July 12, 2012, 5:55 p.m.
July 12, 2012, 5:55 p.m.
It was hard to see in the stall they'd hidden in, hands fumbling blindly as they worked to get the other naked, touching any skin they came into contact with quick fervor. The shorter of the two boys giggled as one of his lovers hands strayed down his pants, exploring new territory undiscovered. Another chaste kiss was pressed to his lips, hidden away from judgmental eyes.
"Adric!" He heard a voice call out. It echoed, bouncing off the walls. There was a feeling of familiarity with the name.
The door to the stall opened abruptly, the light from the room breaking the tranquility of their sanctuary. A small girl stared at them, unbridled terror in her dark eyes. Her blue uniform dress was ripped up the side and spots of blood speckled the hem. The boys wrenched apart as if a physical force had dragged them away from each other and turned to look at the newcomer, one with a sudden fiery hate, the other with brotherly concern.
"Witch!" The taller boy sneered, stepping away as the other boy rushed to the girl's side. She sobbed and hugged him around the waist tightly, hiding her face into his school shirt.
More people appeared in the doorway and everyone started screaming. Fingers were being pointed. The girl continued to sob, clinging to him tighter even as they tried to pull her away from him.
A sharp pain in his neck made him let go of the girl, his fingers reaching up to touch the long horizontal incision near his jugular. Blood dripped from the open wound, soaking the front of his uniform, coating his hands and the girl's dress. Her terror turned into horror and she continued yelling for him, calling out his name. He felt the frightful sensation of falling as the room started darkening.
Fire burned all around him now, licking his fingers, scorching him with the intensity of the heat.
More screaming. People ran all around him, fleeing. Some of them stepped on him in their disorganized haste to get away from the growing flames he could feel burning the clothes off his body, blistering his skin. He writhed on the floor, his body in so much pain that he was unable to scream.
Kurt jerked awake at the sound of his shouted name, gasping into consciousness as if previously been held underwater. He choked hoarsely, coughing up spittle and mucus. Unknown hands turned him onto his side in attempt to help him breathe properly.
It took a minute but eventually Kurt managed to take control of his body, breathing deeply threw his nose to calm his racing heartbeat. The hands that had helped turn him were now forcing him roll over onto his back and he blinked up at ceiling warily, concentrating on taking wheezy breaths. His lungs felt shrunken and heavy from the faint hint of acrid smoke he thought he could still smell and he greedily sucked in as much air as he could.
The dream had felt so real, yet he could only remember scraps of it.
Dalton's nurse on staff, Louisa Harlow, stood over him, staring down at his pale face with worry shinning in her eyes. She was in her nightgown, sensible for this time of night, and her graying brown hair was held up in a loose bun with bobby-pins.
"What's going on?" Kurt asked, his voice sounding hoarse. He grabbed at his neck, feeling a sharp stinging ache when he put pressure on it.
"You were dreaming something awful, sweetie. Let me help you sit up."
She did so and with the rise in elevation Kurt was able to see she wasn't the only one in the room. Dean Chilton, his roommate Gordon, and Blaine were there also, looking equally frazzled and worried. Blaine's hair was unkempt, his dark curls flying everywhere. Upon closer look, he could see there was a crowd milling around his doorway, all of them staring into his room with unrestrained curiosity. With a sharp glance from the Dean, Blaine went to go shut the door.
Nurse Harlow put a hand to his forehead and took it away with an odd look. Although his cheeks were flushed and he was sweating from the exertion of the nightmare, he didn't appear to have a temperature.
"No fever. Here, drink some of this." She placed a cup of water in Kurt's shaky hands, helping him raise it to his lips and take a sip. While he was distracted, she shinned a penlight in his eyes, checking his pupil response. He blinked and winced from the onslaught of light.
"Are you in any pain, sweetie?" she asked and he shook his head, regretting it instantly. The room spun dangerously with sickening vertigo.
The Dean walked over to the other side of his bed, staring down at Kurt with concern.
"Is everything alright now, son?" he asked kindly.
