Bite Of My Heart,
Chapter 10 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bite Of My Heart,: Chapter 10

E - Words: 3,486 - Last Updated: Sep 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 36/? - Created: Apr 29, 2013 - Updated: Sep 10, 2013
513 0 3 0 0

A/N: - Hey Lovely Readers, hope your are all up for the update. Well I will say you will see Kadam and Blaine getting heated up cause Adam really won't keep his hands and lips with him. And Blaine doesn't like sharing what belong to him then how will he react to see Kadam.

Well you have to read I say. I just hope I didn't suck and you all like it. Really I am so hell tired now. I was up in morning and after breakfast I was working on My Fine Arts paintings for the Practical's which are staring from 10th July till 12th July. So my eyes are burning right now.

Adam: - Adam is an original vampire. He is 15 years bigger then Kurt in the Fic. He is Kurt's cousin and very very close BESTI friend. He was not on Kurt's wedding as he was in American from about 15 years due to vampire community over there needed him. But during the 15 years Kurt and Adam met each-other 2 times but, now its 7 years that they didn't get a chance to meet and see one another. Adam is very protective when it comes to Kurt.


Blaine's thoughts and dream are in italic.

And there is IMP notes at the end do read it.



Chapter 9,

"Oh My Gaga, Adam!" Kurt gasped as he clasped his hands over his mouth in astonishment.

"Kurt babe!" Adam cheered himself.

"What are... are you doin...?" Kurt was so ecstatic that he couldn't even complete his own words as he launched him into Adam's open arms hugging him tight.

"I've missed you so much" Kurt said warmly

"I've missed you too" Adam beamed returning the hug with the same warmth and love. As he slightly lifted Kurt up in the air and then put him back down and placed a sweet gentle kiss on his cheek.

After few seconds both leaned back from each other's embrace as Kurt said, "I've missed you like hell; it's like almost 7 years... But! What are you doing here? And all of a sudden a surprise."

"Babe! Slow down a bit. I will answer your every question, but first won't you invite me in." Adam interrogated

"Oh, Yeh! I am sorry. Come in" Kurt said as he tugged Adam's arms and dragged him inside the living room.

"Well nice place, I must say"

"Thank you"

"Kurt! Who was there at the door?" Miss. Jane queried as she came into the living room and saw Kurt smiling with someone next to him.

"Nan! This is Adam. He's my cousin and a very great old friend. And Adam, this is Nan... I mean Miss. Jane. She is Blaine's nanny and keeper of the house." Kurt introduced both of them.

"It's nice to meet you, Son" Miss. Jane said polity

"Pleasure all mine." Adam replied smiling.

"Well, I didn't saw you on the wedding." Miss. Jane asked

"He was in USA. Adam and Uncle handle the vampire community over there." Kurt replied for him.

"But! I do have many questions and I need my answers." Kurt turned and quirked an eyebrow towards Adam.

"And I'm preparing myself to answer them." Adam lifted his hands in air surrendering.

*All 3 of them laughed*

"Well, Boys! I think you two need time to play quiz so go ahead. I will send some snacks and coffee." Miss. Jane aforesaid and left them going into the kitchen.

"Blaine! Oh I forgot where your darling husband is. After all I need to pass him, don't I?" Adam grilled

"Questioning is my job and yours to answer. Now let's go into my room so we can have a long talk." Kurt grabbed Adam by his arm and tugged him upstairs into his and Blaine's room.

(Inside the Room)

Once Miss. Jane left the room after placing the cups of coffee and some snacks on the table.

"You know, it was so incomplete without you here." Kurt interrogated sitting on the bed with Adam next to him.

Adam didn't say a word but gave his best cousin and best friend a warm hug.

"You didn't tell me you were coming? And didn't Uncle come with you?" Kurt questioned as he leaned back.

"Well, I wanted to give you a surprise and, no dad didn't came we had a fight and so, I came alone" Adam answered as he took a sip from his cup.

"What! What happened?" Kurt demanded seriously.

