Sept. 10, 2013, 4:48 a.m.
Sept. 10, 2013, 4:48 a.m.
Hey Guys, Hope you all are doing great. I will just say that I am really sorry that it took me this long to update but, I had a reason well first as my practicals passed I was so exhausted cause of the stress, then Cory's death made me shattered and drained out. I still can't believe that he is gone.
But he will always live in our hearts. And then there were some other problems.
And now the biggest tension on my mind is that I had to take admission in a University I want and I really want to get in and now I am preparing for its admission test. I just hope that I get in. Please pray for me.
And today if I updated its because of a very special person I really good friend of mine who helped me get through breakdown. So a big THANK YOU TO 'NESS' she really helped me through every situation.
And Thank you to all those ppl who followed my story and and favourited and reviewed it means hell a lot. So thank you.
Now about the chapter, well this is the chapter in which KLAINE will go out on a date. I just hope that it doesn't suck much and you all like it.
Warning:- Smut... Smut... Smut.
2 IMP Note at the end.
Words:- 5845, the longest chp I ever wrote hope it cop up my delay. SORRY AGAIN :)
Date Night,
Chapter 10,
The Next day, Blaine was gone considerably early then his usual routine because when, Kurt woke up he saw the bed empty next to him. He didn't show any signs of discomfort because he knows why Blaine was gone way too early.
Last night, Blaine asked him to go out on a date with him.
"Date" Kurt thought as he got up from the bed and went in the bathroom to take a shower and already start to prepare for the night.
Blaine was getting frustrated now cause, this has to be perfect. He needed everything to be perfect just like 'His Kurt' but God knows these stupid workers were out of their heads.
"You idiot, I didn't say you to bring daisies" Blaine frowned
"I-I am so-rry, Sir!" The already terrified worker stuttered.
"Get the hell out of my sight and go bring the new ones I told you to bring" Blaine snapped.
It was 3pm already and so much was left to do. Which was making Blaine lose his temper?
"Colour not good"
"God, why did I even buy it?"
Kurt sighed because if he kept on doing like this it will take ages for him to decide an outfit and then get ready for the big night.
And he wanted to look perfect but nothing was up to the mark. Kurt was going through his piles of clothes when Miss. Jane came in and found him going through his closet.
"Kurt" Miss. Jane aforesaid.
"Hum..." Kurt just nodded.
"Is everything alright, why are you cursing your entire wardrobe.
"What else should I do? Blaine asked me to go on a date with him but, I don't have anything nice and elegant to wear"
"Mind if I help?" She queried.
"Please" Kurt pleaded.
"Ok let me see" she walked towards him.
As she started going through his clothes Kurt stood beside her.
"Ok, what about this one?" She asked picking up a black suit with white dress shirt and black dress pants.
"No! This is not giving that feeling" Kurt replied.
"And this one"
"To restrict"
After going through almost rejecting 10 outfits Miss. Jane showed him, Kurt signed sitting on the bed.
"Nothing to wear... I am gonna ruin everything it's already getting late and I haven't even decided what to wear." Kurt muttered rubbing his temples.
"Kurt! Are you sure you are ok, cause I don't think it's just because of what to wear, you and I both know you will look fabulous in anything." Miss. Jane groaned and sat next to him.
"You're right... I don't know what to say and how to but, I am a little scared and nervous... I mean Blaine asked me to go on a date and I don't want anything more than that... But... What I-if I did something stupid and ruin everything." Kurt frantic
"I can understand what you are feeling but, you don't have to worry much. You are perfect the way you are and don't think negative. I know that this is gonna be the best night for both of you. You just need to believe in yourself." Miss. Jane said sincerely putting one hand on Kurt's shoulder to comfort him.
"Really" Kurt asked thoughtfully looking at her.
"Yes really, now get up and get dress and show Blaine he has the most gorgeous and breath taking husband anyone ever had." Miss. Jane smiled
"Thanks Nan!" Kurt said and gave her a hug.