"I think so but…" Kurt trailed off, looking around at each of the three faces in confusion.
"You were screaming in your sleep." Blaine supplied, trying to be helpful and Kurt realized he must have been screaming bloody murder if he'd attracted this much attention.
"I can't remember much. It's all jumbled up." Kurt said taking deep breaths. He closed his eyes when he started getting dizzy again and Nurse Harlow held him steady when he started to sway.
"Alright, take it easy. Would you like us to call your folks?" she asked and Kurt shook his head rapidly, rewarding himself with another bout of intense vertigo and a newfound nausea.
There was shuffling at his side and the Dean put a hand on the boy's shoulder, drawing Kurt's attention back to him.
"We won't call your parents just yet, Mr. Hummel. Mr. Scott tells me this isn't the first night you've woke him up, although it is the first I'm hearing about it. If the problem persists we're going to have to make them aware of the situation. For now, I'd like to you meet with the school psychiatrist, Dr. Greene, in the morning. You'll be excused from your morning classes." He said and Kurt nodded, just thankful that his dad wasn't going to be involved. He'd been enough of a burden on his dad's new marriage and heart with the Karofsky situation and he didn't want to cause any more trouble for him.
"I'm going to give you these to help you sleep the rest of the night. If you have any more problems don't be afraid to come and get me." Nurse Harlow handed him a couple of white tablets from a bottle that she pulled from her bag and he nodded gratefully. She waited until he'd swallowed them and then stood up from his bed, trying to hide her yawn. Kurt blushed, looking at his hands in his lap guiltily.
She bid him a soft 'sweet dreams' and left the room, shooing the boys still waiting at the door away with scolding words. The Dean followed a moment after, reminding him that Dr. Greene would be expecting him in the morning and left to help usher the rest of the boys back to bed.
"Damn, Kurt, you have one set of lungs on ya. I was just going to let you scream because usually you settle down after the first lungfuls but this time you wouldn't stop. I thought you were dying or something. You were clutching your head like it was going to explode." Gordon yawned and crawled back into his bed, already half-asleep.
Blaine looked hesitant to leave, especially when Kurt's eyes filled with tears. He walked over and gathered Kurt up into his arms, pulling him into a hug. Kurt sobbed quietly, as remnants of his dream filtered back in his memory. Gordon looked up for a second, wondering if he should try and comfort Kurt somehow but eventually shrugged, figuring Blaine would know handle it. He was Kurt's boyfriend after all.
"You're ok, Kurt. I gotcha," Blaine murmured this and other nonsensical things in Kurt's ear, trying to calm him down enough to go back to sleep.
"Please, stay with me," Kurt whispered, "Until I fall asleep."
"Of course." Blaine replied and looked over at Gordon with a questioning look to make sure he didn't mind.
The boy shrugged and rolled over, turning away from them, "As long as I don't hear any funny business going on over there." He told them. He didn't care that Kurt was gay or that he and Blaine were going out but like any normal straight man, he didn't like seeing or hearing it.
"Was I that loud?" Kurt whispered to Blaine.
Gordon's snores filled the room, alerting both boys that it was ok to talk.
"You woke your roommate." It was all Blaine had to say. Gordon slept like the dead. Once he was out, there wasn't much beyond physical shaking him to get him up. Their dorm liked to tease Gordon that he could sleep through a tornado ripping through the room.
"He was the one who came and got me," Blaine continued when Kurt was silent. "I thought you were having some sort of seizure when I came to see what the matter was. I could hear your screams from all the way down the hall."
"I'm sorry." Kurt sobbed and buried his face into his boyfriend's chest.
"No, no, no," Blaine forced Kurt to look at him. "It's not your fault. I'm just glad you're ok."
He kissed Kurt chastely, gently cupping his jaw with one hand and then pressed their foreheads together afterwards.
"Why was the Dean in here?" Kurt couldn't help asking, pulling away to look Blaine in the eyes.
