Feb. 19, 2016, 6 p.m.
Feb. 19, 2016, 6 p.m.
Im late I know :c still planning on finishing the challenge. Let me know what you think! lots of love xoxo
Blaine was fidgeting at the backstage room. He watched the people sitting, laughing at something Ellen had said but Blaine couldn't remember hearing it.
He knew he was taking a risk tonight, doing something he had never done before but it didn't matter. It was the right time to bring this song out.
With a sigh he waited until he heard the ok in his earpiece and made his way dancing into the room, smiling widely as he made his way towards Ellen.
“Well hello Blaine,” Ellen said happily as she wrapped him into a hug.
Blaine smiled as he hugged her back, “Hello Ellen. Thank you for inviting me.”
Ellen pointed towards the empty chair as she took a seat in her own.
“Well it took me long enough to get you here! I've been asking for 3 years exactly!” she answered as she threw her hands down the chair as an act of frustration.
“And I'm very sorry for that. I promise to make it up to you later though,” Blaine grinned as he gave her a playful wink.
The crowd already started squealing and applauding when Ellen looked at him curiously. She pointed her finger towards him with a playful scowl on her face, “You better!”
Blaine just chuckled and waved it away.
“So anyway, tell me what you've been up to the past few years,” she asked playfully.
“I've been mostly on the road, that's why it obviously took me this long to get here. My first album did quite jump out of its sockets which was something I've never expected.”
Ellen started chuckling, “like you didn't know a fine man like you would do great in the business.”
Blaine chuckled along, “you wound me Ellen. I'm more than my fine looks.”
The crowd started chuckling now as well as a few of them gave a loud shout.
Blaine just waved to them before he turned back to Ellen. They talked for a bit about his album and tour before she started having that playful glint back in her eyes.
“So the fans have been stalking me with questions because they want to know if their favorite artist is still available?”
Blaine chuckled a bit shyly, “I'm actually.”
“How does that happen to someone like you? You must have a lot of people wanting to date you, right,” Ellen asked curiously.
Blaine nodded, “Yeah it happens but there is this guy I'll never be able to forget.”
“He must be very special,” Ellen added.
Blaine nodded once more, “yeah he is. I wrote a song for him a exactly 4 years ago for this guy. I never got the chance to play it for him and I wasn't ready when the first album came out 3 years ago to put it on there because the wounds were too fresh. But tonight I feel like it's time for me to bring it. I haven't heard from the guy ever since our breakup but I hope he'll hear it and know it's him. It's always been him.”
A few people in the crowd made aww noises as Ellen pointed towards the curtains hiding the stage.
“We're more than excited to hear this song. How about you take your place and we'll see you back in a few?”
Blaine leaned forward and hugged Ellen once more and with a last wave towards the crowd, he disappeared back behind the curtain.
Blaine took a seat behind the piano that was standing ready for him. He played a few notes, testing if it sounded ok because everything needed to be perfect for him.
Then he let out a long breath. This was such a gamble for him, playing this song. Somewhere in his heart he hoped Kurt would hear it, but he know the chances were very small. Who said that he didn't have a boyfriend by now? You go to understand that there aren't that many perfect guys walking around on the earth, at least from Blaine's point of view.
In his earpiece he heard the crew tell him that the curtains would open and it would be his turn to sing before they would switch to the microphone so he could hear himself sing.
Just like they told him, the curtains opened and he was met by a lot of curious eyes.
Blaine took a last deep breath before he started playing the keys. His eyes closed when the melody of the song met his ears.
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
Blaine's mind went back to the moments he had watched Kurt sleep and touched his cheek softly with one of his fingers. How Kurt would smile softly and would turn around to cuddle against his chest and press his face into it.
Don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
‘Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Those lyrics were so much real now than they were at the time they were together. He did miss him so much, he did dream about him and it just wasn't the same. A lonely tear started traveling down Blaine's cheek as he went in the next verse.
Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming,
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
Well, I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just wanna hold you close
I feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
and I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna miss a thing
Blaine waited a moment longer to compose himself, letting his hand move under his eyes to remove the tear tracks still marking his cheeks.
He opened his eyes carefully to see a few people pink away a tear themselves before they started applauding.
Ellen made his way towards him and wrapped him into a tight hug.