"You're welcome"
It was 7pm; Kurt was giving one last touch to his hairs. He was literally looking breath-taking after the talk with Nan, Kurt finally decided an outfit. He was wearing black dress shirt, black tight pants and grey waist cost with black dress shoes. The outfit was not fancy or showy, but it looked elegant and perfect for the date more like Kurt Hummel style.
"Kurt" Miss. Jane called for him.
"Coming" Kurt said as he quickly picked up his cell phone and giving one last look in the mirror, he went for the stairs.
As he reached down he saw Miss. Jane smiling at him.
"How do I look?" He asked
"One word 'Stunning'" Miss. Jane beamed
"Ok, the driver is here and he said that Blaine send him to pick you up." The lady interrogated.
"Ahm...ok, I think I should be going then"
He gave her a quick hug.
"Best of luck, my blessing are with both of you."
As Kurt went out he saw the BMW 6 series parked with the back door opened for him already.
"Hello Sir!" The driver said
"Hello" Kurt replied.
"Mr. Anderson sends me to pick you up and said to give you this." He said giving the bouquet of red roses to Kurt.
Kurt smiled and smelled the roses.
"Where do we have to go?" Kurt asked.
"I'm sorry, Sir. I don't have the authority to tell you that. Mr. Anderson wants it to be a surprise. The man replied.
"Oh... Well ok then let's go"
Kurt went and sat in the back seat and the driver closed the door and then walked to the driving side and climbed in as he started the engine and drove the car out of the mansion towards the road.
It had been 15 mines since they were on the road. Kurt was sitting at the back seat with the roses in his lap thinking that what had Blaine planned and why didn't he came himself to pick him up.
Kurt was in his thoughts when suddenly he heard the driver speaking, "Sir"
"Ahm... Yes are we there?" Kurt queried as he saw they had stopped.
"No Sir, not yet" the driver replied
"Then what are we doing here waiting." Kurt grilled confused.
"Sir! You have to put this on" the man aforesaid taking out a blind fold from his pocket.
"Blind fold... Why do I have to blind fold myself?" Kurt questioned confused.
"Mr. Anderson tell me that you need to put this on when we get closer." The man said.
"What is Blaine actually trying to do?" Kurt thought as he took the blind fold cloth and tied it on his eyes.
Kurt was getting curious now it's been 10 more minutes since he blind folded and still they didn't reach to where they had to. Although he could sense things around him.
Finally after 15 mines the car stopped again and Kurt heard the door opening and then the door to his side opened and the driver helped him out.
"Are we there?" Kurt asked
"Yes Sir, we are"
Kurt could sense that there was water like he was near water he could hear and smell it.
"I will take it from here" Kurt heard the familiar voice he wanted to hear. Blaine
"Yes Sir" the driver said and then left Kurt's side. As Kurt felt a hand on his back.
"Blaine! Where am I? Why am I blind folded?" Kurt asked curiosity bubbling inside him.
"You will find it soon, now let's go" Blaine answers as he helped Kurt walk with him although Kurt could walk on his own, Vampire senses are very strong.
Kurt could feel he was climbing stairs and the rushing water, but couldn't tell fully where and what exactly was happening.
Finally he felt that he was now standing on an even floor.
"Blaine! Where am I? And can I please take this blind fold of its not helping in any good way." Kurt asked.
"Just a second, babe" Blaine answered and waved someone 'saying him to get ready.'
"Ok, now I am gonna take off the cloth" Blaine stated
And then Blaine went behind Kurt and slowly unties the knot and let the cloth fall on the floor.
"You can open your eyes now" Blaine aforesaid
With that Kurt slowly opened his eyes just to be taken aback in a big shock, eyes wider when he saw that he was standing right in the middle of a cruise deck. And suddenly petals of roses were coming from everywhere. It was as fine suddenly petals were falling on him like rain fall. And he took a step closer just too caught back again as his eyes landed on a beautiful gazebo decorated with white orchids and lights with a table of two in it which was fully presentable with wine glass and other crockery.
"Oh My Gaga!" Kurt finally gasped which seemed like ages passed for Blaine.
Kurt slowly walked near the decorated Gazebo and touched one of the white orchids and smells it. He then went a little further and saw water everywhere black sky above him with moon and stars shinning and dark rushing water underneath him as the ship was moving over it.
