March 14, 2015, 7 p.m.
March 14, 2015, 7 p.m.
“You um…you don't have to go through that anymore you know, there are other options,”
“Like what?” Kurt snapped.
"What do you think about coming to Dalton?"
Dalton?" Kurt says quietly as Blaine nods.
"Yeah...it um, it has a no bullying policy, we have a glee club too as you know and its safe for you," Kurt watches his face try to maintain its composure and the way he starts to ramble, probably means he's nervous. It's nice, Kurt thinks, but also confusing.
"Why do you care so much?" Kurt demands and Blaine sort of stops his ramble and bites his bottom lip. He looks at Kurts eyes and sees the pain behind him.
"Because I know how this feels, I know what its like to be bullied, and ... you matter Kurt, you deserve to be safe" Kurt stares at Blaine who stares back at him.
“Is that really why you want me to go to Dalton?” Kurt pushes and Blaine looks up at him.
He challenges Blaine with his stare, and when Blaine doesn't look away out of embarrassment like other boys Kurt has known to do, Kur raises his eyebrow, while being stared back at and is rather surprised on the inside but keeping a stern face all the while.
“I'm not going to lie, seeing you and getting to know you would be a bonus, I'd love to just tell you to rock up there first thing next Monday, we could be best friends, I'd protect you, be your mentor. I'd make sure that asshole wouldn't show up either, I really want you to be safe and …but…it's up to you, the Warblers have also heard your voice Kurt, your already welcome to join us,” Kurt smiles and quietly laughs at the best friend bit which makes Blaine's heart feels extra light.
“A no bullying policy does sound nice at the moment, I'm not sure if I want to go back to McKinley after that,” Kurt says truthfully. Blaine squeezes his hand.
“Are you scared?” Blaine asks his voice sounding a little distressed.
Kurt looks up at the sincere concern and he can't understand why he feels he can trust Blaine more than anyone he's ever known. He hasn't even known him that long but… those hazel eyes seem to have secrets of their own and Kurt hopes by opening up to Blaine, Blaine will open up to him too.
“I think so? After seeing what he's capable off I don't think I could feel safe walking down the hallways again,” he answers honestly.
“As I said, you don't have to,” Blaine starts but stops at Kurt's face “What is it?” he says at once. Kurt sighs “Dalton sounds lovely but…”
“But…” Blaine adds and worries that Kurt is going to flat out say no to his suggestion.
“But; my friends are in New Directions, and it makes me look like a coward if I run away,” Kurt's eyes are downcast and a shadow crosses his elegant features.
“No,” Blaine begins. His voice is so quiet that he has to repeat it but Kurt had heard it, and he looks up despite how deeply ashamed he feels at having been in a fight.
Blaine shakes his head “No Kurt. Whether you stay or go to Dalton; you are the bravest, kid in all of Ohio, if anything it shows you got courage for standing up to them, and seeing what they are capable off we don't want you to wind back here again either, there's only so much one person can take,”
“There's a quote that says…” Blaine continued as Kurt remains watching him, moving up and wincing a bit as he pushes himself further up the pillow so he can see and hear Blaine better. Blaine helps fluff up his pillow so Kurt's comfortable and Kurt smiles gently.
“There's a saying that says to be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help and brave enough to ask for it,” He says quietly. Kurt stares at Blaine now speechless, and he wants to say something but doesn't know what to say. He's moved by Blaine's quick and easy way to make him feel worthy.
He feels like a human being around Blaine despite the fact that they met on Instagram.
Mercedes popped around the doorway “Sorry to interrupt but your coffee will go cold if I wait outside any longer,” Mercedes smiled apologetically at Blaine as he uses his hand to gesture her to come over.
“No problem, I was just giving Kurt some friendly advice, your glee club might not like me for it,” He winks at Kurt.
Kurt's heart almost goes into failure. It should be illegal to wink at hospital patients when they aren't 100% themselves.
It should be illegal for Blaine to be able to wink at all Kurt concludes.
“What do you mean, how can we possibly not like anyone supporting Kurt,” Mercedes smiled at Kurt who rolled his eyes at her “Everyone's been treating me like a baby since I arrived at the hospital,” Kurt complained. “I'm not an invalid,”
“Of course you're not,” Blaine states at once but Mercedes is less comforting as she says “Get used to it,” She laughs at his murderous expression and hands him the coffee.
She handed one over for Blaine too.
“I thought I told you not to worry about it,” Blaine argues but thanks her. His face looks surprised as he takes a sip. “A medium drip,” He looks at the coffee like he was given $100 dollars.
“Omg this is the best coffee I've ever had,”
“It's my favourite place,” Kurt adds rather pleased by Blaine's reaction.
“But how did you…” Blaine starts as Mercedes shrugs and interrupts “It gave me an excuse to add that cute guy's number so I could ask him what your order was,” Mercedes admitted and Blaine raised his eyebrow “What cute guy?”
Mercedes blushes as David pops his head in the doorway too “Thanks for the coffee gorgeous,”
David gives Mercedes his flirtatious smile which Blaine knows all too well, and Mercedes bites her lips after muttering a ‘youre welcome.' Not willing to look at the other two boys next to her just yet.
Kurt eyes her and laughs when David leaves and at Blaine's mortified expression.
Blaine should probably let Mercedes know that David has a girlfriend but considering David and his girlfriend are having issues, it might not be such a bad thing, if a nice girl like Mercedes can show David what really makes a good relationship.
It's also nice seeing Kurt flustered at her friend's reaction.
He himself is quite amused by it in a way so he keeps quiet.
Burt then comes in the room “Kurt? Do you mind if I have a word with you, your friends can come back in after if they'd like,” he says nodding to Mercedes and the new boy Blaine. He eyes Blaine with a curious and questioning look at which makes Kurt wish the ground would swallow him whole. He had avoided talking to Burt after all his friends wanted to make sure he was alright, but by the look of his father's face, it looks like Burt can't leave it any longer.
When Burt had found out Kurt was being taken to hospital, he was the first to arrive there despite the fact that the glee club had left as soon as Mr Shue had caught sight of Kurt and gave the orders to help him into the car. Finn had carried Kurt out still with Sam's blanket over him and Mr Shue had told Principle Sue what had happened.
Kurt looks to Blaine for help as though begging him to say but he says “Sure, I'll leave you two alone,” Kurt gives him a resentful look and Blaine laughs softly “I'll be back I promise,” but before he leaves he leans over and whisper almost too close for Kurt's heart to beat at an appropriate pace “Besides we need to take a selfie, you make that hospital gown want to sing,” Blaine winks again.
Kurt's ears go red in embarrassment “We do not,” he hisses trying to cover himself with the blankets even more & Mercedes is chuckling in the background. at him so he throws his pillow at her “Okay I'm going!” Blaine gives Burt a polite smile on the way out “Nice to meet you sir,” with Mercedes following him.
Burt nods in answer with a short “You too,” and the door closes behind them. Father and son stare at each other.
Burt's face is starting to crumble at the site and Kurt feels his heart sicking.
Burt gathers the strength and sits in the chair next to him.
“I'd rather not talk about the bullying just yet son, I think I have enough information to know why it happened, but I can't…I can't deal with that right now,”
Kurt looks heartbroken at that and Burt's hand cups his cheek “Look at your beautiful face,”
“I'm okay Dad,”
“I know you are kiddo…but I wish it hadn't happened,”
“Me too,” Kurt says quietly.
“How about we save that conversation for when everyone goes home?”
Kurt nods appreciatively.
“How about you tell me how you met that Blaine kid instead and why he's giving you heart eyes,”