“That was the most beautiful song I've ever heard,” she said with a soft smile as she pulled back.
“thank you. It means a lot to me,” he stated the obvious.
Ellen turned back towards the camera as she started speaking, “this was it for this week. We'll see you back!”
The camera moved towards the crowd as they all waved and Ellen turned back towards Blaine.
“Thank you for performing that song into my show. It was really perfect,” she said.
Blaine nodded his head, “thank you for letting me perform it. I'll promise I'll come back here sooner.”
She chuckled, “I'll count on it,” she pointed as she started walking away towards where some crew members were calling him.
Blaine made his way back to the backstage where he let himself fall back against the couch. It had been a long day but he knew that somehow it would be worth it.
Blaine's song had been the number one topic on the past few weeks. Blaine had put it on his new record which called heartbeat.
It was a very personal album which people seemed to dig even more.
The only thing was that while the media couldn't stop talking about it and how he kept receiving positive reviews, there wasn't one message from that one person he desired most.
He knew he had seen it. How was it possible to miss it when it was all a lot of people seemed to talk about.
So Blaine had given up hope and started trying to move on, piece by piece.
It was on a Friday evening when he got a call from Ellen, asking him if he wanted to be back on the show next week to make more publicity for the new album. She wanted him to come and play some games with the fans as well.
Blaine was a bit surprised because it seemed so fast but he had liked being on Ellen and he knew he had to make up to her so he said yes.
And that's how he found himself next Tuesday in the studio, ready for make-up and to play a few games with Ellen her guests.
Ellen came to say hi to him and to thank him for coming back so soon. Blaine just smiled to her, saying it was only fair since he had promised.
He felt giddy when he came out not to much later by loud applause to play a few games with a few lucky fans.
“Ok so this game we are going to play is Pictionary,” she grinned.
Blaine frowned. He was never good at drawing things. It was a game he always lost.
Ellen started laughing when she noticed his face, “oh the fan who will play with you will be so lucky if your face is anything to go by.”
Blaine chuckled along as he shook his head.
2 girls and 1 guy were called on the stage. They all seemed very giddy as they ran down the stairs.
Blaine just opened his arms and wrapped each of them in a hug.
“Ok we're going to draw straws to see who gets the chance to play with Blaine,” she said as she had 3 straws into her hand and went around.
One girl squealed excitedly when she got the shortest one.
The game went by fast and just like Blaine had expected he totally messed up at Pictionary which made all the people laugh so hardly. He had tried his best but who knew that drawing an iPhone was so hard?
The fans all got rewarded by a new album which was signed personally by him, which made them almost faint and Blaine couldn't help but watch with a smile on his face.
Ellen told him to follow him and take a seat on the couch as they were once back where he had first been.
“So we have something for you because you have decided to join us this year already twice,” she said with a happy smile.
Blaine looked surprised at her, “you don't have to give me anything Ellen. It's a pleasure being here.”
She shook his head, “you won't want to say no to this one.”
Blaine watched her look with a soft glance behind him, which made him slowly turn around.
His mouth almost immediately dropped to the ground as he watched the guy he hadn't seen in 4 years make its way towards him.
His eyes went over him from top to bottom and he didn't seem to have changed at all.
It was still that beautiful cuff where he couldn't stand it when one hair was out of place, it were still those skinny jeans that were so tight he still wondered how he got into them and it were still those long boots that made him look so fierce.
It was when he looked up and caught eyes with Kurt's that he felt a tear travel down his cheek as he shook his head. This was not something he was prepared for and he didn't know how to act or what to do.
His heart told him to run towards him, wrap him into his arms and never let him go but his mind wondered if that was still a privilege he owned after all those years.
Ellen stood up and wrapped Kurt into a tight hug as she waved towards the long couch where Blaine was sitting on as an invitation.
Blaine was still watching Kurt in aww as he wasn't able to even move a muscle or at least close his mouth which was still hanging by his feet.
Kurt smiled tentatively towards him as he took a seat next to him, leaving a bit of space between them.
Ellen just watched from a distance but knew by Blaine's face that he still was too in shock to say anything for himself.
“So Kurt, we were delighted when we got your mail,” she said happily, “why did you contact us?”
Kurt blushed a bit as he looked at the ground, “Honestly I've been following Blaine ever since he got famous. From waiting early in the morning by the music shop to buy the first copy of his first album to trying to see concerts and stay in the back.”