"Just don't ask you know how he becomes all stubborn when it comes to work. I really wanted to be here for you on your biggest day in life. But! Dad said I couldn't go as I had to go to Paris to meet the vampire community there regarding some boundary stuff. And so I was unable to come, for which I feel guilty. And now I said I had to go, he again tried to argue so, I just kind of snapped and here I'm" Adam groaned.

"Oh I see! I really missed you. I was so confused and a bit scared when dad asked me to marry, Blaine and I really wanted you to be there because I wanted your advice and support. Kurt said in a low time.

"I know, and I really wanted to be there for you. After all you are the most important for me. And I am so sorry that I was not there when you needed me the most." Adam grumbled.

"Apology accepted." Kurt smiled

"So for how long are you here?"

"I honestly don't know, but I will stay for a while" Adam replied


"Ok! Enough of my talks now tell me about you. How are you? How is Blaine? Are you happy? Is he good with you? Does he treat you with respect and love? Cause if there is a single tear in your eye I won't forgive him. And I don't know what I would do" Adam groaned.

Kurt knew Adam loved him as a brother more than anything and he knew how protective he gets when it comes to him. So Kurt knew he won't let Adam know what happened before, because after all now everything was getting better and that is what is important. Kurt was into his thoughts when he felt a gentle hand on his knee shaking him out of his thoughts.

"Kurt! Is everything fine? Is Blaine giving you hard time because, if yes I can..." Adam was cut off.

"No! No! Gosh you get so protective and like dad all of a sudden." Kurt sneered.

"Because I care for you"

"I know you do" Kurt smiled placing his hand on Adam's squeezing to convey something through it as he said, "I'm happy. Blaine is really good and care's for me too. And I really am happy to have him."

Adam stared into Kurt's eyes to see if he was lying or any doubt on his words, but all he saw was truth, love and merriment shinning in his blue-green eyes.

And it was because although in start Kurt had to face and bear through hard time, pains but now everything was getting back to normal HIS BLAINE was changing to his true self. And that was all making Kurt ecstatic.

"I'm happy for you. You deserve happiness." Adam aforesaid sincerely.

Kurt beamed and gave his BFF another passionate hug.

And then both boys talked for hours laughing, teasing one another.

Blaine entered into the living room and saw the room empty.

"My be Kurt is in the roo..." Blaine's thought was cut off when he heard Kurt giggles and saw him coming down the stairs hand in hand with a guy. Who seems taller them him with blond hairs. As he laughed out loud and placed an arm around Kurt's waist. This made Blaine shot daggers in his directions.

"Who the hell is he laughing and claiming his hands on My Kurt." Blaine thought as he saw the two boys coming down.

"My Kurt! Really Anderson" Blaine muttered.

"Oh God, Adam! Stop it" Kurt giggled as he punched him on the shoulder lightly.

"Who the hell is he? And why is Kurt getting so free with him?" Blaine was brought out of his thoughts as he heard Kurt calling out his name.

"Blaine! You are home." Kurt said as he climbed the last stair with Adam beside him.

"Yeh! I'm" Blaine replied staring at Adam and Kurt's joined hands.

"That's good now you can meet, Adam. Blaine! This is Adam, my cousin and best friend. And Adam this is Blaine my..." Kurt was cut off.

"Yeh! Yeh! I know he is Blaine Anderson. Your sweet husband. The man who stole my boy. Am I right Kurt-babe?" Adam smirked.

Kurt just rolled his eyes but grinned.

"He called Kurt babe... He has a name for him..."

"It's nice to meet you, Blaine" Adam said as he extended his hand.

Blaine stared at him for a second trying to control his angry growing inside him as he accepted the hand with his own shaking well.

"Pleasure all mine" Blaine tried to be as gentle he could be although he just wanted to hit Adam now for touching His Kurt.

Because Kurt was his and Blaine Anderson don't share or like anyone to claim his hands on things which belong to him.

"I didn't see you on wedding, Kurt did I?" Blaine queried a he extracted his hand away.

