Love Is in the Air, Literally
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Love Is in the Air, Literally: Chapter 3

E - Words: 2,321 - Last Updated: Jan 03, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Dec 26, 2015 - Updated: Dec 26, 2015
237 0 0 0 0

Kurt didn't know what to do with himself the next day. He was acting crazy! He had a whole slew of things planned before he ever met Blaine and now all he wanted to do was hang out with the curly haired boy. After laying in bed trying to decide what to do, he crawled out of bed, and decided to start with the hotel's breakfast bar. He put on his favorite pair of skintight white jeans which really accentuated his hindquarters. He paired it with a bright yellow button down and white and yellow ascot.

After styling his hair to perfection, he exited his room. The lobby was packed with people getting breakfast. There was a pile of plates which marked the start of the line. Grabbing a plate, Kurt eyed all of the foods available. He finally grabbed a cup of fruit and a bagel, which he generously spread blueberry cream cheese onto. Just as Kurt sat down at a small table outside the hotel he felt a warm breath on his neck. “Good morning Gorgeous.”

Kurt whipped around just to find himself nose to nose with Blaine. He blushed and immediately took a step back. “Good Morning, Blaine. I thought you had interviews today.”

“I do, but the first isn't until nine so I thought I should get breakfast. I just happened to run into my favorite vacation companion.”

Kurt felt a blush rise on his cheeks. “So, um-”

“-Let me take you on a date tonight,” Blaine interrupted.

“What?” Kurt asked taken by surprise. He looked up to meet Blaine's eyes, expecting to find some kind of giveaway that he was joking. Instead he found a serious expression.

“A date. Tonight. My last interview is at three so I should have plenty of time to plan the perfect date after it's over.”

“But, why? I've never been on a date before, I'm not worth it.”

“Oh Kurt, how have you never been on a date? You're so beautiful! And you are worth it every bit!”

“Okay. Where do you want to meet?”

“Nonsense, I'll pick you up. Be ready at 6 and dress fashionably.”

“Don't I always?” Kurt quipped. Blaine just smiled. Then he leaned across the table and kissed Kurt on the cheek before hailing a cab and reminding Kurt to be ready. Kurt sat at that table for a few more minutes really happy before he started to freak out. What should he wear? Kurt ran up to his room and searched his bags but no outfit he packed was deemed good enough so he grabbed his wallet and headed to all the designer stores on Fashion Avenue but nothing he found was suitable enough. He wanted something chic, but edgy, something loud, but not obnoxious. He was left with only one option.

Kurt walked to Mood,a famous fabric store, and bought a few yards of fabric. The first was of fluorescent white stars on a black background which he intended to tailor into pants. Then he bought white fabric to make a v-neck t shirt, as well as a black fabric which he was going to tailor into a jacket.

After purchasing the fabrics Kurt went to the Parson's School of Up and Coming Designers and asked to use a sewing machine for a bit. After a couple hours of work he had well fitting pants, a fantastically tailored jacket, and a nice shirt to accompany the outfit.

Kurt then went back to his hotel room, showered, took care of his skin and put his new outfit on. He still had a few hours until Blaine was going to pick him up so he binged on reality tv, a guilty pleasure of his. Before he knew it, there was a knock at his door.

“Wow, Blaine…” Kurt's breath caught when he saw Blaine, His hair barely styled with gel, letting his curls fall all over the place. He was in a midnight blue pair of pants and matching jacket, with a black shirt. “You look amazing.”

“If I look amazing then words are lost on you, my friend. You're outfit is like nothing I've ever seen.”

“That's because I made it,” Kurt answered sheepishly.

“You're so talented. These are for you,” Blaine pulled out a bouquet of twelve long stemmed roses and gave them to Kurt.

“They're beautiful Blaine, thank you.” Kurt filled the sink with water and set the roses in it for now. Then he took Blaine's offered arm and they walked to the elevator.

“What floor are you staying on?” Kurt asked, curious.