Blaine was getting nervous now he was waiting for Kurt to say something anything. Whether he liked what he did or not. Or it was too much.
Blaine was about to lose his nerves when suddenly Kurt started speaking.
"Blaine, Y-you did this... I-I... This is just so... I have no words like what should I say. I love it, it's amazing, beautiful and breath taking." Kurt groaned stepping closer to Blaine.
"Really! You liked it" Blaine asked in a surprise.
"Like is so small for all this you did... I loved it its Perfect" Kurt beamed and without a second thought he hugged Blaine tight
"Thank you! Thank you so much! A date on a cruise, with no one around but, just peace and beauty and just so romantic it's just perfect."
"I just wanted to do something special and this was the best idea I got." Blaine smiled and hugged him back.
After a moment both the boys leaned back and Blaine guided Kurt into the gazebo and like a gentleman pulled a chair out for Kurt to sit. And then took his seat opposite to Kurt
"White orchids, how did you know I like white orchids?" Kurt queried getting furious.
"Well at the wedding as you were the one to look after the arrangements and there were white orchids everywhere so I guessed." Blaine answered running his fingers through his curls.
Kurt just smile at his husband in 'awww'. He could get all cute when he wanted to and Kurt just wanted Blaine always to be like this. 'His Blaine' he knew a long time ago and now was seeing again.
"Oh, and by the way Mr. Anderson you look really handsome today." Kurt said in a cheeky voice.
But yes Blaine was looking handsome and dashing. He was wearing black pant coat with white shirt and a black bow tie.
"Oh, you look breath taking as always to" Blaine commented back. Which made Kurt blush.
As both the boys were in their own world now busy staring into each other eyes, but the moment was cut off as both the boys were interrupted by a French looking boy standing in the waiter dress with a wine bottle in his hand.
"Sir, would you like to have some wine." He asked
"Of course we will" Blaine answered without tearing his eyes of Kurt.
The boy was cute he had grey eyes with brown hairs which were styled properly as he poured wine in their glasses. Blaine kept his eyes glued on Kurt and Kurt was doing the same. Until he heard the boy saying,
"ici vous allez, Monsieur" (here you go, Sir)
"Oh, I'm so s-sorry, Sir... I didn't mean to speak..." The boy who was literally stuttering was cut off as Kurt removed his gaze from Blaine and looked at him.
"C'est ok, merci" (that's ok, thank you) Kurt replied smiling.
As soon as Kurt said that the boy stared at him in shock.
"I...I, sir you can..."
"oui, je peux parler français" (yes, I can speak French) Kurt aforesaid.
"oh! C'est tellement merveilleux monsieur" (oh, that's so wonderful, Sir) the boy said almost excitedly.
Kurt just smiled as he continued.
"Je n'avais personne à qui parler français avec et je ne peux pas parler correctement l'anglais que je suis né un Français, mais il se sentir si bon d'avoir enfin quelqu'un qui peut comprendre" (I had no one to speak French with and I can't speak English properly as I am a French-born, but it feel so good to finally have someone who can understand) The French boy said.
"Oh! C'est ok je peux comprendre comment vous sentez-vous" (oh! I can understand how it feels) Kurt said smiling.
"Merci" (Thank you) the boy replied smiling back.
During this all conversation Blaine was just staring between Kurt and that boy. He could feel his blood boil the way Kurt was smiling at him and that whatever idiot French boy at him. It was as if they both caught up in their talk that they forgot that Blaine was there to.
So Blaine finally taking enough of the French which was going over his head coughed to make the boys snap back to reality out of there French class.
"If the French class is over, can we order our dinner, Kurt" Blaine almost said bitterly staring at the boy.
"Sorry Sir! What would you like to take?" The boy asked in his French accent turning his head towards Blaine. And Blaine was somewhat trying to shot daggers into his body through his eyes.
Looking at the menu finally he ordered what first caught his eye because he just wanted this boy to go away.
"I will take lasagna with cheese sauce" Blaine said quickly.
"Noted sir" he said and then turned his attention towards Kurt.
