June 8, 2016, 7 p.m.
June 8, 2016, 7 p.m.
Susie was behind the food station with Rebecca and they both said hello to Blaine who walked up as he asked for a bowl of soup and bread for Kurt.
“How is he?” Susie asked. Blaine sighed as he took some napkins and some eating utensils while they dished out the food in a big spoon “A bit shaken, but …I think a bit of food will make him feel better,”
“Well there’s plenty since your mom cooks for basically an entire neighbourhood if Kurt wants more,” Rebecca grinned as she handed him the bowl and Susie past over a crunchy bread roll.
“Thanks ladies,”
When he walked back over to Kurt carrying the food on a tray watchful that he didn’t tread on any ones feet, the pale boy was looking around his surroundings; he seemed a little on edge. There were people of all ages, old, young, families with kids. It was quite a sight. Kurt was taking everything in. He looked over to where his colleagues were serving food at one end of the building. There was air conditioning, so it was reasonably warm, Kurt didn’t shiver quite as much as he had when he saw him outside.
“Everything okay?” He asked as he walked over handing Kurt the soup and roll. Kurt thanked him when he took hold of the food and eyes went wide when he felt how warm the bowl was.
Kurt whispered “I’m not used to being around so many people,” No kidding. Kurt was pretty jumpy whenever someone came near him.
“No one is going to hurt you Kurt, we have tight security here too so that everyone’s safe,”
Kurt nodded “You’re a good person Blaine,” Blaine didn’t respond to that, he wasn’t sure how. He wanted to ask Kurt what happened, but he didn’t want to scare him off either. Some people didn’t like to talk about it. Kurt lifted the soup to his mouth and a groan left his lip. He closed his eyes as though trying to remember what it taste like.
“How are the Warbers going?” Kurt asked then after the silence began to sink in. Blaine’s face lit up, surprised he remembered their conversation. He loved talking about his friends. He explained how they were going to sing for sectionals after holidays were over, and they had been practising non-stop even though they also had exams. Wes is a little irritating with his gavel, but the Warblers all seem to take his advice when he comes up with an idea, and he’s very thankful for that but he still can’t understand why sometimes.
“It sounds like they love having you for a leader,” Kurt said fondly, he was starting to cheer up at Blaine’s company. Blaine was pleased to see the soup was half empty already.
“Maybe? I’m not sure…I think it might be because I was the one who decided we should put on random shows every now and then to get the Warblers noticed, and it worked. Ever since then they’ll look to me and I’ll suggest a number, and we’ll bust out into song, and the whole school will shut down to watch, it’s kind of a tradition now, and it’s a lot of fun,” Kurt smiled and Blaine loved seeing it.
“It sounds great,” Kurt broke off a bit of bread roll and offered some to Blaine. Blaine shook his head but Kurt insisted. “Thank you Kurt,” He decided it wouldn’t hurt if it meant Kurt was happy.
“Do you like to sing?” Blaine questioned then and Kurt looked sad for a moment. He mentally kicked himself for putting that expression on Kurt’s face. “I used to but I don’t sing anymore,”
“I’d like to hear you sing one day,” Blaine responded softly. Kurt was always fascinating to Blaine. He wanted to know more and he couldn’t quite understand why.
“Maybe, maybe if you sing with me,” Kurt blushed lightly and looked bashfully at Blaine who nudged him back. “Deal, do you like baby it’s cold outside?” Kurt’s eyes sparkled at the mention. “I love it,”
“Well - every Christmas I put on a show here, would you like to sing with me? As a duo, help spread a bit of Christmas cheer?” Kurt nodded. “I’d love that,” Blaine beamed. “I can’t wait to practise with you, the show will be on Christmas day since not a lot of people here have a home to go to if that’s okay,” Kurt reddened then and Blaine found himself enjoying the look as he nodded “Yeah, that’s fine,”
Blaine didn’t work at the shelter the next day. He told Kurt what days he did work though and said to come early so he could make sure Kurt got a bed.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Kurt had a place to sleep and food. It made him feel better and he was able to sleep at night knowing Kurt was safe. The first few times Kurt’s hesitated and slowly made his way through the line, but with Blaine’s encouragement Kurt started to realise he was welcomed there. He was looking better as Blaine sometimes brought in some sweets that he and his mom made together. He liked talking to Kurt. He was a new friend for Blaine and he was actually funny, and smart. When Blaine talked about some of the topics they were learning in school Kurt helped him out sometimes.
“I read when I can,” Kurt told when Blaine asked how he knew all this.
“You’re very smart you know,” Kurt had blushed at the comment. His pale skin wasn’t as white now, it was more a healthy colour and Blaine was really pleased to see that. He still looked far too underweight, but Blaine planned to work on that. He knew just the thing that could help put calories on anyone. His mother’s famous cakes.