"Adam was in USA with his dad. He controls the vampire community over there for us. So he was unable to come" Kurt answered.

"Oh I see! And missed his cousin's wedding. I am saying it because you to seem quite close." Blaine scoffed.

"I did apologised for that, not being there for him when he need me the most, after all he is my first priority." Adam smiled looking at Kurt and Kurt smiled back squeezing his hand.

Blaine was really getting frustrated and angry the way Adam stared at Kurt and touched him.

"Ok! I think I should be going now" Adam aforesaid.

"Yeh you better go before I lost my temper and hit you in the balls."

"Come I will leave you till the door." Kurt said quickly.

"Now! Why do you want to leave him till the door, Kurt? Can't he go by himself? He is not a baby." Blaine thought

"It was nice meeting you, Blaine. Take care of my boy. He really means to me" Adam groaned

"What am I doing from a few days now? Of course I will... Just fuck up and go"

"Sure will" Blaine tried to give a fake smiled.

Adam and Kurt walked to the door. Blaine watched them curiously when Adam leaned closer to Kurt and whispered something in his ear.

"I approve him. Has an attitude but, Good Choice cupcake."

But Blaine heard it after all vampires hearing is one hell of sensitive.

"Approved me... Really what does he think of himself?" Blaine thought.

And what made Blaine almost go crazy was when Adam lean closer and placed a kiss on Kurt's cheek. And that made Blaine's blood boil almost at 100'C

"How dare he?" Blaine gritted his teeth in anger as he clenched his fist tightly.

"Bye, Adam! And don't forget" Kurt said.

"Yeh, in my mind won't miss. Take care, Bye!" Adam said and left.

As Adam left Kurt turned back and saw Blaine standing. So he went to him and asked,"Uhm... Do you want anything, Blaine? Coffee or..." Kurt stopped in mid sentence when Blaine walked near him almost in his personal space and leaned closer as he whispered in his ear his cold breath sending shivers down Kurt's body.

"Coffee would be nice." Blaine's lips brushed against Kurt's ear and the Kurt felt Blaine's finger brushed against his right cheek rubbing it gently and then he felt Blaine's lips on it placing a passionate kiss over his cheek. Kurt gulped as Blaine lips brushed against his cheek bone. And then Blaine lean back.

"I would be waiting in the room, babe" and with that said Blaine was gone.

Kurt kept standing there for a moment absorbing what just happened now. But then shook his head with a smile spreading on his lips as he headed for the kitchen to make his husband a Kurt Hummel style Coffee.

(Inside the Room)

Kurt came out of the bathroom in his loose pajama and shirt.

"Kurt!" Blaine said sitting on the bed.

"Hum" Kurt nodded throwing his clothes in the laundry basket.

"You and Adam seem very close, but you said Mercedes is your best friend. Then Adam, How?" Blaine queried.

He really wanted to know what Kurt feels for him. It was really driving Blaine nuts. Whenever the image of Adam kissing his Kurt comes in his mind.

"Mercy is my best friend, but Adam is my BESTI, my best man. We are really close since I was 15. He is although 15 years older than me, but our chemistry is awesome. He is very protective about me. And I love him for that." Kurt frantic as he sat on his side of the bed facing Blaine.

Blaine nodded.

"Our Chemistry is awesome"

"Good Night, Blaine!" Kurt said as he laid in his said and switched the lamp off.

"Good Night, Kurt!" Blaine replied as he lay in his side is the bed and switched the lamp on his side off.

"We are really close"

"He's really protective about me and I love him for that" Kurt's words were clouded in Blaine's head and he knew one thing that tonight he won't be able to sleep.

"Oh God, Adam! Please stop... You're gonna give me cramps in my tummy." Kurt laughed as Adam was over him tickling him with both hands.

"I won't stop until you say you love me." Adam smirked tickling more.

"Oh Gosh! Ok! Ok! I... I l-love you" Kurt stuttered.

"Now stop!"

And then the next thing was Adams lips on Kurt soft ones kissing him as Kurt moaned in pleasure.

