Changes and Challenges
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Changes and Challenges: Chapter 5

M - Words: 1,973 - Last Updated: Apr 15, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Aug 27, 2014 - Updated: Aug 27, 2014
201 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Soooo..... What do you think? Just remebet Reviews make me happy. Dont you wanna put a smile on my face....Also might go ahead and time jump to when they turn 16.Soulmate time!!! Dun dun duuuun
Kurt smiled smugly when Blaine came in the choir room glaring daggers at him as he made his way to his seat next to Puck. Blaine flips him off and turn to talk to Puck and Kurt turns to address his curious friends Mercedes, Tina and Rachel. He thinks its funny how they happen to see what to went down the hall but never say anything when its him getting pushed around. He rolls his eyes and procedes to tell them that he is tired of the harassment and now everything is coming up Kurt, before he turns away to reply to a text an impressed Sebastian sends him. Smiling to himself he continues texting and ignoring those around him and the feeling of eyes on him from the other side of the room until an excited Mr.Schue comes in to start lessons for the day.

Word spread around the school the next day quickly about how Kurt retaliated against Blaine. As he makes his way to his locker the next day people are staring at Kurt and whispering things even more than usual but he shrugs because it doesnt really bother him. He sees his Blaine and a few of his bullies staring ( Well in Blaines case glaring) him down as he makes his way to his down the hall. He smiles and wave at them before chuckling and keeps walking down the hall making a detour before his going to his locker. He sees them walk off and he just knows whats coming next and he is prepared for them.

"Yo Lady Hummel! Whats this Im hearing you throwing our boy around?" Kurt hears Karofsky call out from behind him. He sees Blaine standing directly behind him and his goons behind him through his mirror and smirks when he sees them handing Blaine a slushie.

"Yeah so what if did hamhock?" Kurt answers still looking in the mirror trying to fix a stray hair that seems to want to keep falling on his forehead. He looks at their faces as he is reaching for his hair spray and chuckles when he see the shock on them. They composed themselves and Karofsky snarls at kurt stepping foward but Blaine holds up his free hand and shakes his head no and Karofsky steps back a bit.

"Who the fuck do you think you are Hummel? Maybe you forgotten who run things around here and need to be reminded" Blaine speaks up angrily and Kurt raises an eyebrow in the mirror.

"Who do I think I am? Hmmmm I think Im Kurt E. Hummel duuuhhhh. And is that so? I need to be reminded of who runs this Broke down ass school? Tell me something here Blaine. Is it you who "run" this piece of Shit of a school? If so you are doing a bang up job of it. I mean seriously you have Assholes picking on innocent people and dont say a word...Tsk Tsk Mr.Andersnob thats no good." Kurt sighs boredly and continues with to fight with his hair that just wouldnt stay right. In the mirror he sees the bullies behind him gaping and he throws his head back and laugh before continuing with his hair.

"Now if boys will excuse me I have education that needs to be learned." Kurt says grabbing a large cup out his locker and as quick as a blink of a eye he turns around, closing his locker and knocking Blaines slushie out of his hands and onto Karofsky(Who is standing directly behind Blaine) and throws his own slushie in Blaines face before walking off down the hall laughing.

Everybody in the hall is looking back and forth to Kurt and Blaine shocked at what just happened. Kurt winks at Mercedes and Rachel when he passes them gaping in shock and keeps walking toward his second block class. He hears running behind him and he turns around quickly seeing Azimio, Puck and Kyle coming after him angrily. He sighs before moving out the way. Tripping up Azimio and as he flys into the locker he turns and Kick Puck in the nuts and while he goes to double over he grabs his arm and spins him Kyle and elbowing an embarrassed Azimio in the gut when he tried to sneak up behind him. The three of them look at Kurt in shock before and smirks at them and saunders off and humming to himself leaving the whole hall speechless.


Blaine finally snaps out of his frozen stupor and storms off embarrassed and angry down the hall towards the locker room to change into his sweat pants and t-shirt. Until he sees Kurt throwing Kyle into puck and elbowing an angry Azimio in the stomach. He stands there shocked as kurt puts his hands in his pockets and walk down the hall. What the hell just happened and where the fuck where did Kurt learn all this? He shakes his head and walks off thinking its so freaking on Hummel!

At lunch everybody stares at him and he bellows out "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT" and they all turn away and he goes through the line and grab his food and rolling his eyes at coach Sylvester who told him to watch his laguage and some kind of threat that he didnt pay attention to and going to the table with his friends. He then looks around and see a few people looking the table before quickly turning away and talking. He shakes his head and start eating his food.

"So are we not going to talk about what happened with Hummel. Like seriously where did that fuck did that come from?!" Puck speaks up fiirst.

