I Should Tell You
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I Should Tell You: Fate

T - Words: 2,247 - Last Updated: Jun 11, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Feb 18, 2012 - Updated: Jun 11, 2012
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June 4, 2012


Blaine grumbled, throwing his hand at his alarm, pressing any and all buttons in an attempt to just shut. It. Up.

He'd only had a few days to rest and already he was being thrown back into school. Honestly, it just wasn't fair. But Blaine wanted to hurry and get as many basics as he could out of the way as fast as he could so that he could take all of his fun music courses. He only enrolled for summer 1 session classes, English 101 and Biology 131. He had to admit, he was a bit excited about the English class; he'd always been a closeted literature buff. The science, however, he could do without.

Moaning and sighing and making any other noise of complaint he could muster, Blaine literally rolled out of bed and onto the floor with a harsh thud before lazily rising to his feet. He headed into the bathroom and ran through a quick shower, trying hard not to fall asleep against the tile. As he climbed out of the tub, he heard a faint beeping noise sounding suspiciously like his alarm. Not wanting to wake Laurel up before she needed to be, he rushed to open the bathroom door and head to his room, only to run into her.

"Crap, sorry, I'm going to turn it off now, I promise," he said, grabbing onto her shoulders to balance them both out and keep them from falling.

It was at this moment, with their bodies very close together, that Blaine realized he forgot his towel.

Laurel seemed to register it at the same time and shot a quick glance down before slapping a hand to her face. "Okay, ew. Blaine, we've managed to live together for 4 years without me having to see that. I was kind of hoping we could keep it that way 'til you left. You just ruined our perfect No-Naked-Mishaps Record."

"Sorry." He lurched away from her into the bathroom and snatched the towel from on top of the toilet lid, throwing it around himself. "Awkward. I'm gonna just go and turn my alarm off now."

Laurel nodded, her blonde hair shaking in its loose bun atop her head as she peeked to see if her baby cousin was decent. "You do that. And make sure it's actually off this time, not snoozed."

"Will do."

Two hours later, and Blaine was sitting patiently in his first ever college class, awaiting the arrival of his professor. English was first, at 8am, then biology was at 11am, so he'd be done in time for a late lunch and to still have the rest of the day to have fun.

He'd started doodling music notes in the top left-hand corner of his new notebook's first sheet of paper when he felt the presence of someone sitting beside him, one seat away. Then he looked up, and promptly dropped his pen.

Because the boy sitting there, yeah, Blaine was pretty sure he was the most beautiful creature on the planet.

His pen rolled a little and landed in front of the seat dividing him from who he decided in that moment was his soulmate.

Fortunately, Soulmate was not only stunning, but polite. He reached down and picked up the pen with graceful fingers, giving it a little twirl before looking to Blaine and holding it out.

"I think you dropped this."

He'll admit, the voice got him first. It was higher than a man's voice traditionally was, but in a way that Blaine never thought he'd find attractive. It wasn't until this very moment in time that Blaine decided that higher voices on men were much sexier than lower voices. This boy's voice belonged to an angel.

And then, Blaine looked up, and was pretty sure his body just gave up its ability to function the second those eyes met his.

Soulmate's eyes were strikingly blue, with brown and green and gold and every other color Blaine never thought twice about but were now all his favorites mixed in. It reminded him of abstract art, when the artist would just swirl a bunch of colors together that he or she thought looked pretty and call it art. Personally, abstract art was something Blaine would never understand. What were all those colors mixed up supposed to mean? He could paint that at the age of three. Where's the big introspective statement in that?

Blaine's view of Soulmate's eyes became obstructed as he frowned, causing his eyebrows to crease and his eyelids to fall a little, closing in. It was only then he realized he'd just been gaping at the poor kid.

Finally, he reached out to take it back when the boy smiled.

And honestly, was he trying to kill Blaine before he even had a chance to make a name for himself in this world?

"Hey, I think I know you," Soulmate was saying. "Wait, hold on a sec." He squinted at Blaine even more, looking like he was trying to see something, tapping his chin with Blaine's pen before his whole face lit up. "Aha. Imagine you in a navy blue blazer and voila!"

Now Blaine was deeply confused, and it must have read on his face, because the boy continued.

"Dalton Academy Warblers. You were their lead vocalist junior year, and then I never heard one of your marvelous solos again." He paused, and Blaine thought that he was done and he could finally speak up when Soulmate's lips quirked up in a smirk. "Oh, I think I know what happened. Ursula has your voice, doesn't she? It figures. Now all you need is True Love's Kiss." Soulmate glanced around the room like he was looking for something then turned back to Blaine. "Drat, where's Prince Charming when you need him, right?"

I'm right here, thought Blaine. Then, his brain decided to return to his body and he sat there in awe as he realized that it was horribly presumptuous to assume that he was gay, especially when they were in Ohio. Which could only mean one thing.

Soulmate was gay too.

Well, that sure made their impending marriage easier.

"Blaine," he finally stammered, grabbing the pen out of Soulmate's hand. "I'm Blaine."

The other boy's eyebrows rose slightly. "Oh, so you do talk? Darn, that means you must have already had True Love's Kiss." He turned his head away to stare at his empty desk. "I guess it's true what they say, all the good ones are taken."

"Or gay," Blaine said, before thinking about it. Soulmate snapped his head up and stared at him with confused and searching eyes, so he explained. "The expression. All the good ones are taken or gay."

Soulmate blinked, then got a mischievous glint in his eye and the smirk was back, full force, as he stuck his hand out, empty this time and ready to be shaken. "My name's Kurt. I'm one of the good ones."