"I think one of the other students went and got him. I couldn't wake you up. You just kept screaming and fighting me when I tried. It scared me. He showed up at the same time the nurse did. They must have been woken up at the same time." Blaine replied, sounding calm. But Kurt could tell that it had really shaken him. How useless it had made him feel, sitting there watching as the boy he loved suffered in pain.
Kurt kissed him again, putting all the comfort he could into the kiss. Blaine held onto Kurt tightly, drawing reassurance from his solid presence. Blaine moaned when he felt Kurt's tongue pushing past his lips to do war with his own.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Blaine asked breathlessly when they broke apart for air. The room was spinning but Kurt knew it was a good thing this time.
Kurt shook his head and cuddled up closer to Blaine, resting his head in the crook of his neck. He often marveled in the fact that, although he was slightly taller, he and Blaine seemed to fit together like two puzzle pieces, connecting flawlessly like they'd been made for each other. If Kurt had been a religious person (which he wasn't, no matter how much his friends had tried to convert him), Kurt would have thought that it was some kind of plan created by God. Destiny. Fate. Or some kind of happy coincidence, he didn't care. He didn't know what was going to happen with the rest of his life, he just knew he wanted Blaine to be there for it.
Blaine nodded and leaned in to kiss Kurt's forehead, watching as his boyfriend closed his eyes, safe in the knowledge that Kurt would come to him when he was ready to talk. The room lapsed into silence as Kurt and Blaine just breathed in sync, trying to get back to sleep. Kurt sighed heavily after a few minutes and opened his eyes. Blaine stirred at the movement.
"I really can't remember much. It was all so muddled." He said and Blaine just let him talk, silently offering his support.
"I was kissing this guy." Kurt grew panicked after that admission, looking up to Blaine as if he'd just physically cheated on him. Sensing this, Blaine rubbed his back consolingly.
"It's ok. I know we can't control our dreams." He said, knowing that Kurt needed this reassurance to go on or else he'd fret and worry about it till he started crying. And he'd just got him to stop. Truthfully, Blaine was ok with it. If it had been a dream where Kurt hadn't woken up screaming, then Blaine would have been a little more worried about the fact that he was dreaming about other guys instead of him.
"It should have been you. I don't want it to be anyone but you." Kurt started to hyperventilate and Blaine kissed him soundly, hoping it would put aside Kurt's fears.
"I know. Kurt, I'm not mad," Blaine told him, holding him securely. Kurt was silent for a moment, judging the truth in Blaine's words. He sighed unsteadily and nodded when he was sure that Blaine wasn't hurt by what he was going to say.
"We were making out. I think he was older than me but only by a few years." he continued. He couldn't remember what the boy looked like, no matter how hard he tried to summon a face. His dream wasn't something tangible he could look back on, rather a whisp of memory that was quickly departing. The more he tried to remember, the harder it seemed to be. Details were slipping away like water through a sieve. "We were in some type of dark space, a closet maybe. But we were out of the eyes of the public. Hiding from them almost, it seemed like."
"And then this little girl burst through a door. Naturally we jumped apart and then she ran up to me and hugged me really tightly, as if she never wanted to let go. She was sobbing and all I wanted to do was make her stop crying. I really cared for this girl, not sexually but… I don't know how I know, but I think she must have been really important to me. Then there was this sharp pain in my neck." Kurt touched the place on his neck where he remembered the ghost-like pain. No matter what else he forgot about the dream, the physical features of the boy and little girl or the place they were hiding, nothing could make him forget the feelings left behind or the pain.
"And blood. Lots of blood." Kurt shivered and Blaine rubbed his arms. He knew it wasn't the cold that caused him to tremble but he didn't know what else to do.
"The girl was pulled from my side. She was screaming. Not my name but another one. But she was looking at me like it was my name and it felt so familiar." No matter how hard he tried he couldn't remember the name she had called him. It was on the tip of his tongue, somehow there but not.
"Then it got all fuzzy again. I think there was a fire, because my skin was burning. And everyone was panicking." Who was everyone? Why did it fell like he knew them?