"et que voudriez-vous prendre, monsieur?" (And what would you like to take, Sir?)
"Je voudrais avoir des pâtes avec une sauce blanche, Cher" (I would like to have pasta with white sauce, dear) Kurt replied smiling which made the French boy blush a little.
And that made Blaine more pissed off.
"J'ai le plaisir monsieur je serai de retour avec votre commande dans un certain temps, maintenant excusez-moi monsieur" (my pleasure, sir. I will be back with your order in a while, now excuse me, sir) the boy said as he collected the menus and giving Kurt one last shy smile went back inside the cruise.
As Kurt turned his attention back he could see the slight change in Blaine's mood. So he asked, "Blaine, is everything ok"
"You can speak French?" Blaine asked suddenly
"Ahm... Yes I can when I was in high school I took French classes" Kurt replied taking a sip from his glass.
Blaine knew that he just simply can't ruin this night due to that stupid butt face French guy and the way Kurt was smiling at him with shinning eyes made him cool down.
So he picked up his glass and brought it near to Kurt's bumping their glasses a little but saying, "chaise" and then took a sip from his glass.
By the time their food came both the boys had already taken two glasses of wine each.
After they finished their food and the waiters cleared the table and presented them with two glasses of blood.
"Well, I am impressed what a way to end the dinner" Kurt smiled as he took a sip from his glass.
Blaine smiled as he said, "human food is just a gentleman thing, but this is what is most needed"
"It's good, but taste a little different" Kurt queried
"Because it's my own special made drink, blood mixed with few drops of tequilas" Blaine answered
"I will say, I usually don't drink this kind of stuff, but this is good for now, Mr. Anderson" Kurt said in a teasing voice.
Which made both of them laugh.
After they drained their glasses. Blaine gently got up from his seat and came right next to Kurt and offered his hand to him.
"Would you do me an honour to have one dance" Blaine queried with slurry smile.
"Honour is mine" Kurt said in a little dramatic manner as he accepted Blaine's hand and both walked out of the gazebo
Towards the lower part of the deck were slow music was being played.
As they reached the floor Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist and pulled him closer and Kurt gently looped his arms around Blaine's neck. And slowly both started moving with the rhythm of the music.
It didn't took them much time to fully relax into each other arms as Kurt placed his head on Blaine's shoulder with Blaine's arms wrapped around Kurt's waist tightly pulling him as closer as he could.
They were slowly dancing in silence when suddenly Kurt spoke across Blaine's shoulder.
"This is the best night of my entire life. I always wanted it...to happen... To go out on a date with someone who feels and touches my heart. And you did it for me. I can never forget this beautiful night. Thank you so much, Blaine" Kurt groaned
"I'm glad that you liked it, Kurt. I will try my best to prove myself to you" Blaine grumbled
"That's all I want. I just want you and only you the way you are 'My Blaine'" Kurt said as he leaned back and stared into Blaine's hazel eyes.
"I just want you 'My Blaine' I know and nothing else" Kurt said in a tone filled with love, care and sincerity. And Blaine could feel it through his eyes.
"You are Mine, Kurt. Say that you are mine and only mine" Blaine grumbled in a demanding tone.
"I'm yours, I got yours the day I said, 'I Do' in front of everyone. And no one can change that." Kurt gazed into Blaine's eyes conveying the love he has for him. May be he can't say it out loud for now but, he can show that to Blaine that he only want Blaine his husband and no one else in his life.
There was a moment in which both of them locked their gazes and starred into one another eyes. Conveying the feelings they have held.
No one knew who leaned in first cause all they could feel right now was their lips crashed together holding one another for dear life and kissing with as much passion they could. Showing the affection, the care for each other.
They kissed for God knows how long lips moving perfectly together matching the rhythm as Blaine licked Kurt's lower lip asking for the allowance which Kurt gave happily and parted his lips as Blaine's tongue roamed inside Kurt's mouth claiming him 'His'. Their tongues danced together touching and exploring each other's mouth. The taste of alcohol mixed with their breaths they exchanged. Soft moans escaped.
