Sept. 10, 2013, 4:48 a.m.
Sept. 10, 2013, 4:48 a.m.
Hey Guys, So here i am with my new story. i was not thinking to post it right now cause i wanted to finish my other story first which is only left with last chp but then your respones for the story already made me update it. u cant imagine i am so stuck right now with a lot of stuffs. My finally exams are like 20 days a head and i am still stuck with my Fine Arts painting.
And the bad news i got today was that i will be having two papers in a day of 6 hours Economics and Sociology. And i was like what the HELL not again. SO if you fine any grammer error or spelling mistake i am asking for forgiveness in advance.
And as for the update i hope you will all like it. You can follow me on Twitter and Tumblr so yiu can see the picturs related to this fic i have posted on my accounts, which will help you imagine the things i have decided.
i have provided my Twitter and Tumblr account name at the end og the Chapter, and the pics to the story are posted already.
Now i will shutup so you can all go and read.
Reviews and PM would be nice.
Chapter 1,
The Wedding,
Kurt was standing besides the open window of his master bedroom. Starring out at the people moving here and there for the arrangements of the wedding.
Yes, today was The Wedding of Kurt Hummel son of Lord of Vampires Burt Hummel was finally getting married to a man he haven't seen in over more then 2 centuries.
"Hey KURT! Come here and see this." The small boy of almost 5years said.
"Coming!" The cute little flawless with porcelain skin boy with sparkle blue green with a mixture of grey and gold eyes said running towards his friend.
"Yes, Blaine! What is it?" The boy queried in his high pitch voice.
"Kurt! Look this its so beautiful." Blaine interrogated gazing at the two cuddle up birds very interestingly.
"Aw... It's so cute." The small Kurt replied getting on his knees placing a hand over his friends shoulder.
"Yeh! They are so cute. So much Love." Blaine replied beaming at his friend.
"Yeh, love what I do with you." Blaine said softly looking into Kurt's eyes making making him blush.
"Really! You Love..."
(FlashBack Ended)
Kurt's thoughts were interrupted when a knock at the door caught is attention as Mercedes came in.
"Hey White Boy! Are you ready?" She queried.
"Well, Yeh! Almost... I think." Kurt answered a little confused.
"Is he here yet or not?" Kurt asked impatiently.
"Who are you talking about?" Mercy teased with a grin.
"Mercy!" Kurt arched a perfect eyebrow.
"Ok! Ok! Yeh, well your sweet future husband is here waiting for you impatiently and I would say one thing he is really Sexy." Mercy chuckled.
Kurt didn't said a word but just blushed.
"Oh, I just forgot to tell you for what I came here. You have 15 minutes more till you will be called out down. And I will be back to take you then." Mercy interrogated and went out of the room closing the door at her back.
"Son!" Lord came into Kurt's room.
"Yes, Dad!" Kurt replied
"May I have a word with you." Burt interrogated.
"Yes, Sure dad!"
Burt walked near to his son and made him sit next to him on the bed.
"Lord Anderson came to meet me 2 days ago and they are interested in joining the clans and forces with us so both the Clans will become more powerful against the Werewolf's... And..." Burt stopped for a moment as Kurt starred at his dad to continue. And he finally spoke again.
"And he wanted to step up this friendship relation into something more stronger. So he gave an offer that we should make the both forces more powerful by... Marring you and his son Blaine Anderson together."
"Dad!" Kurt said shocked.
"I know son! I have agreed to him but still it's upon you. After all it's your life so your Decision. I won't force you into anything. If your answer is 'NO' I won't argue after all you are my Son and your happiness is everything to me." The Lord replied softly eye to eye with his son.
Kurt was quite for a while before his father interrupted.
"Son! Are you with me."
"Yes! Yes! I'm... It's just that... I need sometime to thing,Dad! If its not to much." Kurt stammered.
"No! No! It's not you can take as much time as you want. After all your decision is Mine." Burt answered placing a comforting hand over Kurt's shoulder.
Kurt smiled and hugged his father in return.
The next day, Lord Hummel was sitting in the thorn room when Kurt came to him.
"Dad!" Kurt called.
"Yes, Son!"
"I want to tell you that... that I am ready for the wedding."
"What!" The Lord asked confused.
"I-I mean I am ready to marry Blaine" Kurt answered a bit nervous.
"Son! Are you saying this just because of me or you really want this." Burt asked politely coming near to his son.
"It's my decision and I'm not saying 'Yes' because of you. It's just that I know that I have to marry someday so why not now. Besides I know Blaine a bit when I was a kid although its years I haven't seen him... But, I am ready." Kurt groaned.
"Think once again I don't want to take any decision in pressures. After all you are my everything." Burt said with a lot fatherly concern.
"Yes, Dad! I am saying this on my own without pressures." Kurt passed a smile
"Oh son! I am so happy. Now you don't worry I will look after everything all the arrangements." Burt interrogated happily taking his son in his strong embrace.
"Now I just need to inform ."
(FlashBack Ended)
Kurt was standing in front of a full length mirror adjusting his outfit. He was wearing black Armani suit with white dress shirt and tie.
"I think you are gonna give heart attacks today."
Kurt turned as he saw Mercedes coming in.
"Without a doubt you are looking so breath taking. And you know what is you were not gay I would have defiantly marry you." Mercy joked.
"Oh Thanks! For the compliment But, I am gay sadly." Kurt teased.
As both of them laughed.
And then Kurt turned around once again looking into the mirror towards his reflection.
"Nervous" Mercy queried stepping closer.
"No!" Kurt said stubbornly
"Is that so."
"Ok! A little bit." Kurt gasped.
"Really," Mercy arched an eyebrow.
Kurt sighed saying," Ok!Ok! A lot."