“Why? Planning on joining me in it?” Blaine asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Kurt blushed to his roots and quickly shook his head. “What are our plans?”

“If I told you, it'd ruin the surprise.” Kurt just shook his head. It wasn't dark yet but it was getting there. Blaine led Kurt down the busy streets of New York. A comfortable silence between the two as they took in their surroundings. Finally they ended up at a rotating restaurant.

“We can't eat here!” Kurt said but his eyes showed Blaine how much he wanted to.

“Why not?”

“Because I can't afford it.”

“This is a date Kurt, you're not paying.”


“No ‘buts', now in you go.” The boys rode an elevator to the top floor and were seated among the outer edge. The restaurant spun as they ate and one could see the most beautiful sights as the sun set and the nightlife started to erupt on ground level. Tears shown in Kurt's eyes but Blaine decided not to comment on them.

“Thank you, Blaine, it's so beautiful up here! I love New York.”

“Maybe you'll get to come back one day…”

“I will! No doubt about it. I want to go to school here.”

“What about your dad?”

“He'll understand. He'll have a hard time with it but I think he'll understand.”

“That's great! I envy your relationship!”

Klaine talked about family and school plans. Kurt learned that Blaine wanted to teach and write music. Blaine learned that Kurt also wanted to write, but not music. He wanted to write a Broadway play and also star in a one.

After dinner the boys started to walk back towards their hotel. “This was really lovely Blaine. Thank you.”

“The night is still young Kurt.”

“It's nearly 8 o'clock!”

“Have you forgotten where we are? Eight o'clock is early in New York time.”

“Okay,” Kurt said as he nervously bit his lip. “What else did you have in mind?”

“I'll show you,” Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear, making him shiver, before grabbing his hand and leading him to a small shop on the corner of Times Square.

“I LOVE FROZEN YOGURT!!” Kurt squealed with delight, causing Blaine to laugh (and pat himself on the back in the most humble way). “Do you think they have a cheesecake flavor?”

“Let's go in and see.”

Kurt ran into the shop and started looking at all the flavors. Blaine stood back and admired him. After a few minutes of just watching Kurt, Blaine walked over to him and helped him fill a cup. If Blaine wasn't careful, he might just fall for this boy after just two days of knowing him. After putting many delicious toppings atop their cheesecake froyo, Blaine paid for it.

“Blaine, come on you bought dinner! Let me buy the yogurt!”

“No Kurt, you can pay for the next date.”

“So there's going to be a next date?” Kurt asked, biting his bottom lip in that adorable way he always did.

“Isn't there?” Blaine asked, with a hopeful twinge in his voice.

“I think there is.”

The boys smiled sheepishly at each other and grabbed their froyo, walking back into the chaos that was Times Square. They found an open bench amidst the liveliness and shared their yogurt. They laughed together, ate, watched the people around them. Blaine glanced over at Kurt just as he licked the last drops of froyo off his spoon and it was the sexiest, most innocent, gesture he'd ever seen.

Kurt snuck a look at Blaine only to find the hazel eyes boring into him. Little did he know that he had a little yogurt on his bottom lip. Blaine reached over and gently swiped his thumb over Kurt's lip to wipe it off and in one swift moved his hand from Kurt's lip to cup his cheek. Kurt, meanwhile, was leaning towards Blaine and their lips met in a soft kiss. Both boys closed their eyes and reveled in the touch. Blaine scooted closer until the boys' thighs were touching. He gently sucked Kurt's bottom lip into his mouth, savoring the cheesecake taste of froyo. After a few more seconds they pulled apart but stayed close. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's middle and laid his head on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine returned Kurt's embrace and kissed the top of his head before turning his attention to the crowd around them. They sat like that for another twenty minutes until Kurt started to shiver. “Come on, let's go back to the hotel. It's late and you're cold,” Blaine suggested.

