the coffee artist
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the coffee artist: The end

T - Words: 1,995 - Last Updated: Jun 13, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Oct 10, 2014 - Updated: Oct 10, 2014
177 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hi guys,

Im sad to announce that this is the end of the coffee artist. This story has been written with so much love and has been one of the stories Ive been the proudest of. I had so much fun writing it and seeing all your reactions and seeing how many of you got caught up in this story which started with a silly idea about drawing on cups has been amazing to me.

I want to thank each one of you for your loyalty towards this story. You guys have been the most amazing in times where I couldnt post as much as I would have loved to post. I also want to thank you guys for joining me in this adventure. It has been an amazing ride and I cant say I wont miss this story.

While a sequel might be a little difficult with the end Ive written, there might come a few one shots but nothing has been set in stone yet. Ill let you guys knows though if the time ever is right! For now though, Ill try to focus on the other stories, waiting to be written that have been stuck in my head for months.

I hope you had fun reading this last chapter and well the story as whole and I hope to maybe see all of you again for a one shot I write about this story or for another story I write.

Lots of love xoxo

Blaine walked into the garden with a new bottle of champagne and champagne for children.

He felt a smile spread on his lips as he looked at all the people sitting at the table. There was Carole and Burt, Finn and Rachel and Cooper and Laura, his wife.

And then there was that guy that looked at him with that soft smile that gave him so much love. He leaned against the doorway as he watched the display in front of him.

Today it had been exactly 10 years since he had gotten married with Kurt. He still couldn't believe it that it had been already so many years.

Burt turned around from his chair and started chuckling. “Blaine, stop staring at my son. My glass is empty,” he said playfully.

Blaine started chuckling and shook his head. “I wasn't staring,” he smirked.

Burt looked at him with his eyebrow raised. “Don't lie to me kiddo. You had the same love struck look in your eyes as you had exactly 10 years ago.”

Kurt started giggling. “Don't tease him dad. And you know that'll be your last glass of champagne. You can't drink too much with your heart.”

Burt rolled his eyes and looked like he was about to get into a discussion with Kurt.

Blaine chuckled and walked towards the table, pouring some more in the glasses of the adults and pouring a little bit in the glasses of the children.

Yes, children. It had only taken a year before Kurt had started the conversation about children. It may have seemed soon for most people, but they couldn't imagine a life without their 2 children now, Michael and Layla.

It had taken a while to finally get their first child as they wanted a surrogate. But it was all worth it when they held a little Kurt in their arms.

The same counted for when the little girl was born who looked exactly like Blaine, much to their delight.

Speaking of the little devils, they came running out of the house. Following behind them were Simon and Ella.

Simon had been a surprise revealed a few days after the wedding by Rachel. Burt and Carole couldn't have been more happy that moment to have another grandchild.

Blaine frowned when he saw Ella and Simon carry two big boxes. “Where did you found that,” he wondered.

“We were just looking through the garage because Michael wanted to play with his football but he couldn't find it,” they shrugged. “And then we found these and they wanted to know what was inside it.”

Simon put his box on the table while Ella placed the other box on the ground.

They both took a seat and took a sip of their glasses.

Kurt started giggling though when he read the letters on the box. “You really still have these?”

Blaine opened the box and started grinning. “It has been so long since I've gone through these.”

He started rummaging through the box until he found what he was looking for. Michael stood on his seat and started looking over the border as Layla took a seat on Kurt's lap.

Burt started chuckling when he realized what was inside the box. “Ugh, is this the moment where you tell your epic love story to our grandchildren?”

Blaine shrugged. “It's our 10th anniversary. I don't see why we shouldn't.”

He took the first cup out of the box and showed it first at Michael, then at Layla.

Layla started giggling as her finger went over the now a little faded drawing. “It looks like you papa,” she smiled.

“Well, it's supposed to be papa,” said Kurt as he looked a little emotionally. “I liked your papa so I tried something to make him notice me.”

Blaine smiled at him. “I can say that worked rather well, according that we now have been married for ten years.”

Carefully he placed the cup back in the box and took the next one. Blaine felt his face turn red. “I still can't believe I got jealous like that.”

Kurt started giggling as he read the words he had written. “You should have known that I wouldn't take the time to draw for everyone. Only you were special baby,” he grinned as he pressed a kiss against his cheek.

He took the cup and gave it to the others. While most of them knew the story, they hadn't seen the cups in person.

Cooper started laughing. “Only you would get jealous about something like that squirt.”

Blaine felt himself blush to the tips of his ears. “Don't call me that in front of my children please,” he whined.

They went from cup to cup and from the one box to the other. Each one holding a little story or reminding them of an important moment of their life.

Blaine smiled when he took the cup of their engagement out of the box. He sighed when he looked at it. “Well I'm surely not the most creative one of this relationship,” he grinned.

Layla and Michael started laughing when they saw the printed picture on the cup and all the hearts. “I think it's pretty papa. And daddy said yes,” Layla grinned as she moved her legs a little in excitement.

