Aug. 5, 2011, 12:51 a.m.
Aug. 5, 2011, 12:51 a.m.
Monday was pretty dull, Kurt couldn't decide if it was the lack of classes with Blaine that morning or if today was going to be a bad day. Of course when he met up with his boyfriend and friends at lunch he was convinced the day would be great, he had two classes left of the day both which he loved and in Glee club they were all getting there permission slips.
Of course like everyday at Dalton things didn't go so smooth Kurt has just sat down to lunch with the others when I high pitch screeching started.
Before anyone could question where the noise was coming from a small girl presented her self, she was extremely pretty in Kurt's view, long blonde hair and a petite figure. Of course her tone and the dead piercing look she was giving Nick kind of shook the prettiness away.
"Emily?" Kurt realised this must be Nick's girlfriend and looked towards the couple in interest, he also noticed Jeff finally looking up for his food with extreme pain playing in his eyes.
"What is wrong with me? Tell me is this other person prettier, more rich then me, oh god does her parents own a beach house?"
"Emily calm down!"
"No I will not calm down! You broke up with me and I demand to know why!"
Upon hearing the news Jeff's eyes met Nick's as he questioned "You broke up with her?" His tone sounded less hurt and more hopeful. Once hearing his presence Emily made eye contact with Jeff as if she just realised others were there.
"Oh Jeff thank god! Tell me is the person Jeff is so called In love with prettier then me!" Once the words left her mouth Jeff and Nick both froze and the other guys at the table who has averted there gaze we looking at the couple in shock.
"What, oh my god she is!" Emily began to whine about being in different schools was always a problem, while Jeff stood up to met Nick.
"Did…did you m-mean it?"
"Y…yeh…I mean most definitely"
Not another word was said and the boys lips locked in a sweet passionate kissed, the boys around them made Aww sounds and Emily immediately stopped talking mid rant and stared at the two boys.
"You...you m...m-mean your in love with….Jeff?"
Nick didn't even make eye contacted with her he just stared right into Jeff's passion filled eyes "I really am." Gazing back to Emily who now had tears in her eyes he began to apologise but was cut off by Emily herself.
"Well I'm not sure but love it hits you and…..I'm really sorry Em"
She didn't even respond vocally she just nodded and left, once gone the silence in the hall was defining until Jeff broke it. Not meeting his boyfriends gaze he practically whispered "I love you too"
Nick spun his attention right back to Jeff "Really?" there was moment silence before Jeff met his eyes "Really"
The hall dove into cheers and applause, maybe Kurt was right today was a great day.
The next couple of Warbler meetings flew by and in no time at all is was Friday again and thankfully no Kyle incidents had taken place. David addressed the whole room as the meeting began.
"Okay guys I know most of you will be going home today so make sure your permission slips are signed and hand them back to anyone of the council members thank you!"
Wes picked up right away "Okay I know we have finals next week so we wont have much rehearsal time so I think today is best for organising our set list during the cruise agreed?"
Many around the room agreed and I no time at all people we firing ideas through out the room, "What about Teenage Dream" chimed in the twins, Blaine grinned and his eyes landed on Kurt who was also grinning.
"Yeh that song does work well, of course as long as Blaine doesn't try to have eye sex with Kurt again" Many Warblers laughed at David's comment while both boys turned bright red.
"Okay okay Teenage Dream is in what else?"
"What about Misery, that's a great song"
"Yeh David write these down, okay we will also do Raise Your Glass agreed?"
Every Warbler nodded but Ethan questioned the decision "That's only 3 songs I think we need two more"
"Yeh how about two duets?" Evan quickly added in
Wes smiled at this he liked the idea of duets "Deal okay guys how about duet auditions on Monday? I know were off for the day for some creepy holiday but we need to get this sorted before finals deal?"
Upon seeing the agreements around the room David dismissed the group, and soon only Kurt, Blaine, Jeff, Nick, David, Wes and the twins were left. "You guys auditioning?" Wes asked both couples Blaine and Kurt let out a promising "Yes" while Jeff and Nick seemed to flop.