Blaine was silent afterwards, not sure what he could say that would make Kurt feel better. It didn't sound anything like a normal dream. He'd both been prone to nightmares after leaving his old school, and he knew Kurt had some too, but this was something else. This didn't quite make any sense.
"In between your screams, you kept repeating something." Blaine said absently, as if just remembering. Kurt looked up at Blaine through wet eyelashes, the skin around his eyes blotchy and red from crying.
"What did I say?"
"It didn't make sense. I just thought it was mindless gibberish. But… you kept saying it, so maybe it'll make sense to you. You said… Silent Hill. Does that sound familiar?"
Kurt thought about it and then shook his head. It made no sense to him. Blaine sighed and pulled Kurt closer.
"We should get some sleep. You might not have classes tomorrow but I sure do." He tried to make it sound teasing but he knew from the way Kurt tensed that it had the opposite effect.
"Hey, come on now. I was just messing with you. I don't mind being woke up, especially if you need me. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."
Kurt stared at him in shock, reading in between the lines.
"You aren't saying what I think your saying, right?"
Blaine chuckled, "What do you think I'm saying?"
"Blaaaine," Kurt whined, grinning when he realized Blaine was just teasing him.
"Alright, if you have to hear it. We've only known each other for a few months but I think I'm in love with you. As corny as it sounds, I don't think I could stand my life without you in it and I don't want to spend a second trying." Blaine said looking deep into Kurt's blue eyes.
The kiss he received in return was anything but innocent and Blaine moaned when he felt Kurt's wandering hands, slip into his nightshirt and move up his flat stomach. Blaine moaned into Kurt's mouth when one those soft sinful fingers traced the outline of his nipple teasingly. His own hands somehow found themselves on his boyfriend's thin waist and he roughly pulled Kurt on top of him, bucking his hips so they could both feel their growing arousals.
Blaine tore his mouth away from Kurt, his head thrown to the side when Kurt reached down and palmed him through his boxers. His libido was going to hate him for this but they needed to slow down, for Gordon's sake. He didn't think he would be able to stop himself if this went any further and it would be tragic if Gordon banned him from his and Kurt's room. Gordon was a deep sleeper but Blaine wasn't going to take that chance. They could continue this later, when the room wasn't so crowded.
"Kurt, we need to…" he panted, cutting himself off as Kurt latched himself to Blaine's neck, sucking and licking at the column of exposed skin. Hips gyrating into Kurt's right hand, he reached down and covered it with his own, fingers curling together.
What was he saying? Blaine was sure it was important. Sooooo so important.
Gordon's face flashed through his mind and that was enough to restart his brain.
"We need to cool off." Blaine gasped out. Regretfully, he detangled his hand from Kurt's and smiled sheepishly. Kurt mirrored him, blushing a deep red.
"Sorry…" he muttered, looking away. "Sometimes I can't stop myself."
Blaine chuckled, "Don't worry. Sometimes I don't want to you stop yourself either."
Kurt giggled and settled down back at Blaine's side. He didn't say anything as Blaine lazily drew invisible lines on the exposed skin on his arm. Kurt smiled and looked up at him.
"For the record, I think I'm in love with you too," he said and cuddled up to Blaine, his eyes closing.
Despite knowing that he was going to pay for it tomorrow, Blaine didn't sleep the rest of the night, silently watching Kurt as he slept. He wanted to be ready to jump in and wake him up the moment his dreams started to turn sour.
Blaine was gone by the time Kurt woke up the next morning and so was Gordon. He shot up out of bed, with the heart stopping realization that his alarm clock didn't wake him up and he'd slept in. He was in the process of fixing his messy bed-head when he noticed a piece of paper on his alarm.
Picking it up, he recognized his boyfriend's messy and somewhat unreadable scrawl and read over the contents with a smile on his face.