“Nnnn,” Kurt grumbled and burrowed his face into the crook of Blaine's neck. Blaine silently decided that they could just relax for a few more minutes, Kurt had other ideas. Slowly Kurt smoothed his hand from it's resting place of Blaine's thigh, up his leg, across his stomach and up his chest until it settled on the side of Blaine's neck opposite Kurt's mouth. Kurt then proceeded to place soft kisses to Blaine's neck. Blaine's eyes fluttered closed and he relaxed in Kurt's embrace, which Kurt took as a sign to continue. He tightened his grip a little and sucked a little more fervently. After a few seconds he moved up to the little spot at the back of Blaine's jaw just under his ear and moved his lips along the jaw to Blaine's lips, leaving little kisses along the way. Before Kurt could connect his and Blaine's lips again, Blaine pulled back a tad, and leaned his forehead against Kurt's.

“I'm afraid to do anymore in public,” Blaine explained with a soft laugh.

Kurt returned the laugh and opened his formerly closed eyes to meet Blaine's. Both boys just sat there, gazing at each other. The moment was soon ruined when a homeless man came and sat a little too close for Kurt's comfort. They both laughed and Blaine stood, pulling Kurt up with him. “Come on, let's get out of here.”

Kurt looped his arm with Blaine's and leaned into him as they walked. It was a very short walk, but it felt long due to the fact that there was a dreaded goodbye/goodnight awaiting them once they arrived. Blaine led them to the elevator and pushed Kurt's floor. Kurt snuggled into Blaine as they stood in the corner of the nearly empty elevator. But there were many stops on the way up and soon Kurt was pushing into Blaine from head to toe, trying to keep from touching the strangers in the now crowded elevator. Blaine had learned very quickly that Kurt didn't like to be touched by strangers Sensing Kurt's discomfort, Blaine turned them so that Kurt was in the corner and Blaine was in front, protecting him from the gross strangers.

Kurt looked up to catch Blaine's eyes and silently thank him. Blaine understood and pressed a quick kiss to Kurt's lips. They finally reached Kurt's floor and Blaine walked him to his room. When they got there Kurt leaned against the closed door of his room while Blaine set his hands on Kurt's hips. Very slowly he leaned and kissed Kurt goodnight. It started out slow and soft but with both boys starting to feel the weight of the impending goodnight set in, so it turned fast and desperate. Blaine sucked Kurt's bottom lip in his mouth and pushed Kurt's head back slightly until it was against the door. Kurt brought his arms up Blaine's back curling a hand around each of Blaine's shoulders. Their lips moved against each other's for a few more fleeting moments before Blaine disconnected them, trying to catch his breath, Kurt did the same, both boys breathing heavily.

“Come in,” Kurt said between breathes.

“No,” Blaine said and he felt Kurt's grip loosen immediately. “I mean I want to!” Blaine corrected quickly. “I really really want to!” Blaine continued and placed a kiss to the tip of Kurt's nose. “It's just too soon. Sorry.” Blaine dropped his head, embarrassed.

“Don't be.” Kurt cupped Blaine's cheek and brought his face up so he could look him in the eyes. “You're right.”

Blaine didn't know how to respond so he just gave Kurt one last kiss and started walking towards the elevator. “Goodnight Kurt,” he called over his shoulder.

“Goodnight Blaine,” Kurt whispered back.

A few minutes later Kurt's phone sounded.


Blaine: What did you do today Kurt?

Kurt: Hmmm, I had a really good bagel for breakfast :P

Blaine: Oh? What else?

Kurt: When we made our deal you said I only had to tell you one thing!

Blaine: Well now I'm changing the rules. What else did you do today Kurt?

Kurt: I went out on the best date of my entire life!

Blaine: But it was also your first, so how can you know if it was any good?

Kurt: Hmmmm...intuition? Now tell me Blaine, what did you do today?

Blaine: I had my first kiss.

Kurt: I was your first kiss!? Blaine! How could you let me take that away from you?

Blaine: Did I resist you in anyway? No. You didn't take anything from me Kurt. I gave it to you.

Kurt: Thank you.

Blaine: Thank you. Goodnight Kurt.

Kurt: Goodnight Blaine.



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