Blaine frowned a bit at that but at least that gave him the courage to close his mouth. “You came to my concerts,” he whispered out.
Kurt looked up as his cheeks tinted a bit more pink, “I did. I always tried to support you but I never got the courage to come up and talk to you. At the time I wasn't ready.”
“But you are now,” Ellen asked.
“Yeah I am. It's hard to get over your first love. Probably the hardest thing to ever do. But I don't see Blaine as my first love. He's always been the love of my life.”
People started awing which made Kurt only blush more, “but honestly I already had given up hope. Blaine has become famous now so it's very difficult to get in contact with him. Besides I thought he already had found someone better because well I'm sure he has met a lot of amazing people over the past few years.”
Blaine chuckled and let his hand wander through his curls, “you should have known that there is no one that compares to you.”
Kurt, who was now almost turning bright red, peeked from under his eyelashes. “You just never know.”
Blaine carefully stretched out his hand to take Kurt's into his and putting it on his thigh. He knew there was a lot more to be talked about but when Kurt didn't pull away, he couldn't help but not let go his hand.
His heart made a little flutter when he felt Kurt squeeze his hand under his.
Blaine let out a chuckle as he turned back towards Ellen, “when you told me you had a surprise, this was the last thing I expected.”
“But it's the best right,” she added with a soft smile.
Blaine just nodded his head, “yeah it is the best.”
Ellen just waved towards the exit, “now get out of here. I expect you guys to come back though and I want to see 2 happy people, got it?”
Blaine just chuckled. He let go of Kurt's hand and leaned forward to wrap her into a hug, “thank you.”
She just nodded.
Blaine took Kurt's hand once more and started leading him towards the exit. They went to his trailer and got his stuff before Blaine leaded him towards his car.
The drive was quiet until they stopped in front of Blaine's house.
Blaine leaded him inside, never letting go of his hand and pointed towards his seat. “You want anything to drink?”
Kurt shook his head as he looked around in aww. Blaine knew that by any means he didn't live in a small cottage in Los Angeles. It wasn't the biggest house of Los Angeles but it had nice space and was perfect for him.
Blaine let go of Kurt's hand to get 2 glasses of water, knowing that Kurt would probably drink something anyway.
He placed the 2 glasses on the small saloon table and took a seat next to Kurt on the couch.
They sat just like that for a while, Kurt looking around the space and Blaine playing with the glass in his hand.
“You know, it's strange how much you can dream and think about seeing someone again and not knowing what to say when he's sitting right next to you,” Blaine said softly as he looked up from where he was playing with his glass.
Kurt smiled a sad smile towards him, “I know how you feel. Ever since I got the courage to mail Ellen and to step on the plane from New York to Los Angeles, I thought over and over what I wanted to say. But now I'm sitting here I feel like all words have lost their meaning.”
Blaine reached out and took his hand once more in his hand. Kurt kept on looking towards their hands, neatly intertwined on Blaine's thigh.
“I want to tell you my part of what happened, want to clear this out for once and for all because that's the biggest regret I ever had,” said Kurt softly.
Blaine just nodded his head as he leaned his head a bit to the left.
“You have to understand that I always loved you, no matter what I did say that one night,” Kurt started telling his story, “he just got into my head. For weeks Sebastian had been texting me, messaging me and following me in the Lima Bean, telling me how you deserved so much better. Telling me stuff that I knew were nowhere any real but still they got to me. And then one evening he told me how you would make it big, be a superstar, how all men would lie by your feet.”
Kurt let out a chuckle, “at least he got that part right.”
He let his hand wander through his perfectly styled hair, “I couldn't be a burden on your road. I knew you were going to postpone your dreams to go with me to New York. I couldn't let it happen. So that night I let my insecurities get the best of me and I'm sorry for all I've said to you that night. I'm sorry and never contacted you again.”
A tear slowly followed its path on Kurt's cheek, “I couldn't. It hurt too much.”
Blaine shifted a bit closer towards Kurt and wrapped his arms around him.
“You were right you know. I would have followed you to New York,” he whispered softly as he felt his own tear travel down his cheek.
They sat like that, cuddling each other and thinking back about that one night where everything had gone wrong.
“You really came to my concerts,” Blaine wondered.
