Feb. 19, 2016, 6 p.m.
Feb. 19, 2016, 6 p.m.
Hi guys, day 4 and still writing :) 10 more days to go! Lots of love xoxo
Kurt was sitting on the couch of his cozy apartment. Well, not exactly only his, it was theirs.
3 years ago, Kurt and Blaine had decided to move to New York to make their dreams come through. And so they had decided to live in the dorms for the first year.
Well, that lasted two months to be exact because their roommates were a living hell.
So they went house searching and found this cozy, small but payable apartment in New York.
It had always felt like home since the first day they had moved in together as they found out day by day that living together was perfect for them.
They found a rhythm together of being domestic and still doing all the work they needed to do.
But the past 6 months, it hadn't felt as domestic to Kurt.
It all started a year ago when Blaine got the letter. The letter that told him he could live his dream.
A full scholarship for a course on music that was a chance he couldn't pass up.
So Kurt supported Blaine, happy he could live his dream and with lots of tears, they had hugged each other one last time at the airport and kissed each other with everything they had before they waved at each other until the other was out of view.
Kurt let out a sigh as he let his head fall back against the couch.
He missed hanging out with Blaine on quiet days like these. Sometimes wishing London wasn't as far away.
Skyping each other just didn't seem enough the last few days and he find himself wondering if it was even possible to get homesick while being at home?
A knock sounded on the door before a white envelope was shoved under the door.
Kurt frowned. It was like their mail man to knock, let alone shove a letter under his door while they had a perfectly fine mailbox.
Alertly, he started walking towards the door, kneeled down and took the white envelope carefully between his fingers.
The handwriting on the front made his heart clench a bit. He would recognize it everywhere.
He opened the door widely and started looking around the hallway, even running back towards the elevators, but no one was there.
Kurt frowned as he closed the door behind him and made his way through the apartment.
He took a seat on the couch and looked curiously at the envelope in his hands.
Carefully, he started tearing it open. Not sure what to think about it, yet feeling his heart beat a little faster.
Instead of a letter, like he expected, a cd fell out of the envelope.
Kurt couldn't be up faster, taking his laptop and waiting impatiently as it started up.
As soon as his background, a picture of him and Blaine by the statue of liberty, he put in the CD-ROM.
It didn't take too long to start playing and as soon as he saw Blaine, he couldn't help but feel tears appear in his eyes.
“Hi love,” Blaine said with a wide toothy smile as he let his hand wander through his messy curls, which seemed to have gotten longer since he last saw him.
“I know lately you've been missing me a lot. And I got an upset mail by Rachel, telling me she felt abandoned, and one from Santana, threating me for not doing something,” Blaine said with a chuckle as his hand started rubbing his neck a bit shyly.
Kurt already knew he would take revenge on both of them.
Blaine looked up again, his amber eyes taking all the attention, “and I know you will want to kill them but well they mean the best with you. Almost as much like I do.”
Kurt swallowed the lump in his throat as he watched Blaine struggle to find his words.
“I first wanted to write a letter but I just feel like words don't get through once they are written on paper so I thought that maybe I could give you something else,” Blaine said with a wink as he leaned over the couch and took his guitar in his hands.
His fingers found their place easily as he started playing a soft melody.
As I write this letter
Send my love to you
Remember that I'll always
Be in love with you
Treasure these few words till we're together
Keep all my love forever
P.S. I love you
You, you, you
I'll be coming home again to you, love
And till the day I do, love
P.S. I love you
You, you, you
As I write this letter
Send my love to you
Remember that I'll always
Be in love with you
Treasure these few words till we're together
Keep all my love forever
P.S. I love you
You, you, you
As I write this letter (Oh)
Send my love to you (You know I want you to)
Remember that I'll always (Yeah)
Be in love with you
I'll be coming home again to you, love
And till the day I do, love
P.S. I love you
You, you, you
You, you, you
I love you
Blaine strummed a little longer, his eyes looking a little glassy, and Kurt knew he missed him just as much.
Tears slowly started spilling over his cheeks as he watched Blaine play with the neck of his guitar.
The video stopped abruptly and Kurt blinked his eyes a few times. He carefully slapped on his computer a few times, wondering if the thing had finally given up on him after years of doing his job perfectly.
And then there was a knock on the door.
Kurt looked at the door like it was a ghost. Hope fluttering up his chest as he slowly started moving towards the door.
Almost in slow motion, he opened the door as he peaked behind it. A bit of disappointed settled in his stomach as he saw Santana and Rachel stand there, but smiling.
“So what did you think about Blaine's surprise,” Rachel started asking in the fast way she always talked, “I thought it was a clever idea.”
Santana rolled her eyes, “shut up lady hands.”
Kurt let out a sigh, “what do you guys want?”
Santana shrugged, “just wanted to know if you were ok.”
Kurt rolled his eyes, “well you see I am ok so you can leave again.”
Santana let out a long chuckle, “so that's the thanks we get for giving you a private message?”
Kurt looked at the ground, “I really appreciate it and I will come hang out with you guys later this week, but I want to be alone for a bit now. I hope you guys understand.”
“So you really have been abandoning them,” asked a voice from the end of the hallway.
Kurt's mouth must have fallen to the ground and he wasn't sure how his legs had started moving but one moment he was standing in the doorway and the next he was in the pair of arms he had longed so much.
“Oh my god,” Kurt couldn't help but repeating as his shoulders shook from the sobs.
“Hey it's ok. I'm here now,” Blaine whispered in his ear as he rubbed his back and slowly rocked them in the middle of the hallway.
Kurt looked up while the tears still ran over his face, “what are you doing here?”
Blaine let out a chuckle, “no kiss hello? I'm here because I heard from a little beardy you missed me a lot and I missed you too. So I decided to fly over for the weekend as I don't have class the first few days of next week.”
Kurt let out a giggle as he leaned forward and pressed his lips hardly against Blaine's, never wanting to let go.
It was only when Santana started catcalling and Kurt realized they might have been a bit inappropriate for the hallway, they let go of each other.
Blaine tugged him against his chest until he was cuddled in Blaine's soft sweater.
“So how long are you staying,” Kurt asked in Blaine's chest.
“Until Wednesday, but we'll make most of it. I missed you a lot love,” Blaine whispered as he pressed a kiss against his forehead. “How about we go inside and catch up a bit?”
Kurt nodded, only to realize once they started walking through the hallway that Santana and Rachel somehow had been able to disappear.
“Guess they wanted to give us a bit privacy,” Blaine said with a smirk as he closed the door behind him, putting his suitcase down next to the door.
“Guess I'll have to get together with them more to thank them,” Kurt wondered as he wrapped his arms once more around Blaine's Neck.
Blaine nodded in agreement as he pressed a soft kiss against Kurt's lips, “I guess you will need to. But not right now. You have time later.”
And he did listen to Blaine. They spent the next few days, hollowed up in their apartment. Work and school was far from their minds as they rediscovered each other.
When Wednesday came, it was tough to say goodbye to Blaine. There were tears and there were kisses but it was also so much better than the first time because he knew Blaine would be back in the next few months.
And then there was of course Rachel and Santana who had turned their apartment in a girl evening as he came back from the airport.
Yeah, Kurt Hummel was a pretty lucky guy.