They finally parted which seemed like hours later Blaine saw Kurt's lips more red and swollen by now. And then their eyes met and that was what made them realise they wanted more they needed one another right now more than anything else. Kurt couldn't see the hint of black in those hazel eyes demanding for more and Blaine could see the same in Kurt's eyes.
"I-I need yo-u, Kurt... I ne-ed you so bad" Blaine finally said in a hoarse voice grabbing Kurt's hips and giving them a slight squeeze.
"I want too... I n-need y-ou too, Blaine" Kurt groaned.
And that was it, the boundaries were let down as their mouth connected once again into a heated, filled with LOVE kiss.
Without tearing apart or breaking their kiss both wrapped into each other's embrace fully reached into the sweet bedroom of the cruise. It was as if one of them let go of the other, he will vanish. As soon as they were inside the room, door locked Blaine wasted no time in slamming Kurt against the near wall as he kissed him heatedly which made Kurt moan in between the kiss.
After kissing each other which seemed like ages. Blaine planted kisses across Kurt's jaw line, then moving to lick at the sensitive spot near his ear lobe then finally, Blaine attached his lips on Kurt's porcelain neck sucking and kissing hard leaving love bits and hickeys. His hands moved up and down Kurt's hips rubbing them and Kurt's fingers locked in now Blaine's messy curls.
Blaine wanted to feel Kurt, he wanted to feel his soft skin under his so without a second thought he started undoing Kurt's waist coat once the waist coat was gone. Blaine started unbuttoning Kurt's shirt, his mouth still busy sucking and licking Kurt's Adams apple and enjoying the sweet sounds Kurt was making. Finally Blaine managed to take of Kurt's shirt and then did the same with his own. Once both got rid of their shirts Blaine trailed wet kisses all over Kurt's porcelain chest, but what made Kurt's let out a loud moan was when Blaine licked Kurt's right nipple and then taking the nub of it in his mouth started sucking it until it got hard and then did the same treatment with the other one. As their clothed erections rubbed against each other getting hard. They knew that they needed one another, need to feel and get rid of their already growing hard erection.
And then in a blink they were on the bed with Blaine at the top and Kurt under him gasping with red swollen lips as Blaine once again connected their lips into a passionate heated kiss. Kurt groans into the kiss. As they parted Blaine smirked and pinned Kurt's wrist above his head and bite Kurt's neck. Kurt threw his head back into the pillows as his husband's teeth sunk in his hard cold skin. Kurt wrapped his legs around Blaine's waist as his husband drank his blood from his pulse point.
After a few seconds Blaine ripped his lips away from Kurt and kissed him with his bloody lips.
"You're fucking delicious" Blaine groaned as Kurt licked the remaining blood from Blaine's lips. Kurt then quickly moved his wrist out of Blaine's grasp saying, "Now, my turn" Kurt aforesaid in a dark seductive voice, he gripped the nape of Blaine's neck and brought him closer revealing Blaine's throat, Kurt licked his lips as he saw Blaine's Adam's apple bob as he gulped. And then in a flash Kurt suck his own fangs into Blaine's neck and Blaine growled out loud, "Fuck! Kurt!"
Kurt moaned as he drank from his husband and his hands were now tangled into Blaine's messy curls and Blaine's hands were working on Kurt's pants trying to unbuckle them. After Kurt was done he said in almost needy voice, "take me"
Upon hearing that Blaine wasted no more time and quickly worked with Kurt and his own pants. Within seconds both of their pants and underwear were gone leaving then naked and fully exposed in front of each other. Blaine took his time taking in every single side of Kurt as he groaned, "you're soo... Fucking beautiful a-nd only MINE"
"Only Yours" Kurt replied and then Blaine straddled Kurt's hips and grounded into him as he watched Kurt moan in pleasure. His fingers digging into Blaine's bare thighs.
"UGH... Ta-ke me" Kurt screamed in pleasure as Blaine's hard on rubbed against his own.
"I will fuck y-ou soo hard, that you will al-ways Rember...you only belong... M-Me" Blaine slurred
"Y-yes, fuck m-e..."