Blaine finally smiled and shook his hand. Soulmate, or Kurt, seemed a little startled, in a good way, but Blaine ignored it and asked, "For which reason, the first or second?"

"Hmm." Kurt slipped his hand away and turned around to face the front as the professor walked in. "We're sitting next to each other for the duration of this class, so you'll have the next 4 weeks to figure that out."

Blaine chuckled. "I'm not really known to be a patient person, so I'm just gonna throw it out there that I'm one of the good ones, for the second reason. And only the second reason."

God, when did Blaine become so aggressive in his flirting? He'd basically just said, "Hi, I'm gay and single. Just FYI." How much more desperate could a person sound? And when did this turn into flirting? They were just talking. While Blaine picked out their kids' names in his head. It was totally innocent.

"Good to know. I'm glad my shameless flirting went to good use."

Oh, you have no idea.

Aha, so he was flirting back. This was good. Very good.

Blaine spent the whole introductory lecture going over his conversation with Kurt. It amazed him how forward Kurt had been, from the very beginning. It wasn't often that Blaine met other gay men in Ohio, especially ones who were out and proud like himself. It just didn't happen. Right off the bat, Kurt had thrown him flirtatious looks and lines, not even knowing yet that Blaine would be able to reciprocate. That kid was brave, very brave. He was feisty, and playful, and witty, and had courage. Lots and lots of courage.

After the third time of replaying every word Kurt said in that velvety voice of his, he suddenly realized that Kurt recognized him. He'd known him from the Warblers. Which meant one of two things: Kurt had attended Dalton, and been completely reclusive (which was entirely unlikely given how outgoing he'd just been), or Kurt was part of a rival show choir (which was much more likely given how beautiful his voice was just when he spoke).

He needed to pursue this mystery, and like he said before, he's a very impatient person. The second the professor announced the class was dismissed, Blaine spoke, hoping to catch Kurt in case he was one of the people that shot out of the room as soon as class was over.

"How'd you know?"

For a second, Kurt got that confused look again, and Blaine had to laugh internally as he realized that he was already memorizing this boy's facial expressions.

"How'd you know I was in the Warblers?" he clarified.

"Oh," and like magic, that breathtaking smile appeared. "I went to McKinley High. I was in the New Directions. We competed against you guys a few times."

Blaine's brow furrowed, trying to recall who the New Directions were, as Kurt shouldered his bag and headed down the auditorium seating stairs towards the door. Blaine followed him without hesitation.


Suddenly, Kurt stopped in his tracks and spun around, an almost offended expression on his face. "You don't remember us." It wasn't a question, so Blaine didn't answer. Kurt took his silence as a negative response anyway, and his eyes widened in horror. "I can't believe we are that forgettable, that you wouldn't even remember us less than a year since our last competition."

Blaine thought back, trying to remember. He was sure that if he'd ever seen Kurt before, he would have known it. Without a doubt.

"If you're trying to remember my face in the group," he began, spinning and continuing his walk, "don't bother. I was in the back all the time. Try picturing a miniature-sized brunette girl and a freakishly tall and lanky brown-haired boy."

Oh! That did it.

"Ooh, I remember now."

Kurt scoffed. "Yeah, thought so."

"With a voice like yours, why didn't you ever get any solos?"

Kurt hesitated in his steps for a moment, like what Blaine said made him want to stop again, before resuming his pace and exiting the building, Blaine in tow. "I've known you for an hour and you're already antsing to give me solos. I like you."

Blaine couldn't help it, he smiled at this. "It's what I do," he shrugged.

"That's right, I heard about that," Kurt said, placing a hand briefly on Blaine's shoulder, for one glorious millisecond. "That's why I never heard you sing last year. You decided that everyone deserves their chance to sing a solo and started giving them to all the guys in your group."

"How did you hear about that all the way at McKinley?"

"Our lead girl, Rachel, does extensive research on all of our competitions. When she heard about what you were doing, she was both outraged and ecstatic. She thought it was ludicrous to just hand solos out to everyone, and not just the most talented person in the group, but she was also happy because apparently that made you guys easier competition."

Blaine smirked, remembering the last competition results. "And did it?"

Kurt smiled sweetly. "No. Although, I must say, I did miss your voice at all of those competitions. You're really good."

"I should hope so, I'm about to leave for NYU to study music at the end of the summer."

At this, Kurt stopped more abruptly than he had the first time, and turned to stare at Blaine with his mouth open and eyes wide, in what Blaine decided was his shocked face. "I'm sorry?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to get some basics out of the way before I went there so I could hurry up and take the classes I actually care about, the music ones."

"And you said NYU, correct?"

"Yes?" Blaine didn't mean to make it sound like a question, but at this point he was puzzled as to why this was such a big deal.

He was starting to get worried until Kurt shook his head, the smile back in place. This time, it was more awestruck. "What are the odds?" he mumbled, more to himself than Blaine. "I'm heading to NYU in the fall. I'm in the music program, too."

Blaine blanched. "What are you doing right now? Because I was going to go grab some coffee before I head off to my other class at 11am."

The smile left Kurt's face, but not in a bad way. He looked almost in disbelief. "What class?"

"Biology 131."

Kurt shook his head again, and this time he was smiling like he'd just won the lottery. "I have that same class." He laughed; Blaine died. "Blaine Warbler, I think we were destined to meet."

Blaine smiled in agreement, unable to talk because of the sheer magnitude of the situation. Although, he'd already known fate had laid a hand the second Kurt picked up his pen.


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