You look like such angel when you're properly sleeping. I couldn't bear to wake you up. So I turned your alarm off. Don't freak out. I know you, Kurt. You're a morning person. Your body won't let you sleep in past nine. I went ahead and told Dr. Greene you'd be a little late just in case though. After Dean Chilton told him about the night you had, he realized some extra sleep would probably due you some good. But he told me that if you didn't make it to his office by noon, he was going to come and find you. So I'd make sure you were there by then. Have fun ditching, we'll all be stewing in our jealously.
I love you. XOXO
He'd drawn a heart around his declaration of love and the kisses and hugs. Kurt giggled at the dorkiness of it, clutching the note to his chest with a lovesick smile in his face. He didn't know if he could be any happier than he was at this moment. Folding the note carefully, he tucked it into this drawer for safe keeping. He'd never thrown anything Blaine had given him away, not even something as simple as a note and he wasn't going to start now.
Looking at his clock, he gasped. His order was to be at the Doctor's office at ten and it was currently nine-thirty. Though he knew Blaine had given him a little leeway, he had always made a point to be punctual and now that he was awake, he couldn't really use his excuse of sleeping in anymore. Dr. Greene might never know that he spent the extra time primping instead of sleeping but he would and that was enough to weigh heavily on his conscious.
Grumbling at his lack of teenage rebellion, he sat up and jumped out of bed. He caught sight of his hair in his floor length mirror and wailed at the injustice, knowing he'd never be able to fix it in time. The fact that he was still expected to wear his uniform was a welcome factor knowing he'd truly be doomed if he had to pick a stylish outfit out on top of everything. Thanking the spaghetti monster in the sky for small favors, he rushed to his vanity he'd brought from home, hoping there was something that could be done with his hair.
Thirty minutes later, at exactly ten o'clock he knocked on the door to Dr. Greene's office. The room was extravagantly big and Kurt was disappointed in the lack of finesse that inhabited the extra space. Kurt didn't think the room looked like it belonged to a psychiatrist working in a school for boys. In fact, it more looked like the office you saw in all the movies and TV shows. It even had the elongated chaise that you always saw people lying down on to talk about their troubled woes.
His desk sat in the far end of the room, opposite the door and was immaculate. Nothing looked out of place or messy and in fact looked like it was cleaned a couple times a day. Kurt wondered if hiring a shrink with a neurosis was Dalton's best idea. McKinley had tried that with Ms. Pillsbury and look where that got him. She was often times too busy hyperventilating when a student sneezed in her office to really talk to the kids. A silver famed picture sat on the far right of the desk but Kurt couldn't see what it held. Presumably it was a picture of his family.
The chairs facing his desk were the same color as all the couches in the common rooms (as was the funny couch looking thing) and it had the same decorative styling as the rest of the school. Doctor Greene stood up at his entrance from behind his desk and walked over to greet him, shaking his hand as if he were an adult coming to see him, not a seventeen year old kid. Kurt liked that.
He was a portly man with thick sideburns and not enough hair on top. Kurt eyed them distastefully, hoping when he got older and godforbid his hair ever thinned out to that degree, he'd have the sense to buy an expensive wig. Never a toupee or some cheap thing that made it obvious it wasn't his real hair.
The man was wearing a khaki suit with maroon shirt and black suspenders. The whole ensemble was fitted with a black and white checkered bow tied around the collar of his shirt. Kurt didn't know whether to start screaming or ask him where he'd bought his tie from. But his smile was nice, (even Kurt had to find something positive about the man), his eyes were kind, and Kurt found himself sitting in front of the man, feeling comfortable. He didn't know what it was but he felt he could trust this man. His office was tacky and he was the second biggest fashion disaster that Kurt had even met after Rachel Berry but he figured that he could eventually slip some hints into the conversation to change that.
"So, Kurt, I hear you're having nightmares." He got right down to it, not missing a beat. And oh, god. He had an accent. Kurt had a thing for accents, finding them beautifully exotic. He'd always imagined he'd go off and find a foreign man to fall in love with when he was younger, knowing he wasn't bound for the dull life that Lima, Ohio fostered. Things had definitely changed since then, but his love for accents (especially British ones) had remained a reality.