Blaine forced Kurt's legs apart and moved so they were bend, he kissed his way slowly down Kurt's chest and Kurt writhe in pleasure and need on every touch. By now Blaine was at his erection he briefly wrapped his lips around his erection and just give it a teasing lick in its underside before moving lower and sucking his balls, as his tongue reached Kurt's hole and gave a lick there before Blaine pushed his cold wet tongue into Kurt's hole passing the ring and bundles of nerves licking and then pulling back preparing Kurt, because he didn't had lube right now, he didn't knew that the date will end up like this, so this was the best he could do.
He then leaned up and licked his three fingers making them wet covered with his saliva and then pushed one finger inside Kurt's tight hole making him gasp. As Blaine moved his index finger in and out making room for the second finger. He moved his finger out and pushed two this time deep inside Kurt and started scissoring stretching Kurt.
"I-I can t-ake third" Kurt somehow managed to say.
And then Blaine pushed the third finger inside moving them across and brushing across the bundle of nerves and hit the sweet spot he wanted to hit. Kurt's prostrate. Which made Kurt arch his back and scream out loud, "Fuck there..." Blaine moved his fingers in and out for a while stretching Kurt.
"J-Just need y-ou... Ne-ed t-o feels yo-u... Ugh..."
So Blaine pulled his fingers out and Kurt whined on the lack, Blaine kissed his way up to Kurt's chest brushing past his nipples and breathed in his ear "prepare me then, babe"
And then Kurt knew what he had to do so without wasting time he slid down and took Blaine's cock fully into his mouth sucking on it.
"Fuck" Blaine breath out it was feeling so damn good. He had done this with so many other humans but, no one felt this good Kurt's mouth on his cock was feeling heavenly. Kurt was done soon and moved and kissed Blaine on the lips before Blaine could take him fully.
Blaine lifted one of Kurt's legs and places it over his shoulder and the other around his waist as he positioned himself and then pushed his saliva covered cock into Kurt's tight hole.
"Uhm... That... just lik- shit right th-ere feel good..." Kurt groaned as the pain he felt was subsided by now and Blaine pounced into Kurt and with every push in and out his erection brushed against Kurt's prostrate.
"You feel... you so good and... Fuck tight" Blaine grumbled into Kurt's mouth as they hungrily kissed. Kurt thrust his hips matching the movement with Blaine's each push. And the feel was driving him nuts. And it didn't take long as Kurt felt bubbling feeling inside his stomach. And he knew he won't last long. So he ripped his lips from Blaine's and frantic, "I-I am go-nan com... come..."
"Me to... So c-lose" Blaine moaned.
And all it took was one more push from Blaine and a thrust from Kurt as Blaine came long and hard deep inside Kurt and Kurt cum himself the white sticky liquid spread all over his chest and stomach. As both of them got rid of their orgasms Blaine slowly pulled him out of Kurt and lied on top of Kurt all exhausted and sweating and kissed Kurt gently as he then licked some of the Kurt's cum from his chest and stomach.
"That was... A-amazing" Blaine said his eyes already drifting close as Kurt moved his fingers in Blaine's sweaty curls.
"I-It was" Kurt smiled and placed a soft gentle kiss on Blaine's own swollen lips.
As both the boys snuggled closer to one another and drifted into sleep with smiles on their faces.
But they had no idea what they just did, where they really needing it or did they done it just under the control of alcohol they both took.
No idea. What and how will they react in the morning once they wake up back in their full senses?
The next morning, Kurt woke up with a yawn, as he opened his eyes he saw that his head was resting on something cold and solid which was slowly rising up and down. As he fully came back to his senses and saw two hazel eyes staring at him in somewhat confusion rising in them Kurt finally noticed that he was half lying on none other than but, Blaine. His head was on Blaine's bare chest with his arm wrapped around his waist.
And then the memories of last night hit him making him shrug back from Blaine in a second as he tried to cover himself with the blanket.
Blain quickly say up and stared at Kurt confused and shocked face. Blaine didn't know why to do or how to react? He himself was confused that what and how they managed to have sex. He was in confusion into his thoughts, "What is Kurt feeling right now? Did he want this to end like this? Is he regretting it already? The way he shrugged away from me is telling that may be we did a big mistake?" Blaine shook his head trying to wrap up his mind.