"No!" Blaine shot upright in his bed as he felt his forehead all sweaty.

"It was just a fucking dream" Blaine mumbled rubbing his temples.

But what made him panicked was Kurt was not next to him on the bed.

"Kurt!" Blaine called and got up quickly.

"Was it a dream or real? Did Kurt run away with Adam? He left me..." Blaine's thoughts were cut off as he saw the door of the bed room open and the face he wanted to see was right in front of him. His porcelain skin shining like diamonds.

"Good Morning, Blaine!" Kurt greeted as he placed the coffee on the table.

"I brought you cof..." Kurt was cut off a he was pulled into a hug.

"Uhm... Blaine, are you alright?" Kurt asked confused.

"Where were you?" Blaine sneered as he leaned back after a moment.

"I...I was making..."

"I woke up and you were not here. I thought you left." Blaine frantic.

"What! No, I was making coffee for you, and where would I go?" Kurt asked thoughtfully.

Blaine was quite.

"You're an idiot, Anderson! What is happening to you?"

"I will go and take a shower" Blaine suddenly said and went I to the bathroom leaving Kurt confuse.

"Mercy! Rach!" Kurt shouted as he ran for his girls and gave them a tight hug.



"It's so good to see you. I have missed you so much." Mercy said giving him a hug.

"I've missed you too." Kurt replied.

As they leaned back after a moment from each other embrace.

"How are you, Kurt? How is everything going?" Rachel asked

"Yeh! Tell us, how is your sexy Blaine? Is he loving you well" Mercedes teased.

"Shut Up, Mercy!" Kurt rolled his eyes.

"I'm great, Rach and everything is good." Kurt answered.

"I'm happy for you." Rachel smiled and gave him a quick kiss on cheek.

"Ladies, if your hugs and kisses are done should we go and hangout a little now." Adam interrogated with a smile playing on his lips.

"Yeh, Lets go. There is so much to take and shop. Right Boo" Mercy smirked linking her arm in Kurt's.

"Yeh Absolutely so what are we waiting for lets hunt the shops." Kurt said out loud.

"Oh Lord! Help me" Adam pleaded

Everyone laughed.



Blaine was calling him. He had checked the entire house but Kurt was nowhere.

"Blaine! When did you come back?" Miss. Jane asked as she saw Blaine coming in the kitchen.

"Just now where is Kurt? I have searched the entire house but, he is nowhere" Blaine demanded.

"Oh! Kurt is not home. Adam came to pick him up. He went to hang out with his friends." Miss. Jane replied

Blaine didn't say anything else and stormed out of the kitchen and into his room.

"I enjoyed a lot. It was so much fun today." Kurt said as he got out of the car.

"Yeh for you, I was stuck with you and the girls. Gosh! I am never going out on shopping with you again." Adam frantic.

Blaine came out on the balcony as he saw Kurt and Adam standing beside the car talking and laughing.

"Oh really we will see" Kurt pouted.

"Don't do that, you know it's my weakness against you." Adam said

"And it's my weapon." Kurt smirked.

"Whatever! Ok I think I should go now. Good night, babe!" Adam said hugging him and giving him a peck on his cheek.

"Good Night, Adie!" Kurt returned the hug as possible he could with his arms loaded with shopping bags.

Blaine was pacing in the room when he heard the door knob turned and the door opened and Kurt came in.

"Hey Blaine" Kurt greeted as he placed the bags in the couch.

"How was your Da...?" Kurt was cut off as the next thing he was slammed against the wall.

"Where the hell were you been?" Blaine demanded angrily his hands on Kurt arms clenching them tight.

"I-I was out with f-friends, mercy and..."

"You we're suppose to tell me and ask me before you left." Blaine frowned.

"Blaine! I-I've... Ouch! It's hurting me. You are hurting me." Kurt whimpered as Blaine tightened his grip.

"You are MINE! You cannot go out without letting me know. I don't like it." Blaine snapped his eyes turning red.