Kurt relaxed and Dr. Greene led him back over to his desk, informing him with a hand gesture that he could take a seat in one of the chairs facing his desk.
"How'd you guess?" he asked, realizing that he'd gotten lost in his own thoughts and appeared to be staring off into space. Dr. Greene was looking at him curiously, the easy smile on his face slipping just a little bit.
"Some of your classmates are worried about you. Your roommate tells me you've been having bad dreams for a couple weeks now and your teachers have noticed how rundown you've been looking lately." Dr. Greene asked making no move to write anything down. Kurt was glad. It made him feel less like an experiment and more like they were just having a simple conversation.
He nodded but didn't elaborate.
"Would you like to talk about them?" Dr. Greene asked, leaving it open for Kurt to decide. Though he knew he'd have to talk about it eventually. It was why they were here in the first place.
"I don't really remember them afterwards. Just bits and pieces." Kurt told him truthfully. Dr. Greene nodded.
"That's very typical with dreams. Sometimes they elude us and we only feel the baser emotions that they stirred up. But let me ask you this. Can you think of anything that would be causing you to have nightmares? I know some of the details of the circumstances of your transfer but do you think they were traumatic enough to be causing this type of distress?" Dr. Greene asked and Kurt's eyes widened.
"You know why I transferred?" Kurt asked, eyes wide in growing panic. He didn't want his life to turn into the latest gossip for bored prep school boys. Screaming in his sleep was already bad enough.
"Let me assure you Kurt, that Dean Chilton and I, and anyone you've told, are the only ones who know. The only reason I was made aware of the situation is because my job here at Dalton is to talk with troubled students. When you transferred, Dean Chilton, myself and your dad sat down and discussed the possibility of you coming in for mandated sessions. After further discussion we decided to play it by ear and see if after a few weeks, and you'd settled in, we'd come back and re-evaluate. Up until now, we weren't aware you were having problems. And now we're here." Dr. Greene replied and Kurt relaxed, unaware that he'd tensed up.
"Ok." Kurt replied quietly. Dr. Greene leaned back in his leather chair.
"And although the movies have highlighted this fact, it doesn't make it any less true. Whatever you say in these sessions, as long as you haven't expressed the need to hurt yourself or others, are completely confidential." He continued, "So you don't need to worry about telling me anything you want to."
Kurt found himself repeating the same explanation he'd told Blaine last night, minus the mini-panic attack he'd had after admitting he'd dreamt about kissing another guy. Dr. Greene, for his part, kept quiet, letting Kurt talk until he was finished. He barely raised an eyebrow at the story, keeping his face as emotionless as a stone.
"Is it the same dream every night?" Dr. Greene asked when it was his turn.
"Usually." Kurt replied, shifting in his seat.
"Sometimes it's different. But there are always startling similarities. The girl is in everyone and so am I. But sometimes it's just us and the setting changes. But this is the first time there's been blood and fire." Kurt replied.
"And you have no clue who this little girl is?" the doctor asked.
Kurt shook his head.
"My files tell me you're adopted. Maybe she came from your past before your family." Dr. Greene said and instantly knew he'd crossed a line he'd been unaware existed before. Kurt froze up, his eyes widened in shock.
"No one knows I'm adopted." Kurt spoke the word like it was acid on his tongue, spitting it out with a sudden anger that surprised even him.
"I was unaware. Why is that?" Dr. Greene pushed ahead for the time being, ignoring how uncomfortable Kurt had become.
"Because it's not important. I don't care what a damn piece of paper says, I'm a Hummel and Burt is my dad." Kurt said defensively, a desperate look in his eyes.
"I didn't say that, Kurt." Dr. Greene told him, "If it makes you feel any better, I do know what you feel like. My sister was adopted as well. My parents didn't tell us until we were older but that didn't' change the fact that she was and always would be my annoying little sister. But what I want to know is why you're angry that I found out. Are you ashamed of being adopted?"