“Thankfully he did. I was so nervous that night,” he smiled.

Michael reached over the box and took another cup.

“That one is from our marriage,” smiled Blaine. “Exactly ten years ago in this garden right here.”

“I'm still a little surprise that I wasn't the one to think about that. I was the owner of the coffee shop after all at that time,” he frowned.

Blaine leaned over Layla and kisses his lips softly. “I like that you didn't think about it because for once, I could surprise you with a cup.”

It made Kurt smile a little as Layla started making yuck noises.

Blaine rolled his eyes and let his hand go through Layla her hair. “You say that now until you have a boyfriend.”

Kurt rolled his eyes. “Do not bring her on ideas Anderson. She is not going to date until she is at least 25.”

Burt started laughing from the other side of the table with Carole. “You know just as well as I do that that won't happen Kurt. Just enjoy it while they are young.”

Kurt gave his dad a bitch stare. “You will not say another word,” he said in a low voice which made Michael and Layla laugh. “Grandpa is in problems,” they started singing as Blaine shook his head while laughing.

He took the last two cups out of the box. Maybe now was the right moment to give them to the right person. He took the blue cup out of the box and gave it to Michael as he did the same with the pink cup and gave it to Layla.

“These are the cups daddy drew when each of you got born. He gave them to me as he thought they would be nice for the little collection we were having. But now, I think it's the right time to give each of you your own cup. Be careful with it though because your daddy has spent a lot of time making these,” he said with a soft smile.

He looked at Michael and Layla as they looked over the detailed drawing of a little face, a little hand and a little feet. Above it was their name written in neat letters with their weight, height and the date they were born.

Michael grinned. “This is so cool, I don't think anyone else has these cups!”

Layla just looked at it confused. Still probably a little too young to comprehend what it really was.

Kurt smiled as his finger went over the cup Layla had been holding. “I remember sitting into that small room in the hospital, looking at the facial expressions you both made as papa was holding you. It was one of the happiest moments in my life,” he whispered.

Blaine leaned over and pulled Kurt and Layla in a hug, holding one arm open for Michael to get in on it.

“Thanks dad and papa,” grinned Michael. “Can I put this one in my room?”

Kurt nodded, “sure and while you are going upstairs, do you mind taking Layla's too? You can put it in her room.”

Michael nodded and took the little cup from Layla as he ran in the house.

The others' were still admiring the cups. “You were pretty talented then Kurt,” smiled Rachel.

Kurt huffed. “I still am, and you know it.”

Blaine took his hand and squeezed it. “You are still the most talented person in the world to me,” he whispered as his eyes shone with love.

“I still can't believe how much has changed since I drew that first cup for you. I hoped you'd maybe notice me, maybe a date, maybe a new friend. But this, it's so much more then I could have hoped for. I love you so much Blaine,” he said the last part in a whisper.

Blaine leaned closer and kissed his lips once, “I love you too Kurt.”

Michael came running out with something in his arms and that something didn't look too happy.

“Michael we told you to let Pirate sleep. He is growing old and he needs his rest,” said Blaine.

Michael rolled with his eyes. “Pirate doesn't care. Look he is awake,” he smiled. The cat on the other hand looked rather pissed at Michael.

Michael grinned and placed the cat by Layla as Kurt started at him. Their friendship hadn't so much grown since the cat had decided to play some games with Kurt, much to Kurt's dismay.

Blaine started laughing when he saw Kurt his face. “Common baby,  you know you love the cat. It was our first family. “

Kurt shook his head. “I'm still not sure if you had me drugged me when I bought him.”

Blaine shook his head. “He doesn't. He just makes some fun from time on time,” he shrugged.

“Like what? Sleeping on my very expensive shoes! He ruined them, Blaine,” he whined.

Everyone at the table started chuckling. “Seriously dude, you haven't changed a little bit since high school,” grinned Finn which gave him a punch.

Blaine smiled fondly at all of them. “There is one thing I still want to do before we get ready for dinner.”

Everyone frowned. “Well my followers have been wondering if I would post a picture of the anniversary with the man of my dreams, so I should at least give them something to talk about.”

He took out his phone and called for Michael, Simon and Ella. They all posed closely together with huge smiles on their faces.

Blaine smiled at the picture and showed it to everyone before he posted it, tagging Kurt in it as he had his own loyal fanbase after he became a tony award winner!

While the coffee shop was still a thing, Blaine was still proud that Kurt had been able to follow his dreams.

Everyone stood up from the table and started clearing their stuff as the picture was posted.

Kurt was about to take the boxes but Blaine offered to take them inside. One of them had to take care for the children so they had everything with them to go to the restaurant.

He took the boxes upstairs instead of in the garage and placed them back in the closet like all those years ago.

With one last thought, he took the first cup out of the box and his phone out of his pocket.

He took one last picture and posted it on instagram as he wrote as a comment: You always find what you are looking for when you the least expect it #10YearAnniversary #Love @KurtHummel , my coffee artist.


The End




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