As he once again gazed at Kurt for any reaction, but all he received was silence. So he sighed and got up from the bed and quickly wore his underwear which was lying on the floor.
"I-I am gonna t-ake a shower" he said in a hurry and riser into the bathroom.
Kurt himself sighed and covered his now blushing face in his hands mumbling to himself, "shit"
They both reached back to the mansion at almost 1 pm in afternoon. As Miss. Jane saw them entering in the living room. She quickly went to Kurt's side and greeted both the boys with her lovely smile.
"Good Afternoon, you too" she greeted.
"I didn't know you both will be out all night, not that I mind" she said in a teasing voice.
"I am going in my room. Say someone to send me a cup of coffee there." Blaine quickly said and then went up stairs.
"Well now, are you going to tell me, how was it? Did you two enjoyed?" She queried.
And the blush that appeared on Kurt's face gave her answer to her question.
"Oh I will take this as a, Yes" she smiled at him.
Kurt's POV
Kurt was feeling tired and exhausted. He didn't know why but his head was a little heavy ad he was not feeling like taking anything. He had felt like this from like 3 days skipping the day he and Blaine came back from their date.
Physically he was already drained out, God knows why? But what was making him more upset was Blaine reaction and his attitude from the day they got back he and Blaine didn't talk much it was as if something got in between them. Which was driving him nuts? He wanted to know what Blaine was feeling. But every time he tried to talk something makes him stop. And this was making him upset.
Blaine's POV,
Blaine was in a hell big confusion. He was afraid that what he and Kurt did may be was his fault he was the one who forced Kurt into this and now Kurt was not even looking at him or talking with him. And this was making Blaine cures himself. He just doesn't want to lose Kurt and the relationship which was slowly progressing get ruin due to what they did. He wanted to talk to Kurt. He needed to know what Kurt felt. If he regrets it Blaine won't say word. But for now he needs to ask him.
"Yes I need to talk to Kurt." Blaine said to himself.
Kurt entered his and Blaine bedroom. He just wanted to take some sleep because he was feeling dizzy and his head was as if someone was smacking him with something sharp and hard. As he entered the room he saw Blaine pacing here and there.
As soon as Blaine saw Kurt coming in the room, he quickly stopped his movement and faced Kurt. "This is the right time to ask, Kurt. I have to ask him what he feels. Does he regret it?" Blaine thought.
Kurt noticed Blaine's confusion but, he tried to ignore it for now because he just can't handle all this right now.
"Kurt" Blaine called when he saw Kurt walking towards the bed.
"I need to talk to you"
"Blaine, can we talk later...I..." Kurt was cut off
"No! This is not right. It's just not, Ok. We need to talk right now. I can't take this anymore. I know what happened between us..."
"Yes, say it what you want to s-ay... what happened between us. What?" Kurt asked in a weak voice.
"Do... do you r-regret it? Do feel like what happ-ened shouldn't have happened? I-I know you... you didn't wanted it... and after what happened may be you don't want me near you anymore. And if y-you want that...then I won't even touch you but, I... you... Do you want to leave me? I know you do cause, you didn't even talk or look at me after that... and I take it that it was my F-FAULT." Blaine groaned starring at Kurt's speechless face.
"Kurt, say something anything" Blaine frantic when Kurt didn't say a word.
Kurt was so not feeling good now. His head was spinning with what Blaine just said.
"I know you would want to leave now... I will never touch you if that is what you want"
"Do you regret it?" Kurt's mind was jumbled up.
"Kurt" Blaine said
Kurt shot out of his thoughts. "I need to tell, Blaine... I need to say something... say something, Kurt"
"I-I... Blaine, I will nev..." before Kurt could complete what he tried to said he gasped for air and suddenly feel for running towards the bathroom so he did. Without a second thought he placed a hand over his mouth and ran into the bathroom leaving Blaine in shock and confusion.
As Kurt reached in the bathroom he quickly kneeled down in front of the toilet and gasped for air and coughed suddenly blood coming out of his mouth. As he throw up blood into the toilet.