Kurt nodded his head which was resting against his chest, “I did. I flew over for your first big concert in Los Angeles. Then I went to the one at Ohio and Westerville,” he counted on his fingers, “and to every concert in New York.”
Blaine let out a chuckle, “that are quite a few.”
Kurt looked up at him, “I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world. I was so proud to watch you on that stage, living your dreams, being happy.”
“I was but not fully,” Blaine said softly as he let his hand carefully cup Kurt's cheek, “because I didn't have my lucky charm with me.”
Kurt's cheek slowly turned pink as he leaned his head once again against Blaine's chest.
“So what about buying my first copy,” Blaine wondered once more, still barely believing it. “How come I didn't see you? I remember that day. It was in New York and every fan got their copy when they got to the table. I would have remembered you if you were there.”
Kurt just let out a chuckle, “I had a friend working at the shop. His name was Elliot. He knew my history with you and got me inside to get the first copy and pay it without anyone noticing.”
Blaine shook his head, “I wish you just had come to say hello.”
“Maybe I should have but it was your first real signing. There was no way I was going to mess up the whole day,” Kurt whispered.
“So why did you decide to sing that song to me on Ellen,” Kurt wondered as he took a chance to ask a question.
“It felt like the right time,” Blaine shrugged, “you liked it?”
Kurt blushed a bit, “I did. Santana got mad at me for playing it over and over again. She actually told me to get over myself and write to Ellen.”
“You still living with Santana,” Blaine frowned, “never would have guessed.”
Kurt shrugged, “she turned up at my door one day and ever since she stayed. It brings a bit of life into the apartment we live in.”
“I should thank her for telling you to write the email,” Blaine said with a grin.
Kurt shot up and look at him with wide eyes, “no you don't. She is going to rub it into my face for the next few months as it is.”
Blaine pouted, “you already going back to New York?”
Kurt shook his head, “not yet. I haven't booked my return ticket.”
“Then please stay with me, a little longer,” Blaine whispered in the space between them as he leaned forward. “Let us see if those 4 years of waiting were worth it.”
Kurt's answer was the only thing he needed as his lips pressed softly against Blaine's.
It felt like a million butterflies flew all around his body and Blaine knew that no matter what happened, he would fight for this.
It was exactly 2 months later when Blaine made its way dancing into Ellen her studio. The crowd went nuts as he waved to all of them.
He hugged Ellen briefly before he took a seat in the chair.
“So third time in a row Blaine, does that mean you are going to treat us,” she winked.
Blaine shook his head, “maybe next time.”
“Well it's good you are here because you have been very quiet the past 2 months,” she said with a playful glance in her eyes.
“Is that so,” Blaine asked just as playfully back.
Ellen pouted, “common tell us what happened after you left last time.”
Blaine smirked, “I went home and took a long bath while watching one of my favorite movies.”
Ellen started chuckling this time, “you are so getting in trouble.”
Blaine shook his head as a chuckle escaped his lips, “I actually would like to introduce you to someone.”
He stood up and made his way towards the backstage room, taking Kurt's hand in his and made their way back in the studio.
“Ellen may I introduce you to my boyfriend, Kurt,” Blaine asked with a wide smile.
The guests in the crowd started shouting and hollowing as a few gave a shriek of sadness about Blaine's new status.
Ellen shook Kurt's hand politely as she winked towards him, “nice to meet you Kurt.”
Kurt chuckled as he took a seat next to Blaine, sitting as close as possible while still holding his hand.
“Now I don't believe you guys until I see prove,” Ellen said with a smile.
Blaine just shrugged and leaned forward to kiss Kurt's softly, his lips moving against them like they had done about a million times ever since they worked everything out.
Ellen let out a squeal and started clapping her hands, “does this mean I get to be the bridesmaid at your wedding?”
Kurt nodded his head as he let go of Blaine's, “Like we'd ask anyone else.”
Blaine looked towards Kurt lovingly as he squeezed his hand softly. They weren't going to announce it yet, but they were going to get married. Blaine had been eager to make Kurt his for life and had gone his one knee one week after they got together once more.
Kurt had let out a shriek and told him fully convinced that yes he would marry him.
The day had been set, half of it had already been arranged. It was going to happen.
And Blaine, Blaine was happier than he had been for a long time.