Feb. 19, 2016, 6 p.m.
Feb. 19, 2016, 6 p.m.
Last one for today. Ill catch up with the others another day! Lots of love xoxo
“Are you nervous,” Kurt asked as he carefully pulled at Blaine's bowtie, making sure it was sitting in the right place.
Blaine patted once more on his hair that was neatly styled back with gel.
“I'm a little nervous,” Blaine admitted as he took Kurt's hands from his bowtie and pressed them against his chest.
“You don't need to be. I'm sure you will convince miss Tibideaux that you are really here for the right reason,” Kurt smiled towards him softly.
Blaine smiled back towards him softly as he leaned forward and pressed his lips softly against Kurt's, “you always know how to cheer me up.”
“It's why I'm the perfect boyfriend,” Kurt smiled cheeky as he let go of Blaine's hands and started going over his own tie once more, testing if it was tied right.
Blaine pressed a kiss against his cheek as he took as hand before leading him through the hallways of NYADA, “that you are.”
The room was full of people once they made their way towards their table. It made Blaine a bit nervous.
He smiled softly as he watched Burt sitting at the table, letting go of Kurt's hand and wrapping the man, that felt more of a father than his own dad, into a tight hug.
“Burt, you didn't have to fly all the way over here. I know you are busy and Kurt Isn't even performing,” Blaine said in his shoulder as he felt the feeling of family wash over him.
“Don't be ridiculous,” Burt said as he patted Blaine on his shoulder before he let go of the hug. “You are as much a son of me as Kurt is and I'm very curious to see you perform!”
Blaine watched Burt wrap Kurt into a hug and thanking him for the invitation which made Blaine smile softly.
Of course Kurt could read him so easily, knowing he longed for more contact with his family, even if it wasn't his family by blood.
Miss Tibideaux made her way towards the front stage and the room immediately grew quiet.
Blaine took a seat as he watched the others do the same.
Miss Tibideaux nodded towards everyone before she started to speak. “Welcome to our annual winter showcase. Tonight we'll be showing a few of our very talented students who will bring their own version of a song of their own choice. We hope you all will have an amazing evening.”
Everyone started applauding as they watched her make her way back towards her chair.
Blaine felt nervous as he watched student after student take their place on the stage. And then it was finally his turn.
He squeezed Kurt's hand once more as he made his way towards the stage.
“Good evening everyone,” he spoke clearly as he looked over the crowd, “my name is Blaine Anderson and tonight I'll be brining my own version of Chances are.”
A few hums of approval were given as Blaine nodded towards the pianist that he could start playing.
Chances are, ‘cause I wear that silly grin
the moment you come into view;
chances are you think that I'm in love with you.
Blaine started moving around the tables as he started singing his heart out, every once in a while catching Kurt's eyes as he kept on moving.
Just because my composure sort-of slips
the moment that your lips meet mine,
chances are you think my heart's your Valentine.
In the magic of moonlight,
when I sigh “hold me close, dear”
chances are you believe
the stars that fill the skies are in my eyes.
Guess you feel you'll always be
the one and only one for me
and if you think you could,
well, chances are your chances are awfully good!
The chances are your chances are awfully good!
Blaine stopped singing in front of Kurt and smiled softly towards him once more before he turned around and bowed for the crowd.
He took a seat back next to Kurt and gently slipped his hand into Kurt's, squeezing it softly.
Kurt smiled towards him softly as he lay his head on Blaine's shoulder, “told you, you were going to kill it.”
Blaine pressed a small kiss against Kurt's forehead after he had made sure no one was still watching him.
“That one was for you,” Blaine smiled as he squeezed Kurt's hand once more.
Kurt sat up again and smiled back towards him softly, “I'll never get tired of you singing for me.”
Blaine grinned, “let me tell you a secret,” he whispered back as the next student made its way on the stage, “I'll never stop singing for you.”
Kurt just winked towards him before he turned back towards the next student singing.
It was so quiet Blaine wasn't even sure he had heard correctly but it sounded like Kurt had whispered back, “you made a deal,” ever so softly.
Blaine just let a smile spread over his lip and placed their joined hands on his thigh. Maybe singing for Kurt tonight hadn't been such a bad idea after all.