"Ahh come on guys you will do great" Ethan complemented while Jeff and Nick shared a look "Okay" they breath out together.
"Plus who else would audition?" Evan asked with a joke in his voice, before anyone could respond Kyle walked out for the darkened corner of the room.
"Ahh my good friends remember how good your fellow Warblers are and the council must be fair, and paring must be done wisely" Kyle winked at Blaine before he left.
"God I hate that guy!" Wes let out a frustrated noise as the others agreed, "He's right though we have to be fair" David pointed out.
"Come on lets go home for the weekend" Jeff said hastily
"Kurt you going to get stuff from you room?" Kurt nodded in response "Awesome I'll walk you up, by guys"
"Bye Klaine!" Laughter soon followed that statement
Once in Kurt's room Blaine sat at the desk waiting for Kurt to get organised while Blaine fiddled with his keys
"Blaine honey are you okay?"
"What's up babe?"
"Well its just…..I need to go home to get the form signed and my parents well I haven't really-"
"I get it Blaine I do" Kurt kissed him on the cheek as an idea came to mind. "Hey babe, what if I came to your house today with you then you to mine I know my dad will need to be convinced" Kurt let out a shaky laugh but stopped when he saw Blaine pale
"Blaine hun are you okay I mean I just…."
"No no I'm fine its just I don't want them to go crazy at you or anything"
"Babe it wont matter, I care about you and I will get you through this"
They shared a tight hug and loving kiss as Blaine breathed out a "Thanks babe" then they left.
Oh god oh god oh god! Was all that ran through Kurt's mind as Blaine pulled up to his house, it was a huge house, no scratch that I was a mansion, Blaine's voice brought Kurt out of his daze.
"Sorry if its too much"
"No I just didn't realise you…"
"Yeh sorry"
"Don't be sorry come on let me go wow your folks" They both giggled a little as they got out the car. Taken Kurt's hand Blaine opened his front door.
"I'm home" They walked through the hall way right into the kitchen to find no one there "Hmm that's odd, come on" Blaine pulled Kurt up 3 flights of stairs until they came to a bright white door opened just a little.
Pushing the door open expecting to see Blaine's parents Kurt saw a little girl lying in a cot with what must be her nanny sitting in the corner.
"Master Anderson" The nanny greeted Blaine as soon as he walked in, in response he laughed "Hey Rose, I told you to call me Blaine, where are my parents?"
"Right sorry Blaine, They went out for a meal with the head of the company your family is looking to buy, they should be home soon thought.
"Ahh thank you, and how is Jane doing" Blaine gestured over to the cot and Kurt smiled as he watch the dapper side of Blaine play out,
"She is doing fine hun I just-" Cut of by Jane waking up Rose sent a playful glance at Blaine "I swear she can sense you she does that every time you walk in her room no matter how long she has slept,"
Kurt let out a soft chuckle as Rose picked Jane up, "Oh god Rose sorry I forgot to introduce Kurt, Rose this is my boyfriend Kurt, Kurt our nanny Rose"
"It's a pleasure young man"
"It's very nice to meet you Rose"
Upon realising the time Rose let out a squeak "Oh god Master Tom and Miss Grace will be home from school I need to organise there rooms, would you please hold Jane, Blaine?"
"Sure" Handing over Jane with care Rose all but ran out the room , "She is sweet but why does she have to organise your siblings room?"
Blaine let out little laugh as he sat down on the chair pre-occupied by Rose "They are some what on the messy side they are younger then me and need even more care then Jane here, my parents prefer there rooms to be perfect incase they get unexpected company"
"Oh" Kurt felt like an idiot but his expressions soften as he heard Jane laugh, she was pulling on Blaine's Dalton tie and Blaine was looking at her with adoring eyes.
"You look really cute with her you know"
"Yeh?" Blaine watched as a smile played across Kurt's lips when an idea struck him, "Hey wanna hold her"
"What no I might drop her then I-"
"Kurt come sit at my feet"
Kurt sat down just in front of Blaine's feet and was about to question what he was doing when Blaine began to slid down behind him, having Kurt in the middle of his legs he leaned over and placed his little sister in Kurt's arms.