"Don't be"
Kurt smiled as Mercy hugged him.
"Ok! Now lets go before Lord Hummel gets angry on us for getting late." She said getting away.
As Kurt reached down the stairs with Mercedes right next to him he saw Rachel coming towards him in a pretty dress holding nice red roses bouquet in her hands.
"Oh My God, Kurt! You look so handsome." Rachel aforesaid happily hugging him.
"Thanks Rach!"
"Lets go everyone is waiting in the aisle." Rachel interrogated.
"Ready" Mercedes asked
Kurt took a deep breath as he answered, "Yes"
Both the girls interlinked their arms around Kurt's as the huge door opened and soft music filled their ears.
Everyone rose up from their seats as they turned to see Kurt walking in. Kurt could see his father standing right next to the decorated stage. The arrangement and decoration were done wonderfully with white roses.
As Kurt got nearer and nearer to the stage his eyes landed on his very soon being Husband. Kurt could defiantly scream out loud that his very soon husband was Fucking Holy Hell handsome.
Blaine was wearing a black suit with a cute bowtie. Which suited him perfectly.
As Kurt reached the stage Blaine offered his hand like a gentleman which Kurt accepted with a slight blush occurring across his cheeks. As he stood opposite to Blaine with minister standing I between them. Kurt was not meeting his eyes with Blaine's but still he knew he was being starred all the time.
As the minister queried for Kurt to give Blaine his ring first. And Kurt grabbed the ring handed by his father. As the minister started to speak.
"Kurt, do you take Blaine Devon Anderson, as your husband, to cherish and love each other until the end of times?"
"I do" Kurt's said and slipped the ring into Blaine's finger.
Kurt was a bit worried whether Blaine liked his ring or not as Kurt was the one who decided to and selected the same rings for both of them. But his fears vanished as soon he saw Blaine smiling at him.
"And Blaine, do you take Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, as your husband, to cherish and love each other until the end of times?"
"I do" Blaine replied as he slipped the ring into Kurt's finger handed my his father .
"And now I pronounce you husbands, you may kiss now" he declared.
Kurt hesitated for a moment before he met Blaine in the half way as Blaine cupped Kurt's cheeks and the next thing was Blaine's cold lips on Kurt's soft ones. Everyone cheered and clapped happily. As they leaned back Kurt turned to his dad as he was beaming at his son with tearful happy eyes. And took his son in his embrace.
"I'm so happy kido." Burt cited happily. Kurt just smiled and melted into his dads embrace which he will soon miss because soon he would be headed to his new house with his now husband.
There was a light applause as the man and ladies congratulated the two men on their nuptials.
"Congrats, Boo!" Mercy said hugging Kurt.
"Yeh! Congrats Man!" Finn said putting a hand over Kurt's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.
"Thank you Guys!" Kurt replied with a grin.
All four friends were busy talking when suddenly Kurt felt a strong arm wrapping around his waist as he turned to look at his side as saw his now husband smirking at him as he winked making Kurt blush.
"Hello! We are waiting to meet him to." A voice came as Kurt started and saw a girl with a cute little baby girl in her arms and a man besides her with his arm around her waist.
"Oh Yes!" Blaine reminded himself.
"Kurt! This is Puck my buddy."
Puck smiled offering a hand which Kurt took gladly with a smile.
"And this is Quinn his wife and also a good friend of mine. And their daughter Beth." Blaine introduced.
"Welcome to the family, Kurt!" Quinn smiled as hugged him.
"Thank you!" Kurt replied.
"I must say you have a beautiful daughter." Kurt groaned as he lightly squeezed Beth's chubby cheeks and the baby girl hide her face in her moms neck shyly which made everyone laugh.
Everyone chatted!
Kurt also introduced his friends to his husband and his friends. It was like in a short time everyone got quite friendly.
The reception was really wonderful. Both the husband cut the cake and got wonderful cheerful congrats from everyone.
Everything was decorated properly and according to taste. It took almost 2 days for Kurt to decide the colour themes and the flower decorations.
"Would you like to dance?" Blaine asked as he held his hand out for his husband.
"It would be my honour." Kurt grinned taking the hand.
And both the man moved towards the dance floor.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist and Kurt placed his hand on Blaine's shoulder shyly as they moved in time with the music slowly and smoothly.
They dance quietly until Kurt broke the silence hesitating asking,"so... Do you like the ring." Kurt chewed his lower lip thoughtfully.
"Yes! It's really nice." Blaine answered gripping Kurt's waist tightly and pulling him closer. Until their lips were inches away. Kurt stared into those hazel eyes for a while and then finally Blaine's lips were in his. Kurt instantly melted into the kiss and responded back eyes shining with merriment.
Kurt was now sitting on the bed in his new room which belongs to him and his husband now gazing here and there waiting for his husband to come as Blaine said 'he would be back soon. Just wanted to hang out with Friends a little'
The room was quite big with a walking closet and attach bathroom. The interior and colour were all good. And Kurt liked it although he was thinking that a bit can be changed later.
His thoughts were cut out as he heard the door knob open and saw Blaine coming in. Blaine walked in smirking at Kurt as he took of his coat and threw it on the chair. As he walked towards the bed where his husband was sitting and blushing .
As Blaine winked and leaned on Kurt. Kurt with out a second scented alcohol.
"Blaine! Are you drunk."
I like it. I like how you gave a summary. Can't wait for the rest..
Wow! I am loving it and I am just in chapter 2! :)
Well thank you so much and yeh don't worry there r only 7 chps uptill now I can cop up :-) and liked ur story to I read Chp 1 and now today I will read the rest :-) and then will review usually I read the whole story first and then sit and review each Chpater :-)