“How’s that friend of yours?” Jeff asked as they walked to class. Blaine eye’s narrowed “What?”
“Wes told me you were helping out a friend that’s why you’ve been so preoccupied lately?” He said as though sensing his confusion. Wes always made excuses for him when he couldn’t attend one of their outings. He made a mental note to thank Wes later.
“Oh Kurt, yeah he’s going good, he’s a bit frightened still but I think I’m helping him come out of his shell,” Jeff grinned “If anyone can do it Blaine, it’ll be you, say hi for me?”
“Blaine!” Nick ran up to them and almost tripped as he bumped into someone “Sorry,” He muttered before catching them. “I was wondering what number we were doing this week?”
“Yeah?” Nick walked with them eager to hear the song choice and Jeff and Wes were careful not to interrupt when Blaine was thinking a plan.
“How about you take the lead for a change,” Everybody stared in shock. Wes felt his forehead when he joined them. “Are you okay Blaine?”
“I’m fine, but Nick has auditioned for solos 7 times, I think it’s only fair,”
“I have a song in mind,” Nick beamed “I won’t let you down Blaine,”
Blaine nodded with a smile. “I’m sure you won’t,” He shrugged when the others continued to stare at him. “Look guys, I’ve got a lot on my plate, I’ll still work on songs for sectionals, but it won’t hurt for Nick to have a solo, one time,” The others nodded in unison. They always agreed with what Blaine did. He realised now after talking to Kurt that it was nice to have a different opinion every once and a while, and Kurt always had a different opinion. He chuckled thinking back to when Kurt called them Blaine Warbler and the pips.
The next Monday, Blaine brought his school books with him. He normally only did that when he had a test, but otherwise he usually kept busy, but the only time he was busy was between 5-6pm when letting people inside the shelter which was his shift duty and 7-8 when he was serving food. 9-10 was his time to interact with the individuals in the shelter and asked if they needed anything. Blaine tried not to spend all his time with Kurt’s company, but the girls that he worked with really didn’t mind and Kurt got a little fidgety when Blaine left his side.
It wasn’t as cold that week although it was still snowing and the weather forecast predicted bad weather to come, so he could technically go back to Dalton, but Mr Dalton the school principal knew how hard Blaine worked and said it was fine if it was easier for him to sleep at the shelter, so long as he got back the next day in time for class, which Blaine always did, and none of his teachers had complained. Blaine enjoyed Kurt’s company, and Kurt always got excited to see him
Kurt had asked Blaine if he could help with his homework, because he really didn’t like being behind in school. Blaine warned him it was quite advanced compared to public schools but Kurt pleaded with him.
“Please Blaine, my brain will decrease in its IQ if I don’t keep up to date,” Blaine laughed at that “I doubt that Kurt, you make pretty good conversation for person our age, better than some people I know,” Kurt had appreciated that comment, especially since Blaine went to a private school.
When Kurt saw him on Monday, Kurt narrowed his eyes like he was judging him.
“What?” He asked self- consciously pulling at his tie. His tie was in place right?
“Do you always have to wear your uniform?” Kurt asked.
Blaine laughed “Ah, yeah. I’m representing Dalton at the shelter and Dalton has a strict no dress code,”
“That kind of sucks,”
Blaine laughed again and rolled his eyes “I don’t mind, it makes me feel like I’m part of a team,”
When Blaine brought out his French book, he had assumed Kurt wouldn’t even know the basics, and was prepared to teach but boy was he wrong. He was so so wrong. Kurt clapped his hands excitedly when he saw the title, and then he actually started speaking in French. Like literally full sentences was spoken in French. HE WAS FLUENT. It was mindblowing.
Blaine’s jaw dropped when Kurt rapidly talked about how much he loved meeting Blaine, and what a dear friend he was, at least that’s what Blaine thinks he said. He managed to pick up parts of it he was so fast. The next phrase though he just stared at Kurt with a confused expression. French wasn’t his best subject even though his mother spoke it, and no matter how many times she tried to help him, he wasn’t able to pick it up as well.
Tu es incroyable
Kurt almost smiled at his blank look. “It’s advanced French, don’t worry Blaine,”
“I kind of have to worry, because my class is Advanced French 2,” Kurt chuckled. “Okay, I’ll teach you,”
Tu es incroyable Blane tried and Kurt shook his head and repeated the words again. Blaine could listen to Kurt speak French all night. In fact, he planned on doing that, and that they did. When it was bedtime, Blaine lay down on the floor next to Kurt like he usually did. He did learn one thing in French though. “Dors Bien Kurt…” Kurt yawned “Dors Bien Blaine Warbler…”