"Bro I have no idea. All I know is that Im getting payback on that dweeb" Blaine replies stuffing fries into his mouth.

"I dont know man maybe you should back off. Seems like little dude can pack a punch and honestly he got me in the baby makers I dont know about you but I like my libido the way it is. Im done messing with him it got boring anyway." Puck speaks up shrugging before chomping down on his chicken sandwich mayonnaise oozing out his mouth and Blaine looks at him in disgust before throwing him a napkin.

"Screw him and the genie that helped him with those moves. Im getting revenge on that loser." Blaine growls before getting up and throwing his trash away and walking out the cafeteria. He pulls out his phone to check up on his nana Mary, when his phone is knocked out his hand by Kurt who calls out oops! before walking pass him talking on his own phone and laughing. Blaine balls up his fist before snatching up his phone. He thinks about going after Kurt but decides his nana is more important.

"Hello?" Mary answes the phone weakly and he can tell she has been throwing up.

"Hey Nana how are you feeling. Do you need anything" Blaine ask worriedly. She has been getting weaker and weaker as of late and he just knows she doesnt have left long. He pushes that thought away because he doesnt want to think about his Nana dying.

"Blaine? Arent you at school why aren..."She breaks off coughing violently then gasping for breath."Why arent you in class boy?" She finally gets out.

"Im on my luch break nan. How are you doing? Are they treating you good there?"

"Im as good as a dying woman can be" She jokes and he dosent laugh. She coughs again and he winced at the sound "Im fine baby boy they are treating me okay here. I wish I couldve stayed home though." She mumbles sadly.

Mary had gotten so weak and small they had to put her in a hospital who then sent her to a nursing home. She wanted to stay home but knew she couldnt be there. She had been getting worse and plus she didnt want anything to happen and they find her dead body at home. That would be horrible for everybody.

"Well thats good.... I miss you nan and I love you. Ill come visit you soon but for now I have to go." He tells her and she replies love you more baby boy and you better before he hangs up.

He makes his way to the front door of the school because now he needs air after speaking to Mary. He sees Kurt leaning outside on the wall laughing loudly on his phone and ignores him and goes to the opposite side thinking of ways he could get his revenge on him. Because he refuses to be emabarrsed by the likes of Kurt Hummel.


He makes his way to glee club that afternoon and eveybody falls quiet looking at him in awe. Save from Blaine who is glaring at him of course and Puck who doesnt pay him any attention, too busy trying to flirt with Quinn who is also staring at Kurt. He rolls his eyes and makes his way to his seat waiting for somebody to say something because he knows its coming.

"So...Hummel who knew you that in you. You made my lady parts all excited, I know youre the president of gay town and all but you down to bone this later and show mama what youre working with?" Santana says while wiggling her eyebrows at him. He just looks at her like she has three heads before shaking his head at the crazy Latina.

"As appealing as "Boning you" doesnt sound I think Im good Satan." He says uninterestingly and she shrugs and turns back to talk to Britt.

"Kurt I think I speak for all of us well maybe ecept a few" Rachel breaks off before glancing over at Blaine and Puck. "When I say that was quite impressive and its about time you stuck up for yourself!" He rolls his eyes at that while she contiues "Everyone at school is talking about what happened. Where the heck did all that come from!" She finishes and eveybody looks back at him expectantly and he smirks in Blaine direction.

He leans forward building anticipation and stage whispers "Cant tell all my secrets now can I? But its about I show short stack and his posse a little a thing or two and not to underestimate little ol me" He says and bats his eyelashes in Blaines direction. Blaine opens his mouth to reply but Mr. Schue walks and start writing on the board so he closes his mouth and turn away and kurt laughs softly. He cant wait to tell his dad about his day.

But gapes at his son when he tells him about the events of day. Then he grabs Kurt in a bear hug chuckling.

"Thats my boy. Im proud of you son. Im glad you finally put those idiots in their place! He pulls back eyes sparkling with pride when he learned his son had taken on his bullies. Impressed he took on three at one time. "Just dont stoop down to their level and go picking fights. Youre better than that son" he says sternly.

"Never dad! Im no bully....I mean I may have knocked Blaines phone out of his hand earlier for fun but I will not go picking on anybody" He lies a bit. He isnt going to pick fights or bully anybody but he will give them a little of their own medicine before he leaves them alone. Just for good measure so they know not to fuck with him anymore. Nothing violent but enough payback to give them the message.

Burt notices the mischievous glint in his sons eye and shakes his head when Kurt kisses his forehead and skips happily up the stairs. *Elizabeth would be so proud* He thinks before guzzling some of his beer and yelling at the football game.


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