmares were getting better, he tried to assure Blaine, but they weren't gone. Blaine holding him helped, but it was difficult to shake that feeling of absolute desolation.

Tonight was no different.

Blaine woke with a start to the high-pitched scream he knew better than to jump at by now. He was quick to respond, gently pulling Kurt into his arms as the tears started.

"Shh. Kurt, it's okay. Baby, I'm here; I'm here. You're with me."

Kurt only sobbed into Blaine's shirt, soaking it almost immediately. "You left me. You were gone. Why didn't you stay with me?"

Blaine's heart clenched in his chest like it did every night. "I'm so sorry, Kurt. I promise I'll never leave you again, okay? I'm here and I'm not going anywhere anymore."

"Why wasn't I good enough? Why wasn't I good enough to make you stay? Why didn't you love me enough?"

It was the hardest to deal with those questions. When Kurt woke up, he wasn't always the most coherent. Half of his mind was still in the dream, and when he asked those questions to Blaine, it wasn't to intentionally hurt him with memories of what had happened between them. Blaine knew that. But it didn't make it hurt any less.

"You are good enough, Kurt. You are." He stroked the back of Kurt's head and held him closely, trying to show Kurt through body language that he wasn't ever letting go. "I love you enough. I love you so much more than enough. I love you more than I ever thought possible."

Kurt pulled away and stared into Blaine's eyes. "Then why did you leave me?"

"I don't know. But it's never happening again, okay?"

Soulmate sniffed and nodded. "Okay. Don't leave me anymore."

"I won't. Let's go back to sleep."

Blaine gently pulled Kurt back down with him and rolled his boyfriend over so that Blaine's chest was pressed to Kurt's back. He wrapped an arm over Kurt's waist and brought him as close to his body as possible, burrowing his face in the back of Kurt's neck.

"I'm sorry."

That was the other hardest part; having to hear Kurt apologize for something he should never be sorry for.

"It's not your fault, Kurt. I left because I was an asshole. But that's different now and I have you back and I'm never losing you again. I love you."

"I love you," Kurt returned, yawning and falling back asleep.

December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve.

This was the day Blaine Daniel Anderson was supposed to be a man worthy of Kurt Elizabeth Hummel's love.

Blaine liked to think that he'd been successful, at least so far.

Here was a list of things that Blaine could improve on: He was still an asshole. His abandonment left Kurt with recurring nightmares that resulted in screams that woke the entire house up. He had an urge to drink every night because of it.

Here was a list of things that Blaine had already improved on: He was comforting; every night when Kurt woke up screaming, he was there to help the nightmares fade away and remind Kurt that he was right here. He never gave into the urge to drink, and instead just held Kurt tightly to him and reminded himself that the man in his arms was worth giving up the entire world.

After 4 years of hating himself, Blaine was finally starting to see good things, things that he did right. He was a compassionate person and always willing to help someone who was in need. He was intelligent, enough so that he was able to catch up on all of his classes over Thanksgiving break and end the semester with 1 A, 3 Bs, and 1 C—pretty good for someone who just stopped attending class at all for 2 whole weeks. He was a talented musician who had earned his way into a competitive program and gotten a scholarship for it. He was loyal. When he loved someone, he loved them fiercely, and he would go to hell and back to protect them.

There were still many things for Blaine to sort out; still many negative attributes that would hinder him in the future. But for now, he was content with celebrating the small victories and not focusing on the minute losses.

So, yeah, Blaine liked to think that he'd kept his promise to his future father-in-law.

He had to be sure, though. Which is how he found himself sitting in the Hudmel's living room with the one and only Burt Hummel while Kurt and Carole were out grabbing take-out for dinner and Finn was at Rachel's house helping her set up for the New Year's party she was throwing that night.

"You gonna explain why you got all formal with me all of a sudden and 'requested a private chat,' kid?"

Blaine laughed, which was actually just him letting out the breath of air he'd been holding, and placed his hands on his knees. "It's about the promise I made to you. Back in November."

Burt looked like he was thinking back for a second before leaning back, having found the promise back in his memory. "Ah. I remember."

"I just…" Blaine took a deep breath to prepare himself. "I just want to ask you, Burt, if you think I've kept that promise; if you think that I'm good enough for Kurt, that I'm worthy of him and how he loves me."

There was a pause, a giant pause, where a million awful thoughts ran through Blaine's mind that maybe Burt would say he wasn't good enough, and that he needed to leave now before he hurt Kurt any more than he already had.

But then he stopped and he mentally slapped himself across the face. He was good enough. He'd worked hard over the past couple months to be better and while 2 months of self-improvement was nothing in the years that he'd have to work to get to where he needed to be, he'd accomplished a lot. He was already a totally different person than he had been when he and Kurt broke up. He already knew that he was worthy of Kurt's love, and that he really was able to give it right back; he just wanted Burt's approval, regardless of the fact that either way, it wouldn't change what Blaine already knew.

He was a good person.

"What do you think, Blaine?"

Blaine smiled. "I think I am. I think I'm good enough. I think that Kurt is…Kurt is the most amazing person on the planet, and he deserves someone equally as amazing as him. But I think I can be that guy. Kurt, for all the great things that he is, he has his flaws too, you know? Like his skin care routine that takes almost an hour to complete. That's two hours out of his day that he could be doing something much more productive; plus it screws our bedtime schedule up. And he's the cleanest person I've ever met, except in the kitchen. If he decides he's going to back 4 dozen cookies, he does it, but then he leaves the kitchen looking like a tornado hit and complaining that he's too tired to clean up because he just baked cookies."

He laughed to himself, because even if those were things that annoyed the heck out of him, they were still just so Kurt. "I'm not perfect, Burt. You know that better than anyone. But neither is Kurt. And I think that I still have a long way to go before I've fixed all my issues, but as of right now, I'm a good man. I'm good enough for Kurt and I deserve the love he gives me just as much as he deserves the love I give him."

Burt leaned further back in the chair, scrutinizing Blaine with an unreadable face. Blaine was itching for him to say something, anything, when Kurt and Carole came through the door.

"Honey, I'm home!" they called in unison.

Carole took the food to the kitchen while Kurt came into the living room and sat beside Blaine, instantly slipping his hand into his boyfriend's and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Kurt looked from Burt to Blaine and back again before asking, "What did I miss?"

This question wasn't directed to either of them in particular, but Blaine looked to Burt for the answer. Burt sat forward in his chair and said, "You just missed Blaine becoming a man."

Kurt quirked an eyebrow and looked at Blaine. "Did I, now?"

Blaine could only smile. Because in that moment, that was the best thing Burt Hummel could have said.

"Well, I'm sorry I missed it," Kurt said, kissing Blaine on the cheek again. "You'll have to tell me all about it, sweetheart."

"You see, it all started when I met this guy in a summer class…"

End Notes: Don't worry, the story is over, but we still have the epilogue! It'll take longer than normal because it's going to be SUPER long so be patient and keep on the look-out for it. :)


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Woooooh!! Start the Epilouge soon!! :>

Awwwwwwwwwww!!!! Alex! Aww! And Kurt! (i thought blaine was going to ask burt for permission to marry kurt.... Darn.)

Hey! I love this story and don't want it to end, but thank-you for writing it so well!