"There see you wont drop her" Blaine laced his arms around Kurt's waste and smiled brightly.
Soon enough Jane was back asleep "Blaine?"
"Do you ever think about the future? Our future?" Blaine was quiet for a few seconds and Kurt immediately wanted to run away but wasn't able to due to the little girl in his lap.
Blaine let out a nervous sigh before he started to answer "Promise you wont freak?"
"No of course"
"Okay well I think about us and our future a lot recently, I know we just started dating but I think about us going to New York together, us moving in a decorating out first flat, you deciding which shade of gray you like better, I think about me marrying you all the time and right now, I think about us having a little boy or girl of our own. I know I'm jumping the gun a lot here Kurt but I guess….I just love you so much"
Kurt turned around slightly so not to disturb Jane, he had tears flowing from his eyes "I love you too" They both shared a passionate kiss before Kurt began speaking, "Thank god! I think of the same things too, of you writing music till 2 in the morning, of me debating if I should try out for an audition and of us taking long lunch breaks in Central Park just so you can hold me"
They shared another kiss before Kurt turned back around and snuggled into Blaine' arms, they stayed that way for what seemed like forever Blaine holding Kurt, holding Jane, soon enough all three were asleep with smiles playing on the boys lips.
"Blaine?" Kurt was gently trying to shake Blaine awake. Being woke up by loud screams down stairs Kurt placed Jane in her cot and was currently trying to get Blaine up. "Blaine!"
"Come on hun, I think your parents are home?" Blaine's eyes shot open and the panic began to fill his eyes.
"Oh god!"
"hey it will be okay come on"
Kissing his little sister on the forehead both boys made there way back to the kitchen hand in hand.
"I don't care Tom!"
"But mum, dad please!"
Kurt shot Blaine as questioning glance as they waited outside the closed kitchen door, Blaine just shrugged, "now or never"
With a reassuring squeeze of the hand both boys walked into the kitchen.
"Tom you need to be more willing to….Blaine?"
"Hello mother, father, Tom"
"Hey brother" giving his brother a quick hug Tom was informed to leave the room. Once said boy left Blaine's dad eyed Kurt.
"What are you doing home son?" his mothers tone seemed bored and confused,
"Well I need your signature actually, the Warblers are going on a cruise to perform after finals and I need your consent"
"Still wasting time signing boy, you should really give that up or you will never become a lawyer, now I see you have a new toy what happened to Kyle?" Blaine's dad hardly looked up to Blaine as he spoke he just kept his eyes on Kurt.
Squeezing Kurt's hand for reassurance Blaine answered "Father I told you before singing is my passion and I would prefer it if you didn't call my boyfriend a toy!"
"Oh come dear your father was just simply saying, of course better to get this out of your system now so you can marry that Claire Tate girl we arranged for you when your old enough."
Kurt's jaw clenched not only was he being called a toy but his boyfriends parents were completely disregarding the fact he is gay by claming it's a faze and he would be forced to marry!" Kurt was literally shaking.
"Mother please sign this and then I'm going to leave with my Boyfriend!"
His mother didn't reply instead is dad did. "Fine son we will but I want this thing here" he paused gesturing to Kurt "out of my house and never to come back I don't want clients to get the wrong idea"
Shoving the paper quickly to his mother to get it signed Blaine dragged Kurt out the house. They didn't say anything for a while they just sat in the car with the engine on. Blaine eventually broke the silence.
"Kurt I'm so sorry…my parents…."
"Babe I'm fine" Kurt's voice was shaking and no matter how hard he tried to control it Blaine could hear it.
"No your not I'm so sorry you had to go through that!"
"I'm okay, just shaken up but you….you have that all the time?"
"Yeh but that's why I stay at Dalton"
"I'm sorry babe, do you want to stay over at mine tonight?"
"Will that….."
"Yeh, now come one let me drive, We still need to get my dad to sign this and that is going to be a pain in the neck!"
Letting out a soft laugh Blaine and Kurt made there way to Lima, Blaine didn't even tell his parents he was going, he doubted they cared