That was it. Kurt used his full strength and pushed Blaine away.

"I'm your husband and not you're fucking slave that I need to ask where to go from you." Kurt frantic as tear poured into his eyes.

And all it took was Kurt's tears streaming down which made Blaine snap back to him and he saw what he just did. He could see his finger marks on Kurt's arms getting visible.

And he cursed himself for what he just did. He hurt Kurt.

"K-Kurt I am so sorry..." Blaine tied to move closer to him and wanted to touch him arm but Kurt flinched away.

"Don't! Why do you do this, Blaine? Every time I see you are changing you make me suffer again, hurt me... W-why?" Kurt choked as more tears streamed out of his eyes and he wrapped his arms around himself.

"You are a fucking monster, Blaine"

"Kurt! Please I am so sorry. I know what I did I shouldn't have done... I just I thought you..." Blaine was cut off.

"That I left! Why don't you get it if I wanted to go I would have left way before but, I didn't because I don't want to? I..." Kurt gasped for air.

"Please! Kurt, I am so sorry... Just please don't cry please... I just can't see you like this." Blaine groaned and didn't wasted time and took Kurt into his arms.

Kurt tried to fight against the touch but then stopped struggling to get free from Blaine's embrace and melted into his arms.

"I am sorry." Blaine apologised and soothed Kurt rubbing his back gently until he calmed down and stopped crying.

"Are you ok now?" Blaine asked his arms still around Kurt's waist holding him tight.

"Yeh I am fine."

Blaine slowly removes his arms and leaned back. And wiped the rest of the tears from Kurt's face.

"Why do you do this? At one point you are all grumpy and on the other you are all like this" Kurt queried thoughtfully.

"I don't know. But I am working on it." Blaine replied.

"You better or I will leave, Anderson" Kurt said with a slight tease in his voice.

"What! No you are not" Blaine said quickly.

Kurt giggled a little which made Blaine's heart glow.

Kurt then went into the bathroom and changed into comfortable clothes.


"Yes!" Kurt answers as he came out of the bathroom and went to un pack the shopping bags and put the new outfits he brought into their perfect places.

"Ahm... Will you go out with me for a dinner?" Blaine grilled rubbing the nape of his neck nervously.

"Dinner, with you out?" Kurt asked thoughtfully as he faced Blaine.

"Well Yeh like a Date"

"Date" Kurt confirmed

"Yeh Date" Blaine replied

"Will you go with me? Only you and me."

Kurt was quite for a second then a smile creeped on his lips as he said," Yes, Blaine! I will go on a date with you."

"Really" Blaine asked shocked

"Yes! But don't you try to change your mind now, Anderson "Kurt commanded.

"No! No way I won't. Great then tomorrow night."

"You have hell a lot to plan, Anderson. It should be perfect everything, just like Kurt is." Blaine thought to himself as he already started planning for tomorrow night."

End Notes: A/N: - Here you go. Hope it was good and didn't suck much. Blaine really didn't like Kadam. He is very selfish when it comes to what is his. And Kurt is the most important for him although he is confused about it but still he will learn it soon.Next Chp sneak peek: - Big Date and Klaine smut. Yes yes it does really gonna be Klaine smut and this time Kurt won't run away.IMPORTANT QUESTION: - well I need to ask your advice for the next update regarding Klaine date.Well do you all like them to go in a fancy restaurant or somewhere alone and special and more romantic. Do tell me cause then I need to write the next Chp.You can follow me on Twitter, Tumblr and S&CTwitter: - AshCC2050 AnushkaNZTwitter: - ChrisColfer2050 cc2050_ashTumblr: - ChrisColfer2050Scarves & Coffee: - Gleekk18REVIEWS WOULD BE NICE.Lots of Love,Gleekk18


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You are really mean, ok? I'm dying to know what Blaine will do! Perfect! :)

Haha lol well I know I am ;))) well have to wait and see what Blaine is planning for a perfect date.

You are really mean, ok? I'm dying to know what Blaine will do! Perfect! :)