Kurt flushed, embarrassed at his reaction. It was as instinctive as hiding the fact that he wasn't biologically Burt and Nancy Hummel's son.
"No… I…" Kurt paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts and then continued in a slightly stronger voice, "My mom and dad chose me. Out of all the kids they could have had, they chose me. And I never wanted anyone to tell me that my family would have been better off if they'd chosen someone else… A boy who didn't turn out to be gay. So I didn't tell anyone. At least if they thought I was biologically related, they could never say it was a bad choice." He replied, looking down at his expensive shoes.
"That makes an extraordinary amount of sense." Dr. Greene replied tactfully and Kurt was grateful. He wasn't about to be made ashamed of his reasoning. He didn't think he could bear it if any of his bullies found out about his adoption and used it against him. Both his grandparents were dead and neither of his parents had any siblings to speak of. As far as family went, he and his dad were it.
"I had a chance to talk to your dad and your mom-
"She's my step-mom."
Under normal circumstances he never would have made that correction, knowing that he'd accepted Carole as a second mom in his heart, but he thought it prudent that the doctor be aware that she hadn't been the one with his dad at the orphanage.
"I am aware." There was no reproach in his tone and Kurt nodded.
"I had a chance to talk to both your dad and your step-mom and they both seem like they love you very much. Your dad told me he was giving up the money he was going to use for his honeymoon to send you here for your safety. And I can tell you that I've never seen a more doting parent."
Kurt teared up at the reminder and Dr. Greene looked concerned.
"Do you think I ruined their honeymoon?" Kurt asked, when prompted what was wrong.
His dad would never have said anything but Kurt remembered how excited both he and Carole looked at the prospect of going to Waikiki. But because of Kurt's tuition, their budget had been cut drastically and they'd only been able to afford a small cabin up near the great lakes.
"Your dad doesn't think so."
"But I did, didn't I?" Kurt looked up at him, eyes filled with so much self-loathing that the good doctor frowned.
"What makes you think their honeymoon was ruined? Did they say they had a horrible time?" he asked and Kurt shook his head.
"They sent me a postcard, telling me about this fish my dad caught that had come off the line and landed in Carole's lap. She freaked out and the boat they were fishing off capsized, throwing them both into Lake Michigan. Afterwards they couldn't stop laughing about it." He smiled at the memory, remembering reading the postcard aloud to Finn and the laughter they both shared.
"Only your dad and Carole can decide if their honeymoon was ruined. It doesn't matter how much money you have or where you go, a honeymoon is meant to be time away after the wedding with your new spouse. Sure they didn't get their first choice but as long as they had a good time, nothing was ruined." Dr. Greene assured him and Kurt felt a stone that had pressing on him for so long lifted from his chest.
"That makes sense." Kurt said, a tear falling down his cheek.
"But let's get back to your dream. I think we've strayed quite a bit away. Do you think this girl in your dreams might be someone from your past? The orphanage maybe?" Dr. Greene redirected them.
Kurt shook his head, "It's impossible. I don't remember it but my dad told me that I was adopted only days after I was found."
"I was left on the doorstep at an orphanage in West Virginia. No one knows who my biological parents were or where exactly I was born. They don't think I was born anywhere near where I was abandoned because none of the hospitals have any record of my birth. They speculated that I was home-birthed, probably in secret for some reason. It's possible they didn't want anyone to know about me because they were young scared kids but I was basically an illegal alien."
"Do you know how you ended up in Ohio?" Dr. Greene asked, fascinated. Kurt nodded. His dad had explained his rather odd story to him years ago.
"The orphanage was filled to capacity. Since I was so young they thought I'd have a better chance at being adopted but there were so many babies. So the state sent me to the orphanage in Columbus and that's where my mom and dad found me. They even got to name me. The orphanage gave me a proper birth certificate and they took me home." Kurt told him.
Burt had told him when he'd gotten a little nosy about why he was listed as being born in West Virginia on his birth certificate when they'd gone to get his driver's license and the whole story had come out. He remembered not speaking to his dad for days and then Burt had come down, (uninvited, of course) and talked to him about it. After that, it wasn't spoken of, and Kurt had decided no one else needed to know.
"That must be a little frustrating." Dr. Greene said and Kurt was confused.
"What is?" he asked.
"Not having the ability to know about your biological parents. I know it would be for me." He explained but Kurt didn't agree.
"I guess it would be for normal kids— and I'm anything but normal." Kurt prided himself on that fact. He was fabulous and no one was ever going to convince him otherwise.
Kurt's grin faded, "But like I said. As far as I'm concerned, my dad is my dad and my mom was my mom. Carole is like a mom to me too. I don't care about some nobodies that decided I wasn't their problem. My dad is the one who's always been there for me and I'm proud to be his son."
He spoke with deadly conviction, daring the doctor to disagree.
Dr. Greene just smiled.
"So we've established it can't be someone from your before your childhood. What about a friend that you aren't friends with anymore? Someone from elementary school you can't quite remember? A neighbor that moved away?" he asked instead, trying to jog his memory.
"No, I don't think so. Plus, I've always gotten the impression that I'm much older than the girl. And she's important to me. How can that be if I don't even know who she is?"
"Our brains work in mysterious ways. Sometimes we forget because we must. Sometimes an event is so traumatic that our brain can't compartmentalize the pain, so it simply forgets. Your father might have an idea about something that happened to you that was that upsetting." Dr. Greene replied, the last part seemed to be more to himself than Kurt.
"I don't want my dad involved." Kurt replied, his tone cold.
Dr. Greene looked shocked at his resolve and then intrigued by the reason behind it.
"Oh? He might be able to shed some light on the situation."
"He's been sick. And after the whole thing with Karofsky, I don't want to worry him unnecessarily."
"Alright," Dr. Greene could see he wasn't going to budge on the matter. "I won't contact him."
It didn't mean he wasn't going to try and talk Kurt out of it at a later session.
"I think that is enough for today. It's time for lunch and I'm famished." He said. Kurt looked up in at the analog clock on the wall over the door in surprise. Two hours had passed since he'd woken up and the lunch bell was about to ring.
"Before I let you go, I'd like to set up a time for you to return and we can continue talking about this. How is your schedule after school on Wednesdays?"
They agreed on meeting on Friday since it was the day before school let out for the weekend and his lightest day for homework. Dr. Greene shook Kurt's hand before he left, and Kurt smiled at him before leaving.
He met Blaine at their usual spot in the lunchroom. Although they weren't assigned specific seats, it was just a known fact that the Warblers ate together at the same table every day. It wasn't mandatory but Kurt found the situation pleasant, remembering he'd used to do the same thing with his old glee club. Though, that was more because it was safer to eat in a big group and no one else really wanted to sit with them in case they were caught socializing with the bottom of the food chain.
Blaine greeted him with a kiss and asked him how it went.
"Fine." Kurt replied. "I'm still not any closer to discovering what the dream was all about or why I'm having them in the first place."
"That sucks, I'm sorry." Blaine hugged him and Kurt stealthily stole some of his turkey sandwich off his plate.
"Hey! You little thief! Get your own." He teased playfully.
"But I like yours," Kurt pulled out the infamous pouty eyes and Blaine knew he was a goner.
"Alright, I'll share with you."
Wes interrupted the moment with the imitation of a whip crackling but Blaine could care less. As long as he was the one who was whipped (metaphorically speaking. Blaine had never been into anything as kinky as that), and not some other boy, he was happy.
Kurt turned red and Blaine decided that it was his new favorite color. Kurt was so adorable when he blushed. As the sound of chatter and laughter resumed, Kurt smiled and looked up at his beloved boyfriend.
"Hey, Blaine," Kurt leaned forwards and whispered into his ear, making a decision. Blaine was the one, he knew it.
"Yea, Kurt." Blaine whispered back, the words caressing Kurt's cheek.
"Did I ever tell you that I was adopted?"